MEncoder (MPlayer's Movie Encoder) is a simple movie encoder, designed to encode MPlayer-playable movies (AVI/DVD/VCD/VOB/MPG/MOV/VIV/NET) to other MPlayer-playable formats (see below). Currently it's in beta stage, and encodes only to DivX4 (1 or 2 passes) video, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio. Also has stream copying abilities. In the future, there will be cropping, resizing filters, and other interesting stuff.
binary isn't sufficient../configure
with optional parameters as usual, and
type : make mencoder
. You have to install it manually for
You are ready. As you probably know, other encoding tools need the avifile library installed. MEncoder doesn't need it at all.
MEncoder features :
option (useful when encoding
29.97fps VOB to 24fps AVI)Planned features :
Using MEncoder is the easiest thing on Earth. See the following :
Encoding from DVD, title 2 :
mencoder -dvd 2 -o title2.avi
Encoding from HTTP :
mencoder http://mplayer.hq/example.avi -o example.avi
Encoding from standard input :
rar p test-SVCD.rar | mencoder -divx4opts br=800 -ofps 24 -pass 1 -- -
For all available options, check the MEncoder man page !