#define DISP /* * vo_png.c, Portable Network Graphics Renderer for Mplayer * * Copyright 2001 by Felix Buenemann * * Uses libpng (which uses zlib), so see according licenses. * */ #include #include #include #include #include //#include "/usr/include/png.h" #include "config.h" #include "video_out.h" #include "video_out_internal.h" #include "sub.h" #include "../postproc/rgb2rgb.h" LIBVO_EXTERN (png) static vo_info_t vo_info = { "PNG file", "png", "Felix Buenemann ", "" }; #define RGB 0 #define BGR 1 extern int verbose; int z_compression = Z_NO_COMPRESSION; static int image_width; static int image_height; static int image_format; static uint8_t *image_data=NULL; static int bpp = 24; static int cspace = RGB; static int framenum = 0; struct pngdata { FILE * fp; png_structp png_ptr; png_infop info_ptr; enum {OK,ERROR} status; }; static void draw_alpha(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride){ vo_draw_alpha_rgb24(w, h, src, srca, stride, image_data + 3 * (y0 * image_width + x0), 3 * image_width); } static uint32_t config(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t fullscreen, char *title, uint32_t format) { image_height = height; image_width = width; image_format = format; //printf("Verbose level is %i\n", verbose); switch(format) { case IMGFMT_BGR24: bpp = 24; cspace = BGR; break; case IMGFMT_RGB24: bpp = 24; cspace = RGB; break; case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_YV12: bpp = 24; cspace = BGR; yuv2rgb_init(bpp,MODE_RGB); image_data = malloc(image_width*image_height*3); break; default: return 1; } if((z_compression >= 0) && (z_compression <= 9)) { if(z_compression == 0) { printf("PNG Warning: compression level set to 0, compression disabled!\n"); printf("PNG Info: Use the -z switch to set compression level from 0 to 9.\n"); printf("PNG Info: (0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, lowest - 9 best, slowest compression)\n"); } } else { printf("PNG Warning: compression level out of range setting to 1!\n"); printf("PNG Info: Use the -z switch to set compression level from 0 to 9.\n"); printf("PNG Info: (0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, lowest - 9 best, slowest compression)\n"); z_compression = Z_BEST_SPEED; } if(verbose) printf("PNG Compression level %i\n", z_compression); return 0; } static const vo_info_t* get_info(void) { return &vo_info; } struct pngdata create_png (char * fname) { struct pngdata png; /*png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp)user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn);*/ //png_byte *row_pointers[image_height]; png.png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); png.info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png.png_ptr); if (!png.png_ptr) { if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Failed to init png pointer\n"); png.status = ERROR; return png; } if (!png.info_ptr) { if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Failed to init png infopointer\n"); png_destroy_write_struct(&png.png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL); png.status = ERROR; return png; } if (setjmp(png.png_ptr->jmpbuf)) { if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Internal error!\n"); png_destroy_write_struct(&png.png_ptr, &png.info_ptr); fclose(png.fp); png.status = ERROR; return png; } png.fp = fopen (fname, "wb"); if (png.fp == NULL) { printf("\nPNG Error opening %s for writing!\n", strerror(errno)); png.status = ERROR; return png; } if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Init IO\n"); png_init_io(png.png_ptr, png.fp); /* set the zlib compression level */ png_set_compression_level(png.png_ptr, z_compression); /*png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type)*/ png_set_IHDR(png.png_ptr, png.info_ptr, image_width, image_height, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Write Info\n"); png_write_info(png.png_ptr, png.info_ptr); if(cspace) { if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Set BGR Conversion\n"); png_set_bgr(png.png_ptr); } png.status = OK; return png; } static uint8_t destroy_png(struct pngdata png) { if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Write End\n"); png_write_end(png.png_ptr, png.info_ptr); if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Destroy Write Struct\n"); png_destroy_write_struct(&png.png_ptr, &png.info_ptr); fclose (png.fp); return 0; } static uint32_t draw_frame(uint8_t * src[]) { return -1; } static uint32_t draw_image(mp_image_t* mpi){ char buf[100]; int k, bppmul = bpp/8; struct pngdata png; png_byte *row_pointers[image_height]; // if -dr or -slices then do nothing: if(mpi->flags&(MP_IMGFLAG_DIRECT|MP_IMGFLAG_DRAW_CALLBACK)) return VO_TRUE; snprintf (buf, 100, "%08d.png", ++framenum); png = create_png(buf); if(png.status){ printf("PNG Error in create_png\n"); return 1; } if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Creating Row Pointers\n"); for ( k = 0; k < image_height; k++ ) row_pointers[k] = mpi->planes[0]+mpi->stride[0]*k; //png_write_flush(png.png_ptr); //png_set_flush(png.png_ptr, nrows); if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Writing Image Data\n"); png_write_image(png.png_ptr, row_pointers); destroy_png(png); return VO_TRUE; } static void draw_osd(void) { if(image_data) vo_draw_text(image_width, image_height, draw_alpha); } static void flip_page (void) { char buf[100]; int k, bppmul = bpp/8; struct pngdata png; png_byte *row_pointers[image_height]; if((image_format == IMGFMT_YV12) || (image_format == IMGFMT_IYUV) || (image_format == IMGFMT_I420)) { snprintf (buf, 100, "%08d.png", ++framenum); png = create_png(buf); if(png.status){ printf("PNG Error in create_png\n"); } if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Creating Row Pointers\n"); for ( k = 0; k < image_height; k++ ) row_pointers[k] = &image_data[image_width*k*bppmul]; //png_write_flush(png.png_ptr); //png_set_flush(png.png_ptr, nrows); if(verbose > 1) printf("PNG Writing Image Data\n"); png_write_image(png.png_ptr, row_pointers); destroy_png(png); } } static uint32_t draw_slice( uint8_t *src[],int stride[],int w,int h,int x,int y ) { uint8_t *dst = image_data + (image_width * y + x) * (bpp/8); yuv2rgb(dst,src[0],src[1],src[2],w,h,image_width*(bpp/8),stride[0],stride[1]); return 0; } static uint32_t query_format(uint32_t format) { switch(format){ case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_YV12: return VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED|VFCAP_OSD; case IMGFMT_RGB|24: case IMGFMT_BGR|24: return VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED|VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED_BY_HW; } return 0; } static void uninit(void) { if(image_data){ free(image_data);image_data=NULL;} } static void check_events(void) { } static uint32_t preinit(const char *arg) { if(arg) { printf("PNG Unknown subdevice: %s\n",arg); return ENOSYS; } return 0; } static uint32_t control(uint32_t request, void *data, ...) { switch (request) { case VOCTRL_DRAW_IMAGE: return draw_image(data); case VOCTRL_QUERY_FORMAT: return query_format(*((uint32_t*)data)); } return VO_NOTIMPL; }