 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <libavutil/pixfmt.h>
#include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>

#include "compat/libav.h"

#include "video/img_format.h"
#include "video/mp_image.h"
#include "video/fmt-conversion.h"

#define FMT(string, id)                                 \
    {string,            id},

#define FMT_ENDIAN(string, id)                          \
    {string,            id},                            \
    {string "le",       MP_CONCAT(id, _LE)},            \
    {string "be",       MP_CONCAT(id, _BE)},            \

struct mp_imgfmt_entry mp_imgfmt_list[] = {
    FMT("y8",                   IMGFMT_Y8)
    FMT_ENDIAN("y16",           IMGFMT_Y16)
    FMT("ya8",                  IMGFMT_YA8)
    FMT("yuyv",                 IMGFMT_YUYV)
    FMT("uyvy",                 IMGFMT_UYVY)
    FMT("nv12",                 IMGFMT_NV12)
    FMT("nv21",                 IMGFMT_NV21)
    FMT("444p",                 IMGFMT_444P)
    FMT("422p",                 IMGFMT_422P)
    FMT("440p",                 IMGFMT_440P)
    FMT("420p",                 IMGFMT_420P)
    FMT("411p",                 IMGFMT_411P)
    FMT("410p",                 IMGFMT_410P)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444p16",        IMGFMT_444P16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444p14",        IMGFMT_444P14)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444p12",        IMGFMT_444P12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444p10",        IMGFMT_444P10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444p9",         IMGFMT_444P9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422p16",        IMGFMT_422P16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422p14",        IMGFMT_422P14)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422p12",        IMGFMT_422P12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422p10",        IMGFMT_422P10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422p9",         IMGFMT_422P9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420p16",        IMGFMT_420P16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420p14",        IMGFMT_420P14)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420p12",        IMGFMT_420P12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420p10",        IMGFMT_420P10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420p9",         IMGFMT_420P9)
    FMT("444ap",                IMGFMT_444AP)
    FMT("422ap",                IMGFMT_422AP)
    FMT("420ap",                IMGFMT_420AP)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444ap9",        IMGFMT_444AP9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444ap10",       IMGFMT_444AP10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("444ap16",       IMGFMT_444AP16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422ap9",        IMGFMT_422AP9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422ap10",       IMGFMT_422AP10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("422ap16",       IMGFMT_422AP16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420ap9",        IMGFMT_420AP9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420ap10",       IMGFMT_420AP10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("420ap16",       IMGFMT_420AP16)
    FMT("argb",                 IMGFMT_ARGB)
    FMT("0rgb",                 IMGFMT_0RGB)
    FMT("bgra",                 IMGFMT_BGRA)
    FMT("bgr0",                 IMGFMT_BGR0)
    FMT("abgr",                 IMGFMT_ABGR)
    FMT("0bgr",                 IMGFMT_0BGR)
    FMT("rgba",                 IMGFMT_RGBA)
    FMT("rgb0",                 IMGFMT_RGB0)
    FMT("rgb32",                IMGFMT_RGB32)
    FMT("bgr32",                IMGFMT_BGR32)
    FMT("bgr24",                IMGFMT_BGR24)
    FMT("rgb24",                IMGFMT_RGB24)
    FMT_ENDIAN("rgb48",         IMGFMT_RGB48)
    FMT_ENDIAN("rgba64",        IMGFMT_RGBA64)
    FMT_ENDIAN("bgra64",        IMGFMT_BGRA64)
    FMT("rgb8",                 IMGFMT_RGB8)
    FMT("bgr8",                 IMGFMT_BGR8)
    FMT("rgb4_byte",            IMGFMT_RGB4_BYTE)
    FMT("bgr4_byte",            IMGFMT_BGR4_BYTE)
    FMT("rgb4",                 IMGFMT_RGB4)
    FMT("bgr4",                 IMGFMT_BGR4)
    FMT("mono",                 IMGFMT_MONO)
    FMT("mono_w",               IMGFMT_MONO_W)
    FMT_ENDIAN("rgb12",         IMGFMT_RGB12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("rgb15",         IMGFMT_RGB15)
    FMT_ENDIAN("rgb16",         IMGFMT_RGB16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("bgr12",         IMGFMT_BGR12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("bgr15",         IMGFMT_BGR15)
    FMT_ENDIAN("bgr16",         IMGFMT_BGR16)
    FMT("pal8",                 IMGFMT_PAL8)
    FMT("gbrp",                 IMGFMT_GBRP)
    FMT_ENDIAN("gbrp9",         IMGFMT_GBRP9)
    FMT_ENDIAN("gbrp10",        IMGFMT_GBRP10)
    FMT_ENDIAN("gbrp12",        IMGFMT_GBRP12)
    FMT_ENDIAN("gbrp14",        IMGFMT_GBRP14)
    FMT_ENDIAN("gbrp16",        IMGFMT_GBRP16)
    FMT_ENDIAN("xyz12",         IMGFMT_XYZ12)
    FMT("vdpau_mpeg1",          IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG1)
    FMT("vdpau_mpeg2",          IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG2)
    FMT("vdpau_h264",           IMGFMT_VDPAU_H264)
    FMT("vdpau_wmv3",           IMGFMT_VDPAU_WMV3)
    FMT("vdpau_vc1",            IMGFMT_VDPAU_VC1)
    FMT("vdpau_mpeg4",          IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG4)
    FMT("vdpau",                IMGFMT_VDPAU)
    FMT("vda",                  IMGFMT_VDA)
    FMT("vaapi",                IMGFMT_VAAPI)

unsigned int mp_imgfmt_from_name(bstr name, bool allow_hwaccel)
    int img_fmt = 0;
    for(struct mp_imgfmt_entry *p = mp_imgfmt_list; p->name; ++p) {
        if(bstr_equals0(name, p->name)) {
            img_fmt = p->fmt;
    if (!img_fmt) {
        char *t = bstrdup0(NULL, name);
        img_fmt = pixfmt2imgfmt(av_get_pix_fmt(t));
    if (!img_fmt && bstr_equals0(name, "yv12"))
        img_fmt = IMGFMT_420P; // old alias for UI
    if (!allow_hwaccel && IMGFMT_IS_HWACCEL(img_fmt))
        return 0;
    return img_fmt;

const char *mp_imgfmt_to_name(unsigned int fmt)
    struct mp_imgfmt_entry *p = mp_imgfmt_list;
    for(; p->name; ++p) {
        if(p->fmt == fmt)
            return p->name;
    return NULL;

struct mp_imgfmt_desc mp_imgfmt_get_desc(int mpfmt)
    enum AVPixelFormat fmt = imgfmt2pixfmt(mpfmt);
    const AVPixFmtDescriptor *pd = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(fmt);
    if (!pd || fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE)
        return (struct mp_imgfmt_desc) {0};

    struct mp_imgfmt_desc desc = {
        .id = mpfmt,
        .avformat = fmt,
        .name = mp_imgfmt_to_name(mpfmt),
        .chroma_xs = pd->log2_chroma_w,
        .chroma_ys = pd->log2_chroma_h,

    int planedepth[4] = {0};
    int el_size = (pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BITSTREAM) ? 1 : 8;
    for (int c = 0; c < pd->nb_components; c++) {
        AVComponentDescriptor d = pd->comp[c];
        // multiple components per plane -> Y is definitive, ignore chroma
        if (!desc.bpp[d.plane])
            desc.bpp[d.plane] = (d.step_minus1 + 1) * el_size;
        planedepth[d.plane] += d.depth_minus1 + 1;

    for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
        if (desc.bpp[p])

    // Packed RGB formats are the only formats that have less than 8 bits per
    // component, and still require endian dependent access.
    if (pd->comp[0].depth_minus1 + 1 <= 8 &&
        !(mpfmt >= IMGFMT_RGB12_LE && mpfmt <= IMGFMT_BGR16_BE))
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_LE | MP_IMGFLAG_BE;
    } else {
        desc.flags |= (pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BE)
                      ? MP_IMGFLAG_BE : MP_IMGFLAG_LE;

    desc.plane_bits = planedepth[0];

    if (mpfmt == IMGFMT_XYZ12_LE || mpfmt == IMGFMT_XYZ12_BE) {
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_XYZ;
    } else if (!(pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_RGB) &&
               fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK &&
               fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8)
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_YUV;
    } else {
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_RGB;

    if (pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_ALPHA)
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_ALPHA;
    if (desc.num_planes > 3)
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_ALPHA;

    if (mpfmt >= IMGFMT_RGB0_START && mpfmt <= IMGFMT_RGB0_END)
        desc.flags &= ~MP_IMGFLAG_ALPHA;

    if (desc.num_planes == pd->nb_components)
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_PLANAR;

    if (!(pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL) &&
        !(pd->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BITSTREAM))
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_BYTE_ALIGNED;
        for (int p = 0; p < desc.num_planes; p++)
            desc.bytes[p] = desc.bpp[p] / 8;

    // PSEUDOPAL is a complete braindeath nightmare, however it seems various
    // parts of FFmpeg expect that it has a palette allocated.
        desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_PAL;

    if ((desc.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_YUV) && (desc.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_BYTE_ALIGNED))
        bool same_depth = true;
        for (int p = 0; p < desc.num_planes; p++) {
            same_depth &= planedepth[p] == planedepth[0] &&
                          desc.bpp[p] == desc.bpp[0];
        if (same_depth && pd->nb_components == desc.num_planes)
            desc.flags |= MP_IMGFLAG_YUV_P;

    for (int p = 0; p < desc.num_planes; p++) {
        desc.xs[p] = (p == 1 || p == 2) ? desc.chroma_xs : 0;
        desc.ys[p] = (p == 1 || p == 2) ? desc.chroma_ys : 0;

    desc.align_x = 1 << desc.chroma_xs;
    desc.align_y = 1 << desc.chroma_ys;

    if ((desc.bpp[0] % 8) != 0)
        desc.align_x = 8 / desc.bpp[0]; // expect power of 2

    return desc;

// Find a format that is MP_IMGFLAG_YUV_P with the following configuration.
int mp_imgfmt_find_yuv_planar(int xs, int ys, int planes, int component_bits)
    for (int n = IMGFMT_START + 1; n < IMGFMT_END; n++) {
        struct mp_imgfmt_desc desc = mp_imgfmt_get_desc(n);
        if (desc.id && (desc.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_YUV_P)) {
            if (desc.num_planes == planes && desc.chroma_xs == xs &&
                desc.chroma_ys == ys && desc.plane_bits == component_bits &&
                (desc.flags & MP_IMGFLAG_NE))
                return desc.id;
    return 0;