/* * Android AudioTrack audio output driver. * Copyright (C) 2018 Aman Gupta * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN, VideoLabs * Authors: Thomas Guillem * Ming Hu * * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include "ao.h" #include "internal.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "audio/format.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "osdep/threads.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "misc/jni.h" struct priv { jobject audiotrack; jint samplerate; jint channel_config; jint format; jint size; jobject timestamp; int64_t timestamp_fetched; bool timestamp_set; int timestamp_stable; uint32_t written_frames; /* requires uint32_t rollover semantics */ uint32_t playhead_pos; uint32_t playhead_offset; bool reset_pending; void *chunk; int chunksize; jbyteArray bytearray; jshortArray shortarray; jfloatArray floatarray; jobject bbuf; bool cfg_pcm_float; int cfg_session_id; bool needs_timestamp_offset; int64_t timestamp_offset; bool thread_terminate; bool thread_created; mp_thread thread; mp_mutex lock; mp_cond wakeup; }; struct JNIByteBuffer { jclass clazz; jmethodID clear; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } ByteBuffer = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIByteBuffer, member) {"java/nio/ByteBuffer", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 1}, {"java/nio/ByteBuffer", "clear", "()Ljava/nio/Buffer;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(clear), 1}, {0}, #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioTrack { jclass clazz; jmethodID ctor; jmethodID ctorV21; jmethodID release; jmethodID getState; jmethodID getPlayState; jmethodID play; jmethodID stop; jmethodID flush; jmethodID pause; jmethodID write; jmethodID writeFloat; jmethodID writeShortV23; jmethodID writeBufferV21; jmethodID getBufferSizeInFramesV23; jmethodID getPlaybackHeadPosition; jmethodID getTimestamp; jmethodID getLatency; jmethodID getMinBufferSize; jmethodID getNativeOutputSampleRate; jint STATE_INITIALIZED; jint PLAYSTATE_STOPPED; jint PLAYSTATE_PAUSED; jint PLAYSTATE_PLAYING; jint MODE_STREAM; jint ERROR; jint ERROR_BAD_VALUE; jint ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION; jint WRITE_BLOCKING; jint WRITE_NON_BLOCKING; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioTrack = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioTrack, member) {"android/media/AudioTrack", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "", "(IIIIIII)V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(ctor), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "", "(Landroid/media/AudioAttributes;Landroid/media/AudioFormat;III)V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(ctorV21), 0}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "release", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(release), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getState", "()I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getState), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getPlayState", "()I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getPlayState), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "play", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(play), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "stop", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(stop), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "flush", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(flush), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "pause", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(pause), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "write", "([BII)I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(write), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "write", "([FIII)I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(writeFloat), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "write", "([SIII)I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(writeShortV23), 0}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "write", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;II)I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(writeBufferV21), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getBufferSizeInFrames", "()I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getBufferSizeInFramesV23), 0}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getTimestamp", "(Landroid/media/AudioTimestamp;)Z", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getTimestamp), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getPlaybackHeadPosition", "()I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getPlaybackHeadPosition), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getLatency", "()I", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(getLatency), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getMinBufferSize", "(III)I", MP_JNI_STATIC_METHOD, OFFSET(getMinBufferSize), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "getNativeOutputSampleRate", "(I)I", MP_JNI_STATIC_METHOD, OFFSET(getNativeOutputSampleRate), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "WRITE_BLOCKING", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(WRITE_BLOCKING), 0}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "WRITE_NON_BLOCKING", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(WRITE_NON_BLOCKING), 0}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "STATE_INITIALIZED", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(STATE_INITIALIZED), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "PLAYSTATE_STOPPED", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(PLAYSTATE_STOPPED), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "PLAYSTATE_PAUSED", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(PLAYSTATE_PAUSED), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "PLAYSTATE_PLAYING", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(PLAYSTATE_PLAYING), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "MODE_STREAM", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(MODE_STREAM), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "ERROR", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ERROR), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "ERROR_BAD_VALUE", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ERROR_BAD_VALUE), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTrack", "ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION), 1}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioAttributes { jclass clazz; jint CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE; jint CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC; jint USAGE_MEDIA; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioAttributes = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioAttributes, member) {"android/media/AudioAttributes", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes", "CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes", "CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes", "USAGE_MEDIA", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(USAGE_MEDIA), 0}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioAttributesBuilder { jclass clazz; jmethodID ctor; jmethodID setUsage; jmethodID setContentType; jmethodID build; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioAttributesBuilder = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioAttributesBuilder, member) {"android/media/AudioAttributes$Builder", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes$Builder", "", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(ctor), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes$Builder", "setUsage", "(I)Landroid/media/AudioAttributes$Builder;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(setUsage), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes$Builder", "setContentType", "(I)Landroid/media/AudioAttributes$Builder;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(setContentType), 0}, {"android/media/AudioAttributes$Builder", "build", "()Landroid/media/AudioAttributes;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(build), 0}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioFormat { jclass clazz; jint ENCODING_PCM_8BIT; jint ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; jint ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT; jint ENCODING_IEC61937; jint CHANNEL_OUT_MONO; jint CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO; jint CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_CENTER; jint CHANNEL_OUT_QUAD; jint CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1; jint CHANNEL_OUT_BACK_CENTER; jint CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1_SURROUND; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioFormat = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioFormat, member) {"android/media/AudioFormat", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "ENCODING_PCM_8BIT", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ENCODING_PCM_8BIT), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "ENCODING_PCM_16BIT", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ENCODING_PCM_16BIT), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "ENCODING_IEC61937", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ENCODING_IEC61937), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_MONO", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_MONO), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_CENTER", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_CENTER), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_QUAD", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_QUAD), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_BACK_CENTER", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_BACK_CENTER), 1}, {"android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1_SURROUND", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1_SURROUND), 0}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioFormatBuilder { jclass clazz; jmethodID ctor; jmethodID setEncoding; jmethodID setSampleRate; jmethodID setChannelMask; jmethodID build; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioFormatBuilder = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioFormatBuilder, member) {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", "", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(ctor), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", "setEncoding", "(I)Landroid/media/AudioFormat$Builder;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(setEncoding), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", "setSampleRate", "(I)Landroid/media/AudioFormat$Builder;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(setSampleRate), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", "setChannelMask", "(I)Landroid/media/AudioFormat$Builder;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(setChannelMask), 0}, {"android/media/AudioFormat$Builder", "build", "()Landroid/media/AudioFormat;", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(build), 0}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioManager { jclass clazz; jint ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; jint STREAM_MUSIC; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioManager = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioManager, member) {"android/media/AudioManager", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 1}, {"android/media/AudioManager", "STREAM_MUSIC", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(STREAM_MUSIC), 1}, {"android/media/AudioManager", "ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT", "I", MP_JNI_STATIC_FIELD_AS_INT, OFFSET(ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT), 0}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; struct JNIAudioTimestamp { jclass clazz; jmethodID ctor; jfieldID framePosition; jfieldID nanoTime; struct MPJniField mapping[]; } AudioTimestamp = {.mapping = { #define OFFSET(member) offsetof(struct JNIAudioTimestamp, member) {"android/media/AudioTimestamp", NULL, NULL, MP_JNI_CLASS, OFFSET(clazz), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTimestamp", "", "()V", MP_JNI_METHOD, OFFSET(ctor), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTimestamp", "framePosition", "J", MP_JNI_FIELD, OFFSET(framePosition), 1}, {"android/media/AudioTimestamp", "nanoTime", "J", MP_JNI_FIELD, OFFSET(nanoTime), 1}, {0} #undef OFFSET }}; #define MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(o) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, o) static int AudioTrack_New(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); jobject audiotrack = NULL; if (AudioTrack.ctorV21) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "Using API21 initializer\n"); jobject tmp = NULL; jobject format_builder = MP_JNI_NEW(AudioFormatBuilder.clazz, AudioFormatBuilder.ctor); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); tmp = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(format_builder, AudioFormatBuilder.setEncoding, p->format); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(tmp); tmp = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(format_builder, AudioFormatBuilder.setSampleRate, p->samplerate); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(tmp); tmp = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(format_builder, AudioFormatBuilder.setChannelMask, p->channel_config); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(tmp); jobject format = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(format_builder, AudioFormatBuilder.build); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(format_builder); jobject attr_builder = MP_JNI_NEW(AudioAttributesBuilder.clazz, AudioAttributesBuilder.ctor); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); tmp = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(attr_builder, AudioAttributesBuilder.setUsage, AudioAttributes.USAGE_MEDIA); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(tmp); jint content_type = (ao->init_flags & AO_INIT_MEDIA_ROLE_MUSIC) ? AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC : AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE; tmp = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(attr_builder, AudioAttributesBuilder.setContentType, content_type); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(tmp); jobject attr = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(attr_builder, AudioAttributesBuilder.build); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(attr_builder); audiotrack = MP_JNI_NEW( AudioTrack.clazz, AudioTrack.ctorV21, attr, format, p->size, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM, p->cfg_session_id ); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(format); MP_JNI_DELETELOCAL(attr); } else { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "Using legacy initializer\n"); audiotrack = MP_JNI_NEW( AudioTrack.clazz, AudioTrack.ctor, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, p->samplerate, p->channel_config, p->format, p->size, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM, p->cfg_session_id ); } if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0 || !audiotrack) { MP_FATAL(ao, "AudioTrack Init failed\n"); return -1; } if (MP_JNI_CALL_INT(audiotrack, AudioTrack.getState) != AudioTrack.STATE_INITIALIZED) { MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(audiotrack, AudioTrack.release); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, audiotrack); MP_ERR(ao, "AudioTrack.getState failed\n"); return -1; } if (AudioTrack.getBufferSizeInFramesV23) { int bufferSize = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(audiotrack, AudioTrack.getBufferSizeInFramesV23); if (bufferSize > 0) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "AudioTrack.getBufferSizeInFrames = %d\n", bufferSize); ao->device_buffer = bufferSize; } } p->audiotrack = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, audiotrack); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, audiotrack); if (!p->audiotrack) return -1; return 0; } static int AudioTrack_Recreate(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.release); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->audiotrack); p->audiotrack = NULL; return AudioTrack_New(ao); } static uint32_t AudioTrack_getPlaybackHeadPosition(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; if (!p->audiotrack) return 0; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); uint32_t pos = 0; int64_t now = mp_raw_time_ns(); int state = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.getPlayState); int stable_count = 20; int64_t wait = p->timestamp_stable < stable_count ? 50000000 : 3000000000; if (state == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING && p->format != AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937 && (p->timestamp_fetched == 0 || now - p->timestamp_fetched >= wait)) { if (!p->timestamp_fetched) p->timestamp_stable = 0; int64_t time1 = MP_JNI_GET_LONG(p->timestamp, AudioTimestamp.nanoTime); if (MP_JNI_CALL_BOOL(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.getTimestamp, p->timestamp)) { p->timestamp_set = true; p->timestamp_fetched = now; if (p->timestamp_stable < stable_count) { uint32_t fpos = 0xFFFFFFFFL & MP_JNI_GET_LONG(p->timestamp, AudioTimestamp.framePosition); int64_t time2 = MP_JNI_GET_LONG(p->timestamp, AudioTimestamp.nanoTime); //MP_VERBOSE(ao, "getTimestamp: fpos= %u / time= %"PRId64" / now= %"PRId64" / stable= %d\n", fpos, time2, now, p->timestamp_stable); if (time1 != time2 && time2 != 0 && fpos != 0) { p->timestamp_stable++; } } } } /* AudioTrack's framePosition and playbackHeadPosition return a signed integer, * but documentation states it should be interpreted as a 32-bit unsigned integer. */ if (p->timestamp_set) { pos = 0xFFFFFFFFL & MP_JNI_GET_LONG(p->timestamp, AudioTimestamp.framePosition); uint32_t fpos = pos; int64_t time = MP_JNI_GET_LONG(p->timestamp, AudioTimestamp.nanoTime); if (time == 0) fpos = pos = 0; if (p->needs_timestamp_offset) { if (time != 0 && !p->timestamp_offset) p->timestamp_offset = now - time; time += p->timestamp_offset; } if (fpos != 0 && time != 0 && state == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING) { double diff = (double)(now - time) / 1e9; pos += diff * ao->samplerate; } //MP_VERBOSE(ao, "position = %u via getTimestamp (state = %d / fpos= %u / time= %"PRId64")\n", pos, state, fpos, time); } else { pos = 0xFFFFFFFFL & MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.getPlaybackHeadPosition); //MP_VERBOSE(ao, "playbackHeadPosition = %u (reset_pending=%d)\n", pos, p->reset_pending); } if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937) { if (p->reset_pending) { // after a flush(), playbackHeadPosition will not reset to 0 right away. // sometimes, it will never reset at all. // save the initial offset after the reset, to subtract it going forward. if (p->playhead_offset == 0) p->playhead_offset = pos; p->reset_pending = false; MP_VERBOSE(ao, "IEC/playbackHead offset = %d\n", pos); } // usually shortly after a flush(), playbackHeadPosition will reset to 0. // clear out the position and offset to avoid regular "rollover" below if (pos == 0 && p->playhead_offset != 0) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "IEC/playbackHeadPosition %d -> %d (flush)\n", p->playhead_pos, pos); p->playhead_offset = 0; p->playhead_pos = 0; } // sometimes on a new AudioTrack instance, playbackHeadPosition will reset // to 0 shortly after playback starts for no reason. if (pos == 0 && p->playhead_pos != 0) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "IEC/playbackHeadPosition %d -> %d (reset)\n", p->playhead_pos, pos); p->playhead_offset = 0; p->playhead_pos = 0; p->written_frames = 0; } } p->playhead_pos = pos; return p->playhead_pos - p->playhead_offset; } static double AudioTrack_getLatency(struct ao *ao) { JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); struct priv *p = ao->priv; if (!p->audiotrack) return 0; uint32_t playhead = AudioTrack_getPlaybackHeadPosition(ao); uint32_t diff = p->written_frames - playhead; double delay = diff / (double)(ao->samplerate); if (!p->timestamp_set && p->format != AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937) delay += (double)MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.getLatency)/1000.0; if (delay > 2.0) { //MP_WARN(ao, "getLatency: written=%u playhead=%u diff=%u delay=%f\n", p->written_frames, playhead, diff, delay); p->timestamp_fetched = 0; return 0; } return MPCLAMP(delay, 0.0, 2.0); } static int AudioTrack_write(struct ao *ao, int len) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; if (!p->audiotrack) return -1; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); void *buf = p->chunk; jint ret; if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937) { (*env)->SetShortArrayRegion(env, p->shortarray, 0, len / 2, buf); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; ret = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.writeShortV23, p->shortarray, 0, len / 2, AudioTrack.WRITE_BLOCKING); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; if (ret > 0) ret *= 2; } else if (AudioTrack.writeBufferV21) { // reset positions for reading jobject bbuf = MP_JNI_CALL_OBJECT(p->bbuf, ByteBuffer.clear); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, bbuf); ret = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.writeBufferV21, p->bbuf, len, AudioTrack.WRITE_BLOCKING); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; } else if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT) { (*env)->SetFloatArrayRegion(env, p->floatarray, 0, len / sizeof(float), buf); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; ret = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.writeFloat, p->floatarray, 0, len / sizeof(float), AudioTrack.WRITE_BLOCKING); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; if (ret > 0) ret *= sizeof(float); } else { (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, p->bytearray, 0, len, buf); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; ret = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.write, p->bytearray, 0, len); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0) return -1; } return ret; } static void uninit_jni(struct ao *ao) { JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioTrack, AudioTrack.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioTimestamp, AudioTimestamp.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioManager, AudioManager.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioFormat, AudioFormat.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioFormatBuilder, AudioFormatBuilder.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioAttributes, AudioAttributes.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &AudioAttributesBuilder, AudioAttributesBuilder.mapping, 1, ao->log); mp_jni_reset_jfields(env, &ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer.mapping, 1, ao->log); } static int init_jni(struct ao *ao) { JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); if (mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioTrack, AudioTrack.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioTimestamp, AudioTimestamp.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioManager, AudioManager.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioAttributes, AudioAttributes.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioAttributesBuilder, AudioAttributesBuilder.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioFormatBuilder, AudioFormatBuilder.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0 || mp_jni_init_jfields(env, &AudioFormat, AudioFormat.mapping, 1, ao->log) < 0) { uninit_jni(ao); return -1; } return 0; } static MP_THREAD_VOID playthread(void *arg) { struct ao *ao = arg; struct priv *p = ao->priv; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); mp_thread_set_name("ao/audiotrack"); mp_mutex_lock(&p->lock); while (!p->thread_terminate) { int state = AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PAUSED; if (p->audiotrack) { state = MP_JNI_CALL_INT(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.getPlayState); } if (state == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING) { int read_samples = p->chunksize / ao->sstride; int64_t ts = mp_time_ns(); ts += MP_TIME_S_TO_NS(read_samples / (double)(ao->samplerate)); ts += MP_TIME_S_TO_NS(AudioTrack_getLatency(ao)); int samples = ao_read_data(ao, &p->chunk, read_samples, ts); int ret = AudioTrack_write(ao, samples * ao->sstride); if (ret >= 0) { p->written_frames += ret / ao->sstride; } else if (ret == AudioManager.ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT) { MP_WARN(ao, "AudioTrack.write failed with ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT. Recreating AudioTrack...\n"); if (AudioTrack_Recreate(ao) < 0) { MP_ERR(ao, "AudioTrack_Recreate failed\n"); } } else { MP_ERR(ao, "AudioTrack.write failed with %d\n", ret); } } else { mp_cond_timedwait(&p->wakeup, &p->lock, MP_TIME_MS_TO_NS(300)); } } mp_mutex_unlock(&p->lock); MP_THREAD_RETURN(); } static void uninit(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); if (p->audiotrack) { MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.stop); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.flush); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); } mp_mutex_lock(&p->lock); p->thread_terminate = true; mp_cond_signal(&p->wakeup); mp_mutex_unlock(&p->lock); if (p->thread_created) mp_thread_join(p->thread); if (p->audiotrack) { MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.release); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->audiotrack); p->audiotrack = NULL; } if (p->bytearray) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->bytearray); p->bytearray = NULL; } if (p->shortarray) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->shortarray); p->shortarray = NULL; } if (p->floatarray) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->floatarray); p->floatarray = NULL; } if (p->bbuf) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->bbuf); p->bbuf = NULL; } if (p->timestamp) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p->timestamp); p->timestamp = NULL; } mp_cond_destroy(&p->wakeup); mp_mutex_destroy(&p->lock); uninit_jni(ao); } static int init(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); if (!env) return -1; mp_mutex_init(&p->lock); mp_cond_init(&p->wakeup); if (init_jni(ao) < 0) return -1; if (af_fmt_is_spdif(ao->format)) { p->format = AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937; } else if (ao->format == AF_FORMAT_U8) { p->format = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT; } else if (p->cfg_pcm_float && af_fmt_is_float(ao->format)) { ao->format = AF_FORMAT_FLOAT; p->format = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT; } else { ao->format = AF_FORMAT_S16; p->format = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; } if (AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate) { jint samplerate = MP_JNI_CALL_STATIC_INT( AudioTrack.clazz, AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC ); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) == 0) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "AudioTrack.nativeOutputSampleRate = %d\n", samplerate); ao->samplerate = MPMIN(samplerate, ao->samplerate); } } p->samplerate = ao->samplerate; /* https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioFormat#channelPositionMask */ static const struct mp_chmap layouts[] = { {0}, // empty MP_CHMAP_INIT_MONO, // mono MP_CHMAP_INIT_STEREO, // stereo MP_CHMAP3(FL, FR, FC), // 3.0 MP_CHMAP4(FL, FR, BL, BR), // quad MP_CHMAP5(FL, FR, FC, BL, BR), // 5.0 MP_CHMAP6(FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR), // 5.1 MP_CHMAP7(FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, BC), // 6.1 MP_CHMAP8(FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, SL, SR), // 7.1 }; const jint layout_map[] = { 0, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_CENTER, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_QUAD, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_QUAD | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_CENTER, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1 | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_BACK_CENTER, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1_SURROUND, }; static_assert(MP_ARRAY_SIZE(layout_map) == MP_ARRAY_SIZE(layouts), ""); if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937) { p->channel_config = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO; } else { struct mp_chmap_sel sel = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(layouts); i++) { if (layout_map[i]) mp_chmap_sel_add_map(&sel, &layouts[i]); } if (!ao_chmap_sel_adjust(ao, &sel, &ao->channels)) goto error; p->channel_config = layout_map[ao->channels.num]; assert(p->channel_config); } jint buffer_size = MP_JNI_CALL_STATIC_INT( AudioTrack.clazz, AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize, p->samplerate, p->channel_config, p->format ); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0 || buffer_size <= 0) { MP_FATAL(ao, "AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize returned an invalid size: %d", buffer_size); return -1; } // Choose double of the minimum buffer size suggested by the driver, but not // less than 75ms or more than 150ms. const int bps = af_fmt_to_bytes(ao->format); int min = 0.075 * p->samplerate * bps * ao->channels.num; int max = min * 2; min = MP_ALIGN_UP(min, bps); max = MP_ALIGN_UP(max, bps); p->size = MPCLAMP(buffer_size * 2, min, max); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "Setting bufferSize = %d (driver=%d, min=%d, max=%d)\n", p->size, buffer_size, min, max); assert(p->size % bps == 0); ao->device_buffer = p->size / bps; p->chunksize = p->size; p->chunk = talloc_size(ao, p->size); jobject timestamp = MP_JNI_NEW(AudioTimestamp.clazz, AudioTimestamp.ctor); if (MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao) < 0 || !timestamp) { MP_FATAL(ao, "AudioTimestamp could not be created\n"); return -1; } p->timestamp = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, timestamp); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, timestamp); // decide and create buffer of right type if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_IEC61937) { jshortArray shortarray = (*env)->NewShortArray(env, p->chunksize / 2); p->shortarray = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, shortarray); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, shortarray); } else if (AudioTrack.writeBufferV21) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "Using NIO ByteBuffer\n"); jobject bbuf = (*env)->NewDirectByteBuffer(env, p->chunk, p->chunksize); p->bbuf = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, bbuf); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, bbuf); } else if (p->format == AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT) { jfloatArray floatarray = (*env)->NewFloatArray(env, p->chunksize / sizeof(float)); p->floatarray = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, floatarray); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, floatarray); } else { jbyteArray bytearray = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, p->chunksize); p->bytearray = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, bytearray); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, bytearray); } /* create AudioTrack object */ if (AudioTrack_New(ao) != 0) { MP_FATAL(ao, "Failed to create AudioTrack\n"); goto error; } if (mp_thread_create(&p->thread, playthread, ao)) { MP_ERR(ao, "pthread creation failed\n"); goto error; } p->thread_created = true; return 1; error: uninit(ao); return -1; } static void stop(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; if (!p->audiotrack) { MP_ERR(ao, "AudioTrack does not exist to stop!\n"); return; } JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.pause); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.flush); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); p->playhead_offset = 0; p->reset_pending = true; p->written_frames = 0; p->timestamp_fetched = 0; p->timestamp_set = false; p->timestamp_offset = 0; } static void start(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; if (!p->audiotrack) { MP_ERR(ao, "AudioTrack does not exist to start!\n"); return; } JNIEnv *env = MP_JNI_GET_ENV(ao); MP_JNI_CALL_VOID(p->audiotrack, AudioTrack.play); MP_JNI_EXCEPTION_LOG(ao); mp_cond_signal(&p->wakeup); } #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct priv const struct ao_driver audio_out_audiotrack = { .description = "Android AudioTrack audio output", .name = "audiotrack", .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .reset = stop, .start = start, .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), .priv_defaults = &(const OPT_BASE_STRUCT) { .cfg_pcm_float = 1, }, .options = (const struct m_option[]) { {"pcm-float", OPT_BOOL(cfg_pcm_float)}, {"session-id", OPT_INT(cfg_session_id)}, {0} }, .options_prefix = "audiotrack", };