include ../config.mak MAJOR_VERSION = 1 MINOR_VERSION = 0 VERSION = $(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION) LIBNAME = SRCS_MPLAYER = libdha.c \ mtrr.c \ pci.c \ pci_names.c \ CFLAGS = -fPIC # If you want libdha to use svgalib_helper for hardware access, # uncomment this statement, and change the -I to the correct directory # that includes svgalib_helper.o: ifneq ($(wildcard svgalib_helper),) CFLAGS += -DDEV_SVGA=\"/dev/svga\" -DCONFIG_SVGAHELPER -Isvgalib_helper/ endif all: pci_names.c $(LIBNAME) include ../mpcommon.mak $(LIBNAME): $(OBJS_MPLAYER) $(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,$@ -o $@ $^ $(EXTRALIBS) ln -sf $@ $@.$(VERSION) ln -sf $@ $@.$(MAJOR_VERSION) pci_names.c: oth/pci.db LC_ALL=C $(AWK) -f pci_db2c.awk $< test: pci.o $(CC) test.c -o $@ $^ clean:: rm -f *.so *.so.* pci_*.c pci_*.h pci.db distclean:: rm -f test dep depend:: pci_names.c install: -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(INSTALLSTRIP) -p $(LIBNAME) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBNAME) ln -sf $(LIBNAME) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBNAME).$(MAJOR_VERSION) -$(LDCONFIG) uninstall: rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBNAME) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBNAME).$(MAJOR_VERSION) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBNAME).$(VERSION) -$(LDCONFIG)