mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-11 08:37:59 +00:00
Dudemanguy 9db818279a test: integrate unittests with meson
This reworks all of mpv's unit tests so they are compiled as separate
executables (optional) and run via meson test. Because most of the tests
are dependant on mpv's internals, existing compiled objects are
leveraged to create static libs and used when necessary. As an aside, a
function was moved into video/out/gpu/utils for sanity's sake (otherwise
most of vo would have been needed). As a plus, meson multithreads
running tests automatically and also the output no longer pollutes the
source directory. There are tests that can break due to ffmpeg changes,
so they require a specific minimum libavutil version to be built.
2023-03-02 15:45:27 +00:00

193 lines
6.6 KiB

#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include "scale_test.h"
#include "video/image_writer.h"
#include "video/sws_utils.h"
static struct mp_image *gen_repack_test_img(int w, int h, int bytes, bool rgb,
bool alpha)
struct mp_regular_imgfmt planar_desc = {
.component_type = MP_COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT,
.component_size = bytes,
.forced_csp = rgb ? MP_CSP_RGB : 0,
.num_planes = alpha ? 4 : 3,
.planes = {
{1, {rgb ? 2 : 1}},
{1, {rgb ? 3 : 2}},
{1, {rgb ? 1 : 3}},
{1, {4}},
int mpfmt = mp_find_regular_imgfmt(&planar_desc);
struct mp_image *mpi = mp_image_alloc(mpfmt, w, h);
// Well, I have no idea what makes a good test image. So here's some crap.
// This contains bars/tiles of solid colors. For each of R/G/B, it toggles
// though 0/100% range, so 2*2*2 = 8 combinations (16 with alpha).
int b_h = 16, b_w = 16;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (int p = 0; p < mpi->num_planes; p++) {
void *line = mpi->planes[p] + mpi->stride[p] * (ptrdiff_t)y;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x += b_w) {
unsigned i = x / b_w + y / b_h * 2;
int c = ((i >> p) & 1);
if (bytes == 1) {
c *= (1 << 8) - 1;
for (int xs = x; xs < x + b_w; xs++)
((uint8_t *)line)[xs] = c;
} else if (bytes == 2) {
c *= (1 << 16) - 1;
for (int xs = x; xs < x + b_w; xs++)
((uint16_t *)line)[xs] = c;
return mpi;
static void dump_image(struct scale_test *stest, const char *name,
struct mp_image *img)
char *path = mp_tprintf(4096, "%s/%s.png", stest->outdir, name);
struct image_writer_opts opts = image_writer_opts_defaults;
opts.format = AV_CODEC_ID_PNG;
if (!write_image(img, &opts, path, NULL, NULL)) {
printf("Failed to write '%s'.\n", path);
// Compare 2 images (same format and size) for exact pixel data match.
// Does generally not work with formats that include undefined padding.
// Does not work with non-byte aligned formats.
static void assert_imgs_equal(struct scale_test *stest, FILE *f,
struct mp_image *ref, struct mp_image *new)
assert(ref->imgfmt == new->imgfmt);
assert(ref->w == new->w);
assert(ref->h == new->h);
assert(ref->fmt.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_BYTE_ALIGNED);
for (int p = 0; p < ref->num_planes; p++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ref->h; y++) {
void *line_r = ref->planes[p] + ref->stride[p] * (ptrdiff_t)y;
void *line_o = new->planes[p] + new->stride[p] * (ptrdiff_t)y;
size_t size = mp_image_plane_bytes(ref, p, 0, new->w);
bool ok = memcmp(line_r, line_o, size) == 0;
if (!ok) {
stest->fail += 1;
char *fn_a = mp_tprintf(80, "img%d_ref", stest->fail);
char *fn_b = mp_tprintf(80, "img%d_new", stest->fail);
fprintf(f, "Images mismatching, dumping to %s/%s\n", fn_a, fn_b);
dump_image(stest, fn_a, ref);
dump_image(stest, fn_b, new);
void repack_test_run(struct scale_test *stest)
char *logname = mp_tprintf(80, "%s.log", stest->test_name);
FILE *f = test_open_out(stest->outdir, logname);
if (!stest->sws) {
stest->sws = mp_sws_alloc(stest);
stest->img_repack_rgb8 = gen_repack_test_img(256, 128, 1, true, false);
stest->img_repack_rgba8 = gen_repack_test_img(256, 128, 1, true, true);
stest->img_repack_rgb16 = gen_repack_test_img(256, 128, 2, true, false);
stest->img_repack_rgba16 = gen_repack_test_img(256, 128, 2, true, true);
talloc_steal(stest, stest->img_repack_rgb8);
talloc_steal(stest, stest->img_repack_rgba8);
talloc_steal(stest, stest->img_repack_rgb16);
talloc_steal(stest, stest->img_repack_rgba16);
for (int a = 0; a < num_imgfmts; a++) {
int mpfmt = imgfmts[a];
struct mp_imgfmt_desc fmtdesc = mp_imgfmt_get_desc(mpfmt);
struct mp_regular_imgfmt rdesc;
if (!mp_get_regular_imgfmt(&rdesc, mpfmt)) {
int ofmt = mp_find_other_endian(mpfmt);
if (!mp_get_regular_imgfmt(&rdesc, ofmt))
if (rdesc.num_planes > 1 || rdesc.forced_csp != MP_CSP_RGB)
struct mp_image *test_img = NULL;
bool alpha = fmtdesc.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_ALPHA;
bool hidepth = rdesc.component_size > 1;
if (alpha) {
test_img = hidepth ? stest->img_repack_rgba16 : stest->img_repack_rgba8;
} else {
test_img = hidepth ? stest->img_repack_rgb16 : stest->img_repack_rgb8;
if (test_img->imgfmt == mpfmt)
if (!stest->fns->supports_fmts(stest->fns_priv, mpfmt, test_img->imgfmt))
if (!mp_sws_supports_formats(stest->sws, mpfmt, test_img->imgfmt))
fprintf(f, "%s using %s\n", mp_imgfmt_to_name(mpfmt),
struct mp_image *dst = mp_image_alloc(mpfmt, test_img->w, test_img->h);
// This tests packing.
bool ok = stest->fns->scale(stest->fns_priv, dst, test_img);
// Cross-check with swscale in the other direction.
// (Mostly so we don't have to worry about padding.)
struct mp_image *src2 =
mp_image_alloc(test_img->imgfmt, test_img->w, test_img->h);
ok = mp_sws_scale(stest->sws, src2, dst) >= 0;
assert_imgs_equal(stest, f, test_img, src2);
// Assume the other conversion direction also works.
assert(stest->fns->supports_fmts(stest->fns_priv, test_img->imgfmt, mpfmt));
struct mp_image *back = mp_image_alloc(test_img->imgfmt, dst->w, dst->h);
// This tests unpacking.
ok = stest->fns->scale(stest->fns_priv, back, dst);
assert_imgs_equal(stest, f, test_img, back);
assert_text_files_equal(stest->refdir, stest->outdir, logname,
"This can fail if FFmpeg adds or removes pixfmts.");