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1057 lines
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#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <libavutil/sha.h>
#include <libavutil/mem.h>
#include "osdep/io.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "options/path.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "shader_cache.h"
#include "utils.h"
// Force cache flush if more than this number of shaders is created.
#define SC_MAX_ENTRIES 256
union uniform_val {
float f[9]; // RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT
int i[4]; // RA_VARTYPE_INT
struct ra_tex *tex; // RA_VARTYPE_TEX, RA_VARTYPE_IMG_*
struct ra_buf *buf; // RA_VARTYPE_BUF_*
enum sc_uniform_type {
SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_UBO = 1, // uniform buffer (RA_CAP_BUF_RO)
SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_PUSHC = 2, // push constant (ra.max_pushc_size)
struct sc_uniform {
enum sc_uniform_type type;
struct ra_renderpass_input input;
const char *glsl_type;
union uniform_val v;
char *buffer_format;
struct ra_layout layout;
size_t offset; // byte offset within the buffer
struct sc_cached_uniform {
union uniform_val v;
int index; // for ra_renderpass_input_val
bool set; // whether the uniform has ever been set
struct sc_entry {
struct ra_renderpass *pass;
struct sc_cached_uniform *cached_uniforms;
int num_cached_uniforms;
bstr total;
struct timer_pool *timer;
struct ra_buf *ubo;
int ubo_index; // for ra_renderpass_input_val.index
void *pushc;
struct gl_shader_cache {
struct ra *ra;
struct mp_log *log;
// permanent
char **exts;
int num_exts;
// this is modified during use (gl_sc_add() etc.) and reset for each shader
bstr prelude_text;
bstr header_text;
bstr text;
// Next binding point (texture unit, image unit, buffer binding, etc.)
// In OpenGL these are separate for each input type
int next_binding[RA_VARTYPE_COUNT];
bool next_uniform_dynamic;
struct ra_renderpass_params params;
struct sc_entry **entries;
int num_entries;
struct sc_entry *current_shader; // set by gl_sc_generate()
struct sc_uniform *uniforms;
int num_uniforms;
int ubo_binding;
size_t ubo_size;
size_t pushc_size;
struct ra_renderpass_input_val *values;
int num_values;
// For checking that the user is calling gl_sc_reset() properly.
bool needs_reset;
bool error_state; // true if an error occurred
// temporary buffers (avoids frequent reallocations)
bstr tmp[6];
// For the disk-cache.
char *cache_dir;
struct mpv_global *global; // can be NULL
struct gl_shader_cache *gl_sc_create(struct ra *ra, struct mpv_global *global,
struct mp_log *log)
struct gl_shader_cache *sc = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, sc);
*sc = (struct gl_shader_cache){
.ra = ra,
.global = global,
.log = log,
return sc;
// Reset the previous pass. This must be called after gl_sc_generate and before
// starting a new shader. It may also be called on errors.
void gl_sc_reset(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->prelude_text.len = 0;
sc->header_text.len = 0;
sc->text.len = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++)
talloc_free((void *)sc->uniforms[n].input.name);
sc->num_uniforms = 0;
sc->ubo_binding = 0;
sc->ubo_size = 0;
sc->pushc_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < RA_VARTYPE_COUNT; i++)
sc->next_binding[i] = 0;
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = false;
sc->current_shader = NULL;
sc->params = (struct ra_renderpass_params){0};
sc->needs_reset = false;
static void sc_flush_cache(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
MP_DBG(sc, "flushing shader cache\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_entries; n++) {
struct sc_entry *e = sc->entries[n];
ra_buf_free(sc->ra, &e->ubo);
if (e->pass)
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_destroy(sc->ra, e->pass);
sc->num_entries = 0;
void gl_sc_destroy(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
if (!sc)
bool gl_sc_error_state(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
return sc->error_state;
void gl_sc_reset_error(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->error_state = false;
void gl_sc_enable_extension(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name)
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_exts; n++) {
if (strcmp(sc->exts[n], name) == 0)
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->exts, sc->num_exts, talloc_strdup(sc, name));
#define bstr_xappend0(sc, b, s) bstr_xappend(sc, b, bstr0(s))
void gl_sc_add(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *text)
bstr_xappend0(sc, &sc->text, text);
void gl_sc_addf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->text, textf, ap);
void gl_sc_hadd(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *text)
bstr_xappend0(sc, &sc->header_text, text);
void gl_sc_haddf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->header_text, textf, ap);
void gl_sc_hadd_bstr(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct bstr text)
bstr_xappend(sc, &sc->header_text, text);
void gl_sc_paddf(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *textf, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, textf);
bstr_xappend_vasprintf(sc, &sc->prelude_text, textf, ap);
static struct sc_uniform *find_uniform(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
const char *name)
struct sc_uniform new = {
.input = {
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (strcmp(u->input.name, name) == 0) {
const char *allocname = u->input.name;
*u = new;
u->input.name = allocname;
return u;
// not found -> add it
new.input.name = talloc_strdup(NULL, name);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->uniforms, sc->num_uniforms, new);
return &sc->uniforms[sc->num_uniforms - 1];
static int gl_sc_next_binding(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, enum ra_vartype type)
return sc->next_binding[sc->ra->fns->desc_namespace(sc->ra, type)]++;
void gl_sc_uniform_dynamic(struct gl_shader_cache *sc)
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = true;
// Updates the metadata for the given sc_uniform. Assumes sc_uniform->input
// and glsl_type/buffer_format are already set.
static void update_uniform_params(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_uniform *u)
bool dynamic = sc->next_uniform_dynamic;
sc->next_uniform_dynamic = false;
// Try not using push constants for "large" values like matrices, since
// this is likely to both exceed the VGPR budget as well as the pushc size
// budget
bool try_pushc = u->input.dim_m == 1 || dynamic;
// Attempt using push constants first
if (try_pushc && sc->ra->glsl_vulkan && sc->ra->max_pushc_size) {
struct ra_layout layout = sc->ra->fns->push_constant_layout(&u->input);
size_t offset = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->pushc_size, layout.align);
// Push constants have limited size, so make sure we don't exceed this
size_t new_size = offset + layout.size;
if (new_size <= sc->ra->max_pushc_size) {
u->layout = layout;
u->offset = offset;
sc->pushc_size = new_size;
// Attempt using uniform buffer next. The GLSL version 440 check is due
// to explicit offsets on UBO entries. In theory we could leave away
// the offsets and support UBOs for older GL as well, but this is a nice
// safety net for driver bugs (and also rules out potentially buggy drivers)
// Also avoid UBOs for highly dynamic stuff since that requires synchronizing
// the UBO writes every frame
bool try_ubo = !(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM) || !dynamic;
if (try_ubo && sc->ra->glsl_version >= 440 && (sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_BUF_RO)) {
u->layout = sc->ra->fns->uniform_layout(&u->input);
u->offset = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->ubo_size, u->layout.align);
sc->ubo_size = u->offset + u->layout.size;
// If all else fails, use global uniforms
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM);
void gl_sc_uniform_texture(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
struct ra_tex *tex)
const char *glsl_type = "sampler2D";
if (tex->params.dimensions == 1) {
glsl_type = "sampler1D";
} else if (tex->params.dimensions == 3) {
glsl_type = "sampler3D";
} else if (tex->params.non_normalized) {
glsl_type = "sampler2DRect";
} else if (tex->params.external_oes) {
glsl_type = "samplerExternalOES";
} else if (tex->params.format->ctype == RA_CTYPE_UINT) {
glsl_type = sc->ra->glsl_es ? "highp usampler2D" : "usampler2D";
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_TEX;
u->glsl_type = glsl_type;
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.tex = tex;
void gl_sc_uniform_image2D_wo(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, const char *name,
struct ra_tex *tex)
gl_sc_enable_extension(sc, "GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store");
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_IMG_W;
u->glsl_type = sc->ra->glsl_es ? "writeonly highp image2D" : "writeonly image2D";
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.tex = tex;
void gl_sc_ssbo(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, struct ra_buf *buf,
char *format, ...)
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_BUF_RW);
gl_sc_enable_extension(sc, "GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object");
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RW;
u->glsl_type = "";
u->input.binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, u->input.type);
u->v.buf = buf;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
u->buffer_format = ta_vasprintf(sc, format, ap);
void gl_sc_uniform_f(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->glsl_type = "float";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f;
void gl_sc_uniform_i(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, int i)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_INT;
u->glsl_type = "int";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.i[0] = i;
void gl_sc_uniform_vec2(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f[2])
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 2;
u->glsl_type = "vec2";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f[0];
u->v.f[1] = f[1];
void gl_sc_uniform_vec3(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name, float f[3])
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 3;
u->glsl_type = "vec3";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
u->v.f[0] = f[0];
u->v.f[1] = f[1];
u->v.f[2] = f[2];
static void transpose2x2(float r[2 * 2])
MPSWAP(float, r[0+2*1], r[1+2*0]);
void gl_sc_uniform_mat2(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
bool transpose, float *v)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 2;
u->input.dim_m = 2;
u->glsl_type = "mat2";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
u->v.f[n] = v[n];
if (transpose)
static void transpose3x3(float r[3 * 3])
MPSWAP(float, r[0+3*1], r[1+3*0]);
MPSWAP(float, r[0+3*2], r[2+3*0]);
MPSWAP(float, r[1+3*2], r[2+3*1]);
void gl_sc_uniform_mat3(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *name,
bool transpose, float *v)
struct sc_uniform *u = find_uniform(sc, name);
u->input.type = RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT;
u->input.dim_v = 3;
u->input.dim_m = 3;
u->glsl_type = "mat3";
update_uniform_params(sc, u);
for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++)
u->v.f[n] = v[n];
if (transpose)
void gl_sc_blend(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
enum ra_blend blend_src_rgb,
enum ra_blend blend_dst_rgb,
enum ra_blend blend_src_alpha,
enum ra_blend blend_dst_alpha)
sc->params.enable_blend = true;
sc->params.blend_src_rgb = blend_src_rgb;
sc->params.blend_dst_rgb = blend_dst_rgb;
sc->params.blend_src_alpha = blend_src_alpha;
sc->params.blend_dst_alpha = blend_dst_alpha;
const char *gl_sc_bvec(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, int dims)
static const char *bvecs[] = {
[1] = "bool",
[2] = "bvec2",
[3] = "bvec3",
[4] = "bvec4",
static const char *vecs[] = {
[1] = "float",
[2] = "vec2",
[3] = "vec3",
[4] = "vec4",
assert(dims > 0 && dims < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(bvecs));
return sc->ra->glsl_version >= 130 ? bvecs[dims] : vecs[dims];
static const char *vao_glsl_type(const struct ra_renderpass_input *e)
// pretty dumb... too dumb, but works for us
switch (e->dim_v) {
case 1: return "float";
case 2: return "vec2";
case 3: return "vec3";
case 4: return "vec4";
static void update_ubo(struct ra *ra, struct ra_buf *ubo, struct sc_uniform *u)
uintptr_t src = (uintptr_t) &u->v;
size_t dst = u->offset;
struct ra_layout src_layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
struct ra_layout dst_layout = u->layout;
for (int i = 0; i < u->input.dim_m; i++) {
ra->fns->buf_update(ra, ubo, dst, (void *)src, src_layout.stride);
src += src_layout.stride;
dst += dst_layout.stride;
static void update_pushc(struct ra *ra, void *pushc, struct sc_uniform *u)
uintptr_t src = (uintptr_t) &u->v;
uintptr_t dst = (uintptr_t) pushc + (ptrdiff_t) u->offset;
struct ra_layout src_layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
struct ra_layout dst_layout = u->layout;
for (int i = 0; i < u->input.dim_m; i++) {
memcpy((void *)dst, (void *)src, src_layout.stride);
src += src_layout.stride;
dst += dst_layout.stride;
static void update_uniform(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_entry *e,
struct sc_uniform *u, int n)
struct sc_cached_uniform *un = &e->cached_uniforms[n];
struct ra_layout layout = ra_renderpass_input_layout(&u->input);
if (layout.size > 0 && un->set && memcmp(&un->v, &u->v, layout.size) == 0)
un->v = u->v;
un->set = true;
static const char *desc[] = {
MP_TRACE(sc, "Updating %s uniform '%s'\n", desc[u->type], u->input.name);
switch (u->type) {
struct ra_renderpass_input_val value = {
.index = un->index,
.data = &un->v,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->values, sc->num_values, value);
update_ubo(sc->ra, e->ubo, u);
update_pushc(sc->ra, e->pushc, u);
void gl_sc_set_cache_dir(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, char *dir)
if (dir && dir[0]) {
dir = mp_get_user_path(NULL, sc->global, dir);
} else {
dir = mp_find_user_file(NULL, sc->global, "cache", "");
sc->cache_dir = talloc_strdup(sc, dir);
static bool create_pass(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, struct sc_entry *entry)
bool ret = false;
void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL);
struct ra_renderpass_params params = sc->params;
const char *cache_header = "mpv shader cache v1\n";
char *cache_filename = NULL;
char *cache_dir = NULL;
if (sc->cache_dir && sc->cache_dir[0]) {
// Try to load it from a disk cache.
cache_dir = mp_get_user_path(tmp, sc->global, sc->cache_dir);
struct AVSHA *sha = av_sha_alloc();
av_sha_init(sha, 256);
av_sha_update(sha, entry->total.start, entry->total.len);
uint8_t hash[256 / 8];
av_sha_final(sha, hash);
char hashstr[256 / 8 * 2 + 1];
for (int n = 0; n < 256 / 8; n++)
snprintf(hashstr + n * 2, sizeof(hashstr) - n * 2, "%02X", hash[n]);
cache_filename = mp_path_join(tmp, cache_dir, hashstr);
if (stat(cache_filename, &(struct stat){0}) == 0) {
MP_DBG(sc, "Trying to load shader from disk...\n");
struct bstr cachedata =
stream_read_file(cache_filename, tmp, sc->global, 1000000000);
if (bstr_eatstart0(&cachedata, cache_header))
params.cached_program = cachedata;
// If using a UBO, also make sure to add it as an input value so the RA
// can see it
if (sc->ubo_size) {
entry->ubo_index = sc->params.num_inputs;
struct ra_renderpass_input ubo_input = {
.name = "UBO",
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
.binding = sc->ubo_binding,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, params.inputs, params.num_inputs, ubo_input);
if (sc->pushc_size) {
params.push_constants_size = MP_ALIGN_UP(sc->pushc_size, 4);
entry->pushc = talloc_zero_size(entry, params.push_constants_size);
if (sc->ubo_size) {
struct ra_buf_params ubo_params = {
.size = sc->ubo_size,
.host_mutable = true,
entry->ubo = ra_buf_create(sc->ra, &ubo_params);
if (!entry->ubo) {
MP_ERR(sc, "Failed creating uniform buffer!\n");
goto error;
entry->pass = sc->ra->fns->renderpass_create(sc->ra, ¶ms);
if (!entry->pass)
goto error;
if (entry->pass && cache_filename) {
bstr nc = entry->pass->params.cached_program;
if (nc.len && !bstr_equals(params.cached_program, nc)) {
MP_DBG(sc, "Writing shader cache file: %s\n", cache_filename);
FILE *out = fopen(cache_filename, "wb");
if (out) {
fwrite(cache_header, strlen(cache_header), 1, out);
fwrite(nc.start, nc.len, 1, out);
ret = true;
return ret;
#define ADD(x, ...) bstr_xappend_asprintf(sc, (x), __VA_ARGS__)
#define ADD_BSTR(x, s) bstr_xappend(sc, (x), (s))
static void add_uniforms(struct gl_shader_cache *sc, bstr *dst)
// Add all of the UBO entries separately as members of their own buffer
if (sc->ubo_size > 0) {
ADD(dst, "layout(std140, binding=%d) uniform UBO {\n", sc->ubo_binding);
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_UBO)
ADD(dst, "layout(offset=%zu) %s %s;\n", u->offset, u->glsl_type,
ADD(dst, "};\n");
// Ditto for push constants
if (sc->pushc_size > 0) {
ADD(dst, "layout(std430, push_constant) uniform PushC {\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_PUSHC)
ADD(dst, "layout(offset=%zu) %s %s;\n", u->offset, u->glsl_type,
ADD(dst, "};\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_uniform *u = &sc->uniforms[n];
if (u->type != SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_GLOBAL)
switch (u->input.type) {
assert(sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_GLOBAL_UNIFORM);
// Vulkan requires explicitly assigning the bindings in the shader
// source. For OpenGL it's optional, but requires higher GL version
// so we don't do it (and instead have ra_gl update the bindings
// after program creation).
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan)
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d) ", u->input.binding);
ADD(dst, "uniform %s %s;\n", u->glsl_type, u->input.name);
ADD(dst, "layout(std140, binding=%d) uniform %s { %s };\n",
u->input.binding, u->input.name, u->buffer_format);
ADD(dst, "layout(std430, binding=%d) restrict coherent buffer %s { %s };\n",
u->input.binding, u->input.name, u->buffer_format);
// For better compatibility, we have to explicitly label the
// type of data we will be reading/writing to this image.
const char *fmt = u->v.tex->params.format->glsl_format;
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan) {
if (fmt) {
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d, %s) ", u->input.binding, fmt);
} else {
ADD(dst, "layout(binding=%d) ", u->input.binding);
} else if (fmt) {
ADD(dst, "layout(%s) ", fmt);
ADD(dst, "uniform restrict %s %s;\n", u->glsl_type, u->input.name);
// 1. Generate vertex and fragment shaders from the fragment shader text added
// with gl_sc_add(). The generated shader program is cached (based on the
// text), so actual compilation happens only the first time.
// 2. Update the uniforms and textures set with gl_sc_uniform_*.
// 3. Make the new shader program current (glUseProgram()).
// After that, you render, and then you call gc_sc_reset(), which does:
// 1. Unbind the program and all textures.
// 2. Reset the sc state and prepare for a new shader program. (All uniforms
// and fragment operations needed for the next program have to be re-added.)
static void gl_sc_generate(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
enum ra_renderpass_type type,
const struct ra_format *target_format,
const struct ra_renderpass_input *vao,
int vao_len, size_t vertex_stride)
int glsl_version = sc->ra->glsl_version;
int glsl_es = sc->ra->glsl_es ? glsl_version : 0;
sc->params.type = type;
// gl_sc_reset() must be called after ending the previous render process,
// and before starting a new one.
sc->needs_reset = true;
// If using a UBO, pick a binding (needed for shader generation)
if (sc->ubo_size)
sc->ubo_binding = gl_sc_next_binding(sc, RA_VARTYPE_BUF_RO);
for (int n = 0; n < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(sc->tmp); n++)
sc->tmp[n].len = 0;
// set up shader text (header + uniforms + body)
bstr *header = &sc->tmp[0];
ADD(header, "#version %d%s\n", glsl_version, glsl_es >= 300 ? " es" : "");
// This extension cannot be enabled in fragment shader. Enable it as
// an exception for compute shader.
ADD(header, "#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable\n");
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_exts; n++)
ADD(header, "#extension %s : enable\n", sc->exts[n]);
if (glsl_es) {
ADD(header, "precision highp float;\n");
ADD(header, "#else\n");
ADD(header, "precision mediump float;\n");
ADD(header, "#endif\n");
ADD(header, "precision mediump sampler2D;\n");
if (sc->ra->caps & RA_CAP_TEX_3D)
ADD(header, "precision mediump sampler3D;\n");
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(header, "#define tex1D texture\n");
ADD(header, "#define tex3D texture\n");
} else {
ADD(header, "#define tex1D texture1D\n");
ADD(header, "#define tex3D texture3D\n");
ADD(header, "#define texture texture2D\n");
// Additional helpers.
ADD(header, "#define LUT_POS(x, lut_size)"
" mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))\n");
char *vert_in = glsl_version >= 130 ? "in" : "attribute";
char *vert_out = glsl_version >= 130 ? "out" : "varying";
char *frag_in = glsl_version >= 130 ? "in" : "varying";
struct bstr *vert = NULL, *frag = NULL, *comp = NULL;
// vertex shader: we don't use the vertex shader, so just setup a
// dummy, which passes through the vertex array attributes.
bstr *vert_head = &sc->tmp[1];
ADD_BSTR(vert_head, *header);
bstr *vert_body = &sc->tmp[2];
ADD(vert_body, "void main() {\n");
bstr *frag_vaos = &sc->tmp[3];
for (int n = 0; n < vao_len; n++) {
const struct ra_renderpass_input *e = &vao[n];
const char *glsl_type = vao_glsl_type(e);
char loc[32] = {0};
if (sc->ra->glsl_vulkan)
snprintf(loc, sizeof(loc), "layout(location=%d) ", n);
if (strcmp(e->name, "position") == 0) {
// setting raster pos. requires setting gl_Position magic variable
assert(e->dim_v == 2 && e->type == RA_VARTYPE_FLOAT);
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s vec2 vertex_position;\n", loc, vert_in);
ADD(vert_body, "gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
} else {
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s %s vertex_%s;\n", loc, vert_in, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_head, "%s%s %s %s;\n", loc, vert_out, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_body, "%s = vertex_%s;\n", e->name, e->name);
ADD(frag_vaos, "%s%s %s %s;\n", loc, frag_in, glsl_type, e->name);
ADD(vert_body, "}\n");
vert = vert_head;
ADD_BSTR(vert, *vert_body);
// fragment shader; still requires adding used uniforms and VAO elements
frag = &sc->tmp[4];
ADD_BSTR(frag, *header);
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(frag, "%sout vec4 out_color;\n",
sc->ra->glsl_vulkan ? "layout(location=0) " : "");
ADD_BSTR(frag, *frag_vaos);
add_uniforms(sc, frag);
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->prelude_text);
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->header_text);
ADD(frag, "void main() {\n");
// we require _all_ frag shaders to write to a "vec4 color"
ADD(frag, "vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
ADD_BSTR(frag, sc->text);
if (glsl_version >= 130) {
ADD(frag, "out_color = color;\n");
} else {
ADD(frag, "gl_FragColor = color;\n");
ADD(frag, "}\n");
// We need to fix the format of the render dst at renderpass creation
// time
sc->params.target_format = target_format;
comp = &sc->tmp[4];
ADD_BSTR(comp, *header);
add_uniforms(sc, comp);
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->prelude_text);
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->header_text);
ADD(comp, "void main() {\n");
ADD(comp, "vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); // convenience
ADD_BSTR(comp, sc->text);
ADD(comp, "}\n");
bstr *hash_total = &sc->tmp[5];
ADD(hash_total, "type %d\n", sc->params.type);
if (frag) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *frag);
sc->params.frag_shader = frag->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (vert) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *vert);
sc->params.vertex_shader = vert->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (comp) {
ADD_BSTR(hash_total, *comp);
sc->params.compute_shader = comp->start;
ADD(hash_total, "\n");
if (sc->params.enable_blend) {
ADD(hash_total, "blend %d %d %d %d\n",
sc->params.blend_src_rgb, sc->params.blend_dst_rgb,
sc->params.blend_src_alpha, sc->params.blend_dst_alpha);
if (sc->params.target_format)
ADD(hash_total, "format %s\n", sc->params.target_format->name);
struct sc_entry *entry = NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_entries; n++) {
struct sc_entry *cur = sc->entries[n];
if (bstr_equals(cur->total, *hash_total)) {
entry = cur;
if (!entry) {
if (sc->num_entries == SC_MAX_ENTRIES)
entry = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, entry);
*entry = (struct sc_entry){
.total = bstrdup(entry, *hash_total),
.timer = timer_pool_create(sc->ra),
// The vertex shader uses mangled names for the vertex attributes, so
// that the fragment shader can use the "real" names. But the shader is
// expecting the vertex attribute names (at least with older GLSL
// targets for GL).
sc->params.vertex_stride = vertex_stride;
for (int n = 0; n < vao_len; n++) {
struct ra_renderpass_input attrib = vao[n];
attrib.name = talloc_asprintf(entry, "vertex_%s", attrib.name);
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->params.vertex_attribs,
sc->params.num_vertex_attribs, attrib);
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++) {
struct sc_cached_uniform u = {0};
if (sc->uniforms[n].type == SC_UNIFORM_TYPE_GLOBAL) {
// global uniforms need to be made visible to the ra_renderpass
u.index = sc->params.num_inputs;
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->params.inputs, sc->params.num_inputs,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(entry, entry->cached_uniforms,
entry->num_cached_uniforms, u);
if (!create_pass(sc, entry))
sc->error_state = true;
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->entries, sc->num_entries, entry);
if (!entry->pass) {
sc->current_shader = NULL;
assert(sc->num_uniforms == entry->num_cached_uniforms);
sc->num_values = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < sc->num_uniforms; n++)
update_uniform(sc, entry, &sc->uniforms[n], n);
// If we're using a UBO, make sure to bind it as well
if (sc->ubo_size) {
struct ra_renderpass_input_val ubo_val = {
.index = entry->ubo_index,
.data = &entry->ubo,
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(sc, sc->values, sc->num_values, ubo_val);
sc->current_shader = entry;
struct mp_pass_perf gl_sc_dispatch_draw(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
struct ra_tex *target, bool discard,
const struct ra_renderpass_input *vao,
int vao_len, size_t vertex_stride,
void *vertices, size_t num_vertices)
struct timer_pool *timer = NULL;
sc->params.invalidate_target = discard;
gl_sc_generate(sc, RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_RASTER, target->params.format,
vao, vao_len, vertex_stride);
if (!sc->current_shader)
goto error;
timer = sc->current_shader->timer;
struct mp_rect full_rc = {0, 0, target->params.w, target->params.h};
struct ra_renderpass_run_params run = {
.pass = sc->current_shader->pass,
.values = sc->values,
.num_values = sc->num_values,
.push_constants = sc->current_shader->pushc,
.target = target,
.vertex_data = vertices,
.vertex_count = num_vertices,
.viewport = full_rc,
.scissors = full_rc,
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_run(sc->ra, &run);
return timer_pool_measure(timer);
struct mp_pass_perf gl_sc_dispatch_compute(struct gl_shader_cache *sc,
int w, int h, int d)
struct timer_pool *timer = NULL;
gl_sc_generate(sc, RA_RENDERPASS_TYPE_COMPUTE, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!sc->current_shader)
goto error;
timer = sc->current_shader->timer;
struct ra_renderpass_run_params run = {
.pass = sc->current_shader->pass,
.values = sc->values,
.num_values = sc->num_values,
.push_constants = sc->current_shader->pushc,
.compute_groups = {w, h, d},
sc->ra->fns->renderpass_run(sc->ra, &run);
return timer_pool_measure(timer);