.\" synced with 1.793 (TODO) .\" MPlayer (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team .\" This man page was/is done by Gabucino, Diego Biurrun, Jonas Jermann .\" Translator: Carl Fürstenberg < azatoth at gmail dot com > . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Macro definitions .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .\" default indentation is 7, don't change! .nr IN 7 .\" define indentation for suboptions .nr SS 5 .\" add new suboption .de IPs .IP "\\$1" \n(SS .. .\" begin of first level suboptions, end with .RE .de RSs .RS \n(IN+3 .. .\" begin of 2nd level suboptions .de RSss .PD 0 .RS \n(SS+3 .. .\" end of 2nd level suboptions .de REss .RE .PD 1 .. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Title .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TH MPlayer 1 "2004-10-20" "The MPlayer Project" "The Movie Player" . .SH NAME mplayer \- filmspelare .br mencoder \- filmkodare . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Synopsis .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .SH SYNOPSIS .na .nh .B mplayer .RI [argument]\ [ \ fil\ | \ URL\ | \ spellista\ | \ \-\ ] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u [globala argument] .I fil1 [specifika argument] [fil2] [specifika argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u [globala argument] .RI { "grupp av filer och argument" } [gruppspecifika argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I dvd://[title|[start_title]\-slut_title ] [argument] .\" if patch accepted . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I dvd://[title][:kapitel[-slutkapitel][:vinkel][@dvd-enhet] [argument] .\" end if . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I vcd://spår[/enhet] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I tv://[kanal] [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I dvb://[kortnummer@]kanal [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I mf://filmask [-mf argument] [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I [cdda|cddb]://spår[:fart][/enhet] [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I cue://fil[:spår] [options] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I [mms[t]|http|http_proxy|rt[s]p|ftp]:// .I [användare:lösenord@]URL[:port] [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I sdp://fil [argument] . .br .in .B mplayer 'in +\n[.k]u .I mpst://host[:port]/URL [argument] . .br .in .B gmplayer [argument] [\-skin\ skin] . .br .B mencoder [argument] .RI [ \ fil\ | \ URL\ | \ \-\ ] [\-o\ fil] .ad .hy . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Description .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .SH BESKRIVNING .B mplayer är en filmspelare, ursprungligen för Linux, men kan köras på de flesta platformar (se dokumentationen). Den spelare mestadels MPEG/\:VOB, AVI, ASF/\:WMA/\:WMV, RM, QT/\:MOV/\:MP4, OGG/\:OGM, MKV, VIVO, FLI, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM samt RoQ filer, är stödd av många nativa och binära codec. Du kan kolla VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX\ 3/\:4/\:5 samt även WMV filmer. .PP MPlayer stödjer en uppsjö av video- och audio-ut-drivrutiner. Den funkar med X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib, libcaca, DirectFB, Quartz, men du kan även använda GGI, SDL (pch alla deras drivrutiner), VESA (på verenda VESA-kompatibla kort, även utan X11), vissa låglevelade kortspecifika kortsdrivrutiner (för Matrox, 3Dfx samt ATI) och vissa hårdvaru-MPEG-avkodarkort, såsom Siemens DVB, DXR2 samt DXR3/\:Hollywood+. De flesta stödjer mjukvaro och hårdvaruskalning, så du kan kolla på filmer i fullskärmsmode .PP MPlayer har "onscreen display" (OSD) för statusinformation, snygga stora antialiserade skuggade textningstexter samt visuellt återgivning av tagentbordskontroller. Europeiska/\:ISO 8859-1,2 , kyrilliska, samt koreanska typsnitt är stött jämnsides med 12 textningsformat (MicroDVD, SubRip, OGM, SubViewer, Sami, VPlayer, RT, SSA, AQTitle, JACOsub, PJS samt vår egna: MPsub) och DVD-textning (SPU-ström, VOBsub och Closed Captions). .PP .B mencoder (MPlayer's Movie Encoder) är en enkel filmkodare, framtagen till att koda MPlayer-spelbara filmer (se ovan) till andra MPlayer-spelbara format (se nedan). Den kodar till DivX4, XviD, någon av libavcodecs codec, samt PCM/\:MP3/\:VBRMP3-audio i 1, 2 eller 3 pass. Även så har den strömkopieringsförmåga, ett kraftfullt filtersystem (crop, expand, flip, postprocess, rotate, scale, noise, rgb/\:yuv conversion) och mera. .PP .B gmplayer är MPlayer med ett grafiskt användargränssnitt (GUI). Det har samma alternativ som MPlayer. .PP Användningsexempel för snabbstart är lokaliserade i slutet på denna manual. .PP .B Även hänvisa till HTML-dokumentationen! . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Keyboard control .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .SH "TAGENTBORDSKONTROLL" MPlayer har en fullt ut konfigurerbar, kommandoradsorienterat kontrollager vilken tillåter dig att kontrollera MPlayer med hjälp av tagentbord, mus, joystick samt fjärrkontroll (med LIRC). Hänvisa till '-input'-argumentet för flera sätt att konfigurera det. . .TP .B generella kontroller .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "<\- samt \->" Sök bakåt/framåt 10 sekunder. .IPs "upp samt ner" Sök bakåt/framåt 1 minut. .IPs "pgup samt pgdown" Sök bakåt/framåt 10 minuter. .IPs "[ samt ]" Öka/minska uppspelningshastighet med 10%. .IPs "{ samt }" Halvera/dubbla uppspelningshastighet. .IPs "Backspace" Återställ uppspelningshastighet. .IPs "< samt >" backa/hoppa frmaåt i spellista. .IPs "HOME samt END" nästa/föregående spelträdsinölägg i förälderlistan. \" FIXME next/\:previous playtree entry in the parent list .IPs "INS samt DEL" nästa/föregående alternativa source (ASX-spellista endast). \" FIXME source .IPs "p / MELLANSLAG" Pausa filmen(valfri tagent fortsätter uppspelningen). .IPs .\ \ \ \ Steppa framåt. Pressa en gång kommer att pausa filmen, varje efterföljande knapptryckning kommer hoppa fram en bildruta and sedan gå in i pausläge igen (valfri tagent fortsätter uppspelningen). .IPs "q / ESC" Stanna uppspelningen och avsluta programmet. .IPs "+ samt -" Ställ in audioförströjning med ± 0.1 sekund. .IPs "/ samt *" Öka/sänk volym. .IPs "9 and 0" Öka/sänk volym. .IPs m\ \ \ \ Muta ljud. .IPs f\ \ \ \ Aktivera fullskärmsläge (se även \-fs). .IPs T\ \ \ \ Aktivera 'stay-on-top' (se även \-ontop). \" FIXME stay-on-top? .IPs "w and e" Öka/miska 'pan-and-scan'-rymd. \" FIXME pan-to-scan? .IPs o\ \ \ \ Aktivera OSD-information: inget / sök / sök + timer / sök + timer + total tid. .IPs d\ \ \ \ Aktivera framedropping-information: ingen / förbise display / förbise avkodning (se \-framedrop samt \-hardframedrop). .IPs v\ \ \ \ Aktivera textningsvisning. .IPs "b / j" Cykla igenom de tillgängliga textningar. .IP F\ \ \ \ Aktivera visning "forced subtitles". \" FIXME what? .IPs a\ \ \ \ Ställ in textningspositionering: uppe/mitt/nere. .IPs "z samt x" Ställ in textningsfördröjning med ± 0.1 sekund. .IPs "r samt t" Flytta textningstext upp/ner. .IPs i\ \ \ \ Sätt EDL-märke. .RE .PD 1 .PP (Följande tagenter är endast tillgängliga vid användande av hårdvaruacceleread video-ut (xv, (x)vidix, (x)mga, etc...), eller mjukvaruequalizerfilter (\-vf eq eller \-vf eq2). .PP .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "1 samt 2" Ställ in kontrast. .IPs "3 samt 4" Ställ in ljusstyrka. .IPs "5 samt 6" Ställ in hue. \" FIXME hue .IPs "7 samt 8" Ställ in saturation. \" FIXME saturation .RE .PD 1 .PP (Följande tegenter är endast tillgängliga vid användande av quartzvideo-ut-drivrutin.) .PP .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "alternativ + 0" Ändra storleken på filmfönstret till hälften av sin standardstorlek. .IPs "alternativ + 1" Ändra storleken på filmfönstret till dess standardstorlek. .IPs "alternativ + 2" Ändra storleken på filmfönstret till dubbel standardstorlek. .IPs "alternativ + f" Aktivera fullskärm (se även \-fs). .IPs "alternativ + [ och alternativ + ]" Sätt filmfönsteralfa. \" FIXME movie window alpha? .IPs T\ \ \ \ Aktivera videlager: ontop/below/normal (se även \-ontop). \" FIXME translate ontop etc...? .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B GUI-tagentbordskontroll .PD 0 .RSs .IPs ENTER Starta uppspelning. .IPs s\ \ \ \ Stoppa uppspelning. .IPs l\ \ \ \ Ladda fil. .IPs c\ \ \ \ Skinläsare. .IPs p\ \ \ \ Aktivera spellista. .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B TV input control .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "h samt k" Välj föregående/nästa kanal. .IPs n\ \ \ \ Ändra norm. .IPs u\ \ \ \ Ändra kanallista. .RE .PD 1 . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Options .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .SH "ANVÄNDNING" Varje 'flag'-argument har en 'noflag'-motsvarighet, d.v.s.\& motsatsen till \-fs är \-nofs .PP Om ett argument är markerad som (XXX endast), kommer det endast att fungera i samarbete med XXX eller om XXX är inkompilerat. .PP Du kan lägga alla argument i en konfigurationsfil vilken kommer att bli inläst varje gång MPlayer körs. Den systemvida konfigurationsfilen 'mplayer.conf' är i din konfigurationskatalog (d.v.s.\& /etc/mplayer eller /usr/local/etc/mplayer), den användarspecifika är lokaliserad i '~.mplayer/config'. Användarspecifika inställningar skriver över systemvida inställningar, och argument angivna på kommandoraden skriver över bägge. Syntaxen i konfigurationsfilen är 'option=', allting efter ett '#' är antaget som en kommentar. Inställningar som fungerar utan värden kan bli aktiverade genom att sätta dem till 'yes', '1' eller 'true', och kan bli avaktiverade genom att sätta dem till 'no', '0' eller 'false'. Även underargument kan bli specifierade på detta vis. .PP .I EXEMPEL: .nf # Använd Matrox-drivrutin per standard. vo=xmga # Jag älskar att stå på händerna när jag kollar på video flip=yes # Decode/\:encode multipla filer från png, # starta med mf://filemask mf=type=png:fps=25 # Eerie-negativa bilder är coola. \" Eerie? vf=eq2=1.0:-0.8 .fi .PP Du kan även skriva filspecifika konfigurationsfiler. Om du önskar att ha en konfigurationsfil för en fil kallad 'movie.avi', skapa då en fil kallad 'movie.avi.conf' med de filspecifika inställningar i sig och placera den i ~/.mplayer eller i samma katalog som filen. . . . .SH "GENERELLA INSTÄLLNINGAR" . .TP .B \-codecs-file (se även \-afm, \-ac, \-vfm, \-vc) Använd specifierad fil istället för systemvid ller inbyggd codecs.conf. . .TP .B \-include Specifiera konfigurationsfil till att bli tolkad efter de vanliga. . .TP .B \-quiet\ \ Gör konsolutskrift mindre uttömmande; till exempel så ser den till att statuslinje (d.v.s.\& A: 0.7 V: 0.6 A-V: 0.068 ...) från att visas. Speciellt användbart på slöa terminaler och trasiga sådana som inte hanterar fullt ut vagnretur (d.v.s.\& \\r). . .TP .B \-v, \-verbose Ökar ordrikedomsnivån (flera \-v betyder mer ordrikedom). .PD 0 .RSs .IPs 0 endast något informerande utskrift (standard) .IPs 1 viss fundamental debuginformation, avihuvuden, funktionsvärden (init debug) .IPs 2 skriver ut avi-indexes, 'chunk input', med debuginformation (player debug) .IPs 3 skriver ut allting relaterat till inputtolkar (parser debug) .RE .PD 1 . . . .SH "SPELARINSTÄLLNINGAR (ENDAST MPLAYER)" . .TP .B \-autoq (används med \-vf [s]pp) Dynamiskt ändra nivån av afterproccessering beroende på tillgängliga CPU-cyklar. Värdet du specifierar kommer att bli den maximalt använda nivån, vanligtvis så kan du specifiera stora värden. Du måste använda \-vf [s]pp utan paramertar för att få detta att funka. . .TP .B \-autosync Gradvist ställa in A/V-synkning baserat på audiofördröjningsmätning. On du anger \-autosync\ 0 (standard), kommer bildramsanpassningen att vara baserad endast av audiofördröjningsmätning. Om du anger \-autosync\ 1 så kommer liknande att inträffa, förutom att A/V-korrektionsalgoritmen kommer att ändras något. Ett udda videoframerate i en film vilken spelar bra med \-nosound kan ofta bli hjälot med att sätta denna till ett värde större än 1. Ju större värde, ju närmare anpassningen kommer att vara \-nosound. Testa \-autosync\ 30 för att plana ut problem med ljuddrivrutiner vilka inte implementerar en perfekt audiofördröjningsmätning. Med detta värde, om stora A/V-synkningsfel inträffar, kommer det endast att ta 1 eller 2\ sekunder att plana ut. Denna fördröjning i reaktionstid till plötslig A/V-fel torde varaa den enda sidoeffekt med att ha denna inställd aktiverad, för atta ljuddrivrutiner. . .TP .B \-benchmark Skriver ut viss statistik ang. CPU-användning samt tappade bildrutor vid slutet att uppspelning. Använd i kombination med \-nosound samt \-vo null för benchmarkning av endast videocodec. .br .I NOTERA: Med denna inställning så kommer MPlayer att ignorera bildramsduration vid spelande av endast video (du kan tänka detta som oändlig bps) . .\" TODO Translate rest... .TP .B \-colorkey Changes the colorkey to an RGB value of your choice. 0x000000 is black and 0xffffff is white. Only supported by the cvidix, fbdev, svga, vesa, winvidix, xmga, xvidix and xover video out drivers. . .TP .B \-nocolorkey Disables colorkeying. Only supported by the cvidix, fbdev, svga, vesa, winvidix, xmga, xvidix and xover video out drivers. . .TP .B \-edl (EDL only) Enables edit decision list (EDL) actions during playback. Video will be skipped over and audio will be muted and unmuted according to the entries in the given file. See DOCS/\:HTML/\:en/\:edl.html for details on how to use this. . .TP .B \-edlout (EDL only) Creates a new file and writes edit decision list (EDL) records to that file. During playback, when the user hits 'i', an entry to skip over the last two seconds of playback will be written to the file. This provides a starting point from which the user can fine-tune EDL entries later. See DOCS/\:HTML/\:en/\:edl.html for details. . .TP .B \-enqueue (GUI only) Enqueue files given on the command line in the playlist instead of playing them immediately. . .TP .B \-fixed-vo (BETA CODE!) Enforces a fixed video system for multiple files (one (un)initialisation for all files). Therefore only one window will be opened for all files. Currently the following drivers are fixed-vo compliant: gl2, mga, svga, x11, xmga, xv, xvidix and dfbmga. . .TP .B \-framedrop (also see \-hardframedrop) Skip displaying some frames to maintain A/\:V sync on slow systems. Video filters are not applied to such frames. For B-frames even decoding is skipped completely. . .TP .B \-h, \-help, \-\-help Show short summary of options. . .TP .B \-hardframedrop More intense frame dropping (breaks decoding). Leads to image distortion! . .TP .B \-identify Show file parameters in an easily parseable format. The wrapper script TOOLS/\:midentify suppresses the other MPlayer output and (hopefully) shellescapes the filenames. . .TP .B \-input This option can be used to configure certain parts of the input system. Paths are relative to ~/\:.mplayer/. .br .I NOTE: Autorepeat is currently only supported by joysticks. .sp 1 Available commands are: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs conf= Specify input configuration file other than the default ~/\:.mplayer/\:input.conf. ~/\:.mplayer/\: is assumed if no full path is given. .IPs ar-delay Delay in msec before we start to autorepeat a key (0 to disable). .IPs ar-rate Number of key presses to generate per second on autorepeat. .IPs keylist Prints all keys that can be bound to commands. .IPs cmdlist Prints all commands that can be bound to keys. .IPs js-dev Specifies the joystick device to use (default: /dev/\:input/\:js0). .IPs file\ Read commands from the given file. Mostly useful with a FIFO. .br .I NOTE: When the given file is a FIFO MPlayer opens both ends so you can do several 'echo "seek 10" > mp_pipe' and the pipe will stay valid. .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-lircconf (LIRC only) Specifies a configuration file for LIRC (default: ~/\:.lircrc). . .TP .B \-list-options Prints out all the available options. . .TP .B \-loop Loops movie playback times. 0 means forever. . .TP .B \-menu (OSD menu only) Turn on OSD menu support. . .TP .B \-menu-cfg (OSD menu only) Use an alternative menu.conf. . .TP .B \-menu-root (OSD menu only) Specify the main menu. . .TP .B \-menu-startup (OSD menu only) Display the main menu at MPlayer startup. . .TP .B \-noconsolecontrols Prevent MPlayer from reading key events from standard input. Useful when reading data from standard input. This is automatically enabled when \- is found on the command line. There are situations where you have to set it manually, e.g.\& if you open /dev/\:stdin (or the equivalent on your system), use stdin in a playlist or intend to read from stdin later on via the loadfile or loadlist slave commands. . .TP .B \-nojoystick Turns off joystick support. . .TP .B \-nolirc Turns off LIRC support. . .TP .B \-nomouseinput (X11 only) Disable mouse button press/\:release input (mozplayerxp's context menu relies on this option). . .TP .B \-nortc (RTC only) Turns off usage of the Linux RTC (realtime clock \- /dev/\:rtc) as timing mechanism. . .TP .B \-playlist Play files according to a playlist file (ASX, Winamp, SMIL, or one-file-per-line format). .br .I NOTE: This option is considered an entry so options found after it will apply only to the elements of this playlist. .br FIXME: This needs to be clarified and documented thoroughly. . .TP .B \-really-quiet (also see \-quiet) Display even less output and status messages than with \-quiet. . .TP .B \-rtc-device Use the specified device for RTC timing. . .TP .B \-shuffle Play files in random order. . .TP .B \-skin (GUI only) Loads a skin from the directory given as parameter below the default skin directories, /usr/\:local/\:share/\:mplayer/\:Skin/\: and ~/.mplayer/\:Skin/. .sp 1 .I EXAMPLE: .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "\-skin fittyfene" Tries /usr/\:local/\:share/\:mplayer/\:Skin/\:fittyfene and afterwards ~/.mplayer/\:Skin/\:fittyfene. .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-slave (also see \-input) Switches on slave mode, in which MPlayer works as a backend for other programs. Instead of intercepting keyboard events, MPlayer will read commands from stdin. .br .I NOTE: See \-input cmdlist for a list of slave commands and DOCS/\:tech/\:slave.txt for their description. . .TP .B \-softsleep Use high-quality software timers instead of the RTC. As precise as the RTC without requiring special privileges. Comes at the price of higher CPU consumption. . .TP .B \-speed <0.01\-100> Slow down or speed up playback by the factor given as parameter. . .TP .B \-sstep Display one frame every seconds. Useful for slideshows. . . . .SH "DEMUXER/\:STREAM OPTIONS" . .TP .B \-a52drc Select the Dynamic Range Compression level for AC3 audio streams. is a float value ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 means no compression and 1 (which is the default) means full compression (make loud passages more silent and vice versa). This option only shows an effect if the AC3 stream contains the required range compression information. . .TP .B \-aid (also see \-alang) Select audio channel (MPEG: 0\-31, AVI/\:OGM: 1\-99, ASF/\:RM: 0\-127, VOB(AC3): 128\-159, VOB(LPCM): 160\-191, MPEG-TS 17\-8190). MPlayer prints the available IDs when run in verbose (\-v) mode. When playing an MPEG-TS stream, MPlayer/\:MEncoder will use the first program (if present) with the chosen audio stream. . .TP .B \-alang (also see \-aid) Play the audio stream whose language matches the given code. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, Matroska and NUT use ISO 639-2 three letter language codes while OGM uses a free-form identifier. MPlayer prints a list of available languages when run in verbose (\-v) mode. .sp 1 .I EXAMPLE: .PD 0 .RSs .IPs "mplayer dvd://1 \-alang hu,en" Chooses the Hungarian language track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. .IPs "mplayer \-alang jpn example.mkv" Plays a Matroska file in Japanese. .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-audio-demuxer (\-audiofile only) Force audio demuxer type for \-audiofile. Give the demuxer ID as defined in libmpdemux/\:demuxer.h. \-audio-demuxer 17 forces MP3. . .TP .B \-audiofile Play audio from an external file (WAV, MP3 or Ogg Vorbis) while viewing a movie. . .TP .B \-audiofile-cache Enables caching for the stream used by \-audiofile, using the specified amount of memory. . .TP .B \-bandwidth (network only) Specify the maximum bandwidth for network streaming (for servers that are able to send content in different bitrates). Useful if you want to watch live streamed media behind a slow connection. . .TP .B \-cdrom-device Specify the CD-ROM device (default: /dev/\:cdrom). . .TP .B \-cache This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a file or URL. Especially useful on slow media. . .TP .B \-cache-min Playback will start when the cache fill threshold set with this option is reached. . .TP .B \-cache-prefill (not yet implemented) When the cache is emptied MPlayer will pause and restart playback when the cache prefill threshold set with this option is reached. . .TP .B \-cdda (CDDA only) This option can be used to tune the CD Audio reading feature of MPlayer. .sp 1 Available options are: .RSs .IPs speed= Set CD spin speed. .IPs paranoia=<0\-2> Set paranoia level. .RSss 0: disable checking .br 1: overlap checking only (default) .br 2: full data correction and verification .REss .IPs generic-dev= Use specified generic SCSI device. .IPs sector-size= Set atomic read size. .IPs overlap= Force minimum overlap search during verification to sectors. .IPs toc-bias Assume that the beginning offset of track 1 as reported in the TOC will be addressed as LBA\ 0. Some Toshiba drives need this for getting track boundaries correct. .IPs toc-offset= Add sectors to the values reported when addressing tracks. May be negative. .IPs (no)skip (Never) accept imperfect data reconstruction. .RE . .TP .B \-channels Change the number of playback channels (default: 2). If the number of output channels is bigger than the number of input channels empty channels are inserted (unless mixing from mono to stereo, then the mono channel is repeated in both output channels). If the number of output channels is smaller than the number of input channels, results depend on the audio decoder (\-afm). MPlayer asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as specified. Now it's up to the decoder to fulfill the requirement. If the decoder outputs more channels than requested, the exceeding channels are truncated. This is usually only important when playing videos with AC3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio into the requested number of channels. .br .I NOTE: This option is honored by codecs (AC3 only), filters (surround) and ao drivers (OSS at least). .sp 1 Available options are: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs 2 stereo .IPs 4 surround .IPs 6 full 5.1 .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-chapter [\-] (DVD only) Specify which chapter to start playing at. Optionally specify which chapter to end playing at (default: 1). . .TP .B \-cookies (network only) Send cookies when making HTTP requests. . .TP .B \-cookies-file (network only) Read HTTP cookies from (default: ~/.mozilla/ and ~/.netscape/) and skip reading from default locations. The file is assumed to be in Netscape format. . .TP .B \-demuxer Force demuxer type. Give the demuxer ID as defined in libmpdemux/\:demuxer.h. \-demuxer 17 forces MP3. . .TP .B \-dumpaudio (MPlayer only) Dumps raw compressed audio stream to ./stream.dump (useful with MPEG/\:AC3). . .TP .B \-dumpfile (MPlayer only) Specify which file MPlayer should dump to. Should be used together with \-dumpaudio / \-dumpvideo / \-dumpstream. . .TP .B \-dumpstream (MPlayer only) Dumps the raw stream to ./stream.dump. Useful when ripping from DVD or network. . .TP .B \-dumpvideo (MPlayer only) Dump raw compressed video stream to ./stream.dump (not very usable). . .TP .B \-dvbin (DVB only) Pass the following parameters to the DVB input module, in order to override the default ones: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs card=<1\-4> Specifies using card number 1\-4 (default: 1). .IPs file= Instructs MPlayer to read the channels list from . Default is ~/.mplayer/\:channels.conf.{sat,ter,cbl} (based on your card type) or ~/.mplayer/\:channels.conf as a last resort. .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-dvd-device (DVD only) Specify the DVD device (default: /dev/\:dvd). You can also specify a directory that contains files previously copied directly from a DVD (such as with vobcopy). Note that using \-dumpstream is usually a better way to copy DVD titles in the first place (see the examples). . .TP .B \-dvdangle (DVD only) Some DVD discs contain scenes that can be viewed from multiple angles. Here you can tell MPlayer which angles to use (default: 1). . .TP .B \-forceidx Force index rebuilding. Useful for files with broken index (A/\:V desync, etc). This will enable seeking in files where seeking was not possible. You can fix the index permanently with MEncoder (see the documentation). .br .I NOTE: This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e.\& not with stdin, pipe, etc). . .TP .B \-fps Override video framerate. Useful if the original value is wrong or missing. . .TP .B \-frames Play/\:convert only first frames, then quit. . .TP .B \-hr-mp3-seek (MP3 only) Hi-res MP3 seeking. Enabled when playing from an external MP3 file, as we need to seek to the very exact position to keep A/\:V sync. Can be slow especially when seeking backwards since it has to rewind to the beginning to find an exact frame position. . .TP .B \-idx (also see \-forceidx) Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. Useful with broken/\:incomplete downloads, or badly created files. .br .I NOTE: This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e.\& not with stdin, pipe, etc). . .TP .B \-ipv4-only-proxy (network only) Skip the proxy for IPv6 addresses. It will still be used for IPv4 connections. . .TP .B \-loadidx The file from which to read the video index data saved by \-saveidx. This index will be used for seeking, overriding any index data contained in the AVI itself. MPlayer won't prevent you from loading an index file generated from a different AVI, but this is sure to cause unfavorable results. .br .I NOTE: This option is obsolete now that MPlayer has OpenDML support. . .TP .B \-mc maximum A-V sync correction per frame (in seconds) . .TP .B \-mf Used when decoding from multiple PNG or JPEG files. .sp 1 Available options are: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs w= output width (default: autodetect) .IPs h= output height (default: autodetect) .IPs fps= output fps (default: 25) .IPs type= input file type (available: jpeg, png, tga, sgi) .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-ni (AVI only) Force usage of non-interleaved AVI parser (fixes playback of some bad AVI files). . .TP .B \-nobps (AVI only) Do not use average byte/\:second value for A-V sync. Helps with some AVI files with broken header. . .TP .B \-noextbased Disables extension-based demuxer selection. By default, when the file type (demuxer) cannot be detected reliably (the file has no header or it is not reliable enough), the filename extension is used to select the demuxer. Always falls back on content-based demuxer selection. . .TP .B \-passwd (also see \-user) (network only) Specify password for HTTP authentication. . .TP .B \-prefer-ipv4 (network only) Use IPv4 on network connections. Falls back on IPv6 automatically. . .TP .B \-prefer-ipv6 (IPv6 network only) Use IPv6 on network connections. Falls back on IPv4 automatically. . .TP .B \-rawaudio This option lets you play raw audio files. It may also be used to play audio CDs which are not 44KHz 16-bit stereo. For playing raw AC3 streams use \-rawaudio on:format=0x2000. .sp 1 Available options are: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs on\ \ \ Use raw audio demuxer. .IPs channels= number of channels .IPs rate= rate in samples per second .IPs samplesize= sample size in bytes .IPs bitrate= bitrate for rawaudio files .IPs format= fourcc in hex .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-rawvideo This option lets you play raw video files. .sp 1 Available options are: .sp 1 .PD 0 .RSs .IPs on\ \ \ Use raw video demuxer. .IPs fps= rate in frames per second (default: 25.0) .IPs sqcif|qcif|cif|4cif|pal|ntsc set standard image size .IPs w= image width in pixels .IPs h= image height in pixels .IPs y420|yv12|yuy2|y8 set colorspace .IPs format= colorspace (fourcc) in hex .IPs size= frame size in Bytes .RE .PD 1 . .TP .B \-rtsp-stream-over-tcp (live.com only) Used with 'rtsp://' URLs to specify that the resulting incoming RTP and RTCP packets be streamed over TCP (using the same TCP connection as RTSP). This option may be useful if you have a broken internet connection that does not pass incoming UDP packets (see http://www.live.com/\:mplayer/). . .TP .B \-saveidx Force index rebuilding and dump the index to . Currently this only works with AVI files. .br .I NOTE: This option is obsolete now that MPlayer has OpenDML support. . .TP .B \-sb (also see \-ss) Seek to byte position. Useful for playback from CD-ROM images or VOB files with junk at the beginning. . .TP .B \-srate Selects the given output sampling rate, resampling if necessary. The type of resampling can be controlled by the \-af-adv option. The default is fast resampling that may cause distortion. MEncoder passes this value to LAME for resampling. . .TP .B \-ss