--a52drc= Select the Dynamic Range Compression level for AC-3 audio streams. is a float value ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 means no compression and 1 (which is the default) means full compression (make loud passages more silent and vice versa). Values up to 2 are also accepted, but are purely experimental. This option only shows an effect if the AC-3 stream contains the required range compression information. --abs= (``--ao=oss`` only) (OBSOLETE) Override audio driver/card buffer size detection. --ac=<[-\|+]codec1,[-\|+]codec2,...[,]> Specify a priority list of audio codecs to be used, according to their codec name in codecs.conf. Use a '-' before the codec name to omit it. Use a '+' before the codec name to force it, this will likely crash! If the list has a trailing ',' MPlayer will fall back on codecs not contained in the list. *NOTE*: See ``--ac=help`` for a full list of available codecs. *EXAMPLE*: :``--ac=mp3acm``: Force the l3codeca.acm MP3 codec. :``--ac=mad,``: Try libmad first, then fall back on others. :``--ac=hwac3,a52,``: Try hardware AC-3 passthrough, software AC-3, then others. :``--ac=hwdts,``: Try hardware DTS passthrough, then fall back on others. :``--ac=-ffmp3,``: Skip FFmpeg's MP3 decoder. --adapter= Set the graphics card that will receive the image. You can get a list of available cards when you run this option with ``-v``. Currently only works with the directx video output driver. --af= Specify a list of audio filters to apply to the audio stream. See :ref:`audio_filters` for details and descriptions of the available filters. The option variants ``--af-add``, ``--af-pre``, ``--af-del`` and ``--af-clr`` exist to modify a previously specified list, but you shouldn't need these for typical use. --af-adv= See also ``--af``. Specify advanced audio filter options: force=<0-7> Forces the insertion of audio filters to one of the following: 0 Use completely automatic filter insertion (currently identical to 1). 1 Optimize for accuracy (default). 2 Optimize for speed. *Warning*: Some features in the audio filters may silently fail, and the sound quality may drop. 3 Use no automatic insertion of filters and no optimization. *Warning*: It may be possible to crash MPlayer using this setting. 4 Use automatic insertion of filters according to 0 above, but use floating point processing when possible. 5 Use automatic insertion of filters according to 1 above, but use floating point processing when possible. 6 Use automatic insertion of filters according to 2 above, but use floating point processing when possible. 7 Use no automatic insertion of filters according to 3 above, and use floating point processing when possible. list= Same as ``--af``. --afm= Specify a priority list of audio codec families to be used, according to their codec name in codecs.conf. Falls back on the default codecs if none of the given codec families work. *NOTE*: See ``--afm=help`` for a full list of available codec families. *EXAMPLE*: :``--afm=ffmpeg``: Try FFmpeg's libavcodec codecs first. :``--afm=acm,dshow``: Try Win32 codecs first. --aid= Select audio channel (MPEG: 0-31, AVI/OGM: 1-99, ASF/RM: 0-127, VOB(AC-3): 128-159, VOB(LPCM): 160-191, MPEG-TS 17-8190). MPlayer prints the available audio IDs when run in verbose (-v) mode. When playing an MPEG-TS stream, MPlayer will use the first program (if present) with the chosen audio stream. See also ``--alang``. --alang= Specify a priority list of audio languages to use. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, Matroska, MPEG-TS and NUT use ISO 639-2 three letter language codes while OGM uses a free-form identifier. MPlayer prints the available languages when run in verbose (``-v``) mode. See also ``--aid``. *EXAMPLE*: ``mplayer dvd://1 --alang=hu,en`` Chooses the Hungarian language track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. ``mplayer --alang=jpn example.mkv`` Plays a Matroska file in Japanese. --ao= Specify a priority list of audio output drivers to be used. For interactive use you'd normally specify a single one to use, but in configuration files specifying a list of fallbacks may make sense. See :ref:`audio_outputs` for details and descriptions of available drivers. --ar, --no-ar Enable/disable AppleIR remote support. Enabled by default. --aspect= Override movie aspect ratio, in case aspect information is incorrect or missing in the file being played. See also ``--no-aspect``. *EXAMPLE*: - ``--aspect=4:3`` or ``--aspect=1.3333`` - ``--aspect=16:9`` or ``--aspect=1.7777`` --ass, --no-ass Use libass to render all text subtitles. This enables support for the native styling of SSA/ASS subtitles, and also support for some styling features in other subtitle formats by conversion to ASS markup. Enabled by default if the player was compiled with libass support. *NOTE*: Some of the other subtitle options were written for the old non-libass subtitle rendering system and may not work the same way or at all with libass rendering enabled. --ass-border-color= Sets the border (outline) color for text subtitles. The color format is RRGGBBAA. --ass-bottom-margin= Adds a black band at the bottom of the frame. The SSA/ASS renderer can place subtitles there (with ``--ass-use-margins``). --ass-color= Sets the color for text subtitles. The color format is RRGGBBAA. --ass-font-scale= Set the scale coefficient to be used for fonts in the SSA/ASS renderer. --ass-force-style=<[Style.]Param=Value[,...]> Override some style or script info parameters. *EXAMPLE*: - ``--ass-force-style=FontName=Arial,Default.Bold=1`` - ``--ass-force-style=PlayResY=768`` --ass-hinting= Set hinting type. can be: :0: no hinting :1: FreeType autohinter, light mode :2: FreeType autohinter, normal mode :3: font native hinter :0-3 + 4: The same, but hinting will only be performed if the OSD is rendered at screen resolution and will therefore not be scaled. The default value is 0 (no hinting). --ass-line-spacing= Set line spacing value for SSA/ASS renderer. --ass-styles= Load all SSA/ASS styles found in the specified file and use them for rendering text subtitles. The syntax of the file is exactly like the ``[V4 Styles]`` / ``[V4+ Styles]`` section of SSA/ASS. --ass-top-margin= Adds a black band at the top of the frame. The SSA/ASS renderer can place toptitles there (with ``--ass-use-margins``). --ass-use-margins Enables placing toptitles and subtitles in black borders when they are available. --ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat Stretch SSA/ASS subtitles when playing anamorphic videos for compatibility with traditional VSFilter behavior. This switch has no effect when the video is stored with square pixels. The renderer historically most commonly used for the SSA/ASS subtitle formats, VSFilter, had questionable behavior that resulted in subtitles being stretched too if the video was stored in anamorphic format that required scaling for display. This behavior is usually undesirable and newer VSFilter versions may behave differently. However, many existing scripts compensate for the stretching by modifying things in the opposite direction. Thus if such scripts are displayed "correctly" they will not appear as intended. This switch enables emulation of the old VSFilter behavior (undesirable but expected by many existing scripts). Enabled by default. --audio-demuxer=<[+]name> Force audio demuxer type when using ``--audiofile``. Use a '+' before the name to force it, this will skip some checks! Give the demuxer name as printed by ``--audio-demuxer=help``. ``--audio-demuxer=audio`` forces MP3. --audiofile= Play audio from an external file (WAV, MP3 or Ogg Vorbis) while viewing a movie. --audiofile-cache= Enables caching for the stream used by ``--audiofile``, using the specified amount of memory. --autosub, --no-autosub Load additional subtitle files matching the video filename. Enabled by default. See also ``--sub-fuzziness``. --autosync= Gradually adjusts the A/V sync based on audio delay measurements. Specifying ``--autosync=0``, the default, will cause frame timing to be based entirely on audio delay measurements. Specifying ``--autosync=1`` will do the same, but will subtly change the A/V correction algorithm. An uneven video framerate in a movie which plays fine with ``--no-audio`` can often be helped by setting this to an integer value greater than 1. The higher the value, the closer the timing will be to ``--no-audio``. Try ``--autosync=30`` to smooth out problems with sound drivers which do not implement a perfect audio delay measurement. With this value, if large A/V sync offsets occur, they will only take about 1 or 2 seconds to settle out. This delay in reaction time to sudden A/V offsets should be the only side-effect of turning this option on, for all sound drivers. --bandwidth= Specify the maximum bandwidth for network streaming (for servers that are able to send content in different bitrates). Useful if you want to watch live streamed media behind a slow connection. With Real RTSP streaming, it is also used to set the maximum delivery bandwidth allowing faster cache filling and stream dumping. --untimed Do not sleep when outputting video frames. Useful for benchmarks when used with --no-audio. --bluray-angle= Some Blu-ray discs contain scenes that can be viewed from multiple angles. Here you can tell MPlayer which angles to use (default: 1). --bluray-chapter= (Blu-ray only) Tells MPlayer which Blu-ray chapter to start the current title from (default: 1). --bluray-device= (Blu-ray only) Specify the Blu-ray disc location. Must be a directory with Blu-ray structure. --border, --no-border Play movie with window border and decorations. Since this is on by default, use ``--no-border`` to disable the standard window decorations. --brightness=<-100-100> Adjust the brightness of the video signal (default: 0). Not supported by all video output drivers. --cache= Enable caching of the input stream (if not already enabled) and set the size of the cache in kilobytes. Caching is enabled by default (with a default cache size) for network streams. May be useful when playing files from slow media, but can also have negative effects, especially with file formats that require a lot of seeking, such as mp4. See also ``--no-cache``. --cache-min= Playback will start when the cache has been filled up to of the total. --cache-seek-min= If a seek is to be made to a position within of the cache size from the current position, MPlayer will wait for the cache to be filled to this position rather than performing a stream seek (default: 50). --cdda= This option can be used to tune the CD Audio reading feature of MPlayer. Available options are: speed= Set CD spin speed. paranoia=<0-2> Set paranoia level. Values other than 0 seem to break playback of anything but the first track. :0: disable checking (default) :1: overlap checking only :2: full data correction and verification generic-dev= Use specified generic SCSI device. sector-size= Set atomic read size. overlap= Force minimum overlap search during verification to sectors. toc-bias Assume that the beginning offset of track 1 as reported in the TOC will be addressed as LBA 0. Some Toshiba drives need this for getting track boundaries correct. toc-offset= Add sectors to the values reported when addressing tracks. May be negative. (no)skip (Never) accept imperfect data reconstruction. --cdrom-device= Specify the CD-ROM device (default: ``/dev/cdrom``). --channels= Request the number of playback channels (default: 2). MPlayer asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as specified. Then it is up to the decoder to fulfill the requirement. This is usually only important when playing videos with AC-3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio into the requested number of channels. To directly control the number of output channels independently of how many channels are decoded, use the channels filter (``--af=channels``). *NOTE*: This option is honored by codecs (AC-3 only), filters (surround) and audio output drivers (OSS at least). Available options are: :2: stereo :4: surround :6: full 5.1 :8: full 7.1 --chapter= Specify which chapter to start playing at. Optionally specify which chapter to end playing at (default: 1). --chapter-merge-threshold= Threshold for merging almost consecutive ordered chapter parts in milliseconds (default: 100). Some Matroska files with ordered chapters have inaccurate chapter end timestamps, causing a small gap between the end of one chapter and the start of the next one when they should match. If the end of one playback part is less than the given threshold away from the start of the next one then keep playing video normally over the chapter change instead of doing a seek. --codecpath= Specify a directory for binary codecs. --codecs-file= Override the standard search path and use the specified file instead of the builtin codecs.conf. --colormatrix= Controls the YUV to RGB color space conversion when playing video. There are various standards. Normally, BT.601 should be used for SD video, and BT.709 for HD video. (This is done by default.) Using incorrect color space results in slightly under or over saturated and shifted colors. The color space conversion is additionally influenced by the related options --colormatrix-input-range and --colormatrix-output-range. These options are not always supported. Different video outputs provide varying degrees of support. The gl and vdpau video output drivers usually offer full support. The xv output can set the color space if the system video driver supports it, but not input and output levels. The scale video filter can configure color space and input levels, but only if the output format is RGB (if the video output driver supports RGB output, you can force this with ``-vf scale,format=rgba``). If this option is set to ``auto`` (which is the default), the video's color space flag will be used. If that flag is unset, the color space will be selected automatically. This is done using a simple heuristic that attempts to distinguish SD and HD video. If the video is larger than 1279x576 pixels, BT.709 (HD) will be used; otherwise BT.601 (SD) is selected. Available color spaces are: :auto: automatic selection (default) :BT.601: ITU-R BT.601 (SD) :BT.709: ITU-R BT.709 (HD) :SMPTE-240M: SMPTE-240M :sd: alias for BT.601 :hd: alias for BT.709 :0: compatibility alias for auto (do not use) :1: compatibility alias for BT.601 (do not use) :2: compatibility alias for BT.709 (do not use) :3: compatibility alias for SMPTE-240M (do not use) --colormatrix-input-range= YUV color levels used with YUV to RGB conversion. This option is only necessary when playing broken files, which don't follow standard color levels or which are flagged wrong. If the video doesn't specify its color range, it is assumed to be limited range. The same limitations as with --colormatrix apply. Available color ranges are: :auto: automatic selection (normally limited range) (default) :limited: limited range (16-235 for luma, 16-240 for chroma) :full: full range (0-255 for both luma and chroma) --colormatrix-output-range= RGB color levels used with YUV to RGB conversion. Normally, output devices such as PC monitors use full range color levels. However, some TVs and video monitors expect studio level RGB. Providing full range output to a device expecting studio level input results in crushed blacks and whites, the reverse in dim grey blacks and dim whites. The same limitations as with --colormatrix apply. Available color ranges are: :auto: automatic selection (equals to full range) (default) :limited: limited range (16-235 per component), studio levels :full: full range (0-255 per component), PC levels --colorkey= Changes the colorkey to an RGB value of your choice. 0x000000 is black and 0xffffff is white. Only supported by the xv (see ``--vo=xv:ck``) video output driver. See also ``--no-colorkey``. --consolecontrols, --no-consolecontrols ``--no-consolecontrols`` prevents the player from reading key events from standard input. Useful when reading data from standard input. This is automatically enabled when ``-`` is found on the command line. There are situations where you have to set it manually, e.g. if you open ``/dev/stdin`` (or the equivalent on your system), use stdin in a playlist or intend to read from stdin later on via the loadfile or loadlist slave commands. --contrast=<-100-100> Adjust the contrast of the video signal (default: 0). Not supported by all video output drivers. --cookies, --no-cookies (network only) Support cookies when making HTTP requests. Disabled by default. --cookies-file= (network only) Read HTTP cookies from (default: ``~/.mozilla/`` and ``~/.netscape/``) and skip reading from default locations. The file is assumed to be in Netscape format. --correct-pts, --no-correct-pts Switches MPlayer to a mode where timestamps for video frames are calculated differently and video filters which add new frames or modify timestamps of existing ones are supported. Now enabled automatically for most common file formats. The more accurate timestamps can be visible for example when playing subtitles timed to scene changes with the ``--ass`` option. Without ``--correct-pts`` the subtitle timing will typically be off by some frames. This option does not work correctly with some demuxers and codecs. --cursor-autohide-delay= Make mouse cursor automatically hide after given number of milliseconds. A value of -1 will disable cursor autohide. A value of -2 means the cursor will stay hidden. Supported by video output drivers which use X11 or OS X Cocoa. --delay= audio delay in seconds (positive or negative float value). Negative values delay the audio, and positive values delay the video. --demuxer=<[+]name> Force demuxer type. Use a '+' before the name to force it, this will skip some checks! Give the demuxer name as printed by ``--demuxer=help``. --display= (X11 only) Specify the hostname and display number of the X server you want to display on. *EXAMPLE*: ``--display=xtest.localdomain:0`` --double, --no-double Double buffering. The option to disable this exists mostly for debugging purposes and should not normally be used. --doubleclick-time Time in milliseconds to recognize two consecutive button presses as a double-click (default: 300). --dvbin= Pass the following parameters to the DVB input module, in order to override the default ones: :card=<1-4>: Specifies using card number 1-4 (default: 1). :file=: Instructs MPlayer to read the channels list from . Default is ``~/.mplayer/channels.conf.{sat,ter,cbl,atsc}`` (based on your card type) or ``~/.mplayer/channels.conf`` as a last resort. :timeout=<1-30>: Maximum number of seconds to wait when trying to tune a frequency before giving up (default: 30). --dvd-device= Specify the DVD device or .iso filename (default: ``/dev/dvd``). You can also specify a directory that contains files previously copied directly from a DVD (with e.g. vobcopy). --dvd-speed= Try to limit DVD speed (default: 0, no change). DVD base speed is 1385 kB/s, so a 8x drive can read at speeds up to 11080 kB/s. Slower speeds make the drive more quiet. For watching DVDs 2700 kB/s should be quiet and fast enough. MPlayer resets the speed to the drive default value on close. Values of at least 100 mean speed in kB/s. Values less than 100 mean multiples of 1385 kB/s, i.e. ``--dvd-speed=8`` selects 11080 kB/s. *NOTE*: You need write access to the DVD device to change the speed. --dvdangle= Some DVD discs contain scenes that can be viewed from multiple angles. Here you can tell MPlayer which angles to use (default: 1). --edition= (Matroska files only) Specify the edition (set of chapters) to use, where 0 is the first. If set to -1 (the default), MPlayer will choose the first edition declared as a default, or if there is no default, the first edition defined. --edlout= Creates a new file and writes edit decision list (EDL) records to it. During playback, the user hits 'i' to mark the start or end of a skip block. This provides a starting point from which the user can fine-tune EDL entries later. See http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/edl.html for details. --embeddedfonts, --no-embeddedfonts Use fonts embedded in Matroska container files and ASS scripts (default: enabled). These fonts can be used for SSA/ASS subtitle rendering (``--ass`` option). --endpos=<[[hh:]mm:]ss[.ms]> Stop at given time. *NOTE*: When used in conjunction with ``--ss`` option, ``--endpos`` time will shift forward by seconds specified with ``--ss``. *EXAMPLE*: ``--endpos=56`` Stop at 56 seconds. ``--endpos=01:10:00`` Stop at 1 hour 10 minutes. ``--ss=10 --endpos=56`` Stop at 1 minute 6 seconds. --extbased, --no-extbased Enabled by default. Disables extension-based demuxer selection. By default, when the file type (demuxer) cannot be detected reliably (the file has no header or it is not reliable enough), the filename extension is used to select the demuxer. Always falls back on content-based demuxer selection. --ffactor= Resample the font alphamap. Can be: :0: plain white fonts :0.75: very narrow black outline (default) :1: narrow black outline :10: bold black outline --field-dominance=<-1-1> Set first field for interlaced content. Useful for deinterlacers that double the framerate: ``--vf=tfields=1``, ``--vf=yadif=1`` and ``--vo=vdpau:deint``. :-1: auto (default): If the decoder does not export the appropriate information, it falls back to 0 (top field first). :0: top field first :1: bottom field first --fixed-vo, --no-fixed-vo ``--fixed-vo`` enforces a fixed video system for multiple files (one (un)initialization for all files). Therefore only one window will be opened for all files. Now enabled by default, use ``--no-fixed-vo`` to disable and create a new window whenever the video stream changes. Some of the older drivers may not be *fixed-vo* compliant. --flip Flip image upside-down. --flip-hebrew Turns on flipping subtitles using FriBiDi. --flip-hebrew-commas, --no-flip-hebrew-commas Enabled by default. Change FriBiDi's assumptions about the placements of commas in subtitles. Use this if commas in subtitles are shown at the start of a sentence instead of at the end. --font= Specify font to use for OSD and for subtitles that do not themselves specify a particular font. See also ``--subfont``. With fontconfig enabled the argument is a fontconfig pattern and the default is ``sans``. Without fontconfig the argument is a filename and the default is ``~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf`` with freetype enabled, or ``~/.mplayer/font/font.desc`` without it. *EXAMPLE*: - ``--font=~/.mplayer/arial-14/font.desc`` (no fontconfig or freetype) - ``--font=~/.mplayer/arialuni.ttf`` (no fontconfig) - ``--font='Bitstream Vera Sans'`` (usual case with fontconfig) - ``--font='Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Bold'`` (usual case with fontconfig) --force-window-position Forcefully move MPlayer's video output window to default location whenever there is a change in video parameters, video stream or file. This used to be the default behavior. Currently only affects X11 VOs. --forcedsubsonly Display only forced subtitles for the DVD subtitle stream selected by e.g. ``--slang``. --forceidx Force index rebuilding. Useful for files with broken index (A/V desync, etc). This will enable seeking in files where seeking was not possible. *NOTE*: This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc). --format= Select the sample format used for output from the audio filter layer to the sound card. The values that can adopt are listed below in the description of the ``format`` audio filter. --fps= Override video framerate. Useful if the original value is wrong or missing. --framedrop Skip displaying some frames to maintain A/V sync on slow systems. Video filters are not applied to such frames. For B-frames even decoding is skipped completely. May produce unwatchably choppy output. See also ``--hardframedrop``. --frames= Play/convert only first frames, then quit. --fribidi-charset= Specifies the character set that will be passed to FriBiDi when decoding non-UTF-8 subtitles (default: ISO8859-8). --fs Fullscreen playback (centers movie, and paints black bands around it). --fsmode-dontuse=<0-31> OBSOLETE, use the ``--fs`` option. Try this option if you still experience fullscreen problems. --fstype= (X11 only) Specify a priority list of fullscreen modes to be used. You can negate the modes by prefixing them with '-'. If you experience problems like the fullscreen window being covered by other windows try using a different order. *NOTE*: See ``--fstype=help`` for a full list of available modes. The available types are: above Use the ``_NETWM_STATE_ABOVE`` hint if available. below Use the ``_NETWM_STATE_BELOW`` hint if available. fullscreen Use the ``_NETWM_STATE_FULLSCREEN`` hint if available. layer Use the ``_WIN_LAYER`` hint with the default layer. layer=<0...15> Use the ``_WIN_LAYER`` hint with the given layer number. netwm Force NETWM style. none Clear the list of modes; you can add modes to enable afterward. stays_on_top Use ``_NETWM_STATE_STAYS_ON_TOP`` hint if available. *EXAMPLE*: ``--fstype=layer,stays_on_top,above,fullscreen`` Default order, will be used as a fallback if incorrect or unsupported modes are specified. ``--fstype=fullscreen`` Fixes fullscreen switching on OpenBox 1.x. --gamma=<-100-100> Adjust the gamma of the video signal (default: 0). Not supported by all video output drivers. --gapless-audio Try to play consecutive audio files with no silence or disruption at the point of file change. This feature is implemented in a simple manner and relies on audio output device buffering to continue playback while moving from one file to another. If playback of the new file starts slowly, for example because it's played from a remote network location or because you have specified cache settings that require time for the initial cache fill, then the buffered audio may run out before playback of the new file can start. *NOTE*: The audio device is opened using parameters chosen according to the first file played and is then kept open for gapless playback. This means that if the first file for example has a low samplerate then the following files may get resampled to the same low samplerate, resulting in reduced sound quality. If you play files with different parameters, consider using options such as ``--srate`` and ``--format`` to explicitly select what the shared output format will be. --geometry=, --geometry=<[WxH][+-x+-y]> Adjust where the output is on the screen initially. The x and y specifications are in pixels measured from the top-left of the screen to the top-left of the image being displayed, however if a percentage sign is given after the argument it turns the value into a percentage of the screen size in that direction. It also supports the standard X11 ``--geometry`` option format, in which e.g. +10-50 means "place 10 pixels from the left border and 50 pixels from the lower border" and "--20+-10" means "place 20 pixels beyond the right and 10 pixels beyond the top border". If an external window is specified using the ``--wid`` option, then the x and y coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the window rather than the screen. The coordinates are relative to the screen given with ``--xineramascreen`` for the video output drivers that fully support ``--xineramascreen`` (direct3d, gl, vdpau, x11, xv, corevideo). *NOTE*: May not be supported by some of the older VO drivers. *EXAMPLE*: ``50:40`` Places the window at x=50, y=40. ``50%:50%`` Places the window in the middle of the screen. ``100%`` Places the window at the middle of the right edge of the screen. ``100%:100%`` Places the window at the bottom right corner of the screen. --grabpointer, --no-grabpointer ``--no-grabpointer`` tells the player to not grab the mouse pointer after a video mode change (``--vm``). Useful for multihead setups. --hardframedrop More intense frame dropping (breaks decoding). Leads to image distortion! --heartbeat-cmd Command that is executed every 30 seconds during playback via *system()* - i.e. using the shell. *NOTE*: mplayer uses this command without any checking, it is your responsibility to ensure it does not cause security problems (e.g. make sure to use full paths if "." is in your path like on Windows). It also only works when playing video (i.e. not with ``--no-video`` but works with ``-vo=null``). This can be "misused" to disable screensavers that do not support the proper X API (see also ``--stop-xscreensaver``). If you think this is too complicated, ask the author of the screensaver program to support the proper X APIs. *EXAMPLE for xscreensaver*: ``mplayer --heartbeat-cmd="xscreensaver-command -deactivate" file`` *EXAMPLE for GNOME screensaver*: ``mplayer --heartbeat-cmd="gnome-screensaver-command -p" file`` --help Show short summary of options and key bindings. --hr-mp3-seek Only affects the internal ``audio`` demuxer, which is not used by default for mp3 files any more. The equivalent functionality is always enabled with the now default libavformat demuxer for mp3. Hi-res MP3 seeking. Enabled when playing from an external MP3 file, as we need to seek to the very exact position to keep A/V sync. Can be slow especially when seeking backwards since it has to rewind to the beginning to find an exact frame position. --hr-seek= Select when to use precise seeks that are not limited to keyframes. Such seeks require decoding video from the previous keyframe up to the target position and so can take some time depending on decoding performance. For some video formats precise seeks are disabled. This option selects the default choice to use for seeks; it's possible to explicitly override that default in the definition of key bindings and in slave mode commands. :off: Never use precise seeks. :absolute: Use precise seeks if the seek is to an absolute position in the file, such as a chapter seek, but not for relative seeks like the default behavior of arrow keys (default). :always: Use precise seeks whenever possible. --hr-seek-demuxer-offset= This option exists to work around failures to do precise seeks (as in ``--hr-seek``) caused by bugs or limitations in the demuxers for some file formats. Some demuxers fail to seek to a keyframe before the given target position, going to a later position instead. The value of this option is subtracted from the time stamp given to the demuxer. Thus if you set this option to 1.5 and try to do a precise seek to 60 seconds, the demuxer is told to seek to time 58.5, which hopefully reduces the chance that it erroneously goes to some time later than 60 seconds. The downside of setting this option is that precise seeks become slower, as video between the earlier demuxer position and the real target may be unnecessarily decoded. --http-header-fields= Set custom HTTP fields when accessing HTTP stream. *EXAMPLE*: ``mplayer --http-header-fields='Field1: value1','Field2: value2' http://localhost:1234`` Will generate HTTP request: | GET / HTTP/1.0 | Host: localhost:1234 | User-Agent: MPlayer | Icy-MetaData: 1 | Field1: value1 | Field2: value2 | Connection: close --hue=<-100-100> Adjust the hue of the video signal (default: 0). You can get a colored negative of the image with this option. Not supported by all video output drivers. --identify Shorthand for ``--msglevel=identify=4``. Show file parameters in an easily parseable format. Also prints more detailed information about subtitle and audio track languages and IDs. In some cases you can get more information by using ``--msglevel=identify=6``. For example, for a DVD or Blu-ray it will list the chapters and time length of each title, as well as a disk ID. Combine this with ``--frames=0`` to suppress all video output. The wrapper script ``TOOLS/midentify.sh`` suppresses the other MPlayer output and (hopefully) shellescapes the filenames. --idle Makes MPlayer wait idly instead of quitting when there is no file to play. Mostly useful in slave mode where MPlayer can be controlled through input commands (see also ``--slave``). --idx Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files. Now this is done automatically by the demuxers used for most video formats, meaning that this switch has no effect in the typical case. See also ``--forceidx``. *NOTE*: This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc). --ifo= Indicate the VOBsub IFO file that will be used to load palette and frame size for VOBsub subtitles. --ignore-start Ignore the specified starting time for streams in AVI files. This nullifies stream delays. --include= Specify configuration file to be parsed after the default ones. --initial-audio-sync, --no-initial-audio-sync When starting a video file or after events such as seeking MPlayer will by default modify the audio stream to make it start from the same timestamp as video, by either inserting silence at the start or cutting away the first samples. Disabling this option makes the player behave like older MPlayer versions did: video and audio are both started immediately even if their start timestamps differ, and then video timing is gradually adjusted if necessary to reach correct synchronization later. --input= This option can be used to configure certain parts of the input system. Paths are relative to ``~/.mplayer/``. *NOTE*: Autorepeat is currently only supported by joysticks. Available commands are: conf= Specify input configuration file other than the default ``~/.mplayer/input.conf``. ``~/.mplayer/`` is assumed if no full path is given. ar-dev= Device to be used for Apple IR Remote (default is autodetected, Linux only). ar-delay Delay in milliseconds before we start to autorepeat a key (0 to disable). ar-rate Number of key presses to generate per second on autorepeat. (no)default-bindings Use the key bindings that MPlayer ships with by default. keylist Prints all keys that can be bound to commands. cmdlist Prints all commands that can be bound to keys. js-dev Specifies the joystick device to use (default: ``/dev/input/js0``). file= Read commands from the given file. Mostly useful with a FIFO. See also ``--slave``. *NOTE*: When the given file is a FIFO MPlayer opens both ends so you can do several `echo "seek 10" > mp_pipe` and the pipe will stay valid. --ipv4-only-proxy Skip any HTTP proxy for IPv6 addresses. It will still be used for IPv4 connections. --joystick, --no-joystick Enable/disable joystick support. Enabled by default. --keepaspect, --no-keepaspect Keep window aspect ratio when resizing windows. Enabled by default. By default MPlayer tries to keep the correct video aspect ratio by instructing the window manager to maintain window aspect when resizing, and by adding black bars if the window manager nevertheless allows window shape to change. --no-keepaspect disables window manager aspect hints and scales the video to completely fill the window without regard for aspect ratio. --key-fifo-size=<2-65000> Specify the size of the FIFO that buffers key events (default: 7). If it is too small some events may be lost. The main disadvantage of setting it to a very large value is that if you hold down a key triggering some particularly slow command then the player may be unresponsive while it processes all the queued commands. --lavdopts= Specify libavcodec decoding parameters. Separate multiple options with a colon. *EXAMPLE*: ``--lavdopts=gray:skiploopfilter=all:skipframe=nonref`` Available options are: bitexact Only use bit-exact algorithms in all decoding steps (for codec testing). bug= Manually work around encoder bugs. :0: nothing :1: autodetect bugs (default) :2: (msmpeg4v3): some old lavc generated msmpeg4v3 files (no autodetection) :4: (mpeg4): Xvid interlacing bug (autodetected if fourcc==XVIX) :8: (mpeg4): UMP4 (autodetected if fourcc==UMP4) :16: (mpeg4): padding bug (autodetected) :32: (mpeg4): illegal vlc bug (autodetected per fourcc) :64: (mpeg4): Xvid and DivX qpel bug (autodetected per fourcc/version) :128: (mpeg4): old standard qpel (autodetected per fourcc/version) :256: (mpeg4): another qpel bug (autodetected per fourcc/version) :512: (mpeg4): direct-qpel-blocksize bug (autodetected per fourcc/version) :1024: (mpeg4): edge padding bug (autodetected per fourcc/version) debug= Display debugging information. :0: disabled :1: picture info :2: rate control :4: bitstream :8: macroblock (MB) type :16: per-block quantization parameter (QP) :32: motion vector :0x0040: motion vector visualization (use ``--no-slices``) :0x0080: macroblock (MB) skip :0x0100: startcode :0x0200: PTS :0x0400: error resilience :0x0800: memory management control operations (H.264) :0x1000: bugs :0x2000: Visualize quantization parameter (QP), lower QP are tinted greener. :0x4000: Visualize block types. ec= Set error concealment strategy. :1: Use strong deblock filter for damaged MBs. :2: iterative motion vector (MV) search (slow) :3: all (default) fast (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and H.264 only) Enable optimizations which do not comply to the specification and might potentially cause problems, like simpler dequantization, simpler motion compensation, assuming use of the default quantization matrix, assuming YUV 4:2:0 and skipping a few checks to detect damaged bitstreams. gray grayscale only decoding (a bit faster than with color) idct=<0-99> For best decoding quality use the same IDCT algorithm for decoding and encoding. This may come at a price in accuracy, though. lowres=[,] Decode at lower resolutions. Low resolution decoding is not supported by all codecs, and it will often result in ugly artifacts. This is not a bug, but a side effect of not decoding at full resolution. :0: disabled :1: 1/2 resolution :2: 1/4 resolution :3: 1/8 resolution If is specified lowres decoding will be used only if the width of the video is major than or equal to . o==[,=[,...]] Pass AVOptions to libavcodec decoder. Note, a patch to make the o= unneeded and pass all unknown options through the AVOption system is welcome. A full list of AVOptions can be found in the FFmpeg manual. *EXAMPLE*: ``o=debug=pict`` sb= (MPEG-2 only) Skip the given number of macroblock rows at the bottom. st= (MPEG-2 only) Skip the given number of macroblock rows at the top. skiploopfilter= (H.264 only) Skips the loop filter (AKA deblocking) during H.264 decoding. Since the filtered frame is supposed to be used as reference for decoding dependent frames this has a worse effect on quality than not doing deblocking on e.g. MPEG-2 video. But at least for high bitrate HDTV this provides a big speedup with no visible quality loss. can be one of the following: :none: Never skip. :default: Skip useless processing steps (e.g. 0 size packets in AVI). :nonref: Skip frames that are not referenced (i.e. not used for decoding other frames, the error cannot "build up"). :bidir: Skip B-Frames. :nonkey: Skip all frames except keyframes. :all: Skip all frames. skipidct= (MPEG-1/2 only) Skips the IDCT step. This degrades quality a lot of in almost all cases (see skiploopfilter for available skip values). skipframe= Skips decoding of frames completely. Big speedup, but jerky motion and sometimes bad artifacts (see skiploopfilter for available skip values). threads=<0-16> Number of threads to use for decoding. Whether threading is actually supported depends on codec. 0 means autodetect number of cores on the machine and use that, up to the maximum of 16. (default: 0) vismv= Visualize motion vectors. :0: disabled :1: Visualize forward predicted MVs of P-frames. :2: Visualize forward predicted MVs of B-frames. :4: Visualize backward predicted MVs of B-frames. vstats Prints some statistics and stores them in ``./vstats_*.log``. --lavfdopts= Specify parameters for libavformat demuxers (``--demuxer=lavf``). Separate multiple options with a colon. Available suboptions are: analyzeduration= Maximum length in seconds to analyze the stream properties. format= Force a specific libavformat demuxer. o==[,=[,...]] Pass AVOptions to libavformat demuxer. Note, a patch to make the *o=* unneeded and pass all unknown options through the AVOption system is welcome. A full list of AVOptions can be found in the FFmpeg manual. Note that some options may conflict with MPlayer options. *EXAMPLE*: ``o=fflags=+ignidx`` probesize= Maximum amount of data to probe during the detection phase. In the case of MPEG-TS this value identifies the maximum number of TS packets to scan. cryptokey= Encryption key the demuxer should use. This is the raw binary data of the key converted to a hexadecimal string. --lirc, --no-lirc Enable/disable LIRC support. Enabled by default. --lircconf= (LIRC only) Specifies a configuration file for LIRC (default: ``~/.lircrc``). --list-options Prints all available options. --list-properties Print a list of the available properties. --loadidx= The file from which to read the video index data saved by ``--saveidx``. This index will be used for seeking, overriding any index data contained in the AVI itself. MPlayer will not prevent you from loading an index file generated from a different AVI, but this is sure to cause unfavorable results. *NOTE*: This option is obsolete now that MPlayer has OpenDML support. --loop= Loops movie playback times. 0 means forever. --mc= Maximum A-V sync correction per frame (in seconds) --mf= Used when decoding from multiple PNG or JPEG files. Available options are: :w=: input file width (default: autodetect) :h=: input file height (default: autodetect) :fps=: output fps (default: 25) :type=: input file type (available: jpeg, png, tga, sgi) --mixer= Use a mixer device different from the default ``/dev/mixer``. For ALSA this is the mixer name. --mixer-channel= (``--ao=oss`` and ``--ao=alsa`` only) This option will tell MPlayer to use a different channel for controlling volume than the default PCM. Options for OSS include **vol, pcm, line**. For a complete list of options look for ``SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES`` in ``/usr/include/linux/soundcard.h``. For ALSA you can use the names e.g. alsamixer displays, like **Master, Line, PCM**. *NOTE*: ALSA mixer channel names followed by a number must be specified in the format, i.e. a channel labeled 'PCM 1' in alsamixer must be converted to PCM,1. --monitoraspect= Set the aspect ratio of your monitor or TV screen. A value of 0 disables a previous setting (e.g. in the config file). Overrides the ``--monitorpixelaspect`` setting if enabled. See also ``--monitorpixelaspect`` and ``--aspect``. *EXAMPLE*: - ``--monitoraspect=4:3`` or ``--monitoraspect=1.3333`` - ``--monitoraspect=16:9`` or ``--monitoraspect=1.7777`` --monitorpixelaspect= Set the aspect of a single pixel of your monitor or TV screen (default: 1). A value of 1 means square pixels (correct for (almost?) all LCDs). See also ``--monitoraspect`` and ``--aspect``. --mouse-movements Permit MPlayer to receive pointer events reported by the video output driver. Necessary to select the buttons in DVD menus. Supported for X11-based VOs (x11, xv, etc) and the gl, direct3d and corevideo VOs. --mouseinput, --no-mouseinput Enabled by default. Disable mouse button press/release input (mozplayerxp's context menu relies on this option). --msgcolor Enable colorful console output on terminals that support ANSI color. --msglevel= Control verbosity directly for each module. The *all* module changes the verbosity of all the modules not explicitly specified on the command line. See ``--msglevel=help`` for a list of all modules. *NOTE*: Some messages are printed before the command line is parsed and are therefore not affected by ``--msglevel``. To control these messages you have to use the ``MPLAYER_VERBOSE`` environment variable; see its description below for details. Available levels: :-1: complete silence :0: fatal messages only :1: error messages :2: warning messages :3: short hints :4: informational messages :5: status messages (default) :6: verbose messages :7: debug level 2 :8: debug level 3 :9: debug level 4 --msgmodule Prepend module name in front of each console message. --name Set the window class name for X11-based video output methods. --ni (Internal AVI demuxer which is not used by default only) Force usage of non-interleaved AVI parser (fixes playback of some bad AVI files). --no-aspect Ignore aspect ratio information from video file and assume the video has square pixels. See also ``--aspect``. --no-bps (Internal AVI demuxer which is not used by default only) Do not use average byte/second value for A-V sync. Helps with some AVI files with broken header. --no-cache Turn off input stream caching. See ``--cache``. --no-colorkey Disables colorkeying. Only supported by the xv (see ``--vo=xv:ck``) video output driver. --no-config= Do not parse selected configuration files. *NOTE*: If ``--include`` or ``--use-filedir-conf`` options are specified at the command line, they will be honoured. Available options are: :all: all configuration files :system: system configuration file :user: user configuration file --no-idx Do not use index present in the file even if one is present. --no-audio Do not play sound. Useful for benchmarking. --no-sub Disables any otherwise auto-selected internal subtitles (as e.g. the Matroska/mkv demuxer supports). Use ``--no-autosub`` to disable the loading of external subtitle files. --no-video Do not play video. With some demuxers this may not work. In those cases you can try ``--vc=null --vo=null`` instead; but ``--vc=null`` is always unreliable. --ontop Makes the player window stay on top of other windows. Supported by video output drivers which use X11, as well as corevideo. --ordered-chapters, --no-ordered-chapters Enabled by default. Disable support for Matroska ordered chapters. MPlayer will not load or search for video segments from other files, and will also ignore any chapter order specified for the main file. --osd-duration=