Huh. The planar YUV modes. ========================== The most missunderstood thingie... Let's see: (some cut'n'paste from www and maillist) RGB to YUV Conversion: Y = (0.257 * R) + (0.504 * G) + (0.098 * B) + 16 Cr = V = (0.439 * R) - (0.368 * G) - (0.071 * B) + 128 Cb = U = -(0.148 * R) - (0.291 * G) + (0.439 * B) + 128 YUV to RGB Conversion: B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128) G = 1.164(Y - 16) - 0.813(V - 128) - 0.391(U - 128) R = 1.164(Y - 16) + 1.596(V - 128) In both these cases, you have to clamp the output values to keep them in the [0-255] range. Rumour has it that the valid range is actually a subset of [0-255] (I've seen an RGB range of [16-235] mentioned) but clamping the values into [0-255] seems to produce acceptable results to me. Julien (surname unknown) suggests that there are problems with the above formulae and suggests the following instead: Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B Cb = U'= (B-Y)*0.565 Cr = V'= (R-Y)*0.713 with reciprocal versions: R = Y + 1.403V' G = Y - 0.344U' - 0.714V' B = Y + 1.770U' note: this formule doesn't contain the +128 offsets of U,V values! Conclusion: Y = luminance, the weighted average of R G B components. (0=black 255=white) U = Cb = blue component (0=green 128=grey 255=blue) V = Cv = red component (0=green 128=grey 255=red) MPlayer side: ============= In MPlayer, we usually have 3 pointers to the Y, U and V planes, so it doesn't matter what is they order in memory. But there are some codecs (vfw, dshow) and vo drivers (xv) ignoring the 2nd and 3rd pointer, and use only a single pointer to the planar yuv image. In this case we must know the right order and alignment of planes in the memory! from the webartz fourcc list: YV12: 12 bpp, full sized Y plane followed by 2x2 subsampled V and U planes I420: 12 bpp, full sized Y plane followed by 2x2 subsampled U and V planes IYUV: the same as I420 YVU9: 9 bpp, full sized Y plane followed by 4x4 subsampled V and U planes