/* GIF file parser for MPlayer by Joey Parrish */ #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "mp_msg.h" #include "help_mp.h" #include "stream.h" #include "demuxer.h" #include "stheader.h" #include typedef struct { int current_pts; unsigned char *palette; GifFileType *gif; int w, h; } gif_priv_t; #define GIF_SIGNATURE (('G' << 16) | ('I' << 8) | 'F') #ifndef HAVE_GIF_TVT_HACK // not supported by certain versions of the library int my_read_gif(GifFileType *gif, uint8_t *buf, int len) { return stream_read(gif->UserData, buf, len); } #endif static int gif_check_file(demuxer_t *demuxer) { if (stream_read_int24(demuxer->stream) == GIF_SIGNATURE) return DEMUXER_TYPE_GIF; return 0; } static int demux_gif_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *demuxer, demux_stream_t *ds) { gif_priv_t *priv = demuxer->priv; GifFileType *gif = priv->gif; GifRecordType type = UNDEFINED_RECORD_TYPE; int len = 0; demux_packet_t *dp = NULL; ColorMapObject *effective_map = NULL; char *buf = NULL; while (type != IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE) { if (DGifGetRecordType(gif, &type) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } if (type == TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE) return 0; // eof if (type == SCREEN_DESC_RECORD_TYPE) { if (DGifGetScreenDesc(gif) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } } if (type == EXTENSION_RECORD_TYPE) { int code; unsigned char *p = NULL; if (DGifGetExtension(gif, &code, &p) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } if (code == 0xF9) { int frametime = 0; if (p[0] == 4) // is the length correct? frametime = (p[3] << 8) | p[2]; // set the time, centiseconds priv->current_pts += frametime; } else if ((code == 0xFE) && (verbose)) { // comment extension // print iff verbose printf("GIF comment: "); while (p != NULL) { int length = p[0]; char *comments = p + 1; comments[length] = 0; printf("%s", comments); if (DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, &p) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } } printf("\n"); } while (p != NULL) { if (DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, &p) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } } } } if (DGifGetImageDesc(gif) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } len = gif->Image.Width * gif->Image.Height; dp = new_demux_packet(priv->w * priv->h); buf = malloc(len); memset(buf, 0, len); memset(dp->buffer, 0, len); if (DGifGetLine(gif, buf, len) == GIF_ERROR) { PrintGifError(); return 0; // oops } effective_map = gif->Image.ColorMap; if (effective_map == NULL) effective_map = gif->SColorMap; { int y; int cnt = effective_map->ColorCount; if (cnt > 256) cnt = 256; int l = FFMIN(gif->Image.Left, priv->w); int t = FFMIN(gif->Image.Top, priv->h); int w = FFMIN(gif->Image.Width, priv->w - l); int h = FFMIN(gif->Image.Height, priv->h - t); // copy the palette for (y = 0; y < cnt; y++) { priv->palette[(y * 4) + 0] = effective_map->Colors[y].Blue; priv->palette[(y * 4) + 1] = effective_map->Colors[y].Green; priv->palette[(y * 4) + 2] = effective_map->Colors[y].Red; priv->palette[(y * 4) + 3] = 0; } for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { unsigned char *drow = dp->buffer; unsigned char *gbuf = buf + (y * gif->Image.Width); drow += priv->w * (y + t) + l; memcpy(drow, gbuf, w); } } free(buf); demuxer->video->dpos++; dp->pts = ((float)priv->current_pts) / 100; dp->pos = stream_tell(demuxer->stream); ds_add_packet(demuxer->video, dp); return 1; } static demuxer_t* demux_open_gif(demuxer_t* demuxer) { gif_priv_t *priv = calloc(1, sizeof(gif_priv_t)); sh_video_t *sh_video = NULL; GifFileType *gif = NULL; priv->current_pts = 0; demuxer->seekable = 0; // FIXME // go back to the beginning stream_seek(demuxer->stream,demuxer->stream->start_pos); #ifdef HAVE_GIF_TVT_HACK // without the TVT functionality of libungif, a hard seek must be // done to the beginning of the file. this is because libgif is // unable to use mplayer's cache, and without this lseek libgif will // not read from the beginning of the file and the command will fail. // with this hack enabled, you will lose the ability to stream a GIF. lseek(demuxer->stream->fd, 0, SEEK_SET); gif = DGifOpenFileHandle(demuxer->stream->fd); #else gif = DGifOpen(demuxer->stream, my_read_gif); #endif if (!gif) { PrintGifError(); return NULL; } // create a new video stream header sh_video = new_sh_video(demuxer, 0); // make sure the demuxer knows about the new video stream header // (even though new_sh_video() ought to take care of it) demuxer->video->sh = sh_video; // make sure that the video demuxer stream header knows about its // parent video demuxer stream (this is getting wacky), or else // video_read_properties() will choke sh_video->ds = demuxer->video; sh_video->disp_w = gif->SWidth; sh_video->disp_h = gif->SHeight; sh_video->format = mmioFOURCC(8, 'R', 'G', 'B'); sh_video->fps = 5.0f; sh_video->frametime = 1.0f / sh_video->fps; sh_video->bih = malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (256 * 4)); sh_video->bih->biCompression = sh_video->format; sh_video->bih->biBitCount = 8; sh_video->bih->biPlanes = 2; priv->palette = (unsigned char *)(sh_video->bih + 1); priv->w = sh_video->disp_w; priv->h = sh_video->disp_h; priv->gif = gif; demuxer->priv = priv; return demuxer; } static void demux_close_gif(demuxer_t* demuxer) { gif_priv_t *priv = demuxer->priv; if (!priv) return; if (priv->gif && DGifCloseFile(priv->gif) == GIF_ERROR) PrintGifError(); free(priv); } demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_gif = { "GIF demuxer", "gif", "GIF", "Joey Parrish", "", DEMUXER_TYPE_GIF, 0, // unsafe autodetect gif_check_file, demux_gif_fill_buffer, demux_open_gif, demux_close_gif, NULL, NULL };