/* xacodec.c -- XAnim Video Codec DLL support (C) 2001 Alex Beregszaszi <alex@naxine.org> and Arpad Gereoffy <arpi@thot.banki.hu> */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* strerror */ #include "config.h" #ifdef USE_XANIM #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <dlfcn.h> /* dlsym, dlopen, dlclose */ #include <stdarg.h> /* va_alist, va_start, va_end */ #include <errno.h> /* strerror, errno */ #include "mp_msg.h" #include "bswap.h" #include "stream.h" #include "demuxer.h" #include "codec-cfg.h" #include "stheader.h" #ifdef USE_LIBVO2 #include "libvo2/img_format.h" #else #include "libvo/img_format.h" #endif #include "linux/timer.h" #include "xacodec.h" #include "fastmemcpy.h" #if 0 typedef char xaBYTE; typedef short xaSHORT; typedef int xaLONG; typedef unsigned char xaUBYTE; typedef unsigned short xaUSHORT; typedef unsigned int xaULONG; #endif #define xaFALSE 0 #define xaTRUE 1 #ifndef RTLD_NOW #define RLTD_NOW 2 #endif #ifndef RTLD_LAZY #define RLTD_LAZY 1 #endif #ifndef RTLD_GLOBAL #define RLTD_GLOBAL 256 #endif #define XA_CLOSE_FUNCS 5 int xa_close_func = 0; typedef struct xacodec_driver { XA_DEC_INFO *decinfo; void *file_handler; long (*iq_func)(XA_CODEC_HDR *codec_hdr); unsigned int (*dec_func)(unsigned char *image, unsigned char *delta, unsigned int dsize, XA_DEC_INFO *dec_info); void *close_func[XA_CLOSE_FUNCS]; xacodec_image_t image; } xacodec_driver_t; xacodec_driver_t *xacodec_driver = NULL; /* Needed by XAnim DLLs */ void XA_Print(char *fmt, ...) { va_list vallist; char buf[1024]; va_start(vallist, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, 1024, fmt, vallist); mp_msg(MSGT_XACODEC, MSGL_DBG2, "[xacodec] %s\n", buf); va_end(vallist); return; } /* 0 is no debug (needed by 3ivX) */ long xa_debug = 0; void TheEnd1(char *err_mess) { XA_Print("error: %s - exiting\n", err_mess); xacodec_exit(); return; } void XA_Add_Func_To_Free_Chain(XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr, void (*function)()) { // XA_Print("XA_Add_Func_To_Free_Chain('anim_hdr: %08x', 'function: %08x')", // anim_hdr, function); xacodec_driver->close_func[xa_close_func] = function; if (xa_close_func+1 < XA_CLOSE_FUNCS) xa_close_func++; return; } /* end of crap */ /* load, init and query */ int xacodec_init(char *filename, xacodec_driver_t *codec_driver) { void *(*what_the)(); char *error; XAVID_MOD_HDR *mod_hdr; XAVID_FUNC_HDR *func; int i; codec_driver->file_handler = dlopen(filename, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!codec_driver->file_handler) { error = dlerror(); if (error) mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to dlopen %s while %s\n", filename, error); else mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to dlopen %s\n", filename); return(0); } what_the = dlsym(codec_driver->file_handler, "What_The"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to init %s while %s\n", filename, error); dlclose(codec_driver->file_handler); return(0); } mod_hdr = what_the(); if (!mod_hdr) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: initializer function failed in %s\n", filename); dlclose(codec_driver->file_handler); return(0); } mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, "=== XAnim Codec ===\n"); mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, " Filename: %s (API revision: %x)\n", filename, mod_hdr->api_rev); mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, " Codec: %s. Rev: %s\n", mod_hdr->desc, mod_hdr->rev); if (mod_hdr->copyright) mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, " %s\n", mod_hdr->copyright); if (mod_hdr->mod_author) mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, " Module Author(s): %s\n", mod_hdr->mod_author); if (mod_hdr->authors) mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, " Codec Author(s): %s\n", mod_hdr->authors); if (mod_hdr->api_rev > XAVID_API_REV) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: not supported api revision (%d) in %s\n", mod_hdr->api_rev, filename); dlclose(codec_driver->file_handler); return(0); } func = mod_hdr->funcs; if (!func) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: function table error in %s\n", filename); dlclose(codec_driver->file_handler); return(0); } mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "Exported functions by codec: [functable: 0x%08x entries: %d]\n", mod_hdr->funcs, mod_hdr->num_funcs); for (i = 0; i < mod_hdr->num_funcs; i++) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " %d: %d %d [iq:0x%08x d:0x%08x]\n", i, func[i].what, func[i].id, func[i].iq_func, func[i].dec_func); if (func[i].what & XAVID_AVI_QUERY) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " 0x%08x: avi init/query func (id: %d)\n", func[i].iq_func, func[i].id); codec_driver->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func; } if (func[i].what & XAVID_QT_QUERY) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " 0x%08x: qt init/query func (id: %d)\n", func[i].iq_func, func[i].id); codec_driver->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func; } if (func[i].what & XAVID_DEC_FUNC) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " 0x%08x: decoder func (init/query: 0x%08x) (id: %d)\n", func[i].dec_func, func[i].iq_func, func[i].id); codec_driver->dec_func = (void *)func[i].dec_func; } } return(1); } int xacodec_query(xacodec_driver_t *codec_driver, XA_CODEC_HDR *codec_hdr) { long codec_ret; #if 0 /* the brute one */ if (codec_driver->dec_func) { codec_hdr->decoder = codec_driver->dec_func; mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "We got decoder's address at init! %p\n", codec_hdr->decoder); return(1); } #endif codec_ret = codec_driver->iq_func(codec_hdr); switch(codec_ret) { case CODEC_SUPPORTED: codec_driver->dec_func = (void *)codec_hdr->decoder; mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "Codec is supported: found decoder for %s at 0x%08x\n", codec_hdr->description, codec_hdr->decoder); return(1); case CODEC_UNSUPPORTED: mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "Codec (%s) is unsupported by driver\n", codec_hdr->description); return(0); case CODEC_UNKNOWN: default: mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "Codec (%s) is unknown by driver\n", codec_hdr->description); return(0); } } char *xacodec_def_path = XACODEC_PATH; int xacodec_init_video(sh_video_t *vidinfo, int out_format) { char dll[1024]; XA_CODEC_HDR codec_hdr; int i; xacodec_driver = realloc(xacodec_driver, sizeof(struct xacodec_driver)); if (xacodec_driver == NULL) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: memory allocation error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); } xacodec_driver->iq_func = NULL; xacodec_driver->dec_func = NULL; for (i=0; i < XA_CLOSE_FUNCS; i++) xacodec_driver->close_func[i] = NULL; if (getenv("XANIM_MOD_DIR")) xacodec_def_path = getenv("XANIM_MOD_DIR"); snprintf(dll, 1024, "%s/%s", xacodec_def_path, vidinfo->codec->dll); if (xacodec_init(dll, xacodec_driver) == 0) return(0); codec_hdr.xapi_rev = XAVID_API_REV; codec_hdr.anim_hdr = malloc(4096); codec_hdr.description = vidinfo->codec->info; codec_hdr.compression = bswap_32(vidinfo->bih->biCompression); codec_hdr.decoder = NULL; codec_hdr.x = vidinfo->bih->biWidth; /* ->disp_w */ codec_hdr.y = vidinfo->bih->biHeight; /* ->disp_h */ /* extra fields to store palette */ codec_hdr.avi_ctab_flag = 0; codec_hdr.avi_read_ext = NULL; codec_hdr.extra = NULL; switch(out_format) { /* case IMGFMT_RGB8: codec_hdr.depth = 8; break; case IMGFMT_RGB15: codec_hdr.depth = 15; break; case IMGFMT_RGB16: codec_hdr.depth = 16; break; case IMGFMT_RGB24: codec_hdr.depth = 24; break; case IMGFMT_RGB32: codec_hdr.depth = 32; break; case IMGFMT_BGR8: codec_hdr.depth = 8; break; case IMGFMT_BGR15: codec_hdr.depth = 15; break; case IMGFMT_BGR16: codec_hdr.depth = 16; break; case IMGFMT_BGR24: codec_hdr.depth = 24; break; case IMGFMT_BGR32: codec_hdr.depth = 32; break;*/ case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_YV12: codec_hdr.depth = 12; break; default: mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: not supported image out format (%s)\n", vo_format_name(out_format)); return(0); } mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_INFO, "xacodec: querying for input %dx%d %dbit [fourcc: %4x] (%s)...\n", codec_hdr.x, codec_hdr.y, codec_hdr.depth, codec_hdr.compression, codec_hdr.description); if (xacodec_query(xacodec_driver, &codec_hdr) == 0) return(0); // free(codec_hdr.anim_hdr); xacodec_driver->decinfo = malloc(sizeof(XA_DEC_INFO)); if (xacodec_driver->decinfo == NULL) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: memory allocation error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); } xacodec_driver->decinfo->cmd = 0; xacodec_driver->decinfo->skip_flag = 0; xacodec_driver->decinfo->imagex = xacodec_driver->decinfo->xe = codec_hdr.x; xacodec_driver->decinfo->imagey = xacodec_driver->decinfo->ye = codec_hdr.y; xacodec_driver->decinfo->imaged = codec_hdr.depth; xacodec_driver->decinfo->chdr = NULL; xacodec_driver->decinfo->map_flag = 0; /* xaFALSE */ xacodec_driver->decinfo->map = NULL; xacodec_driver->decinfo->xs = xacodec_driver->decinfo->ys = 0; xacodec_driver->decinfo->special = 0; xacodec_driver->decinfo->extra = codec_hdr.extra; mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "decinfo->extra, filled by codec: 0x%08x [%s]\n", &xacodec_driver->decinfo->extra, xacodec_driver->decinfo->extra); // vidinfo->our_out_buffer = malloc(codec_hdr.y * codec_hdr.x * ((codec_hdr.depth+7)/8)); // vidinfo->our_out_buffer = malloc(codec_hdr.y * codec_hdr.x * codec_hdr.depth); xacodec_driver->image.out_fmt = out_format; xacodec_driver->image.bpp = codec_hdr.depth; xacodec_driver->image.width = codec_hdr.x; xacodec_driver->image.height = codec_hdr.y; xacodec_driver->image.mem = malloc(codec_hdr.y * codec_hdr.x * ((codec_hdr.depth+7)/8)); if (xacodec_driver->image.mem == NULL) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: memory allocation error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); } return(1); } #define ACT_DLTA_NORM 0x00000000 #define ACT_DLTA_BODY 0x00000001 #define ACT_DLTA_XOR 0x00000002 #define ACT_DLTA_NOP 0x00000004 #define ACT_DLTA_MAPD 0x00000008 #define ACT_DLTA_DROP 0x00000010 #define ACT_DLTA_BAD 0x80000000 // unsigned int (*dec_func)(unsigned char *image, unsigned char *delta, // unsigned int dsize, XA_DEC_INFO *dec_info); xacodec_image_t* xacodec_decode_frame(uint8_t *frame, int frame_size, int skip_flag) { unsigned int ret; xacodec_image_t *image=&xacodec_driver->image; // ugyis kiirja a vegen h dropped vagy nem.. // if (skip_flag > 0) // mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "frame will be dropped..\n"); xacodec_driver->decinfo->skip_flag = skip_flag; image->planes[0]=image->mem; image->stride[0]=image->width; image->stride[1]=image->stride[2]=image->width/2; switch(image->out_fmt){ case IMGFMT_YV12: image->planes[2]=image->planes[0]+image->width*image->height; image->planes[1]=image->planes[2]+image->width*image->height/4; break; case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_IYUV: image->planes[1]=image->planes[0]+image->width*image->height; image->planes[2]=image->planes[1]+image->width*image->height/4; break; } // printf("frame: %08x (size: %d) - dest: %08x\n", frame, frame_size, dest); ret = xacodec_driver->dec_func((uint8_t*)&xacodec_driver->image, frame, frame_size, xacodec_driver->decinfo); // printf("ret: %lu : ", ret); if (ret == ACT_DLTA_NORM) { // mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "norm\n"); return &xacodec_driver->image; } if (ret & ACT_DLTA_MAPD) mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "mapd\n"); /* if (!(ret & ACT_DLT_MAPD)) xacodec_driver->decinfo->map_flag = 0; else { xacodec_driver->decinfo->map_flag = 1; xacodec_driver->decinfo->map = ... } */ if (ret & ACT_DLTA_XOR) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "xor\n"); return &xacodec_driver->image; } /* nothing changed */ if (ret & ACT_DLTA_NOP) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "nop\n"); return NULL; } /* frame dropped (also display latest frame) */ if (ret & ACT_DLTA_DROP) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "drop\n"); return NULL; } if (ret & ACT_DLTA_BAD) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "bad\n"); return NULL; } /* used for double buffer */ if (ret & ACT_DLTA_BODY) { mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "body\n"); return NULL; } return NULL; } int xacodec_exit() { int i; void (*close_func)(); for (i=0; i < XA_CLOSE_FUNCS; i++) if (xacodec_driver->close_func[i]) { close_func = xacodec_driver->close_func[i]; close_func(); } dlclose(xacodec_driver->file_handler); if (xacodec_driver->decinfo != NULL) free(xacodec_driver->decinfo); free(xacodec_driver); return(TRUE); } /* *** XANIM Conversions *** */ /* like loader/win32.c - mini XANIM library */ unsigned long XA_Time_Read() { return GetTimer(); //(GetRelativeTime()); } void XA_dummy() { XA_Print("dummy() called"); } void XA_Gen_YUV_Tabs(XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr) { XA_Print("XA_Gen_YUV_Tabs('anim_hdr: %08x')", anim_hdr); // XA_Print("anim type: %d - img[x: %d, y: %d, c: %d, d: %d]", // anim_hdr->anim_type, anim_hdr->imagex, anim_hdr->imagey, // anim_hdr->imagec, anim_hdr->imaged); return; } void JPG_Setup_Samp_Limit_Table(XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr) { XA_Print("JPG_Setup_Samp_Limit_Table('anim_hdr: %08x')", anim_hdr); // xa_byte_limit = jpg_samp_limit + (MAXJSAMPLE + 1); return; } void JPG_Alloc_MCU_Bufs(XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int full_flag) { XA_Print("JPG_Alloc_MCU_Bufs('anim_hdr: %08x', 'width: %d', 'height: %d', 'full_flag: %d')", anim_hdr, width, height, full_flag); return; } /* --------------- 4x4 pixel YUV block fillers [CVID] ----------------- */ typedef struct { unsigned char r0, g0, b0; unsigned char r1, g1, b1; unsigned char r2, g2, b2; unsigned char r3, g3, b3; unsigned int clr0_0, clr0_1, clr0_2, clr0_3; unsigned int clr1_0, clr1_1, clr1_2, clr1_3; unsigned int clr2_0, clr2_1, clr2_2, clr2_3; unsigned int clr3_0, clr3_1, clr3_2, clr3_3; } XA_2x2_Color; #define SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y,cmap2x2) \ image->planes[0][((x)+0)+((y)+0)*image->stride[0]]=cmap2x2->clr0_0;\ image->planes[0][((x)+1)+((y)+0)*image->stride[0]]=cmap2x2->clr0_1;\ image->planes[0][((x)+0)+((y)+1)*image->stride[0]]=cmap2x2->clr0_2;\ image->planes[0][((x)+1)+((y)+1)*image->stride[0]]=cmap2x2->clr0_3;\ image->planes[1][((x)>>1)+((y)>>1)*image->stride[1]]=cmap2x2->clr1_0;\ image->planes[2][((x)>>1)+((y)>>1)*image->stride[2]]=cmap2x2->clr1_1; void XA_2x2_OUT_1BLK_Convert(unsigned char *image_p, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int imagex, XA_2x2_Color *cmap2x2) { xacodec_image_t *image=(xacodec_image_t*)image_p; #if 0 SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y,cmap2x2) #else SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y,cmap2x2) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x+2,y,cmap2x2) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y+2,cmap2x2) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x+2,y+2,cmap2x2) #endif return; } void XA_2x2_OUT_4BLKS_Convert(unsigned char *image_p, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int imagex, XA_2x2_Color *cm0, XA_2x2_Color *cm1, XA_2x2_Color *cm2, XA_2x2_Color *cm3) { xacodec_image_t *image=(xacodec_image_t*)image_p; SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y,cm0) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x+2,y,cm1) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x,y+2,cm2) SET_4_YUV_PIXELS(image,x+2,y+2,cm3) return; } void *YUV2x2_Blk_Func(unsigned int image_type, int blks, unsigned int dith_flag) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "YUV2x2_Blk_Func(image_type=%d, blks=%d, dith_flag=%d)\n", image_type, blks, dith_flag); switch(blks){ case 1: return (void*) XA_2x2_OUT_1BLK_Convert; case 4: return (void*) XA_2x2_OUT_4BLKS_Convert; } mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_WARN,"Unimplemented: YUV2x2_Blk_Func(image_type=%d blks=%d dith=%d)\n",image_type,blks,dith_flag); return (void*) XA_dummy; } // Take Four Y's and UV and put them into a 2x2 Color structure. void XA_YUV_2x2_clr(XA_2x2_Color *cmap2x2, unsigned int Y0, unsigned int Y1, unsigned int Y2, unsigned int Y3, unsigned int U, unsigned int V, unsigned int map_flag, unsigned int *map, XA_CHDR *chdr) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV_2x2_clr(%p [%d,%d,%d,%d][%d][%d] %d %p %p)\n", cmap2x2,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,U,V,map_flag,map,chdr); cmap2x2->clr0_0=Y0; cmap2x2->clr0_1=Y1; cmap2x2->clr0_2=Y2; cmap2x2->clr0_3=Y3; cmap2x2->clr1_0=U; cmap2x2->clr1_1=V; return; } void *YUV2x2_Map_Func(unsigned int image_type, unsigned int dith_type) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "YUV2x2_Map_Func('image_type: %d', 'dith_type: %d')", image_type, dith_type); return((void*)XA_YUV_2x2_clr); } /* -------------------- whole YUV frame converters ------------------------- */ typedef struct { unsigned char *Ybuf; unsigned char *Ubuf; unsigned char *Vbuf; unsigned char *the_buf; unsigned int the_buf_size; unsigned short y_w, y_h; unsigned short uv_w, uv_h; } YUVBufs; typedef struct { unsigned long Uskip_mask; long *YUV_Y_tab; long *YUV_UB_tab; long *YUV_VR_tab; long *YUV_UG_tab; long *YUV_VG_tab; } YUVTabs; YUVBufs jpg_YUVBufs; YUVTabs def_yuv_tabs; /* -------------- YUV 4x4 1x1 1x1 [Indeo 3,4,5] ------------------ */ void XA_YUV1611_Convert(unsigned char *image_p, unsigned int imagex, unsigned int imagey, unsigned int i_x, unsigned int i_y, YUVBufs *yuv, YUVTabs *yuv_tabs, unsigned int map_flag, unsigned int *map, XA_CHDR *chdr) { xacodec_image_t *image=(xacodec_image_t*)image_p; int y; int uvstride; mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "YUVTabs: %d %p %p %p %p %p\n",yuv_tabs->Uskip_mask, yuv_tabs->YUV_Y_tab, yuv_tabs->YUV_UB_tab, yuv_tabs->YUV_VR_tab, yuv_tabs->YUV_UG_tab, yuv_tabs->YUV_VG_tab ); mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV1611_Convert('image: %08x', 'imagex: %d', 'imagey: %d', 'i_x: %d', 'i_y: %d', 'yuv_bufs: %08x', 'yuv_tabs: %08x', 'map_flag: %d', 'map: %08x', 'chdr: %08x')", image, imagex, imagey, i_x, i_y, yuv, yuv_tabs, map_flag, map, chdr); mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "YUV: %p %p %p %X (%d) %dx%d %dx%d\n", yuv->Ybuf,yuv->Ubuf,yuv->Vbuf,yuv->the_buf,yuv->the_buf_size, yuv->y_w,yuv->y_h,yuv->uv_w,yuv->uv_h); // copy Y plane: if(yuv_tabs->YUV_Y_tab){ // dirty hack to detect iv32: for(y=0;y<imagey*imagex;y++) image->planes[0][y]=yuv->Ybuf[y]<<1; } else memcpy(image->planes[0],yuv->Ybuf,imagex*imagey); // scale U,V planes by 2: imagex>>=2; imagey>>=2; uvstride=(yuv->uv_w)?yuv->uv_w:imagex; for(y=0;y<imagey;y++){ unsigned char *su=yuv->Ubuf+uvstride*y; unsigned char *sv=yuv->Vbuf+uvstride*y; unsigned int strideu=image->stride[1]; unsigned int stridev=image->stride[2]; unsigned char *du=image->planes[1]+2*y*strideu; unsigned char *dv=image->planes[2]+2*y*stridev; int x; if(yuv_tabs->YUV_Y_tab){ // dirty hack to detect iv32: for(x=0;x<imagex;x++){ du[2*x]=du[2*x+1]=du[2*x+strideu]=du[2*x+strideu+1]=su[x]*2; dv[2*x]=dv[2*x+1]=dv[2*x+stridev]=dv[2*x+stridev+1]=sv[x]*2; } } else { for(x=0;x<imagex;x++){ du[2*x]=du[2*x+1]=du[2*x+strideu]=du[2*x+strideu+1]=su[x]; dv[2*x]=dv[2*x+1]=dv[2*x+stridev]=dv[2*x+stridev+1]=sv[x]; } } } return; } void *XA_YUV1611_Func(unsigned int image_type) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV1611_Func('image_type: %d')", image_type); return((void *)XA_YUV1611_Convert); } /* -------------- YUV 4x1 1x1 1x1 (4:1:1 ?) [CYUV] ------------------ */ void XA_YUV411111_Convert(unsigned char *image, unsigned int imagex, unsigned int imagey, unsigned int i_x, unsigned int i_y, YUVBufs *yuv_bufs, YUVTabs *yuv_tabs, unsigned int map_flag, unsigned int *map, XA_CHDR *chdr) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV411111_Convert('image: %d', 'imagex: %d', 'imagey: %d', 'i_x: %d', 'i_y: %d', 'yuv_bufs: %08x', 'yuv_tabs: %08x', 'map_flag: %d', 'map: %08x', 'chdr: %08x')", image, imagex, imagey, i_x, i_y, yuv_bufs, yuv_tabs, map_flag, map, chdr); return; } void *XA_YUV411111_Func(unsigned int image_type) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV411111_Func('image_type: %d')", image_type); return((void*)XA_YUV411111_Convert); } /* --------------- YUV 2x2 1x1 1x1 (4:2:0 aka YV12) [3ivX,H263] ------------ */ void XA_YUV221111_Convert(unsigned char *image_p, unsigned int imagex, unsigned int imagey, unsigned int i_x, unsigned int i_y, YUVBufs *yuv, YUVTabs *yuv_tabs, unsigned int map_flag, unsigned int *map, XA_CHDR *chdr) { xacodec_image_t *image=(xacodec_image_t*)image_p; mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV221111_Convert(%p %dx%d %d;%d [%dx%d] %p %p %d %p %p)\n", image,imagex,imagey,i_x,i_y, image->width,image->height, yuv,yuv_tabs,map_flag,map,chdr); mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "YUV: %p %p %p %X (%X) %Xx%X %Xx%X\n", yuv->Ybuf,yuv->Ubuf,yuv->Vbuf,yuv->the_buf,yuv->the_buf_size, yuv->y_w,yuv->y_h,yuv->uv_w,yuv->uv_h); #warning "FIXME! Decoder doesn't supports Vivo/2.00 :(" if(i_x==image->width && i_y==image->height){ // printf("Direct render!!!\n"); image->planes[0]=yuv->Ybuf; if(image->out_fmt==IMGFMT_YV12){ image->planes[1]=yuv->Ubuf; image->planes[2]=yuv->Vbuf; } else { image->planes[1]=yuv->Vbuf; image->planes[2]=yuv->Ubuf; } image->stride[0]=i_x; // yuv->y_w image->stride[1]=image->stride[2]=i_x/2; // yuv->uv_w } else { int y; for(y=0;y<i_y;y++) memcpy(image->planes[0]+y*image->stride[0],yuv->Ybuf+y*i_x,i_x); i_x>>=1; i_y>>=1; for(y=0;y<i_y;y++){ memcpy(image->planes[1]+y*image->stride[1],yuv->Ubuf+y*i_x,i_x); memcpy(image->planes[2]+y*image->stride[2],yuv->Vbuf+y*i_x,i_x); } } return; } void *XA_YUV221111_Func(unsigned int image_type) { mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG3, "XA_YUV221111_Func('image_type: %d')\n",image_type); return((void *)XA_YUV221111_Convert); } /* *** EOF XANIM *** */ #endif