/* This file is based on: $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/etc/scanpci.c,v 1998/11/10 11:55:40 dawes Exp $ Modified for readability by Nick Kurshev */ #define INCL_DOSFILEMGR #include <os2.h> static USHORT callgate[3] = {0,0,0}; static __inline__ int enable_os_io(void) { HFILE hfd; ULONG dlen,action; APIRET rc; static char *ioDrvPath = "/dev/fastio$"; if (DosOpen((PSZ)ioDrvPath, (PHFILE)&hfd, (PULONG)&action, (ULONG)0, FILE_SYSTEM, FILE_OPEN, OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE|OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT|OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY, (ULONG)0) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening fastio$ driver...\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please install xf86sup.sys in config.sys!\n"); return(42); } callgate[0] = callgate[1] = 0; /* Get callgate from driver for fast io to ports and other stuff */ rc = DosDevIOCtl(hfd, (ULONG)0x76, (ULONG)0x64, NULL, 0, NULL, (ULONG*)&callgate[2], sizeof(USHORT), &dlen); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"xf86-OS/2: EnableIOPorts failed, rc=%d, dlen=%d; emergency exit\n", rc,dlen); DosClose(hfd); return(42); } /* Calling callgate with function 13 sets IOPL for the program */ asm volatile ("movl $13,%%ebx;.byte 0xff,0x1d;.long _callgate" : /*no outputs */ : /*no inputs */ : "eax","ebx","ecx","edx","cc"); DosClose(hfd); return(0); } static __inline__ int disable_os_io(void) { /* Nothing to do */ return(0); }