/* * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef MPLAYER_CFG_MPLAYER_H #define MPLAYER_CFG_MPLAYER_H /* * config for cfgparser */ #include <stddef.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <limits.h> #include "config.h" #if HAVE_PRIORITY #include <windows.h> #endif #include "options.h" #include "m_config.h" #include "m_option.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "stream/stream.h" #include "video/csputils.h" #include "sub/osd.h" #include "audio/mixer.h" #include "audio/filter/af.h" #include "audio/decode/dec_audio.h" #include "player/core.h" #include "player/command.h" #include "stream/stream.h" extern const char mp_help_text[]; static void print_version(struct mp_log *log) { mp_print_version(log, true); } static void print_help(struct mp_log *log) { mp_info(log, "%s", mp_help_text); } extern const struct m_sub_options tv_params_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options stream_pvr_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options stream_cdda_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options stream_dvb_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options stream_lavf_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options sws_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options demux_rawaudio_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options demux_rawvideo_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options demux_lavf_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options vd_lavc_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options ad_lavc_conf; extern const struct m_sub_options input_config; extern const struct m_sub_options encode_config; extern const struct m_sub_options image_writer_conf; extern const struct m_obj_list vf_obj_list; extern const struct m_obj_list af_obj_list; extern const struct m_obj_list vo_obj_list; extern const struct m_obj_list ao_obj_list; #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct MPOpts const m_option_t mp_opts[] = { // handled in command line pre-parser (parse_commandline.c) {"v", CONF_TYPE_STORE, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_NOCFG, .offset = -1}, {"playlist", CONF_TYPE_STRING, CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_MIN | M_OPT_FIXED, .min = 1, .offset = -1}, {"{", CONF_TYPE_STORE, CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, {"}", CONF_TYPE_STORE, CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, // handled in m_config.c { "include", CONF_TYPE_STRING, M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, { "profile", CONF_TYPE_STRING_LIST, M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, { "show-profile", CONF_TYPE_STRING, CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, { "list-options", CONF_TYPE_STORE, CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1}, // handled in main.c (looks at the raw argv[]) { "leak-report", CONF_TYPE_STORE, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_NOCFG | M_OPT_FIXED, .offset = -1 }, OPT_FLAG("shuffle", shuffle, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_NOCFG), // ------------------------- common options -------------------- OPT_FLAG("quiet", quiet, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG_STORE("really-quiet", verbose, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_PRE_PARSE, -10), OPT_FLAG("terminal", use_terminal, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_PRE_PARSE), OPT_GENERAL(char*, "msg-level", msglevels, CONF_GLOBAL|CONF_PRE_PARSE, .type = &m_option_type_msglevels), OPT_STRING("dump-stats", dump_stats, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_PRE_PARSE), OPT_FLAG("msg-color", msg_color, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_PRE_PARSE), OPT_FLAG("msg-module", msg_module, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("msg-time", msg_time, CONF_GLOBAL), #if HAVE_PRIORITY OPT_CHOICE("priority", w32_priority, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"realtime", REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS}, {"high", HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS}, {"abovenormal", ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS}, {"normal", NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS}, {"belownormal", BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS}, {"idle", IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS})), #endif OPT_FLAG("config", load_config, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_NOCFG | CONF_PRE_PARSE), OPT_STRING("config-dir", force_configdir, CONF_GLOBAL | CONF_NOCFG | CONF_PRE_PARSE), OPT_STRINGLIST("reset-on-next-file", reset_options, M_OPT_GLOBAL), #if HAVE_LUA OPT_STRINGLIST("lua", lua_files, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_KEYVALUELIST("lua-opts", lua_opts, M_OPT_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("osc", lua_load_osc, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("load-scripts", auto_load_scripts, CONF_GLOBAL), #endif // ------------------------- stream options -------------------- OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("cache", stream_cache.size, 0, 32, 0x7fffffff, ({"no", 0}, {"auto", -1})), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("cache-default", stream_cache.def_size, 0, 32, 0x7fffffff, ({"no", 0})), OPT_INTRANGE("cache-initial", stream_cache.initial, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff), OPT_INTRANGE("cache-seek-min", stream_cache.seek_min, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff), OPT_STRING("cache-file", stream_cache.file, 0), OPT_INTRANGE("cache-file-size", stream_cache.file_max, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("cache-pause-below", stream_cache_pause, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff, ({"no", 0})), OPT_INTRANGE("cache-pause-restart", stream_cache_unpause, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff), #if HAVE_DVDREAD || HAVE_DVDNAV OPT_STRING("dvd-device", dvd_device, 0), OPT_INT("dvd-speed", dvd_speed, 0), OPT_INTRANGE("dvd-angle", dvd_angle, 0, 1, 99), #endif /* HAVE_DVDREAD */ OPT_INTPAIR("chapter", chapterrange, 0), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("edition", edition_id, 0, 0, 8190, ({"auto", -1})), #if HAVE_LIBBLURAY OPT_STRING("bluray-device", bluray_device, 0), OPT_INTRANGE("bluray-angle", bluray_angle, 0, 0, 999), #endif /* HAVE_LIBBLURAY */ OPT_STRINGLIST("http-header-fields", network_http_header_fields, 0), OPT_STRING("user-agent", network_useragent, 0), OPT_STRING("referrer", network_referrer, 0), OPT_FLAG("cookies", network_cookies_enabled, 0), OPT_STRING("cookies-file", network_cookies_file, 0), OPT_CHOICE("rtsp-transport", network_rtsp_transport, 0, ({"lavf", 0}, {"udp", 1}, {"tcp", 2}, {"http", 3})), OPT_FLAG("tls-verify", network_tls_verify, 0), OPT_STRING("tls-ca-file", network_tls_ca_file, 0), // ------------------------- demuxer options -------------------- OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("frames", play_frames, M_OPT_FIXED, 0, INT_MAX, ({"all", -1})), OPT_REL_TIME("start", play_start, 0), OPT_REL_TIME("end", play_end, 0), OPT_REL_TIME("length", play_length, 0), OPT_FLAG("pause", pause, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLAG("keep-open", keep_open, 0), OPT_CHOICE("index", index_mode, 0, ({"default", 1}, {"recreate", 0})), // select audio/video/subtitle stream OPT_TRACKCHOICE("aid", audio_id), OPT_TRACKCHOICE("vid", video_id), OPT_TRACKCHOICE("sid", sub_id), OPT_TRACKCHOICE("secondary-sid", sub2_id), OPT_FLAG_STORE("no-sub", sub_id, 0, -2), OPT_FLAG_STORE("no-video", video_id, 0, -2), OPT_FLAG_STORE("no-audio", audio_id, 0, -2), OPT_STRINGLIST("alang", audio_lang, 0), OPT_STRINGLIST("slang", sub_lang, 0), OPT_CHOICE("audio-display", audio_display, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"attachment", 1})), OPT_STRING("quvi-format", quvi_format, 0), OPT_FLAG("quvi-fetch-subtitles", quvi_fetch_subtitles, 0), #if HAVE_CDDA OPT_SUBSTRUCT("cdda", stream_cdda_opts, stream_cdda_conf, 0), OPT_STRING("cdrom-device", cdrom_device, 0), #endif // demuxer.c - select audio/sub file/demuxer OPT_STRING_APPEND_LIST("audio-file", audio_files, 0), OPT_STRING("demuxer", demuxer_name, 0), OPT_STRING("audio-demuxer", audio_demuxer_name, 0), OPT_STRING("sub-demuxer", sub_demuxer_name, 0), OPT_FLAG("demuxer-thread", demuxer_thread, 0), OPT_INTRANGE("demuxer-readahead-packets", demuxer_min_packs, 0, 0, MAX_PACKS), OPT_INTRANGE("demuxer-readahead-bytes", demuxer_min_bytes, 0, 0, MAX_PACK_BYTES), OPT_DOUBLE("mf-fps", mf_fps, 0), OPT_STRING("mf-type", mf_type, 0), #if HAVE_TV OPT_SUBSTRUCT("tv", tv_params, tv_params_conf, 0), #endif /* HAVE_TV */ #if HAVE_PVR OPT_SUBSTRUCT("pvr", stream_pvr_opts, stream_pvr_conf, 0), #endif /* HAVE_PVR */ #if HAVE_DVBIN OPT_SUBSTRUCT("dvbin", stream_dvb_opts, stream_dvb_conf, 0), #endif OPT_SUBSTRUCT("", stream_lavf_opts, stream_lavf_conf, 0), // ------------------------- a-v sync options -------------------- // set A-V sync correction speed (0=disables it): OPT_FLOATRANGE("mc", default_max_pts_correction, 0, 0, 100), // force video/audio rate: OPT_DOUBLE("fps", force_fps, CONF_MIN | M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_INTRANGE("audio-samplerate", force_srate, 0, 1000, 8*48000), OPT_CHMAP("audio-channels", audio_output_channels, CONF_MIN, .min = 0), OPT_AUDIOFORMAT("audio-format", audio_output_format, 0), OPT_DOUBLE("speed", playback_speed, M_OPT_RANGE | M_OPT_FIXED, .min = 0.01, .max = 100.0), // set a-v distance OPT_FLOATRANGE("audio-delay", audio_delay, 0, -100.0, 100.0), // ------------------------- codec/vfilter options -------------------- OPT_SETTINGSLIST("af-defaults", af_defs, 0, &af_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("af*", af_settings, M_OPT_FIXED, &af_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("vf-defaults", vf_defs, 0, &vf_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("vf*", vf_settings, M_OPT_FIXED, &vf_obj_list), OPT_CHOICE("deinterlace", deinterlace, M_OPT_OPTIONAL_PARAM | M_OPT_FIXED, ({"auto", -1}, {"no", 0}, {"yes", 1}, {"", 1})), OPT_STRING("ad", audio_decoders, 0), OPT_STRING("vd", video_decoders, 0), OPT_FLAG("ad-spdif-dtshd", dtshd, 0), OPT_FLAG("dtshd", dtshd, 0), // old alias OPT_CHOICE("hwdec", hwdec_api, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"auto", -1}, {"vdpau", 1}, {"vda", 2}, {"vaapi", 4}, {"vaapi-copy", 5})), OPT_STRING("hwdec-codecs", hwdec_codecs, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("sws", vo.sws_opts, sws_conf, 0), // -1 means auto aspect (prefer container size until aspect change) // 0 means square pixels OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-aspect", movie_aspect, 0, -1.0, 10.0), OPT_FLOAT_STORE("no-video-aspect", movie_aspect, 0, 0.0), OPT_CHOICE("field-dominance", field_dominance, 0, ({"auto", -1}, {"top", 0}, {"bottom", 1})), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("vd-lavc", vd_lavc_params, vd_lavc_conf, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("ad-lavc", ad_lavc_params, ad_lavc_conf, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("demuxer-lavf", demux_lavf, demux_lavf_conf, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("demuxer-rawaudio", demux_rawaudio, demux_rawaudio_conf, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("demuxer-rawvideo", demux_rawvideo, demux_rawvideo_conf, 0), OPT_FLAG("demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll", mkv_subtitle_preroll, 0), OPT_FLAG("mkv-subtitle-preroll", mkv_subtitle_preroll, 0), // old alias // ------------------------- subtitles options -------------------- OPT_STRING_APPEND_LIST("sub-file", sub_name, 0), OPT_PATHLIST("sub-paths", sub_paths, 0), OPT_STRING("sub-codepage", sub_cp, 0), OPT_FLOAT("sub-delay", sub_delay, 0), OPT_FLOAT("sub-fps", sub_fps, 0), OPT_FLOAT("sub-speed", sub_speed, 0), OPT_FLAG("sub-visibility", sub_visibility, 0), OPT_FLAG("sub-forced-only", forced_subs_only, 0), OPT_FLAG("stretch-dvd-subs", stretch_dvd_subs, 0), OPT_FLAG("sub-fix-timing", sub_fix_timing, 0), OPT_CHOICE("sub-auto", sub_auto, 0, ({"no", -1}, {"exact", 0}, {"fuzzy", 1}, {"all", 2})), OPT_INTRANGE("sub-pos", sub_pos, 0, 0, 100), OPT_FLOATRANGE("sub-gauss", sub_gauss, 0, 0.0, 3.0), OPT_FLAG("sub-gray", sub_gray, 0), OPT_FLAG("sub-ass", ass_enabled, 0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("sub-scale", sub_scale, 0, 0, 100), OPT_FLOATRANGE("ass-line-spacing", ass_line_spacing, 0, -1000, 1000), OPT_FLAG("ass-use-margins", ass_use_margins, 0), OPT_FLAG("ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat", ass_vsfilter_aspect_compat, 0), OPT_CHOICE("ass-vsfilter-color-compat", ass_vsfilter_color_compat, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"basic", 1}, {"full", 2}, {"force-601", 3})), OPT_FLAG("ass-vsfilter-blur-compat", ass_vsfilter_blur_compat, 0), OPT_FLAG("embeddedfonts", use_embedded_fonts, 0), OPT_STRINGLIST("ass-force-style", ass_force_style_list, 0), OPT_STRING("ass-styles", ass_styles_file, 0), OPT_CHOICE("ass-hinting", ass_hinting, 0, ({"none", 0}, {"light", 1}, {"normal", 2}, {"native", 3})), OPT_CHOICE("ass-shaper", ass_shaper, 0, ({"simple", 0}, {"complex", 1})), OPT_CHOICE("ass-style-override", ass_style_override, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"yes", 1}, {"force", 3})), OPT_FLAG("sub-scale-with-window", sub_scale_with_window, 0), OPT_FLAG("osd-bar", osd_bar_visible, 0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("osd-bar-align-x", osd_bar_align_x, 0, -1.0, +1.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("osd-bar-align-y", osd_bar_align_y, 0, -1.0, +1.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("osd-bar-w", osd_bar_w, 0, 1, 100), OPT_FLOATRANGE("osd-bar-h", osd_bar_h, 0, 0.1, 50), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("osd", osd_style, osd_style_conf, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("sub-text", sub_text_style, osd_style_conf, 0), //---------------------- libao/libvo options ------------------------ OPT_SETTINGSLIST("vo", vo.video_driver_list, 0, &vo_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("vo-defaults", vo.vo_defs, 0, &vo_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("ao", audio_driver_list, 0, &ao_obj_list), OPT_SETTINGSLIST("ao-defaults", ao_defs, 0, &ao_obj_list), OPT_FLAG("fixed-vo", fixed_vo, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("force-window", force_vo, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("ontop", vo.ontop, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLAG("border", vo.border, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLAG("window-dragging", allow_win_drag, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_CHOICE("softvol", softvol, 0, ({"no", SOFTVOL_NO}, {"yes", SOFTVOL_YES}, {"auto", SOFTVOL_AUTO})), OPT_FLOATRANGE("softvol-max", softvol_max, 0, 10, 10000), OPT_INTRANGE("volstep", volstep, 0, 0, 100), OPT_FLOATRANGE("volume", mixer_init_volume, 0, -1, 100), OPT_CHOICE("mute", mixer_init_mute, M_OPT_OPTIONAL_PARAM, ({"auto", -1}, {"no", 0}, {"yes", 1}, {"", 1})), OPT_STRING("volume-restore-data", mixer_restore_volume_data, 0), OPT_CHOICE("gapless-audio", gapless_audio, M_OPT_FIXED | M_OPT_OPTIONAL_PARAM, ({"no", 0}, {"yes", 1}, {"", 1}, {"weak", -1})), OPT_GEOMETRY("geometry", vo.geometry, 0), OPT_SIZE_BOX("autofit", vo.autofit, 0), OPT_SIZE_BOX("autofit-larger", vo.autofit_larger, 0), OPT_FLAG("force-window-position", vo.force_window_position, 0), // vo name (X classname) and window title strings OPT_STRING("x11-name", vo.winname, 0), OPT_STRING("title", wintitle, 0), // set aspect ratio of monitor - useful for 16:9 TV-out OPT_FLOATRANGE("monitoraspect", vo.force_monitor_aspect, 0, 0.0, 9.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("monitorpixelaspect", vo.monitor_pixel_aspect, 0, 0.2, 9.0), // start in fullscreen mode: OPT_FLAG("fullscreen", vo.fullscreen, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLAG("fs", vo.fullscreen, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLAG("native-keyrepeat", vo.native_keyrepeat, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_FLOATRANGE("panscan", vo.panscan, 0, 0.0, 1.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-zoom", vo.zoom, 0, -20.0, 20.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-pan-x", vo.pan_x, 0, -3.0, 3.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-pan-y", vo.pan_y, 0, -3.0, 3.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-align-x", vo.align_x, 0, -1.0, 1.0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("video-align-y", vo.align_y, 0, -1.0, 1.0), OPT_FLAG("video-unscaled", vo.unscaled, 0), OPT_FLAG("force-rgba-osd-rendering", force_rgba_osd, 0), OPT_CHOICE("colormatrix", requested_colorspace, 0, ({"auto", MP_CSP_AUTO}, {"BT.601", MP_CSP_BT_601}, {"BT.709", MP_CSP_BT_709}, {"SMPTE-240M", MP_CSP_SMPTE_240M}, {"BT.2020-NCL", MP_CSP_BT_2020_NC}, {"BT.2020-CL", MP_CSP_BT_2020_C}, {"YCgCo", MP_CSP_YCGCO})), OPT_CHOICE("colormatrix-input-range", requested_input_range, 0, ({"auto", MP_CSP_LEVELS_AUTO}, {"limited", MP_CSP_LEVELS_TV}, {"full", MP_CSP_LEVELS_PC})), OPT_CHOICE("colormatrix-output-range", requested_output_range, 0, ({"auto", MP_CSP_LEVELS_AUTO}, {"limited", MP_CSP_LEVELS_TV}, {"full", MP_CSP_LEVELS_PC})), OPT_CHOICE("colormatrix-primaries", requested_primaries, 0, ({"auto", MP_CSP_PRIM_AUTO}, {"BT.601-525", MP_CSP_PRIM_BT_601_525}, {"BT.601-625", MP_CSP_PRIM_BT_601_625}, {"BT.709", MP_CSP_PRIM_BT_709}, {"BT.2020", MP_CSP_PRIM_BT_2020})), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("video-rotate", video_rotate, 0, 0, 359, ({"no", -1})), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("cursor-autohide", cursor_autohide_delay, 0, 0, 30000, ({"no", -1}, {"always", -2})), OPT_FLAG("cursor-autohide-fs-only", cursor_autohide_fs, 0), OPT_FLAG("stop-screensaver", stop_screensaver, 0), OPT_INT64("wid", vo.WinID, CONF_GLOBAL), #if HAVE_X11 OPT_FLAG("x11-netwm", vo.x11_netwm, 0), #endif OPT_STRING("heartbeat-cmd", heartbeat_cmd, 0), OPT_FLOAT("heartbeat-interval", heartbeat_interval, CONF_MIN, 0), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("screen", vo.screen_id, 0, 0, 32, ({"default", -1})), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("fs-screen", vo.fsscreen_id, 0, 0, 32, ({"all", -2}, {"current", -1})), #if HAVE_COCOA OPT_FLAG("fs-missioncontrol", vo.fs_missioncontrol, 0), #endif OPT_INTRANGE("brightness", gamma_brightness, 0, -100, 100), OPT_INTRANGE("saturation", gamma_saturation, 0, -100, 100), OPT_INTRANGE("contrast", gamma_contrast, 0, -100, 100), OPT_INTRANGE("hue", gamma_hue, 0, -100, 100), OPT_INTRANGE("gamma", gamma_gamma, 0, -100, 100), OPT_FLAG("keepaspect", vo.keepaspect, 0), //---------------------- mplayer-only options ------------------------ OPT_FLAG("use-filedir-conf", use_filedir_conf, M_OPT_GLOBAL), OPT_CHOICE("osd-level", osd_level, 0, ({"0", 0}, {"1", 1}, {"2", 2}, {"3", 3})), OPT_INTRANGE("osd-duration", osd_duration, 0, 0, 3600000), OPT_FLAG("osd-fractions", osd_fractions, 0), OPT_FLOATRANGE("osd-scale", osd_scale, 0, 0, 100), OPT_FLAG("osd-scale-by-window", osd_scale_by_window, 0), OPT_DOUBLE("sstep", step_sec, CONF_MIN, 0), OPT_CHOICE("framedrop", frame_dropping, 0, ({"no", 0}, {"yes", 1}, {"hard", 2})), OPT_FLAG("untimed", untimed, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_STRING("stream-capture", stream_capture, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_STRING("stream-dump", stream_dump, M_OPT_FIXED), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("loop", loop_times, M_OPT_GLOBAL, 2, 10000, ({"no", -1}, {"1", -1}, {"inf", 0})), OPT_FLAG("loop-file", loop_file, 0), OPT_FLAG("resume-playback", position_resume, 0), OPT_FLAG("save-position-on-quit", position_save_on_quit, 0), OPT_FLAG("write-filename-in-watch-later-config", write_filename_in_watch_later_config, 0), OPT_FLAG("ordered-chapters", ordered_chapters, 0), OPT_STRING("ordered-chapters-files", ordered_chapters_files, 0), OPT_INTRANGE("chapter-merge-threshold", chapter_merge_threshold, 0, 0, 10000), OPT_DOUBLE("chapter-seek-threshold", chapter_seek_threshold, 0), OPT_FLAG("load-unsafe-playlists", load_unsafe_playlists, 0), OPT_FLAG("merge-files", merge_files, 0), // a-v sync stuff: OPT_FLAG("correct-pts", correct_pts, 0), OPT_CHOICE("pts-association-mode", user_pts_assoc_mode, 0, ({"auto", 0}, {"decoder", 1}, {"sort", 2})), OPT_FLAG("initial-audio-sync", initial_audio_sync, 0), OPT_CHOICE("hr-seek", hr_seek, 0, ({"no", -1}, {"absolute", 0}, {"always", 1}, {"yes", 1})), OPT_FLOATRANGE("hr-seek-demuxer-offset", hr_seek_demuxer_offset, 0, -9, 99), OPT_FLAG("hr-seek-framedrop", hr_seek_framedrop, 0), OPT_CHOICE_OR_INT("autosync", autosync, 0, 0, 10000, ({"no", -1})), OPT_FLAG("softsleep", softsleep, 0), OPT_CHOICE("term-osd", term_osd, 0, ({"force", 1}, {"auto", 2}, {"no", 0})), OPT_FLAG("term-osd-bar", term_osd_bar, 0), OPT_STRING("term-osd-bar-chars", term_osd_bar_chars, 0), OPT_STRING("term-playing-msg", playing_msg, 0), OPT_STRING("term-status-msg", status_msg, 0), OPT_STRING("osd-status-msg", osd_status_msg, 0), OPT_FLAG("idle", player_idle_mode, M_OPT_GLOBAL), OPT_FLAG("input-terminal", consolecontrols, CONF_GLOBAL), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("screenshot", screenshot_image_opts, image_writer_conf, 0), OPT_STRING("screenshot-template", screenshot_template, 0), OPT_SUBSTRUCT("input", input_opts, input_config, 0), OPT_PRINT("list-properties", property_print_help), OPT_PRINT("list-protocols", stream_print_proto_list), OPT_PRINT("help", print_help), OPT_PRINT("h", print_help), OPT_PRINT("version", print_version), OPT_PRINT("V", print_version), #if HAVE_ENCODING OPT_SUBSTRUCT("", encode_opts, encode_config, 0), #endif {0} }; const struct MPOpts mp_default_opts = { .use_terminal = 1, .msg_color = 1, .audio_driver_list = NULL, .audio_decoders = "-spdif:*", // never select spdif by default .video_decoders = NULL, .deinterlace = -1, .fixed_vo = 1, .softvol = SOFTVOL_AUTO, .softvol_max = 200, .mixer_init_volume = -1, .mixer_init_mute = -1, .volstep = 3, .gapless_audio = -1, .vo = { .video_driver_list = NULL, .monitor_pixel_aspect = 1.0, .screen_id = -1, .fsscreen_id = -1, .panscan = 0.0f, .keepaspect = 1, .border = 1, .WinID = -1, .x11_netwm = 1, }, .allow_win_drag = 1, .wintitle = "mpv - ${media-title}", .heartbeat_interval = 30.0, .stop_screensaver = 1, .cursor_autohide_delay = 1000, .gamma_gamma = 1000, .gamma_brightness = 1000, .gamma_contrast = 1000, .gamma_saturation = 1000, .gamma_hue = 1000, .osd_level = 1, .osd_duration = 1000, .osd_bar_align_y = 0.5, .osd_bar_w = 75.0, .osd_bar_h = 3.125, .osd_scale = 1, .osd_scale_by_window = 1, #if HAVE_LUA .lua_load_osc = 1, #endif .auto_load_scripts = 1, .loop_times = -1, .ordered_chapters = 1, .chapter_merge_threshold = 100, .chapter_seek_threshold = 5.0, .hr_seek_framedrop = 1, .load_config = 1, .position_resume = 1, .stream_cache = { .size = -1, .def_size = 25000, .initial = 0, .seek_min = 500, .file_max = 1024 * 1024, }, .stream_cache_pause = 50, .stream_cache_unpause = 100, .demuxer_thread = 0, .demuxer_min_packs = MIN_PACKS, .demuxer_min_bytes = MIN_PACK_BYTES, .network_rtsp_transport = 2, .chapterrange = {-1, -1}, .edition_id = -1, .default_max_pts_correction = -1, .correct_pts = 1, .user_pts_assoc_mode = 1, .initial_audio_sync = 1, .term_osd = 2, .term_osd_bar_chars = "[-+-]", .consolecontrols = 1, .play_frames = -1, .keep_open = 0, .audio_id = -1, .video_id = -1, .sub_id = -1, .sub2_id = -2, .audio_display = 1, .sub_visibility = 1, .sub_pos = 100, .sub_speed = 1.0, .quvi_fetch_subtitles = 0, .audio_output_channels = MP_CHMAP_INIT_STEREO, .audio_output_format = 0, // AF_FORMAT_UNKNOWN .playback_speed = 1., .movie_aspect = -1., .field_dominance = -1, .sub_auto = 0, .osd_bar_visible = 1, #if HAVE_LIBASS .ass_enabled = 1, #endif .sub_scale = 1, .ass_vsfilter_aspect_compat = 1, .ass_vsfilter_color_compat = 1, .ass_vsfilter_blur_compat = 1, .ass_style_override = 1, .ass_shaper = 1, .use_embedded_fonts = 1, .sub_fix_timing = 1, .sub_cp = "auto", .hwdec_codecs = "h264,vc1,wmv3", .index_mode = 1, .dvd_angle = 1, .mf_fps = 1.0, }; #endif /* MPLAYER_CFG_MPLAYER_H */