/* * MPlayer * * Video driver for AAlib - alpha version * * by Folke Ashberg * * Code started: Sun Aug 12 2001 * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "video_out.h" #include "video_out_internal.h" #include "yuv2rgb.h" #include "sub.h" #include "linux/keycodes.h" #include #define RGB 0 #define BGR 1 #define DO_INC(val,max,step) if (val + step <=max) val+=step; else val=max; #define DO_DEC(val,min,step) if (val - step >=min) val-=step; else val=min; #define MESSAGE_DURATION 3 #define MESSAGE_SIZE 512 #define MESSAGE_DEKO " +++ %s +++ " LIBVO_EXTERN(aa) static vo_info_t vo_info = { "AAlib", "aa", "Folke Ashberg ", "" }; /* aa's main context we use */ aa_context *c; aa_renderparams *p; static int fast =0; /* used for YV12 streams for the converted RGB image */ uint8_t * convertbuf=NULL; /* image infos */ static int image_format, bpp=24; static int image_width; static int image_height; static int bppmul; /* osd stuff */ time_t stoposd = 0; static int showosd = 0; char osdtext[MESSAGE_SIZE]; char posbar[MESSAGE_SIZE]; static int osdx, osdy; /* for resizing/scaling */ static int *stx; static int *sty; double accum; /* our version of the playmodes :) */ static char * osdmodes[] ={ "|>", "||", ">>", "[]" , ">>" }; extern void mplayer_put_key(int code); /* to disable stdout outputs when curses/linux mode */ extern int quiet; /* config options */ int aaopt_extended = 0; int aaopt_eight = 0; int aaopt_osdcolor = AA_SPECIAL; char *aaopt_driver = NULL; void resize(void){ /* * this function is called by aa lib if windows resizes * further during init, because here we have to calculate * a little bit */ int i; aa_resize(c); showosd=0; osdy=aa_scrheight(c) - ( aa_scrheight(c)/10 ); /* now calculating the needed values for resizing */ /* We only need to use floating point to determine the correct stretch vector for one line's worth. */ stx = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * image_width); sty = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * image_height); accum = 0; for (i=0; (i < image_width); i++) { int got; accum += (double)aa_imgwidth(c)/(double)image_width; got = (int) floor(accum); stx[i] = got; accum -= got; } accum = 0; for (i=0; (i < image_height); i++) { int got; accum += (double)aa_imgheight(c)/(double)image_height; got = (int) floor(accum); sty[i] = got; accum -= got; } } void osdmessage(int duration, int deko, char *fmt, ...) { /* * for outputting a centered string at the bottom * of our window for a while */ va_list ar; char m[MESSAGE_SIZE]; va_start(ar, fmt); vsprintf(m, fmt, ar); va_end(ar); if (deko==1) sprintf(osdtext, MESSAGE_DEKO , m); else strcpy(osdtext, m); showosd=1; stoposd = time(NULL) + duration; osdx=(aa_scrwidth(c) / 2) - (strlen(osdtext) / 2 ) ; posbar[0]='\0'; } void osdpercent(int duration, int deko, int min, int max, int val, char * desc, char * unit) { /* * prints a bar for setting values */ float step; int where; char m[MESSAGE_SIZE]; int i; step=(float)aa_scrwidth(c) /(float)(max-min); where=(val-min)*step; sprintf(m,"%s: %i%s",desc, val, unit); if (deko==1) sprintf(osdtext, MESSAGE_DEKO , m); else strcpy(osdtext, m); posbar[0]='|'; posbar[aa_scrwidth(c)-1]='|'; for (i=0;idriver->name,"curses")) || (strstr(c->driver->name,"linux"))){ freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr); quiet=1; /* disable mplayer outputs */ } image_height = height; image_width = width; image_format = format; /* needed by prepare_image */ stx = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * image_width); sty = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * image_height); /* nothing will change its size, be we need some values initialized */ resize(); /* say hello */ osdmessage(5, 1, "Welcome to ASCII ARTS MPlayer"); printf("VO: screendriver: %s\n", c->driver->name); printf("VO: keyboarddriver: %s\n", c->kbddriver->name); //printf("VO: mousedriver: %s\n", c->mousedriver->name); printf( "\n" "Options\n" "\t-aaosdfont 0=normal, 1=dark, 2=bold, 3-boldfont, 4=reverse, 5=special\n" "\t-aaextended use use all 256 characters\n" "\t-aaeight use eight bit ascii\n" "\n" "AA-MPlayer Keys:\n" "\t1 : fast rendering\n" "\t2 : dithering\n" "\t3 : invert image\n" "\t4 : contrast -\n" "\t5 : contrast +\n" "\t6 : brightness -\n" "\t7 : brightness +\n" "\n" "All other keys are MPlayer standart\n" ); return 0; } static uint32_t query_format(uint32_t format) { /* * ...are we able to... ? * called by mplayer */ switch(format){ case IMGFMT_YV12: case IMGFMT_RGB|24: case IMGFMT_BGR|24: return 1; } return 0; } static const vo_info_t* get_info(void) { /* who i am? */ return (&vo_info); } int prepare_image(uint8_t *data, int inx, int iny, int outx, int outy){ /* * copies an RGB-Image to the aalib imagebuffer * also scaling an grayscaling is done here * show_image calls us */ int value; int x, y; int tox, toy; int ydest; int i; int pos; toy = 0; for (y=0; (y < (0 + iny)); y++) { for (ydest=0; (ydest < sty[y-0]); ydest++) { tox = 0; for (x=0; (x < (0 + inx)); x++) { if (!stx[x - 0]) { continue; } pos=3*(inx*y)+(3*x); value=(data[pos]+data[pos+1]+data[pos+2])/3; for (i=0; (i < stx[x - 0]); i++) { //printf("ToX: %i, ToY %i, i=%i, stx=%i, x=%i\n", tox, toy, i, stx[x], x); c->imagebuffer[(toy*outx) +tox]=value; tox++; } } toy++; } } return 0; } void printosd() { /* * places the mplayer status osd */ if (vo_osd_text){ if (vo_osd_text[0]-1<=5) aa_puts(c, 0,0, aaopt_osdcolor, osdmodes[vo_osd_text[0]-1]); else aa_puts(c, 0,0, aaopt_osdcolor, "?"); aa_puts(c,2,0, aaopt_osdcolor, vo_osd_text+1); aa_puts(c,strlen(vo_osd_text)+1,0, aaopt_osdcolor, " "); } } void show_image(uint8_t * src){ /* * every frame (flip_page/draw_frame) we will be called */ /* events? */ check_events(); /* RGB->gray , scaling/resizing, stores data in aalib imgbuf */ prepare_image( src, image_width, image_height, aa_imgwidth(c), aa_imgheight(c) ); /* Now 'ASCIInate' the image */ if (fast) aa_fastrender(c, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c) ); else aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); /* do we have to put our osd to aa's txtbuf ? */ if (showosd) { if (time(NULL)>=stoposd ) showosd=0; /* update osd */ aa_puts(c, osdx, osdy, AA_SPECIAL, osdtext); /* posbar? */ if (posbar[0]!='\0') aa_puts(c, 0, osdy + 1, AA_SPECIAL, posbar); } /* and the real OSD, but only the time & playmode */ printosd(); /* print out */ aa_flush(c); } static uint32_t draw_frame(uint8_t *src[]) { /* * RGB-Video's Only * src[0] is handled bu prepare_image */ show_image(src[0]); return 0; } static uint32_t draw_slice(uint8_t *src[], int stride[], int w, int h, int x, int y) { /* * for MPGEGS YV12 * draw a rectangle converted to RGB to a * temporary RGB Buffer */ uint8_t *dst; dst = convertbuf+(image_width * y + x) * 3; yuv2rgb(dst,src[0],src[1],src[2],w,h,image_width*3,stride[0],stride[1]); return 0; } static void flip_page(void) { /* * wow! another ready Image, so draw it ! */ if(image_format == IMGFMT_YV12) show_image(convertbuf); } static void check_events(void) { /* * any events? * called by show_image and mplayer */ int key; while ((key=aa_getevent(c,0))!=AA_NONE ){ if (key>255){ /* some conversations */ switch (key) { case AA_UP: mplayer_put_key(KEY_UP); break; case AA_DOWN: mplayer_put_key(KEY_DOWN); break; case AA_LEFT: mplayer_put_key(KEY_LEFT); break; case AA_RIGHT: mplayer_put_key(KEY_RIGHT); break; case AA_ESC: mplayer_put_key(KEY_ESC); break; case 65765: mplayer_put_key(KEY_PAGE_UP); break; case 65766: mplayer_put_key(KEY_PAGE_DOWN); break; default: continue; /* aa lib special key */ break; } } switch (key) { /* AA image controls */ case '1': fast=!fast; osdmessage(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, "Fast mode is now %s", fast==1 ? "on" : "off"); break; case '2': if (p->dither==AA_FLOYD_S){ p->dither=AA_NONE; osdmessage(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, "Dithering: Off"); }else if (p->dither==AA_NONE){ p->dither=AA_ERRORDISTRIB; osdmessage(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, "Dithering: Error Distribution"); }else if (p->dither==AA_ERRORDISTRIB){ p->dither=AA_FLOYD_S; osdmessage(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, "Dithering: Floyd Steinberg"); } break; case '3': p->inversion=!p->inversion; osdmessage(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, "Invert mode is now %s", p->inversion==1 ? "on" : "off"); break; case '4': /* contrast */ DO_DEC(p->contrast,0,1); osdpercent(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, 0, 255, p->contrast, "AA-Contrast", ""); break; case '5': /* contrast */ DO_INC(p->contrast,255,1); osdpercent(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, 0, 255, p->contrast, "AA-Contrast", ""); break; case '6': /* brightness */ DO_DEC(p->bright,0,1); osdpercent(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, 0, 255, p->bright, "AA-Brightnes", ""); break; case '7': /* brightness */ DO_INC(p->bright,255,1); osdpercent(MESSAGE_DURATION, 1, 0, 255, p->bright, "AA-Brightnes", ""); break; default : /* nothing if we're interested in? * the mplayer should handle it! */ mplayer_put_key(key); break; } } } static void uninit(void) { /* * THE END */ aa_close(c); free(stx); free(sty); if (convertbuf!=NULL) free(convertbuf); if (strstr(c->driver->name,"curses") || strstr(c->driver->name,"libux")){ freopen("/dev/tty", "w", stderr); quiet=0; /* enable mplayer outputs */ } } static void draw_osd(void){ }