/* Copyright (C) 2017 the mpv developers * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #define TA_NO_WRAPPERS #include "ta.h" // Note: the actual minimum alignment is dictated by malloc(). It doesn't // make sense to set this value higher than malloc's alignment. #define MIN_ALIGN 16 #ifndef NDEBUG #define TA_MEMORY_DEBUGGING #endif struct ta_header { size_t size; // size of the user allocation struct ta_header *prev; // ring list containing siblings struct ta_header *next; struct ta_ext_header *ext; #ifdef TA_MEMORY_DEBUGGING unsigned int canary; struct ta_header *leak_next; struct ta_header *leak_prev; const char *name; #endif }; #define CANARY 0xD3ADB3EF union aligned_header { struct ta_header ta; // Make sure to satisfy typical alignment requirements void *align_ptr; int align_int; double align_d; long long align_ll; char align_min[(sizeof(struct ta_header) + MIN_ALIGN - 1) & ~(MIN_ALIGN - 1)]; }; #define PTR_TO_HEADER(ptr) (&((union aligned_header *)(ptr) - 1)->ta) #define PTR_FROM_HEADER(h) ((void *)((union aligned_header *)(h) + 1)) #define MAX_ALLOC (((size_t)-1) - sizeof(union aligned_header)) // Needed for non-leaf allocations, or extended features such as destructors. struct ta_ext_header { struct ta_header *header; // points back to normal header struct ta_header children; // list of children, with this as sentinel void (*destructor)(void *); }; // ta_ext_header.children.size is set to this #define CHILDREN_SENTINEL ((size_t)-1) static void ta_dbg_add(struct ta_header *h); static void ta_dbg_check_header(struct ta_header *h); static void ta_dbg_remove(struct ta_header *h); static struct ta_header *get_header(void *ptr) { struct ta_header *h = ptr ? PTR_TO_HEADER(ptr) : NULL; ta_dbg_check_header(h); return h; } static struct ta_ext_header *get_or_alloc_ext_header(void *ptr) { struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); if (!h) return NULL; if (!h->ext) { h->ext = malloc(sizeof(struct ta_ext_header)); if (!h->ext) return NULL; *h->ext = (struct ta_ext_header) { .header = h, .children = { .next = &h->ext->children, .prev = &h->ext->children, // Needed by ta_find_parent(): .size = CHILDREN_SENTINEL, .ext = h->ext, }, }; } return h->ext; } /* Set the parent allocation of ptr. If parent==NULL, remove the parent. * Setting parent==NULL (with ptr!=NULL) always succeeds, and unsets the * parent of ptr. Operations ptr==NULL always succeed and do nothing. * Returns true on success, false on OOM. * * Warning: if ta_parent is a direct or indirect child of ptr, things will go * wrong. The function will apparently succeed, but creates circular * parent links, which are not allowed. */ bool ta_set_parent(void *ptr, void *ta_parent) { struct ta_header *ch = get_header(ptr); if (!ch) return true; struct ta_ext_header *parent_eh = get_or_alloc_ext_header(ta_parent); if (ta_parent && !parent_eh) // do nothing on OOM return false; // Unlink from previous parent if (ch->next) { ch->next->prev = ch->prev; ch->prev->next = ch->next; ch->next = ch->prev = NULL; } // Link to new parent - insert at end of list (possibly orders destructors) if (parent_eh) { struct ta_header *children = &parent_eh->children; ch->next = children; ch->prev = children->prev; children->prev->next = ch; children->prev = ch; } return true; } /* Allocate size bytes of memory. If ta_parent is not NULL, this is used as * parent allocation (if ta_parent is freed, this allocation is automatically * freed as well). size==0 allocates a block of size 0 (i.e. returns non-NULL). * Returns NULL on OOM. */ void *ta_alloc_size(void *ta_parent, size_t size) { if (size >= MAX_ALLOC) return NULL; struct ta_header *h = malloc(sizeof(union aligned_header) + size); if (!h) return NULL; *h = (struct ta_header) {.size = size}; ta_dbg_add(h); void *ptr = PTR_FROM_HEADER(h); if (!ta_set_parent(ptr, ta_parent)) { ta_free(ptr); return NULL; } return ptr; } /* Exactly the same as ta_alloc_size(), but the returned memory block is * initialized to 0. */ void *ta_zalloc_size(void *ta_parent, size_t size) { if (size >= MAX_ALLOC) return NULL; struct ta_header *h = calloc(1, sizeof(union aligned_header) + size); if (!h) return NULL; *h = (struct ta_header) {.size = size}; ta_dbg_add(h); void *ptr = PTR_FROM_HEADER(h); if (!ta_set_parent(ptr, ta_parent)) { ta_free(ptr); return NULL; } return ptr; } /* Reallocate the allocation given by ptr and return a new pointer. Much like * realloc(), the returned pointer can be different, and on OOM, NULL is * returned. * * size==0 is equivalent to ta_free(ptr). * ptr==NULL is equivalent to ta_alloc_size(ta_parent, size). * * ta_parent is used only in the ptr==NULL case. * * Returns NULL if the operation failed. * NULL is also returned if size==0. */ void *ta_realloc_size(void *ta_parent, void *ptr, size_t size) { if (size >= MAX_ALLOC) return NULL; if (!size) { ta_free(ptr); return NULL; } if (!ptr) return ta_alloc_size(ta_parent, size); struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); struct ta_header *old_h = h; if (h->size == size) return ptr; ta_dbg_remove(h); h = realloc(h, sizeof(union aligned_header) + size); ta_dbg_add(h ? h : old_h); if (!h) return NULL; h->size = size; if (h != old_h) { if (h->next) { // Relink siblings h->next->prev = h; h->prev->next = h; } if (h->ext) { // Relink children h->ext->header = h; h->ext->children.next->prev = &h->ext->children; h->ext->children.prev->next = &h->ext->children; } } return PTR_FROM_HEADER(h); } /* Return the allocated size of ptr. This returns the size parameter of the * most recent ta_alloc.../ta_realloc... call. * If ptr==NULL, return 0. */ size_t ta_get_size(void *ptr) { struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); return h ? h->size : 0; } /* Free all allocations that (recursively) have ptr as parent allocation, but * do not free ptr itself. */ void ta_free_children(void *ptr) { struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); struct ta_ext_header *eh = h ? h->ext : NULL; if (!eh) return; while (eh->children.prev != &eh->children) ta_free(PTR_FROM_HEADER(eh->children.prev)); } /* Free the given allocation, and all of its direct and indirect children. */ void ta_free(void *ptr) { struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); if (!h) return; if (h->ext && h->ext->destructor) h->ext->destructor(ptr); ta_free_children(ptr); if (h->next) { // Unlink from sibling list h->next->prev = h->prev; h->prev->next = h->next; } ta_dbg_remove(h); free(h->ext); free(h); } /* Set a destructor that is to be called when the given allocation is freed. * (Whether the allocation is directly freed with ta_free() or indirectly by * freeing its parent does not matter.) There is only one destructor. If an * destructor was already set, it's overwritten. * * The destructor will be called with ptr as argument. The destructor can do * almost anything, but it must not attempt to free or realloc ptr. The * destructor is run before the allocation's children are freed (also, before * their destructors are run). * * Returns false if ptr==NULL, or on OOM. */ bool ta_set_destructor(void *ptr, void (*destructor)(void *)) { struct ta_ext_header *eh = get_or_alloc_ext_header(ptr); if (!eh) return false; eh->destructor = destructor; return true; } #ifdef TA_MEMORY_DEBUGGING #include static pthread_mutex_t ta_dbg_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool enable_leak_check; // pretty much constant static struct ta_header leak_node; static char allocation_is_string; static void ta_dbg_add(struct ta_header *h) { h->canary = CANARY; if (enable_leak_check) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ta_dbg_mutex); h->leak_next = &leak_node; h->leak_prev = leak_node.leak_prev; leak_node.leak_prev->leak_next = h; leak_node.leak_prev = h; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ta_dbg_mutex); } } static void ta_dbg_check_header(struct ta_header *h) { if (h) assert(h->canary == CANARY); } static void ta_dbg_remove(struct ta_header *h) { ta_dbg_check_header(h); if (h->leak_next) { // assume checking for !=NULL invariant ok without lock pthread_mutex_lock(&ta_dbg_mutex); h->leak_next->leak_prev = h->leak_prev; h->leak_prev->leak_next = h->leak_next; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ta_dbg_mutex); h->leak_next = h->leak_prev = NULL; } h->canary = 0; } static size_t get_children_size(struct ta_header *h) { size_t size = 0; if (h->ext) { struct ta_header *s; for (s = h->ext->children.next; s != &h->ext->children; s = s->next) size += s->size + get_children_size(s); } return size; } static void print_leak_report(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ta_dbg_mutex); if (leak_node.leak_next && leak_node.leak_next != &leak_node) { size_t size = 0; size_t num_blocks = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Blocks not freed:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " %-20s %10s %10s %s\n", "Ptr", "Bytes", "C. Bytes", "Name"); while (leak_node.leak_next != &leak_node) { struct ta_header *cur = leak_node.leak_next; // Don't list those with parent; logically, only parents are listed if (!cur->next) { size_t c_size = get_children_size(cur); char name[30] = {0}; if (cur->name) snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", cur->name); if (cur->name == &allocation_is_string) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "'%.*s'", (int)cur->size, (char *)PTR_FROM_HEADER(cur)); } for (int n = 0; n < sizeof(name); n++) { if (name[n] && name[n] < 0x20) name[n] = '.'; } fprintf(stderr, " %-20p %10zu %10zu %s\n", cur, cur->size, c_size, name); } size += cur->size; num_blocks += 1; // Unlink, and don't confuse valgrind by leaving live pointers. cur->leak_next->leak_prev = cur->leak_prev; cur->leak_prev->leak_next = cur->leak_next; cur->leak_next = cur->leak_prev = NULL; } fprintf(stderr, "%zu bytes in %zu blocks.\n", size, num_blocks); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ta_dbg_mutex); } void ta_enable_leak_report(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ta_dbg_mutex); enable_leak_check = true; if (!leak_node.leak_prev && !leak_node.leak_next) { leak_node.leak_prev = &leak_node; leak_node.leak_next = &leak_node; atexit(print_leak_report); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ta_dbg_mutex); } /* Set a (static) string that will be printed if the memory allocation in ptr * shows up on the leak report. The string must stay valid until ptr is freed. * Calling it on ptr==NULL does nothing. * Typically used to set location info. * Always returns ptr (useful for chaining function calls). */ void *ta_dbg_set_loc(void *ptr, const char *loc) { struct ta_header *h = get_header(ptr); if (h) h->name = loc; return ptr; } /* Mark the allocation as string. The leak report will print it literally. */ void *ta_dbg_mark_as_string(void *ptr) { // Specially handled by leak report code. return ta_dbg_set_loc(ptr, &allocation_is_string); } #else static void ta_dbg_add(struct ta_header *h){} static void ta_dbg_check_header(struct ta_header *h){} static void ta_dbg_remove(struct ta_header *h){} void ta_enable_leak_report(void){} void *ta_dbg_set_loc(void *ptr, const char *loc){return ptr;} void *ta_dbg_mark_as_string(void *ptr){return ptr;} #endif