# Makefile for generating the HTML documentation
include ../../config.mak
# Generated HTML files go here.
MAIN_XML_ALL = $(foreach lang,$(DOC_LANG_ALL),$(lang)/main.xml)
CONFIGURE_GENERATED = html-chunk.xsl html-single.xsl xsltproc.sh xmllint.sh
all: html-chunked html-single
@echo "Targets:"
@echo "********"
@echo "all : Build everything for configured languages (default)."
@echo "html-single : HTML documentation for configured languages (single file)"
@echo "html-single-LANG : As above, but only one language."
@echo "html-chunked : HTML documentation for configured languages (multiple files)"
@echo "html-chunked-LANG : As above, but only one language."
@echo "xmllint : Check syntax of all xml files."
@echo "xmllint-LANG : Check syntax of LANG xml files."
@echo "clean : Purge the 'HTML' directory."
@echo "releaseclean : Remove generated files but keep the HTML."
@echo "distclean : Remove ALL generated files."
@echo "Substitute LANG for one of $(DOC_LANG_ALL)"
html-chunked: $(addprefix html-chunked-,$(DOC_LANGS))
html-single: $(addprefix html-single-,$(DOC_LANGS))
xmllint: $(addprefix xmllint-,$(DOC_LANG_ALL))
$(foreach lang,$(DOC_LANG_ALL),$(HTML)/$(lang)):
-mkdir -p $@
sh configure
define lang-def
html-chunked-$(1): $(HTML)/$(1) $(CONFIGURE_GENERATED)
$(MAKE) HTMLDIR=../$$< -C $(1) html-chunked
html-single-$(1): $(HTML)/$(1) $(CONFIGURE_GENERATED)
$(MAKE) HTMLDIR=../$$< -C $(1) html-single
xmllint-$(1): xmllint.sh
$(MAKE) -C $(1) xmllint
$(foreach lang, $(DOC_LANG_ALL),$(eval $(call lang-def,$(lang))))
rm -rf $(HTML)
rm -f $(MAIN_XML_ALL)
rm -f $$(find . -name *.xml -type l)
distclean: clean releaseclean
.PHONY: all help html-chunked* html-single* xmllint xmllint-* *clean*