/* * This file is part of mpv. * * Original author: Jonathan Yong <10walls@gmail.com> * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define COBJMACROS 1 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x600 #include <initguid.h> #include <audioclient.h> #include <endpointvolume.h> #include <mmdeviceapi.h> #include <avrt.h> #include "audio/out/ao_wasapi_utils.h" #include "audio/format.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #define MIXER_DEFAULT_LABEL L"mpv - video player" #define EXIT_ON_ERROR(hres) \ do { if (FAILED(hres)) { goto exit_label; } } while(0) #define SAFE_RELEASE(unk, release) \ do { if ((unk) != NULL) { release; (unk) = NULL; } } while(0) #ifndef PKEY_Device_FriendlyName DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY(PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, 0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67, 0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0, 14); DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY(PKEY_Device_DeviceDesc, 0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67, 0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0, 2); #endif /* Supposed to use __uuidof, but it is C++ only, declare our own */ static const GUID local_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM = { 0x1, 0x0000, 0x0010, {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71} }; static const GUID local_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT = { 0x3, 0x0000, 0x0010, {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71} }; union WAVEFMT { WAVEFORMATEX *ex; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *extensible; }; int wasapi_fill_VistaBlob(wasapi_state *state) { if (!state) return 1; state->VistaBlob.hAvrt = LoadLibraryW(L"avrt.dll"); if (!state->VistaBlob.hAvrt) goto exit_label; state->VistaBlob.pAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW = (HANDLE (WINAPI *)(LPCWSTR, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress(state->VistaBlob.hAvrt, "AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW"); state->VistaBlob.pAvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics = (WINBOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE)) GetProcAddress(state->VistaBlob.hAvrt, "AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics"); return 0; exit_label: if (state->VistaBlob.hAvrt) FreeLibrary(state->VistaBlob.hAvrt); return 1; } const char *wasapi_explain_err(const HRESULT hr) { #define E(x) case x : return # x ; switch (hr) { E(S_OK) E(AUDCLNT_E_NOT_INITIALIZED) E(AUDCLNT_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED) E(AUDCLNT_E_WRONG_ENDPOINT_TYPE) E(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) E(AUDCLNT_E_NOT_STOPPED) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE) E(AUDCLNT_E_OUT_OF_ORDER) E(AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT) E(AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_SIZE) E(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_OPERATION_PENDING) E(AUDCLNT_E_THREAD_NOT_REGISTERED) E(AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED) E(AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_CREATE_FAILED) E(AUDCLNT_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING) E(AUDCLNT_E_EVENTHANDLE_NOT_EXPECTED) E(AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_ONLY) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFDURATION_PERIOD_NOT_EQUAL) E(AUDCLNT_E_EVENTHANDLE_NOT_SET) E(AUDCLNT_E_INCORRECT_BUFFER_SIZE) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR) E(AUDCLNT_E_CPUUSAGE_EXCEEDED) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_ERROR) E(AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED) E(AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_DEVICE_PERIOD) E(AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_STREAM_FLAG) E(AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_NOT_CAPABLE) E(AUDCLNT_E_RESOURCES_INVALIDATED) E(AUDCLNT_S_BUFFER_EMPTY) E(AUDCLNT_S_THREAD_ALREADY_REGISTERED) E(AUDCLNT_S_POSITION_STALLED) default: return "<Unknown>"; } #undef E } static void set_format(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *wformat, WORD bytepersample, DWORD samplerate, WORD channels, DWORD chanmask) { int block_align = channels * bytepersample; wformat->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; /* Only PCM is supported */ wformat->Format.nChannels = channels; wformat->Format.nSamplesPerSec = samplerate; wformat->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = samplerate * block_align; wformat->Format.nBlockAlign = block_align; wformat->Format.wBitsPerSample = bytepersample * 8; wformat->Format.cbSize = 22; /* must be at least 22 for WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE */ if (bytepersample == 4) wformat->SubFormat = local_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT; else wformat->SubFormat = local_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; wformat->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = wformat->Format.wBitsPerSample; wformat->dwChannelMask = chanmask; } static int format_set_bits(int old_format, int bits, int fp) { int format = old_format; format &= (~AF_FORMAT_BITS_MASK) & (~AF_FORMAT_POINT_MASK) & (~AF_FORMAT_SIGN_MASK); format |= AF_FORMAT_SI; switch (bits) { case 32: format |= AF_FORMAT_32BIT; break; case 24: format |= AF_FORMAT_24BIT; break; case 16: format |= AF_FORMAT_16BIT; break; default: abort(); // (should be) unreachable } if (fp) { format |= AF_FORMAT_F; } else { format |= AF_FORMAT_I; } return format; } static int set_ao_format(struct wasapi_state *state, struct ao *const ao, WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wformat) { // .Data1 == 1 is PCM, .Data1 == 3 is IEEE_FLOAT int format = format_set_bits(ao->format, wformat.Format.wBitsPerSample, wformat.SubFormat.Data1 == 3); if (wformat.SubFormat.Data1 != 1 && wformat.SubFormat.Data1 != 3) { MP_ERR(ao, "unknown SubFormat %"PRIu32"\n", (uint32_t)wformat.SubFormat.Data1); return 0; } ao->samplerate = wformat.Format.nSamplesPerSec; ao->bps = wformat.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec; ao->format = format; if (ao->channels.num != wformat.Format.nChannels) { mp_chmap_from_channels(&ao->channels, wformat.Format.nChannels); } state->format = wformat; return 1; } static int try_format(struct wasapi_state *state, struct ao *const ao, int bits, int samplerate, const struct mp_chmap channels) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wformat; set_format(&wformat, bits / 8, samplerate, channels.num, mp_chmap_to_waveext(&channels)); int af_format = format_set_bits(ao->format, bits, bits == 32); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "trying %dch %s @ %dhz\n", channels.num, af_fmt_to_str(af_format), samplerate); union WAVEFMT u; u.extensible = &wformat; WAVEFORMATEX *closestMatch; HRESULT hr = IAudioClient_IsFormatSupported(state->pAudioClient, state->share_mode, u.ex, &closestMatch); if (closestMatch) { if (closestMatch->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { u.ex = closestMatch; wformat = *u.extensible; } else { wformat.Format = *closestMatch; } CoTaskMemFree(closestMatch); } if (hr == S_FALSE) { if (set_ao_format(state, ao, wformat)) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "accepted as %dch %s @ %dhz\n", ao->channels.num, af_fmt_to_str(ao->format), ao->samplerate); return 1; } } if (hr == S_OK || (!state->opt_exclusive && hr == AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT)) { // AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT here means "works in shared, doesn't in exclusive" if (set_ao_format(state, ao, wformat)) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "%dch %s @ %dhz accepted\n", ao->channels.num, af_fmt_to_str(af_format), samplerate); return 1; } } return 0; } static int try_mix_format(struct wasapi_state *state, struct ao *const ao) { WAVEFORMATEX *deviceFormat = NULL; WAVEFORMATEX *closestMatch = NULL; int ret = 0; HRESULT hr = IAudioClient_GetMixFormat(state->pAudioClient, &deviceFormat); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); union WAVEFMT u; u.ex = deviceFormat; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wformat = *u.extensible; ret = try_format(state, ao, wformat.Format.wBitsPerSample, wformat.Format.nSamplesPerSec, ao->channels); if (ret) state->format = wformat; exit_label: SAFE_RELEASE(deviceFormat, CoTaskMemFree(deviceFormat)); SAFE_RELEASE(closestMatch, CoTaskMemFree(closestMatch)); return ret; } static int try_passthrough(struct wasapi_state *state, struct ao *const ao) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wformat = { .Format = { .wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, .nChannels = ao->channels.num, .nSamplesPerSec = ao->samplerate, .nAvgBytesPerSec = (ao->samplerate) * (ao->channels.num * 2), .nBlockAlign = ao->channels.num * 2, .wBitsPerSample = 16, .cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) - sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), }, .Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 16, .dwChannelMask = mp_chmap_to_waveext(&ao->channels), .SubFormat = local_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM, }; wformat.SubFormat.Data1 = WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC3_SPDIF; // see INIT_WAVEFORMATEX_GUID macro union WAVEFMT u; u.extensible = &wformat; MP_VERBOSE(ao, "trying passthrough for %s...\n", af_fmt_to_str((ao->format&~AF_FORMAT_END_MASK) | AF_FORMAT_LE)); HRESULT hr = IAudioClient_IsFormatSupported(state->pAudioClient, state->share_mode, u.ex, NULL); if (!FAILED(hr)) { ao->format = (ao->format&~AF_FORMAT_END_MASK) | AF_FORMAT_LE; state->format = wformat; return 1; } return 0; } static int find_formats(struct ao *const ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; if (AF_FORMAT_IS_IEC61937(ao->format) || ao->format == AF_FORMAT_MPEG2) { if (try_passthrough(state, ao)) return 0; MP_ERR(ao, "couldn't use passthrough!"); if (!state->opt_exclusive) MP_ERR(ao, " (try exclusive mode)"); MP_ERR(ao, "\n"); return -1; } /* See if the format works as-is */ int bits = af_fmt2bits(ao->format); /* don't try 8bits -- there are various 8bit modes other than PCM (*-law et al); let's just stick to PCM or float here. */ if (bits == 8) { bits = 16; } else if (try_format(state, ao, bits, ao->samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } if (!state->opt_exclusive) { /* shared mode, we can use the system default mix format. */ if (try_mix_format(state, ao)) { return 0; } MP_WARN(ao, "couldn't use default mix format!\n"); } /* Exclusive mode, we have to guess. */ /* as far as testing shows, only PCM 16/24LE (44100Hz - 192kHz) is supported * Tested on Realtek High Definition Audio, (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. * Drivers dated 2/18/2011 */ /* try float first for non-16bit audio */ if (bits != 16) { bits = 32; } int start_bits = bits; while (1) { // not infinite -- returns at bottom for (; bits > 8; bits -= 8) { int samplerate = ao->samplerate; if (try_format(state, ao, bits, samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } // make samplerate fit in [44100 192000] // we check for samplerate > 96k so that we can upsample instead of downsampling later if (samplerate < 44100 || samplerate > 96000) { if (samplerate < 44100) samplerate = 44100; if (samplerate > 96000) samplerate = 192000; if (try_format(state, ao, bits, samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } } // try bounding to 96kHz if (samplerate > 48000) { samplerate = 96000; if (try_format(state, ao, bits, samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } } // try bounding to 48kHz if (samplerate > 44100) { samplerate = 48000; if (try_format(state, ao, bits, samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } } /* How bad is this? try 44100hz, but only on 16bit */ if (bits == 16 && samplerate != 44100) { samplerate = 44100; if (try_format(state, ao, bits, samplerate, ao->channels)) { return 0; } } } if (ao->channels.num > 6) { /* Maybe this is 5.1 hardware with no support for more. */ bits = start_bits; mp_chmap_from_channels(&ao->channels, 6); } else if (ao->channels.num != 2) { /* Poor quality hardware? Try stereo mode, go through the list again. */ bits = start_bits; mp_chmap_from_channels(&ao->channels, 2); } else { MP_ERR(ao, "couldn't find acceptable audio format!\n"); return -1; } } } static int init_clock(struct wasapi_state *state) { HRESULT hr; hr = IAudioClient_GetService(state->pAudioClient, &IID_IAudioClock, (void **)&state->pAudioClock); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IAudioClock_GetFrequency(state->pAudioClock, &state->clock_frequency); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&state->qpc_frequency); atomic_store(&state->sample_count, 0); MP_VERBOSE(state, "IAudioClock::GetFrequency gave a frequency of %"PRIu64".\n", (uint64_t) state->clock_frequency); return 0; exit_label: MP_ERR(state, "init_clock failed with %s, unable to obtain the audio device's timing!\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr)); return 1; } static int init_session_display(struct wasapi_state *state) { HRESULT hr; wchar_t path[MAX_PATH+12] = {0}; hr = IAudioClient_GetService(state->pAudioClient, &IID_IAudioSessionControl, (void **) &state->pSessionControl); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH); lstrcatW(path, L",-IDI_ICON1"); hr = IAudioSessionControl_SetDisplayName(state->pSessionControl, MIXER_DEFAULT_LABEL, NULL); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IAudioSessionControl_SetIconPath(state->pSessionControl, path, NULL); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); return 0; exit_label: MP_ERR(state, "init_session_display failed with %s.\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr)); return 1; } static int fix_format(struct wasapi_state *state) { HRESULT hr; double offset = 0.5; /* cargo cult code to negotiate buffer block size, affected by hardware/drivers combinations, gradually grow it to 10s, by 0.5s, consider failure if it still doesn't work */ hr = IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod(state->pAudioClient, &state->defaultRequestedDuration, &state->minRequestedDuration); reinit: hr = IAudioClient_Initialize(state->pAudioClient, state->share_mode, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, state->defaultRequestedDuration, state->defaultRequestedDuration, &(state->format.Format), NULL); /* something about buffer sizes on Win7, fixme might loop forever */ if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED) { MP_VERBOSE(state, "IAudioClient::Initialize negotiation failed with %s, used %lld * 100ns\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr), state->defaultRequestedDuration); if (offset > 10.0) goto exit_label; /* is 10 enough to break out of the loop?*/ IAudioClient_GetBufferSize(state->pAudioClient, &state->bufferFrameCount); state->defaultRequestedDuration = (REFERENCE_TIME)((10000.0 * 1000 / state->format.Format.nSamplesPerSec * state->bufferFrameCount) + offset); offset += 0.5; IAudioClient_Release(state->pAudioClient); state->pAudioClient = NULL; hr = IMMDeviceActivator_Activate(state->pDevice, &IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void **)&state->pAudioClient); goto reinit; } EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IAudioClient_GetService(state->pAudioClient, &IID_IAudioRenderClient, (void **)&state->pRenderClient); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IAudioClient_GetService(state->pAudioClient, &IID_ISimpleAudioVolume, (void **) &state->pAudioVolume); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); if (!state->hFeed) goto exit_label; hr = IAudioClient_SetEventHandle(state->pAudioClient, state->hFeed); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IAudioClient_GetBufferSize(state->pAudioClient, &state->bufferFrameCount); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); state->buffer_block_size = state->format.Format.nChannels * state->format.Format.wBitsPerSample / 8 * state->bufferFrameCount; if (init_clock(state)) return 1; if (init_session_display(state)) return 1; state->hTask = state->VistaBlob.pAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(L"Pro Audio", &state->taskIndex); MP_VERBOSE(state, "fix_format OK, using %lld byte buffer block size!\n", (long long) state->buffer_block_size); return 0; exit_label: MP_ERR(state, "fix_format fails with %s, failed to determine buffer block size!\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr)); return 1; } static char* get_device_id(IMMDevice *pDevice) { if (!pDevice) { return NULL; } LPWSTR devid = NULL; char *idstr = NULL; HRESULT hr = IMMDevice_GetId(pDevice, &devid); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); idstr = mp_to_utf8(NULL, devid); if (strstr(idstr, "{}.")) { char *stripped = talloc_strdup(NULL, idstr + strlen("{}.")); talloc_free(idstr); idstr = stripped; } exit_label: SAFE_RELEASE(devid, CoTaskMemFree(devid)); return idstr; } static char* get_device_name(IMMDevice *pDevice) { if (!pDevice) { return NULL; } IPropertyStore *pProps = NULL; char *namestr = NULL; HRESULT hr = IMMDevice_OpenPropertyStore(pDevice, STGM_READ, &pProps); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); PROPVARIANT devname; PropVariantInit(&devname); hr = IPropertyStore_GetValue(pProps, &PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, &devname); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); namestr = mp_to_utf8(NULL, devname.pwszVal); exit_label: PropVariantClear(&devname); SAFE_RELEASE(pProps, IPropertyStore_Release(pProps)); return namestr; } static char* get_device_desc(IMMDevice *pDevice) { if (!pDevice) { return NULL; } IPropertyStore *pProps = NULL; char *desc = NULL; HRESULT hr = IMMDevice_OpenPropertyStore(pDevice, STGM_READ, &pProps); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); PROPVARIANT devdesc; PropVariantInit(&devdesc); hr = IPropertyStore_GetValue(pProps, &PKEY_Device_DeviceDesc, &devdesc); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); desc = mp_to_utf8(NULL, devdesc.pwszVal); exit_label: PropVariantClear(&devdesc); SAFE_RELEASE(pProps, IPropertyStore_Release(pProps)); return desc; } // frees *idstr static int device_id_match(char *idstr, char *candidate) { if (idstr == NULL || candidate == NULL) return 0; int found = 0; #define FOUND(x) do { found = (x); goto end; } while(0) if (strcmp(idstr, candidate) == 0) FOUND(1); if (strstr(idstr, "{}.")) { char *start = idstr + strlen("{}."); if (strcmp(start, candidate) == 0) FOUND(1); } #undef FOUND end: talloc_free(idstr); return found; } static HRESULT enumerate_with_state(struct mp_log *log, char *header, int status, int with_id) { HRESULT hr; IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator = NULL; IMMDeviceCollection *pDevices = NULL; IMMDevice *pDevice = NULL; char *defid = NULL; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void **)&pEnumerator); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(pEnumerator, eRender, eConsole, &pDevice); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); defid = get_device_id(pDevice); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pDevice)); hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_EnumAudioEndpoints(pEnumerator, eRender, status, &pDevices); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); int count; IMMDeviceCollection_GetCount(pDevices, &count); if (count > 0) { mp_info(log, "%s\n", header); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hr = IMMDeviceCollection_Item(pDevices, i, &pDevice); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); char *name = get_device_name(pDevice); char *id = get_device_id(pDevice); char *mark = ""; if (strcmp(id, defid) == 0) mark = " (default)"; if (with_id) { mp_info(log, "Device #%d: %s, ID: %s%s\n", i, name, id, mark); } else { mp_info(log, "%s, ID: %s%s\n", name, id, mark); } talloc_free(name); talloc_free(id); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pDevice)); } talloc_free(defid); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices, IMMDeviceCollection_Release(pDevices)); SAFE_RELEASE(pEnumerator, IMMDeviceEnumerator_Release(pEnumerator)); return hr; exit_label: talloc_free(defid); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pDevice)); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices, IMMDeviceCollection_Release(pDevices)); SAFE_RELEASE(pEnumerator, IMMDeviceEnumerator_Release(pEnumerator)); return hr; } int wasapi_enumerate_devices(struct mp_log *log) { HRESULT hr; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); hr = enumerate_with_state(log, "Active devices:", DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE, 1); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = enumerate_with_state(log, "Unplugged devices:", DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED, 0); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); CoUninitialize(); return 0; exit_label: mp_err(log, "Error enumerating devices: HRESULT %08"PRIx32" \"%s\"\n", (uint32_t)hr, wasapi_explain_err(hr)); CoUninitialize(); return 1; } static HRESULT find_and_load_device(struct ao *ao, IMMDevice **ppDevice, char *search) { HRESULT hr; IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator = NULL; IMMDeviceCollection *pDevices = NULL; IMMDevice *pTempDevice = NULL; LPWSTR deviceID = NULL; char *end; int devno = (int) strtol(search, &end, 10); char *devid = NULL; if (end == search || *end) { devid = search; } hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void**)&pEnumerator); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); int search_err = 0; if (devid == NULL) { hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_EnumAudioEndpoints(pEnumerator, eRender, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE, &pDevices); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); int count; IMMDeviceCollection_GetCount(pDevices, &count); if (devno >= count) { MP_ERR(ao, "no device #%d!\n", devno); } else { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "finding device #%d\n", devno); hr = IMMDeviceCollection_Item(pDevices, devno, &pTempDevice); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IMMDevice_GetId(pTempDevice, &deviceID); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "found device #%d\n", devno); } } else { hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_EnumAudioEndpoints(pEnumerator, eRender, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE|DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED, &pDevices); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); int count; IMMDeviceCollection_GetCount(pDevices, &count); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "finding device %s\n", devid); IMMDevice *prevDevice = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hr = IMMDeviceCollection_Item(pDevices, i, &pTempDevice); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); if (device_id_match(get_device_id(pTempDevice), devid)) { hr = IMMDevice_GetId(pTempDevice, &deviceID); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); break; } char *desc = get_device_desc(pTempDevice); if (strstr(desc, devid)) { if (deviceID) { char *name; if (!search_err) { MP_ERR(ao, "multiple matching devices found!\n"); name = get_device_name(prevDevice); MP_ERR(ao, "%s\n", name); talloc_free(name); search_err = 1; } name = get_device_name(pTempDevice); MP_ERR(ao, "%s\n", name); talloc_free(name); } hr = IMMDevice_GetId(pTempDevice, &deviceID); prevDevice = pTempDevice; } talloc_free(desc); SAFE_RELEASE(pTempDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pTempDevice)); } if (deviceID == NULL) { MP_ERR(ao, "could not find device %s!\n", devid); } } SAFE_RELEASE(pTempDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pTempDevice)); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices, IMMDeviceCollection_Release(pDevices)); if (deviceID == NULL || search_err) { hr = E_NOTFOUND; } else { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "loading device %S\n", deviceID); hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDevice(pEnumerator, deviceID, ppDevice); if (FAILED(hr)) { MP_ERR(ao, "could not load requested device!\n"); } } exit_label: SAFE_RELEASE(pTempDevice, IMMDevice_Release(pTempDevice)); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices, IMMDeviceCollection_Release(pDevices)); SAFE_RELEASE(pEnumerator, IMMDeviceEnumerator_Release(pEnumerator)); return hr; } int wasapi_validate_device(struct mp_log *log, const m_option_t *opt, struct bstr name, struct bstr param) { if (bstr_equals0(param, "help")) { wasapi_enumerate_devices(log); return M_OPT_EXIT; } mp_dbg(log, "validating device=%s\n", param.start); char *end; int devno = (int) strtol(param.start, &end, 10); int ret = 1; if ((end == (void*)param.start || *end) && devno < 0) ret = M_OPT_OUT_OF_RANGE; mp_dbg(log, "device=%s %svalid\n", param.start, ret == 1 ? "" : "not "); return ret; } HRESULT wasapi_setup_proxies(struct wasapi_state *state) { HRESULT hr; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); #define UNMARSHAL(type, to, from) do { \ hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream((from), &(type), (void**) &(to)); \ (from) = NULL; \ EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); \ } while (0) UNMARSHAL(IID_IAudioClient, state->pAudioClientProxy, state->sAudioClient); UNMARSHAL(IID_ISimpleAudioVolume, state->pAudioVolumeProxy, state->sAudioVolume); UNMARSHAL(IID_IAudioEndpointVolume, state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, state->sEndpointVolume); UNMARSHAL(IID_IAudioSessionControl, state->pSessionControlProxy, state->sSessionControl); #undef UNMARSHAL exit_label: if (hr != S_OK) { MP_ERR(state, "error reading COM proxy: %08x %s\n", (unsigned int)hr, wasapi_explain_err(hr)); } return hr; } void wasapi_release_proxies(wasapi_state *state) { SAFE_RELEASE(state->pAudioClientProxy, IUnknown_Release(state->pAudioClientProxy)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pAudioVolumeProxy, IUnknown_Release(state->pAudioVolumeProxy)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, IUnknown_Release(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pSessionControlProxy, IUnknown_Release(state->pSessionControlProxy)); CoUninitialize(); } static HRESULT create_proxies(struct wasapi_state *state) { HRESULT hr; #define MARSHAL(type, to, from) do { \ hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &(to)); \ EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); \ hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(&(type), \ (IUnknown*) (from), \ &(to)); \ EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); \ } while (0) MARSHAL(IID_IAudioClient, state->sAudioClient, state->pAudioClient); MARSHAL(IID_ISimpleAudioVolume, state->sAudioVolume, state->pAudioVolume); MARSHAL(IID_IAudioEndpointVolume, state->sEndpointVolume, state->pEndpointVolume); MARSHAL(IID_IAudioSessionControl, state->sSessionControl, state->pSessionControl); exit_label: return hr; } int wasapi_thread_init(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; HRESULT hr; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (!state->opt_device) { IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void**)&pEnumerator); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(pEnumerator, eRender, eConsole, &state->pDevice); SAFE_RELEASE(pEnumerator, IMMDeviceEnumerator_Release(pEnumerator)); char *id = get_device_id(state->pDevice); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "default device ID: %s\n", id); talloc_free(id); } else { hr = find_and_load_device(ao, &state->pDevice, state->opt_device); } EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); char *name = get_device_name(state->pDevice); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "device loaded: %s\n", name); talloc_free(name); hr = IMMDeviceActivator_Activate(state->pDevice, &IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void **)&state->pAudioClient); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); hr = IMMDeviceActivator_Activate(state->pDevice, &IID_IAudioEndpointVolume, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void **)&state->pEndpointVolume); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); IAudioEndpointVolume_QueryHardwareSupport(state->pEndpointVolume, &state->vol_hw_support); state->init_ret = find_formats(ao); /* Probe support formats */ if (state->init_ret) goto exit_label; if (!fix_format(state)) { /* now that we're sure what format to use */ EXIT_ON_ERROR(create_proxies(state)); if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(state->pEndpointVolume, &state->initial_volume); else ISimpleAudioVolume_GetMasterVolume(state->pAudioVolume, &state->initial_volume); state->previous_volume = state->initial_volume; MP_VERBOSE(ao, "thread_init OK!\n"); SetEvent(state->init_done); return state->init_ret; } exit_label: state->init_ret = -1; SetEvent(state->init_done); return -1; } void wasapi_thread_uninit(wasapi_state *state) { if (state->pAudioClient) IAudioClient_Stop(state->pAudioClient); if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(state->pEndpointVolume, state->initial_volume, NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pRenderClient, IAudioRenderClient_Release(state->pRenderClient)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pAudioClock, IAudioClock_Release(state->pAudioClock)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pAudioVolume, ISimpleAudioVolume_Release(state->pAudioVolume)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pEndpointVolume, IAudioEndpointVolume_Release(state->pEndpointVolume)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pSessionControl, IAudioSessionControl_Release(state->pSessionControl)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pAudioClient, IAudioClient_Release(state->pAudioClient)); SAFE_RELEASE(state->pDevice, IMMDevice_Release(state->pDevice)); if (state->hTask) state->VistaBlob.pAvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(state->hTask); CoUninitialize(); ExitThread(0); }