import os from inflectors import DependencyInflector from waflib.ConfigSet import ConfigSet __all__ = [ "check_pkg_config", "check_cc", "check_statement", "check_libs", "check_headers", "compose_checks", "check_true", "any_version", "load_fragment", "check_stub", "check_ctx_vars"] any_version = None def even(n): return n % 2 == 0 def __define_options__(dependency_identifier): return DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_dict() def __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, *args): options_accu = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).storage_dict() options_accu['mandatory'] = False [options_accu.update(arg) for arg in args if arg] return options_accu def check_libs(libs, function): libs = [None] + libs def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier): for lib in libs: kwargs = lib and {'lib': lib} or {} if function(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kwargs): return True return False return fn def check_statement(header, statement, **kw_ext): def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw): fragment = """ #include <{0}> int main(int argc, char **argv) {{ {1}; return 0; }} """.format(header, statement) opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, {'fragment':fragment}, __define_options__(dependency_identifier), kw_ext, kw) return ctx.check_cc(**opts) return fn def check_cc(**kw_ext): def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw): options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, __define_options__(dependency_identifier), kw_ext, kw) return ctx.check_cc(**options) return fn def check_pkg_config(*args, **kw_ext): def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw): argsl = list(args) packages = [el for (i, el) in enumerate(args) if even(i)] sargs = [i for i in args if i] # remove None pkgc_args = ["--libs", "--cflags"] if ctx.dependency_satisfied('static-build'): pkgc_args += ["--static"] defaults = { 'path': ctx.env.PKG_CONFIG, 'package': " ".join(packages), 'args': sargs + pkgc_args } opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults, kw_ext, kw) # Warning! Megahack incoming: when parsing flags in `parse_flags` waf # uses append_unique. This appends the flags only if they aren't # already present in the list. This causes breakage if one checks for # multiple pkg-config packages in a single call as stuff like -lm is # added only at its first occurrence. original_append_unique = ConfigSet.append_unique ConfigSet.append_unique = ConfigSet.append_value result = bool(ctx.check_cfg(**opts)) ConfigSet.append_unique = original_append_unique if not result: defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key() ctx.undefine(defkey) return result return fn def check_headers(*headers): def undef_others(ctx, headers, found): not_found_hs = set(headers) - set([found]) for not_found_h in not_found_hs: defkey = DependencyInflector(not_found_h).define_key() ctx.undefine(defkey) def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier): for header in headers: defaults = {'header_name': header, 'features': 'c cprogram'} options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults) if ctx.check(**options): undef_others(ctx, headers, header) defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key() ctx.define(defkey, 1) return True undef_others(ctx, headers, None) return False return fn def check_true(ctx, dependency_identifier): defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key() ctx.define(defkey, 1) return True def check_ctx_vars(*variables): def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier): missing = [] for variable in variables: if variable not in ctx.env: missing.append(variable) if any(missing): ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier, 'missing {0}'.format(', '.join(missing))) return False else: return True return fn def check_stub(ctx, dependency_identifier): defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key() ctx.undefine(defkey) return False def compose_checks(*checks): def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier): return all([check(ctx, dependency_identifier) for check in checks]) return fn def load_fragment(fragment): file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'fragments', fragment) fp = open(file_path,"r") fragment_code = fp.close() return fragment_code