#include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "osdep/io.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "misc/ctype.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "sub/find_subfiles.h" static const char *const sub_exts[] = {"utf", "utf8", "utf-8", "idx", "sub", "srt", "smi", "rt", "txt", "ssa", "aqt", "jss", "js", "ass", "mks", "vtt", "sup", NULL}; static const char *const audio_exts[] = {"mp3", "aac", "mka", "dts", "flac", "ogg", "m4a", "ac3", NULL}; static bool test_ext_list(bstr ext, const char *const *list) { for (int n = 0; list[n]; n++) { if (bstrcasecmp(bstr0(list[n]), ext) == 0) return true; } return false; } static int test_ext(bstr ext) { if (test_ext_list(ext, sub_exts)) return STREAM_SUB; if (test_ext_list(ext, audio_exts)) return STREAM_AUDIO; return -1; } static struct bstr strip_ext(struct bstr str) { int dotpos = bstrrchr(str, '.'); if (dotpos < 0) return str; return (struct bstr){str.start, dotpos}; } static struct bstr get_ext(struct bstr s) { int dotpos = bstrrchr(s, '.'); if (dotpos < 0) return (struct bstr){NULL, 0}; return bstr_splice(s, dotpos + 1, s.len); } bool mp_might_be_subtitle_file(const char *filename) { return test_ext(get_ext(bstr0(filename))) == STREAM_SUB; } static int compare_sub_filename(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct subfn *s1 = a; const struct subfn *s2 = b; return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname); } static int compare_sub_priority(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct subfn *s1 = a; const struct subfn *s2 = b; if (s1->priority > s2->priority) return -1; if (s1->priority < s2->priority) return 1; return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname); } static struct bstr guess_lang_from_filename(struct bstr name) { if (name.len < 2) return (struct bstr){NULL, 0}; int n = 0; int i = name.len - 1; if (name.start[i] == ')' || name.start[i] == ']') i--; while (i >= 0 && mp_isalpha(name.start[i])) { n++; if (n > 3) return (struct bstr){NULL, 0}; i--; } if (n < 2) return (struct bstr){NULL, 0}; return (struct bstr){name.start + i + 1, n}; } static void append_dir_subtitles(struct mpv_global *global, struct subfn **slist, int *nsub, struct bstr path, const char *fname, int limit_fuzziness) { void *tmpmem = talloc_new(NULL); struct MPOpts *opts = global->opts; struct mp_log *log = mp_log_new(tmpmem, global->log, "find_files"); if (mp_is_url(bstr0(fname))) goto out; struct bstr f_fname = bstr0(mp_basename(fname)); struct bstr f_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem, strip_ext(f_fname)); bstr_lower(f_fname_noext); struct bstr f_fname_trim = bstr_strip(f_fname_noext); // 0 = nothing // 1 = any subtitle file // 2 = any sub file containing movie name // 3 = sub file containing movie name and the lang extension char *path0 = bstrdup0(tmpmem, path); DIR *d = opendir(path0); if (!d) goto out; mp_verbose(log, "Loading external files in %.*s\n", BSTR_P(path)); struct dirent *de; while ((de = readdir(d))) { struct bstr dename = bstr0(de->d_name); void *tmpmem2 = talloc_new(tmpmem); // retrieve various parts of the filename struct bstr tmp_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem2, strip_ext(dename)); bstr_lower(tmp_fname_noext); struct bstr tmp_fname_ext = get_ext(dename); struct bstr tmp_fname_trim = bstr_strip(tmp_fname_noext); // check what it is (most likely) int type = test_ext(tmp_fname_ext); char **langs = NULL; int fuzz = -1; switch (type) { case STREAM_SUB: langs = opts->stream_lang[type]; fuzz = opts->sub_auto; break; case STREAM_AUDIO: langs = opts->stream_lang[type]; fuzz = opts->audiofile_auto; break; } if (fuzz < 0) goto next_sub; // we have a (likely) subtitle file int prio = 0; char *found_lang = NULL; if (langs) { if (bstr_startswith(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim)) { struct bstr lang = guess_lang_from_filename(tmp_fname_trim); if (lang.len) { for (int n = 0; langs[n]; n++) { if (bstr_startswith0(lang, langs[n])) { prio = 4; // matches the movie name + lang extension found_lang = langs[n]; break; } } } } } if (!prio && bstrcmp(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) == 0) prio = 3; // matches the movie name if (!prio && bstr_find(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) >= 0 && fuzz >= 1) prio = 2; // contains the movie name if (!prio) { // doesn't contain the movie name // don't try in the mplayer subtitle directory if (!limit_fuzziness && fuzz >= 2) { prio = 1; } } mp_dbg(log, "Potential external file: \"%s\" Priority: %d\n", de->d_name, prio); if (prio) { prio += prio; char *subpath = mp_path_join_bstr(*slist, path, dename); if (mp_path_exists(subpath)) { MP_GROW_ARRAY(*slist, *nsub); struct subfn *sub = *slist + (*nsub)++; // annoying and redundant if (strncmp(subpath, "./", 2) == 0) subpath += 2; sub->type = type; sub->priority = prio; sub->fname = subpath; sub->lang = found_lang; } else talloc_free(subpath); } next_sub: talloc_free(tmpmem2); } closedir(d); out: talloc_free(tmpmem); } static bool case_endswith(const char *s, const char *end) { size_t len = strlen(s); size_t elen = strlen(end); return len >= elen && strcasecmp(s + len - elen, end) == 0; } // Drop .sub file if .idx file exists. // Assumes slist is sorted by compare_sub_filename. static void filter_subidx(struct subfn **slist, int *nsub) { const char *prev = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < *nsub; n++) { const char *fname = (*slist)[n].fname; if (case_endswith(fname, ".idx")) { prev = fname; } else if (case_endswith(fname, ".sub")) { if (prev && strncmp(prev, fname, strlen(fname) - 4) == 0) (*slist)[n].priority = -1; } } for (int n = *nsub - 1; n >= 0; n--) { if ((*slist)[n].priority < 0) MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(*slist, *nsub, n); } } // Return a list of subtitles and audio files found, sorted by priority. // Last element is terminated with a fname==NULL entry. struct subfn *find_external_files(struct mpv_global *global, const char *fname) { struct MPOpts *opts = global->opts; struct subfn *slist = talloc_array_ptrtype(NULL, slist, 1); int n = 0; // Load subtitles from current media directory append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, mp_dirname(fname), fname, 0); if (opts->sub_auto >= 0) { // Load subtitles in dirs specified by sub-paths option if (opts->sub_paths) { for (int i = 0; opts->sub_paths[i]; i++) { char *path = mp_path_join_bstr(slist, mp_dirname(fname), bstr0(opts->sub_paths[i])); append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, bstr0(path), fname, 0); } } // Load subtitles in ~/.mpv/sub limiting sub fuzziness char *mp_subdir = mp_find_config_file(NULL, global, "sub/"); if (mp_subdir) append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, bstr0(mp_subdir), fname, 1); talloc_free(mp_subdir); } // Sort by name for filter_subidx() qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_filename); filter_subidx(&slist, &n); // Sort subs by priority and append them qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_priority); struct subfn z = {0}; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, slist, n, z); return slist; }