# vi: ft=python

import sys, os, re
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'waftools'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
from shlex import split
from waflib.Configure import conf
from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
from waflib import Utils
from waftools.checks.generic import *
from waftools.checks.custom import *

c_preproc.go_absolute=True # enable system folders

APPNAME = 'mpv'

Dependency identifiers (for win32 vs. Unix):
    wscript / C source                  meaning
    posix / HAVE_POSIX:                 defined on Linux, OSX, Cygwin
                                        (Cygwin emulates POSIX APIs on Windows)
    mingw / __MINGW32__:                defined if posix is not defined
                                        (Windows without Cygwin)
    os-win32 / _WIN32:                  defined if basic windows.h API is available
    win32-desktop / HAVE_WIN32_DESKTOP: defined if desktop windows.h API is available
    uwp / HAVE_UWP:                     defined if building for UWP (basic Windows only)

build_options = [
        'name': '--lgpl',
        'desc': 'LGPL (version 2.1 or later) build',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'gpl',
        'desc': 'GPL (version 2 or later) build',
        'deps': '!lgpl',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--cplayer',
        'desc': 'mpv CLI player',
        'default': 'enable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--libmpv-shared',
        'desc': 'shared library',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--libmpv-static',
        'desc': 'static library',
        'default': 'disable',
        'deps': '!libmpv-shared',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--static-build',
        'desc': 'static build',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--build-date',
        'desc': 'whether to include binary compile time',
        'default': 'enable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--optimize',
        'desc': 'whether to optimize',
        'default': 'enable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--debug-build',
        'desc': 'whether to compile-in debugging information',
        'default': 'enable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--tests',
        'desc': 'unit tests (development only)',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        # Reminder: normally always built, but enabled by MPV_LEAK_REPORT.
        # Building it can be disabled only by defining NDEBUG through CFLAGS.
        'name': '--ta-leak-report',
        'desc': 'enable ta leak report by default (development only)',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--manpage-build',
        'desc': 'manpage generation',
        'func': check_ctx_vars('RST2MAN')
    }, {
        'name': '--html-build',
        'desc': 'html manual generation',
        'func': check_ctx_vars('RST2HTML'),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--pdf-build',
        'desc': 'pdf manual generation',
        'func': check_ctx_vars('RST2PDF'),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': 'libdl',
        'desc': 'dynamic loader',
        'func': check_libs(['dl'], check_statement('dlfcn.h', 'dlopen("", 0)'))
    }, {
        'name': '--cplugins',
        'desc': 'C plugins',
        'deps': 'libdl && !os-win32',
        'func': check_cc(linkflags=['-rdynamic']),
    }, {
        # does nothing - left for backward and forward compatibility
        'name': '--asm',
        'desc': 'inline assembly (currently without effect)',
        'default': 'enable',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--vector',
        'desc': 'GCC vector instructions',
        'func': check_statement([], 'float v __attribute__((vector_size(32)))'),
    }, {
        'name': '--clang-database',
        'desc': 'generate a clang compilation database',
        'func': check_true,
        'default': 'disable',
    } , {
        'name': '--swift-static',
        'desc': 'static Swift linking',
        'deps': 'os-darwin',
        'func': check_ctx_vars('SWIFT_LIB_STATIC'),
        'default': 'disable'

main_dependencies = [
        'name': 'noexecstack',
        'desc': 'compiler support for noexecstack',
        'func': check_cc(linkflags='-Wl,-z,noexecstack')
    }, {
        'name': 'noexecstack',
        'desc': 'linker support for --nxcompat --no-seh --dynamicbase',
        'func': check_cc(linkflags=['-Wl,--nxcompat', '-Wl,--no-seh', '-Wl,--dynamicbase'])
    } , {
        'name': 'libm',
        'desc': '-lm',
        'func': check_cc(lib='m')
    }, {
        'name': 'mingw',
        'desc': 'MinGW',
        'deps': 'os-win32',
        'func': check_statement('stdlib.h', 'int x = __MINGW32__;'
                                            'int y = __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR'),
    }, {
        'name': 'posix',
        'desc': 'POSIX environment',
        'func': check_statement(['unistd.h'], 'long x = _POSIX_VERSION'),
    }, {
        'name': '--android',
        'desc': 'Android environment',
        'func': check_statement('android/api-level.h', '(void)__ANDROID__'),  # arbitrary android-specific header
    }, {
        'name': '--android-media-ndk',
        'desc': 'Android Media APIs',
        'deps': 'android',
        # header only, library is dynamically loaded
        'func': check_statement('media/NdkImageReader.h', 'int x = AIMAGE_FORMAT_PRIVATE'),
    }, {
        'name': '--tvos',
        'desc': 'tvOS environment',
        'func': check_statement(
            ['TargetConditionals.h', 'assert.h'],
            'static_assert(TARGET_OS_TV, "TARGET_OS_TV defined to zero!")'
    }, {
        'name': '--egl-android',
        'desc': 'Android EGL support',
        'deps': 'android',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_cc(lib=['android', 'EGL']),
    }, {
        'name': 'posix-or-mingw',
        'desc': 'development environment',
        'deps': 'posix || mingw',
        'func': check_true,
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': 'Unable to find either POSIX or MinGW-w64 environment, ' \
                'or compiler does not work.',
    }, {
        'name': '--swift',
        'desc': 'macOS Swift build tools',
        'deps': 'os-darwin',
        'func': compose_checks(check_swift('4.1'), check_macos_sdk('10.10')),
    }, {
        'name': '--uwp',
        'desc': 'Universal Windows Platform',
        'default': 'disable',
        'deps': 'os-win32 && mingw && !cplayer',
        'func': check_cc(lib=['windowsapp']),
    }, {
        'name': 'win32-desktop',
        'desc': 'win32 desktop APIs',
        'deps': '(os-win32 || os-cygwin) && !uwp',
        'func': check_cc(lib=['winmm', 'gdi32', 'ole32', 'uuid', 'avrt', 'dwmapi', 'version']),
    }, {
        'name': '--win32-internal-pthreads',
        'desc': 'internal pthread wrapper for win32 (Vista+)',
        'deps': 'os-win32 && !posix',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'pthreads',
        'desc': 'POSIX threads',
        'func': check_pthreads,
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': 'Unable to find pthreads support.'
    }, {
        # NB: this works only if a source file includes osdep/threads.h
        #     also, technically, triggers undefined behavior (reserved names)
        'name': '--pthread-debug',
        'desc': 'pthread runtime debugging wrappers',
        'default': 'disable',
        'func': check_cc(cflags='-DMP_PTHREAD_DEBUG'),
        # The win32 wrapper defines pthreads symbols as macros only.
        'deps_neg': 'win32-internal-pthreads',
    }, {
        'name': '--stdatomic',
        'desc': 'C11 stdatomic.h',
        'func': check_libs(['atomic'],
                'atomic_int_least64_t test = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(123);'
                'atomic_fetch_add(&test, 1)')),
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': 'C11 atomics are required; you may need a newer compiler',
    }, {
        'name': 'librt',
        'desc': 'linking with -lrt',
        'deps': 'pthreads',
        'func': check_cc(lib='rt')
    }, {
        'name': '--iconv',
        'desc': 'iconv',
        'func': check_iconv,
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': "Unable to find iconv which should be part of a standard \
compilation environment. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without \
iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
    }, {
        'name': 'dos-paths',
        'desc': 'w32/dos paths',
        'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': 'glob-posix',
        'desc': 'glob() POSIX support',
        'deps': '!(os-win32 || os-cygwin)',
        'func': check_statement('glob.h', 'glob("filename", 0, 0, 0)'),
    }, {
        'name': 'glob-win32',
        'desc': 'glob() win32 replacement',
        'deps': '!posix && (os-win32 || os-cygwin)',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': 'glob',
        'desc': 'any glob() support',
        'deps': 'glob-posix || glob-win32',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'vt.h',
        'desc': 'vt.h',
        'func': check_statement(['sys/vt.h', 'sys/ioctl.h'],
                                'int m; ioctl(0, VT_GETMODE, &m)'),
    }, {
        'name': 'consio.h',
        'desc': 'consio.h',
        'deps': '!vt.h',
        'func': check_statement(['sys/consio.h', 'sys/ioctl.h'],
                                'int m; ioctl(0, VT_GETMODE, &m)'),
    }, {
        'name': 'gbm.h',
        'desc': 'gbm.h',
        'func': check_cc(header_name=['stdio.h', 'gbm.h']),
    }, {
        'name': 'glibc-thread-name',
        'desc': 'GLIBC API for setting thread name',
        'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
                                'pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "ducks")',
    }, {
        'name': 'osx-thread-name',
        'desc': 'OSX API for setting thread name',
        'deps': '!glibc-thread-name',
        'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
                                'pthread_setname_np("ducks")', use=['pthreads']),
    }, {
        'name': 'bsd-thread-name',
        'desc': 'BSD API for setting thread name',
        'deps': '!(glibc-thread-name || osx-thread-name)',
        'func': check_statement(['pthread.h', 'pthread_np.h'],
                                'pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), "ducks")',
    }, {
        'name': 'bsd-fstatfs',
        'desc': "BSD's fstatfs()",
        'func': check_statement(['sys/param.h', 'sys/mount.h'],
                                'struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_fstypename')
    }, {
        'name': 'linux-fstatfs',
        'desc': "Linux's fstatfs()",
        'deps': 'os-linux',
        'func': check_statement('sys/vfs.h',
                                'struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_namelen')
    }, {
        'name': 'linux-input-event-codes',
        'desc': "Linux's input-event-codes.h",
        'func': check_cc(header_name=['linux/input-event-codes.h']),
    }, {
        'name' : '--lua',
        'desc' : 'Lua',
        'func': check_lua,
    }, {
        'name' : '--javascript',
        'desc' : 'Javascript (MuJS backend)',
        'func': check_pkg_config('mujs', '>= 1.0.0'),
    }, {
        'name': 'libass',
        'desc': 'SSA/ASS support',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libass', '>= 0.12.2'),
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': "Unable to find development files for libass, or the version " +
                "found is too old. Aborting."
    }, {
        'name': '--zlib',
        'desc': 'zlib',
        'func': any_check(check_pkg_config('zlib'),
                          check_libs(['z'], check_statement('zlib.h', 'inflate(0, Z_NO_FLUSH)'))),
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': 'Unable to find development files for zlib.'
    }, {
        'name': '--libbluray',
        'desc': 'Bluray support',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libbluray', '>= 0.3.0'),
        #'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--dvdnav',
        'desc': 'dvdnav support',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_pkg_config('dvdnav',  '>= 4.2.0',
                                 'dvdread', '>= 4.1.0'),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--cdda',
        'desc': 'cdda support (libcdio)',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libcdio_paranoia'),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--uchardet',
        'desc': 'uchardet support',
        'deps': 'iconv',
        'func': check_pkg_config('uchardet'),
    }, {
        'name': '--rubberband',
        'desc': 'librubberband support',
        'func': check_pkg_config('rubberband', '>= 1.8.0'),
    }, {
        'name': '--zimg',
        'desc': 'libzimg support (high quality software scaler)',
        'func': check_pkg_config('zimg', '>= 2.9'),
    }, {
        'name': '--lcms2',
        'desc': 'LCMS2 support',
        'func': check_pkg_config('lcms2', '>= 2.6'),
    }, {
        'name': '--vapoursynth',
        'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge',
        'func': check_pkg_config('vapoursynth',        '>= 24',
                                 'vapoursynth-script', '>= 23'),
    }, {
        'name': '--libarchive',
        'desc': 'libarchive wrapper for reading zip files and more',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libarchive >= 3.4.0'),
    }, {
        'name': '--dvbin',
        'desc': 'DVB input module',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_true,
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--sdl2',
        'desc': 'SDL2',
        'func': check_pkg_config('sdl2'),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--sdl2-gamepad',
        'desc': 'SDL2 gamepad input',
        'deps': 'sdl2',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'jpegxl',
        'desc': 'JPEG XL support via libavcodec',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libavcodec >= 59.27.100'),
    }, {
        'name': 'rubberband-3',
        'desc': 'new engine support for librubberband',
        'func': check_pkg_config('rubberband >= 3.0.0'),

libav_dependencies = [
        'name': 'ffmpeg',
        'desc': 'FFmpeg library',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libavutil',     '>= 56.12.100',
                                 'libavcodec',    '>= 58.16.100',
                                 'libavformat',   '>= 58.9.100',
                                 'libswscale',    '>= 5.0.101',
                                 'libavfilter',   '>= 7.14.100',
                                 'libswresample', '>= 3.0.100'),
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': "Unable to find development files for some of the required \
FFmpeg libraries. Git master is recommended."
    }, {
        'name': 'av-channel-layout',
        'desc': 'FFmpeg AVChannelLayout API',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libavutil', '>= 57.24.100'),
    }, {
        'name': '--libavdevice',
        'desc': 'libavdevice',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libavdevice', '>= 57.0.0'),

audio_output_features = [
        'name': '--sdl2-audio',
        'desc': 'SDL2 audio output',
        'deps': 'sdl2',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--oss-audio',
        'desc': 'OSSv4 audio output',
        'func': check_statement(['sys/soundcard.h'], 'int x = SNDCTL_DSP_SETPLAYVOL'),
        'deps': 'posix && gpl',
    }, {
        'name': '--pipewire',
        'desc': 'PipeWire audio output',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libpipewire-0.3', '>= 0.3.19')
    }, {
        'name': '--sndio',
        'desc': 'sndio audio input/output',
        'func': check_pkg_config('sndio'),
        'default': 'disable'
    }, {
        'name': '--pulse',
        'desc': 'PulseAudio audio output',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libpulse', '>= 1.0')
    }, {
        'name': '--jack',
        'desc': 'JACK audio output',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_pkg_config('jack'),
    }, {
        'name': '--openal',
        'desc': 'OpenAL audio output',
        'func': check_pkg_config('openal', '>= 1.13'),
        'default': 'disable'
    }, {
        'name': '--opensles',
        'desc': 'OpenSL ES audio output',
        'func': check_statement('SLES/OpenSLES.h', 'slCreateEngine', lib="OpenSLES"),
    }, {
        'name': '--alsa',
        'desc': 'ALSA audio output',
        'func': check_pkg_config('alsa', '>= 1.0.18'),
    }, {
        'name': '--coreaudio',
        'desc': 'CoreAudio audio output',
        'func': check_cc(
            framework_name=['CoreFoundation', 'CoreAudio', 'AudioUnit', 'AudioToolbox'])
    }, {
        'name': '--audiounit',
        'desc': 'AudioUnit output for iOS',
        'func': check_cc(
            framework_name=['Foundation', 'AudioToolbox'])
    }, {
        'name': '--wasapi',
        'desc': 'WASAPI audio output',
        'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
        'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('wasapi.c')),

video_output_features = [
        'name': '--sdl2-video',
        'desc': 'SDL2 video output',
        'deps': 'sdl2',
        'deps_neg': 'cocoa',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--cocoa',
        'desc': 'Cocoa',
        'func': check_cocoa
    }, {
        'name': '--drm',
        'desc': 'DRM',
        'deps': 'vt.h || consio.h',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libdrm', '>= 2.4.75'),
    }, {
        'name': '--gbm',
        'desc': 'GBM',
        'deps': 'gbm.h',
        'func': check_pkg_config('gbm', '>= 17.1.0'),
    } , {
        'name': 'wayland-scanner',
        'desc': 'wayland-scanner',
        'func': check_program('wayland-scanner', 'WAYSCAN')
    } , {
        'name': 'wayland-protocols',
        'desc': 'wayland-protocols',
        'func': check_wl_protocols
    } , {
        'name': '--wayland',
        'desc': 'Wayland',
        'deps': 'wayland-protocols && wayland-scanner && linux-input-event-codes',
        'func': check_pkg_config('wayland-client', '>= 1.15.0',
                                 'wayland-cursor', '>= 1.15.0',
                                 'xkbcommon',      '>= 0.3.0'),
    } , {
        'name': 'memfd_create',
        'desc': "Linux's memfd_create()",
        'deps': 'wayland',
        'func': check_statement('sys/mman.h',
                                'memfd_create("mpv", MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING)')
    } , {
        'name': '--x11',
        'desc': 'X11',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_pkg_config('x11',         '>= 1.0.0',
                                 'xscrnsaver',  '>= 1.0.0',
                                 'xext',        '>= 1.0.0',
                                 'xinerama',    '>= 1.0.0',
                                 'xpresent',    '>= 1.0.0',
                                 'xrandr',      '>= 1.2.0'),
    } , {
        'name': '--xv',
        'desc': 'Xv video output',
        'deps': 'x11',
        'func': check_pkg_config('xv'),
    } , {
        'name': '--gl-cocoa',
        'desc': 'OpenGL Cocoa Backend',
        'deps': 'cocoa',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_statement('IOSurface/IOSurface.h',
                                'IOSurfaceRef surface;',
    } , {
        'name': '--gl-x11',
        'desc': 'OpenGL X11/GLX (deprecated/legacy)',
        'deps': 'x11',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_libs(['GL', 'GL Xdamage'],
                            use=['x11', 'libdl', 'pthreads'])),
        'default': 'disable',
    }, {
        'name': '--rpi',
        'desc': 'Raspberry Pi support',
        'func': check_egl_provider(name='brcmegl', check=any_check(
        'default': 'disable',
    } , {
        'name': '--egl',
        'desc': 'EGL 1.4',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_egl_provider('1.4')
    } , {
        'name': '--egl-x11',
        'desc': 'OpenGL X11 EGL Backend',
        'deps': 'x11 && egl',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_true,
    } , {
        'name': '--egl-drm',
        'desc': 'OpenGL DRM EGL Backend',
        'deps': 'drm && gbm && egl',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_true,
    } , {
        'name': '--gl-wayland',
        'desc': 'OpenGL Wayland Backend',
        'deps': 'wayland && egl',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_pkg_config('wayland-egl', '>= 9.0.0')
    } , {
        'name': '--gl-win32',
        'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 Backend',
        'deps': 'win32-desktop',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_statement('windows.h', 'wglCreateContext(0)',
    } , {
        'name': '--gl-dxinterop',
        'desc': 'OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend',
        'deps': 'gl-win32',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': compose_checks(
            check_statement(['GL/gl.h', 'GL/wglext.h'], 'int i = WGL_ACCESS_WRITE_DISCARD_NV'),
            check_statement('d3d9.h', 'IDirect3D9Ex *d'))
    } , {
        'name': '--egl-angle',
        'desc': 'OpenGL ANGLE headers',
        'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_statement(['EGL/egl.h', 'EGL/eglext.h'],
                                'int x = EGL_D3D_TEXTURE_2D_SHARE_HANDLE_ANGLE')
    } , {
        'name': '--egl-angle-lib',
        'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Library',
        'deps': 'egl-angle',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_statement(['EGL/egl.h'],
                                'eglCreateWindowSurface(0, 0, 0, 0)',
                                cflags=['-DGL_APICALL=', '-DEGLAPI=',
                                        '-DANGLE_NO_ALIASES', '-DANGLE_EXPORT='],
                                lib=['EGL', 'GLESv2', 'dxguid', 'd3d9',
                                     'gdi32', 'stdc++'])
    }, {
        'name': '--egl-angle-win32',
        'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Backend',
        'deps': 'egl-angle && win32-desktop',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_true,
    } , {
        'name': '--vdpau',
        'desc': 'VDPAU acceleration',
        'deps': 'x11',
        'func': check_pkg_config('vdpau', '>= 0.2'),
    } , {
        'name': '--vdpau-gl-x11',
        'desc': 'VDPAU with OpenGL/X11',
        'deps': 'vdpau && gl-x11',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--vaapi',
        'desc': 'VAAPI acceleration',
        'deps': 'libdl && (x11 || wayland || egl-drm)',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libva', '>= 1.1.0'),
    }, {
        'name': '--vaapi-x11',
        'desc': 'VAAPI (X11 support)',
        'deps': 'vaapi && x11',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libva-x11', '>= 1.1.0'),
    }, {
        'name': '--vaapi-wayland',
        'desc': 'VAAPI (Wayland support)',
        'deps': 'vaapi && gl-wayland',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libva-wayland', '>= 1.1.0'),
    }, {
        'name': 'dmabuf-wayland',
        'desc': 'Wayland dmabuf support',
        'deps': 'wayland && memfd_create && (vaapi-wayland || drm)',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--vaapi-drm',
        'desc': 'VAAPI (DRM/EGL support)',
        'deps': 'vaapi && egl-drm',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libva-drm', '>= 1.1.0'),
    }, {
        'name': '--vaapi-x-egl',
        'desc': 'VAAPI EGL on X11',
        'deps': 'vaapi-x11 && egl-x11',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'vaapi-egl',
        'desc': 'VAAPI EGL',
        'deps': 'vaapi-x-egl || vaapi-wayland || vaapi-drm',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--caca',
        'desc': 'CACA',
        'deps': 'gpl',
        'func': check_pkg_config('caca', '>= 0.99.beta18'),
    }, {
        'name': '--jpeg',
        'desc': 'JPEG support',
        'func': check_cc(header_name=['stdio.h', 'jpeglib.h'],
                         lib='jpeg', use='libm'),
    }, {
        'name': '--direct3d',
        'desc': 'Direct3D support',
        'deps': 'win32-desktop && gpl',
        'func': check_cc(header_name='d3d9.h'),
    }, {
        'name': 'shaderc-shared',
        'desc': 'libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (shared library)',
        'deps': '!static-build',
        'groups': ['shaderc'],
        'func': check_pkg_config('shaderc'),
    }, {
        'name': 'shaderc-static',
        'desc': 'libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (static library)',
        'deps': '!shaderc-shared',
        'groups': ['shaderc'],
        'func': any_check(check_pkg_config('shaderc_combined'),
    }, {
        'name': '--shaderc',
        'desc': 'libshaderc SPIR-V compiler',
        'deps': 'shaderc-shared || shaderc-static',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'spirv-cross-shared',
        'desc': 'SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (shared library)',
        'deps': '!static-build',
        'groups': ['spirv-cross'],
        'func': check_pkg_config('spirv-cross-c-shared'),
    }, {
        'name': 'spirv-cross-static',
        'desc': 'SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (static library)',
        'deps': '!spirv-cross-shared',
        'groups': ['spirv-cross'],
        'func': check_pkg_config('spirv-cross'),
    }, {
        'name': '--spirv-cross',
        'desc': 'SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter',
        'deps': 'spirv-cross-shared || spirv-cross-static',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--d3d11',
        'desc': 'Direct3D 11 video output',
        'deps': 'win32-desktop && shaderc && spirv-cross',
        'func': check_cc(header_name=['d3d11_1.h', 'dxgi1_6.h']),
    } , {
        'name': '--ios-gl',
        'desc': 'iOS OpenGL ES hardware decoding interop support',
        'func': check_statement('OpenGLES/ES3/glext.h', '(void)GL_RGB32F'),  # arbitrary OpenGL ES 3.0 symbol
    } , {
        'name': '--plain-gl',
        'desc': 'OpenGL without platform-specific code (e.g. for libmpv)',
        'deps': 'libmpv-shared || libmpv-static',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--gl',
        'desc': 'OpenGL context support',
        'deps': 'gl-cocoa || gl-x11 || egl-x11 || egl-drm || '
                 + 'gl-win32 || gl-wayland || rpi || '
                 + 'plain-gl',
        'func': check_true,
        'req': True,
        'fmsg': "No OpenGL video output found or enabled. " +
                "Aborting. If you really mean to compile without OpenGL " +
                "video outputs use --disable-gl.",
    }, {
        'name': '--libplacebo',
        'desc': 'libplacebo support',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libplacebo >= 4.157.0'),
    }, {
        'name': 'libplacebo-next',
        'desc': 'libplacebo v4.202+, needed for vo_gpu_next',
        'deps': 'libplacebo',
        'func': check_preprocessor('libplacebo/config.h', 'PL_API_VER >= 202',
    }, {
        'name': '--vulkan',
        'desc':  'Vulkan context support',
        'deps': 'libplacebo',
        'func': check_pkg_config('vulkan'),
    }, {
        'name': 'vaapi-libplacebo',
        'desc': 'VAAPI libplacebo',
        'deps': 'vaapi && libplacebo',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'egl-helpers',
        'desc': 'EGL helper functions',
        'deps': 'egl || rpi || egl-angle-win32 || egl-android',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--sixel',
        'desc': 'Sixel',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libsixel', '>= 1.5'),
    }, {
        'name': 'dmabuf-interop-gl',
        'desc': 'dmabuf GL Interop',
        'deps': 'egl && drm',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'dmabuf-interop-pl',
        'desc': 'dmabuf libplacebo interop',
        'deps': 'vaapi-libplacebo',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        # This can be removed roughly when Debian 12 is released.
        'name': 'drm-is-kms',
        'desc': 'drmIsKMS() function',
        'deps': 'drm',
        'func': check_pkg_config('libdrm', '>= 2.4.105'),

hwaccel_features = [
        'name': 'videotoolbox-hwaccel',
        'desc': 'libavcodec videotoolbox hwaccel',
        'deps': 'gl-cocoa || ios-gl',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--videotoolbox-gl',
        'desc': 'Videotoolbox with OpenGL',
        'deps': 'gl-cocoa && videotoolbox-hwaccel',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--d3d-hwaccel',
        'desc': 'D3D11VA hwaccel',
        'deps': 'os-win32',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--d3d9-hwaccel',
        'desc': 'DXVA2 hwaccel',
        'deps': 'd3d-hwaccel',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--gl-dxinterop-d3d9',
        'desc': 'OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend DXVA2 interop',
        'deps': 'gl-dxinterop && d3d9-hwaccel',
        'groups': [ 'gl' ],
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': 'ffnvcodec',
        'desc': 'CUDA Headers and dynamic loader',
        'func': check_pkg_config('ffnvcodec >='),
    }, {
        'name': '--cuda-hwaccel',
        'desc': 'CUDA acceleration',
        'deps': 'ffnvcodec',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--cuda-interop',
        'desc': 'CUDA with graphics interop',
        'deps': '(gl || vulkan) && cuda-hwaccel',
        'func': check_true,
    }, {
        'name': '--rpi-mmal',
        'desc': 'Raspberry Pi MMAL hwaccel',
        'deps': 'rpi',
        'func': any_check(check_pkg_config('mmal'),

standalone_features = [
        'name': 'win32-executable',
        'desc': 'w32 executable',
        'deps': 'os-win32 || !(!(os-cygwin))',
        'func': check_ctx_vars('WINDRES')
    }, {
        'name': '--macos-touchbar',
        'desc': 'macOS Touch Bar support',
        'deps': 'cocoa',
        'func': check_cc(
    }, {
        'name': '--macos-10-11-features',
        'desc': 'macOS 10.11 SDK Features',
        'deps': 'cocoa',
        'func': check_macos_sdk('10.11')
    }, {
        'name': '--macos-10-12-2-features',
        'desc': 'macOS 10.12.2 SDK Features',
        'deps': 'cocoa',
        'func': check_macos_sdk('10.12.2')
    }, {
        'name': '--macos-10-14-features',
        'desc': 'macOS 10.14 SDK Features',
        'deps': 'cocoa',
        'func': check_macos_sdk('10.14')
        'name': '--macos-media-player',
        'desc': 'macOS Media Player support',
        'deps': 'macos-10-12-2-features && swift',
        'func': check_true
    }, {
        'name': '--macos-cocoa-cb',
        'desc': 'macOS libmpv backend',
        'deps': 'cocoa && swift',
        'func': check_true

    ('confdir', '${SYSCONFDIR}/mpv',  'configuration files'),
    ('zshdir',  '${DATADIR}/zsh/site-functions', 'zsh completion functions'),
    ('confloaddir', '${CONFDIR}', 'configuration files load directory'),
    ('bashdir', '${DATADIR}/bash-completion/completions', 'bash completion functions'),

def options(opt):

    #remove unused options from gnu_dirs

    libdir = opt.parser.get_option('--libdir')
    if libdir:
        # Replace any mention of lib64 as we keep the default
        # for libdir the same as before the waf update.
        libdir.help = libdir.help.replace('lib64', 'lib')

    group = opt.get_option_group("Installation directories")
    for ident, default, desc in _INSTALL_DIRS_LIST:
            type    = 'string',
            dest    = ident,
            default = default,
            help    = 'directory for installing {0} [{1}]' \
                      .format(desc, default.replace('${','').replace('}','')))

    group = opt.get_option_group("build and install options")
        default = '',
        help    = 'variant name for saving configuration and build results')

    opt.parse_features('build and install options', build_options)
    optional_features = main_dependencies + libav_dependencies
    opt.parse_features('optional features', optional_features)
    opt.parse_features('audio outputs',     audio_output_features)
    opt.parse_features('video outputs',     video_output_features)
    opt.parse_features('hwaccels',          hwaccel_features)
    opt.parse_features('standalone app',    standalone_features)

    group = opt.get_option_group("optional features")
        type    = 'string',
        dest    = 'LUA_VER',
        help    = "select Lua package to autodetect. Choices (x is 1 or 2): luadef5x, lua5x, lua5.x, lua-5.x, luajit (luadef5x is for pkg-config name 'lua', the rest are exact pkg-config names)")
        type    = 'string',
        dest    = 'SWIFT_FLAGS',
        help    = "Optional Swift compiler flags")

def is_optimization(ctx):
    return getattr(ctx.options, 'enable_optimize')

def is_debug_build(ctx):
    return getattr(ctx.options, 'enable_debug-build')

def configure(ctx):
    from waflib import Options
    target = os.environ.get('TARGET')
    (cc, pkg_config, ar, windres) = ('cc', 'pkg-config', 'ar', 'windres')

    if target:
        cc         = '-'.join([target, 'gcc'])
        pkg_config = '-'.join([target, pkg_config])
        ar         = '-'.join([target, ar])
        windres    = '-'.join([target, windres])

    ctx.find_program(cc,          var='CC')
    ctx.find_program(pkg_config,  var='PKG_CONFIG')
    ctx.find_program(ar,          var='AR')
    ctx.find_program('rst2html',  var='RST2HTML',  mandatory=False)
    ctx.find_program('rst2man',   var='RST2MAN',   mandatory=False)
    ctx.find_program('rst2pdf',   var='RST2PDF',   mandatory=False)
    ctx.find_program(windres,     var='WINDRES',   mandatory=False)
    ctx.find_program('perl',      var='BIN_PERL',  mandatory=False)



    # if libdir is not set in command line options,
    # override the gnu_dirs default in order to
    # always have `lib/` as the library directory.
    if not getattr(Options.options, 'LIBDIR', None):
        ctx.env['LIBDIR'] = Utils.subst_vars(os.path.join('${EXEC_PREFIX}', 'lib'), ctx.env)

    for ident, _, _ in _INSTALL_DIRS_LIST:
        varname = ident.upper()
        ctx.env[varname] = getattr(ctx.options, ident)

        # keep substituting vars, until the paths are fully expanded
        while re.match('\$\{([^}]+)\}', ctx.env[varname]):
            ctx.env[varname] = Utils.subst_vars(ctx.env[varname], ctx.env)

    if ctx.options.LUA_VER:
        ctx.options.enable_lua = True


    if ctx.options.SWIFT_FLAGS:



    if not ctx.dependency_satisfied('build-date'):
        ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['-DNO_BUILD_TIMESTAMPS']

    if ctx.dependency_satisfied('clang-database'):

    if ctx.dependency_satisfied('cplugins'):
        # We need to export the libmpv symbols, since the mpv binary itself is
        # not linked against libmpv. The C plugin needs to be able to pick
        # up the libmpv symbols from the binary. We still restrict the set
        # of exported symbols via mpv.def.
        ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-rdynamic']


def __write_version__(ctx):
    ctx.env.VERSIONH_ST = '--versionh="%s"'
    ctx.env.CWD_ST = '--cwd="%s"'
    ctx.env.VERSIONSH_CWD = [ctx.srcnode.abspath()]

        source = 'version.sh',
        target = 'generated/version.h',
        rule   = 'sh ${SRC} ${CWD_ST:VERSIONSH_CWD} ${VERSIONH_ST:TGT}',
        always = True,
        update_outputs = True)

def build(ctx):
    if ctx.options.variant not in ctx.all_envs:
        from waflib import Errors
        raise Errors.WafError(
            'The project was not configured: run "waf --variant={0} configure" first!'


def init(ctx):
    from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext
    for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext):
        class tmp(y):
            variant = ctx.options.variant

    # This is needed because waf initializes the ConfigurationContext with
    # an arbitrary setenv('') which would rewrite the previous configuration
    # cache for the default variant if the configure step finishes.
    # Ideally ConfigurationContext should just let us override this at class
    # level like the other Context subclasses do with variant
    from waflib.Configure import ConfigurationContext
    class cctx(ConfigurationContext):
        def resetenv(self, name):
            self.all_envs = {}