/* * Cocoa Application Event Handling * * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // Carbon header is included but Carbon is NOT linked to mpv's binary. This // file only needs this include to use the keycode definitions in keymap. #import <Carbon/Carbon.h> // Media keys definitions #import <IOKit/hidsystem/ev_keymap.h> #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include "talloc.h" #include "input/input.h" // doesn't make much sense, but needed to access keymap functionality #include "video/out/vo.h" #import "osdep/macosx_application_objc.h" #include "osdep/macosx_events.h" #include "osdep/macosx_compat.h" #define NSLeftAlternateKeyMask (0x000020 | NSAlternateKeyMask) #define NSRightAlternateKeyMask (0x000040 | NSAlternateKeyMask) static bool LeftAltPressed(int mask) { return (mask & NSLeftAlternateKeyMask) == NSLeftAlternateKeyMask; } static bool RightAltPressed(int mask) { return (mask & NSRightAlternateKeyMask) == NSRightAlternateKeyMask; } static const struct mp_keymap keymap[] = { // special keys {kVK_Return, MP_KEY_ENTER}, {kVK_Escape, MP_KEY_ESC}, {kVK_Delete, MP_KEY_BACKSPACE}, {kVK_Option, MP_KEY_BACKSPACE}, {kVK_Control, MP_KEY_BACKSPACE}, {kVK_Shift, MP_KEY_BACKSPACE}, {kVK_Tab, MP_KEY_TAB}, // cursor keys {kVK_UpArrow, MP_KEY_UP}, {kVK_DownArrow, MP_KEY_DOWN}, {kVK_LeftArrow, MP_KEY_LEFT}, {kVK_RightArrow, MP_KEY_RIGHT}, // navigation block {kVK_Help, MP_KEY_INSERT}, {kVK_ForwardDelete, MP_KEY_DELETE}, {kVK_Home, MP_KEY_HOME}, {kVK_End, MP_KEY_END}, {kVK_PageUp, MP_KEY_PAGE_UP}, {kVK_PageDown, MP_KEY_PAGE_DOWN}, // F-keys {kVK_F1, MP_KEY_F + 1}, {kVK_F2, MP_KEY_F + 2}, {kVK_F3, MP_KEY_F + 3}, {kVK_F4, MP_KEY_F + 4}, {kVK_F5, MP_KEY_F + 5}, {kVK_F6, MP_KEY_F + 6}, {kVK_F7, MP_KEY_F + 7}, {kVK_F8, MP_KEY_F + 8}, {kVK_F9, MP_KEY_F + 9}, {kVK_F10, MP_KEY_F + 10}, {kVK_F11, MP_KEY_F + 11}, {kVK_F12, MP_KEY_F + 12}, // numpad {kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus, '+'}, {kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus, '-'}, {kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply, '*'}, {kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide, '/'}, {kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter, MP_KEY_KPENTER}, {kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal, MP_KEY_KPDEC}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad0, MP_KEY_KP0}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad1, MP_KEY_KP1}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad2, MP_KEY_KP2}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad3, MP_KEY_KP3}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad4, MP_KEY_KP4}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad5, MP_KEY_KP5}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad6, MP_KEY_KP6}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad7, MP_KEY_KP7}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad8, MP_KEY_KP8}, {kVK_ANSI_Keypad9, MP_KEY_KP9}, {0, 0} }; static int convert_key(unsigned key, unsigned charcode) { int mpkey = lookup_keymap_table(keymap, key); if (mpkey) return mpkey; return charcode; } void cocoa_init_apple_remote(void) { Application *app = mpv_shared_app(); [app.eventsResponder startAppleRemote]; } void cocoa_uninit_apple_remote(void) { Application *app = mpv_shared_app(); [app.eventsResponder stopAppleRemote]; } static int mk_code(NSEvent *event) { return (([event data1] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); } static int mk_flags(NSEvent *event) { return ([event data1] & 0x0000FFFF); } static int mk_down(NSEvent *event) { return (((mk_flags(event) & 0xFF00) >> 8)) == 0xA; } static CGEventRef tap_event_callback(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void *ctx) { EventsResponder *responder = ctx; if (type == kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout) { // The Mach Port receiving the taps became unresponsive for some // reason, restart listening on it. [responder restartMediaKeys]; return event; } if (type == kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput) return event; NSEvent *nse = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent:event]; if ([nse type] != NSSystemDefined || [nse subtype] != 8) // This is not a media key return event; if (mk_down(nse) && [responder handleMediaKey:nse]) { // Handled this event, return nil so that it is removed from the // global queue. return nil; } else { // Was a media key but we were not interested in it. Leave it in the // global queue by returning the original event. return event; } } void cocoa_init_media_keys(void) { [mpv_shared_app().eventsResponder startMediaKeys]; } void cocoa_uninit_media_keys(void) { [mpv_shared_app().eventsResponder stopMediaKeys]; } void cocoa_put_key(int keycode) { if (mpv_shared_app().inputContext) mp_input_put_key(mpv_shared_app().inputContext, keycode); } void cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(int keycode, int modifiers) { keycode |= [mpv_shared_app().eventsResponder mapKeyModifiers:modifiers]; cocoa_put_key(keycode); } @implementation EventsResponder { CFMachPortRef _mk_tap_port; HIDRemote *_remote; } - (BOOL)useAltGr { if (mpv_shared_app().inputContext) return mp_input_use_alt_gr(mpv_shared_app().inputContext); else return YES; } - (void)startAppleRemote { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ self->_remote = [[HIDRemote alloc] init]; if (self->_remote) { [self->_remote setDelegate:self]; [self->_remote startRemoteControl:kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto]; } }); } - (void)stopAppleRemote { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self->_remote stopRemoteControl]; [self->_remote release]; }); } - (void)restartMediaKeys { CGEventTapEnable(self->_mk_tap_port, true); } - (void)startMediaKeys { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // Install a Quartz Event Tap. This will notify mpv through the // returned Mach Port and cause mpv to execute the `tap_event_callback` // function. self->_mk_tap_port = CGEventTapCreate(kCGSessionEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap, kCGEventTapOptionDefault, CGEventMaskBit(NX_SYSDEFINED), tap_event_callback, self); assert(self->_mk_tap_port != nil); NSMachPort *port = (NSMachPort *)self->_mk_tap_port; [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addPort:port forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; }); } - (void)stopMediaKeys { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSMachPort *port = (NSMachPort *)self->_mk_tap_port; [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] removePort:port forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; CFRelease(self->_mk_tap_port); self->_mk_tap_port = nil; }); } - (NSArray *) keyEquivalents { return @[@"h", @"q", @"Q", @"0", @"1", @"2"]; } - (BOOL)isAppKeyEquivalent:(NSString *)eq withEvent:(NSEvent *)event { if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) for(NSString *c in [self keyEquivalents]) if ([eq isEqualToString:c]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)handleMediaKey:(NSEvent *)event { NSDictionary *keymapd = @{ @(NX_KEYTYPE_PLAY): @(MP_KEY_PLAY), @(NX_KEYTYPE_REWIND): @(MP_KEY_PREV), @(NX_KEYTYPE_FAST): @(MP_KEY_NEXT), }; return [self handleKey:mk_code(event) withMask:[self keyModifierMask:event] andMapping:keymapd]; } - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)remote eventWithButton:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed fromHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes { if (!isPressed) return; NSDictionary *keymapd = @{ @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlay): @(MP_AR_PLAY), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlayHold): @(MP_AR_PLAY_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenter): @(MP_AR_CENTER), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenterHold): @(MP_AR_CENTER_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeLeft): @(MP_AR_PREV), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeLeftHold): @(MP_AR_PREV_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeRight): @(MP_AR_NEXT), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeRightHold): @(MP_AR_NEXT_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenu): @(MP_AR_MENU), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenuHold): @(MP_AR_MENU_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUp): @(MP_AR_VUP), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUpHold): @(MP_AR_VUP_HOLD), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDown): @(MP_AR_VDOWN), @(kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDownHold): @(MP_AR_VDOWN_HOLD), }; [self handleKey:buttonCode withMask:0 andMapping:keymapd]; } - (int)mapKeyModifiers:(int)cocoaModifiers { int mask = 0; if (cocoaModifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) mask |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT; if (cocoaModifiers & NSControlKeyMask) mask |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL; if (LeftAltPressed(cocoaModifiers) || RightAltPressed(cocoaModifiers) && ![self useAltGr]) mask |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT; if (cocoaModifiers & NSCommandKeyMask) mask |= MP_KEY_MODIFIER_META; return mask; } - (int)mapTypeModifiers:(NSEventType)type { NSDictionary *map = @{ @(NSKeyDown) : @(MP_KEY_STATE_DOWN), @(NSKeyUp) : @(MP_KEY_STATE_UP), }; return [map[@(type)] intValue]; } - (int)keyModifierMask:(NSEvent *)event { return [self mapKeyModifiers:[event modifierFlags]] | [self mapTypeModifiers:[event type]]; } -(BOOL)handleMPKey:(int)key withMask:(int)mask { if (key > 0) { cocoa_put_key(key | mask); if (mask & MP_KEY_STATE_UP) cocoa_put_key(MP_INPUT_RELEASE_ALL); return YES; } else { return NO; } } -(BOOL)handleKey:(int)key withMask:(int)mask andMapping:(NSDictionary *)mapping { int mpkey = [mapping[@(key)] intValue]; return [self handleMPKey:mpkey withMask:mask]; } - (NSEvent*)handleKey:(NSEvent *)event { if ([event isARepeat]) return nil; NSString *chars; if ([self useAltGr] && RightAltPressed([event modifierFlags])) chars = [event characters]; else chars = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; int key = convert_key([event keyCode], *[chars UTF8String]); if (key > -1) { if ([self isAppKeyEquivalent:chars withEvent:event]) // propagate the event in case this is a menu key equivalent return event; [self handleMPKey:key withMask:[self keyModifierMask:event]]; } return nil; } @end