/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "osdep/terminal.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #include "osdep/threads.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "libmpv/client.h" #include "msg.h" #include "msg_control.h" // log buffer size (lines) for terminal level and logfile level #define TERM_BUF 100 #define FILE_BUF 100 // logfile lines to accumulate during init before we know the log file name. // thousands of logfile lines during init can happen (especially with many // scripts, big config, etc), so we set 5000. If it cycles and messages are // overwritten, then the first (virtual) log line indicates how many were lost. #define EARLY_FILE_BUF 5000 struct mp_log_root { struct mpv_global *global; pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_mutex_t log_file_lock; pthread_cond_t log_file_wakeup; // --- protected by lock char **msg_levels; bool use_terminal; // make accesses to stderr/stdout bool module; bool show_time; int blank_lines; // number of lines usable by status int status_lines; // number of current status lines bool color; int verbose; bool really_quiet; bool force_stderr; struct mp_log_buffer **buffers; int num_buffers; struct mp_log_buffer *early_buffer; struct mp_log_buffer *early_filebuffer; FILE *stats_file; bstr buffer; // --- must be accessed atomically /* This is incremented every time the msglevels must be reloaded. * (This is perhaps better than maintaining a globally accessible and * synchronized mp_log tree.) */ atomic_ulong reload_counter; // --- owner thread only (caller of mp_msg_init() etc.) char *log_path; char *stats_path; pthread_t log_file_thread; // --- owner thread only, but frozen while log_file_thread is running FILE *log_file; struct mp_log_buffer *log_file_buffer; // --- protected by log_file_lock bool log_file_thread_active; // also termination signal for the thread }; struct mp_log { struct mp_log_root *root; const char *prefix; const char *verbose_prefix; int max_level; // minimum log level for this instance int level; // minimum log level for any outputs int terminal_level; // minimum log level for terminal output atomic_ulong reload_counter; char *partial; }; struct mp_log_buffer { struct mp_log_root *root; pthread_mutex_t lock; // --- protected by lock struct mp_log_buffer_entry **entries; // ringbuffer int capacity; // total space in entries[] int entry0; // first (oldest) entry index int num_entries; // number of valid entries after entry0 uint64_t dropped; // number of skipped entries bool silent; // --- immutable void (*wakeup_cb)(void *ctx); void *wakeup_cb_ctx; int level; }; static const struct mp_log null_log = {0}; struct mp_log *const mp_null_log = (struct mp_log *)&null_log; static bool match_mod(const char *name, const char *mod) { if (!strcmp(mod, "all")) return true; // Path prefix matches bstr b = bstr0(name); return bstr_eatstart0(&b, mod) && (bstr_eatstart0(&b, "/") || !b.len); } static void update_loglevel(struct mp_log *log) { struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); log->level = MSGL_STATUS + root->verbose; // default log level if (root->really_quiet) log->level = -1; for (int n = 0; root->msg_levels && root->msg_levels[n * 2 + 0]; n++) { if (match_mod(log->verbose_prefix, root->msg_levels[n * 2 + 0])) log->level = mp_msg_find_level(root->msg_levels[n * 2 + 1]); } log->terminal_level = log->level; for (int n = 0; n < log->root->num_buffers; n++) { int buffer_level = log->root->buffers[n]->level; if (buffer_level == MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_LOGFILE) buffer_level = MSGL_DEBUG; if (buffer_level != MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_TERM) log->level = MPMAX(log->level, buffer_level); } if (log->root->log_file) log->level = MPMAX(log->level, MSGL_DEBUG); if (log->root->stats_file) log->level = MPMAX(log->level, MSGL_STATS); log->level = MPMIN(log->level, log->max_level); atomic_store(&log->reload_counter, atomic_load(&log->root->reload_counter)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); } // Set (numerically) the maximum level that should still be output for this log // instances. E.g. lev=MSGL_WARN => show only warnings and errors. void mp_msg_set_max_level(struct mp_log *log, int lev) { if (!log->root) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&log->root->lock); log->max_level = MPCLAMP(lev, -1, MSGL_MAX); pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->root->lock); update_loglevel(log); } // Get the current effective msg level. // Thread-safety: see mp_msg(). int mp_msg_level(struct mp_log *log) { struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; if (!root) return -1; if (atomic_load_explicit(&log->reload_counter, memory_order_relaxed) != atomic_load_explicit(&root->reload_counter, memory_order_relaxed)) { update_loglevel(log); } return log->level; } // Reposition cursor and clear lines for outputting the status line. In certain // cases, like term OSD and subtitle display, the status can consist of // multiple lines. static void prepare_status_line(struct mp_log_root *root, char *new_status) { FILE *f = stderr; size_t new_lines = 1; char *tmp = new_status; while (1) { tmp = strchr(tmp, '\n'); if (!tmp) break; new_lines++; tmp++; } size_t old_lines = root->status_lines; if (!new_status[0] && old_lines == 0) return; // nothing to clear size_t clear_lines = MPMIN(MPMAX(new_lines, old_lines), root->blank_lines); // clear the status line itself fprintf(f, "\r\033[K"); // and clear all previous old lines for (size_t n = 1; n < clear_lines; n++) fprintf(f, "\033[A\r\033[K"); // skip "unused" blank lines, so that status is aligned to term bottom for (size_t n = new_lines; n < clear_lines; n++) fprintf(f, "\n"); root->status_lines = new_lines; root->blank_lines = MPMAX(root->blank_lines, new_lines); } static void flush_status_line(struct mp_log_root *root) { // If there was a status line, don't overwrite it, but skip it. if (root->status_lines) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); root->status_lines = 0; root->blank_lines = 0; } void mp_msg_flush_status_line(struct mp_log *log) { if (log->root) { pthread_mutex_lock(&log->root->lock); flush_status_line(log->root); pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->root->lock); } } void mp_msg_set_term_title(struct mp_log *log, const char *title) { if (log->root && title) { // Lock because printf to terminal is not necessarily atomic. pthread_mutex_lock(&log->root->lock); fprintf(stderr, "\e]0;%s\007", title); pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->root->lock); } } bool mp_msg_has_status_line(struct mpv_global *global) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); bool r = root->status_lines > 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); return r; } static void set_term_color(FILE *stream, int c) { if (c == -1) { fprintf(stream, "\033[0m"); } else { fprintf(stream, "\033[%d;3%dm", c >> 3, c & 7); } } static void set_msg_color(FILE* stream, int lev) { static const int v_colors[] = {9, 1, 3, -1, -1, 2, 8, 8, 8, -1}; set_term_color(stream, v_colors[lev]); } static void pretty_print_module(FILE* stream, const char *prefix, bool use_color, int lev) { // Use random color based on the name of the module if (use_color) { size_t prefix_len = strlen(prefix); unsigned int mod = 0; for (int i = 0; i < prefix_len; ++i) mod = mod * 33 + prefix[i]; set_term_color(stream, (mod + 1) % 15 + 1); } fprintf(stream, "%10s", prefix); if (use_color) set_term_color(stream, -1); fprintf(stream, ": "); if (use_color) set_msg_color(stream, lev); } static bool test_terminal_level(struct mp_log *log, int lev) { return lev <= log->terminal_level && log->root->use_terminal && !(lev == MSGL_STATUS && terminal_in_background()); } static void print_terminal_line(struct mp_log *log, int lev, char *text, char *trail) { if (!test_terminal_level(log, lev)) return; struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; FILE *stream = (root->force_stderr || lev == MSGL_STATUS || lev == MSGL_FATAL || lev == MSGL_ERR || lev == MSGL_WARN) ? stderr : stdout; if (lev != MSGL_STATUS) flush_status_line(root); if (root->color) set_msg_color(stream, lev); if (root->show_time) fprintf(stream, "[%10.6f] ", mp_time_sec()); const char *prefix = log->prefix; if ((lev >= MSGL_V) || root->verbose || root->module) prefix = log->verbose_prefix; if (prefix) { if (root->module) { pretty_print_module(stream, prefix, root->color, lev); } else { fprintf(stream, "[%s] ", prefix); } } fprintf(stream, "%s%s", text, trail); if (root->color) set_term_color(stream, -1); fflush(stream); } static struct mp_log_buffer_entry *log_buffer_read(struct mp_log_buffer *buffer) { assert(buffer->num_entries); struct mp_log_buffer_entry *res = buffer->entries[buffer->entry0]; buffer->entry0 = (buffer->entry0 + 1) % buffer->capacity; buffer->num_entries -= 1; return res; } static void write_msg_to_buffers(struct mp_log *log, int lev, char *text) { struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; for (int n = 0; n < root->num_buffers; n++) { struct mp_log_buffer *buffer = root->buffers[n]; bool wakeup = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&buffer->lock); int buffer_level = buffer->level; if (buffer_level == MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_TERM) buffer_level = log->terminal_level; if (buffer_level == MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_LOGFILE) buffer_level = MPMAX(log->terminal_level, MSGL_DEBUG); if (lev <= buffer_level && lev != MSGL_STATUS) { if (buffer->level == MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_LOGFILE) { // If the buffer is full, block until we can write again, // unless there's no write thread (died, or early filebuffer) bool dead = false; while (buffer->num_entries == buffer->capacity && !dead) { // Temporary unlock is OK; buffer->level is immutable, and // buffer can't go away because the global log lock is held. pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffer->lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&root->log_file_lock); if (root->log_file_thread_active) { pthread_cond_wait(&root->log_file_wakeup, &root->log_file_lock); } else { dead = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->log_file_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&buffer->lock); } } if (buffer->num_entries == buffer->capacity) { struct mp_log_buffer_entry *skip = log_buffer_read(buffer); talloc_free(skip); buffer->dropped += 1; } struct mp_log_buffer_entry *entry = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, entry); *entry = (struct mp_log_buffer_entry) { .prefix = talloc_strdup(entry, log->verbose_prefix), .level = lev, .text = talloc_strdup(entry, text), }; int pos = (buffer->entry0 + buffer->num_entries) % buffer->capacity; buffer->entries[pos] = entry; buffer->num_entries += 1; if (buffer->wakeup_cb && !buffer->silent) wakeup = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffer->lock); if (wakeup) buffer->wakeup_cb(buffer->wakeup_cb_ctx); } } static void dump_stats(struct mp_log *log, int lev, char *text) { struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; if (lev == MSGL_STATS && root->stats_file) fprintf(root->stats_file, "%"PRId64" %s\n", mp_time_ns(), text); } void mp_msg_va(struct mp_log *log, int lev, const char *format, va_list va) { if (!mp_msg_test(log, lev)) return; // do not display struct mp_log_root *root = log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); root->buffer.len = 0; if (log->partial[0]) bstr_xappend_asprintf(root, &root->buffer, "%s", log->partial); log->partial[0] = '\0'; bstr_xappend_vasprintf(root, &root->buffer, format, va); char *text = root->buffer.start; if (lev == MSGL_STATS) { dump_stats(log, lev, text); } else if (lev == MSGL_STATUS && !test_terminal_level(log, lev)) { /* discard */ } else { if (lev == MSGL_STATUS) prepare_status_line(root, text); // Split away each line. Normally we require full lines; buffer partial // lines if they happen. while (1) { char *end = strchr(text, '\n'); if (!end) break; char *next = &end[1]; char saved = next[0]; next[0] = '\0'; print_terminal_line(log, lev, text, ""); write_msg_to_buffers(log, lev, text); next[0] = saved; text = next; } if (lev == MSGL_STATUS) { if (text[0]) print_terminal_line(log, lev, text, "\r"); } else if (text[0]) { int size = strlen(text) + 1; if (talloc_get_size(log->partial) < size) log->partial = talloc_realloc(NULL, log->partial, char, size); memcpy(log->partial, text, size); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); } static void destroy_log(void *ptr) { struct mp_log *log = ptr; // This is not managed via talloc itself, because mp_msg calls must be // thread-safe, while talloc is not thread-safe. talloc_free(log->partial); } // Create a new log context, which uses talloc_ctx as talloc parent, and parent // as logical parent. // The name is the prefix put before the output. It's usually prefixed by the // parent's name. If the name starts with "/", the parent's name is not // prefixed (except in verbose mode), and if it starts with "!", the name is // not printed at all (except in verbose mode). // If name is NULL, the parent's name/prefix is used. // Thread-safety: fully thread-safe, but keep in mind that talloc is not (so // talloc_ctx must be owned by the current thread). struct mp_log *mp_log_new(void *talloc_ctx, struct mp_log *parent, const char *name) { assert(parent); struct mp_log *log = talloc_zero(talloc_ctx, struct mp_log); if (!parent->root) return log; // same as null_log talloc_set_destructor(log, destroy_log); log->root = parent->root; log->partial = talloc_strdup(NULL, ""); log->max_level = MSGL_MAX; if (name) { if (name[0] == '!') { name = &name[1]; } else if (name[0] == '/') { name = &name[1]; log->prefix = talloc_strdup(log, name); } else { log->prefix = parent->prefix ? talloc_asprintf(log, "%s/%s", parent->prefix, name) : talloc_strdup(log, name); } log->verbose_prefix = parent->prefix ? talloc_asprintf(log, "%s/%s", parent->prefix, name) : talloc_strdup(log, name); if (log->prefix && !log->prefix[0]) log->prefix = NULL; if (!log->verbose_prefix[0]) log->verbose_prefix = "global"; } else { log->prefix = talloc_strdup(log, parent->prefix); log->verbose_prefix = talloc_strdup(log, parent->verbose_prefix); } return log; } void mp_msg_init(struct mpv_global *global) { assert(!global->log); struct mp_log_root *root = talloc_zero(NULL, struct mp_log_root); *root = (struct mp_log_root){ .global = global, .reload_counter = 1, }; pthread_mutex_init(&root->lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&root->log_file_lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&root->log_file_wakeup, NULL); struct mp_log dummy = { .root = root }; struct mp_log *log = mp_log_new(root, &dummy, ""); global->log = log; } static void *log_file_thread(void *p) { struct mp_log_root *root = p; mpthread_set_name("log"); pthread_mutex_lock(&root->log_file_lock); while (root->log_file_thread_active) { struct mp_log_buffer_entry *e = mp_msg_log_buffer_read(root->log_file_buffer); if (e) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->log_file_lock); fprintf(root->log_file, "[%8.3f][%c][%s] %s", mp_time_sec(), mp_log_levels[e->level][0], e->prefix, e->text); fflush(root->log_file); pthread_mutex_lock(&root->log_file_lock); talloc_free(e); // Multiple threads might be blocked if the log buffer was full. pthread_cond_broadcast(&root->log_file_wakeup); } else { pthread_cond_wait(&root->log_file_wakeup, &root->log_file_lock); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->log_file_lock); return NULL; } static void wakeup_log_file(void *p) { struct mp_log_root *root = p; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->log_file_lock); pthread_cond_broadcast(&root->log_file_wakeup); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->log_file_lock); } // Only to be called from the main thread. static void terminate_log_file_thread(struct mp_log_root *root) { bool wait_terminate = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->log_file_lock); if (root->log_file_thread_active) { root->log_file_thread_active = false; pthread_cond_broadcast(&root->log_file_wakeup); wait_terminate = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->log_file_lock); if (wait_terminate) pthread_join(root->log_file_thread, NULL); mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(root->log_file_buffer); root->log_file_buffer = NULL; if (root->log_file) fclose(root->log_file); root->log_file = NULL; } // If opt is different from *current_path, update *current_path and return true. // No lock must be held; passed values must be accessible without. static bool check_new_path(struct mpv_global *global, char *opt, char **current_path) { void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); bool res = false; char *new_path = mp_get_user_path(tmp, global, opt); if (!new_path) new_path = ""; char *old_path = *current_path ? *current_path : ""; if (strcmp(old_path, new_path) != 0) { talloc_free(*current_path); *current_path = NULL; if (new_path && new_path[0]) *current_path = talloc_strdup(NULL, new_path); res = true; } talloc_free(tmp); return res; } void mp_msg_update_msglevels(struct mpv_global *global, struct MPOpts *opts) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); root->verbose = opts->verbose; root->really_quiet = opts->msg_really_quiet; root->module = opts->msg_module; root->use_terminal = opts->use_terminal; root->show_time = opts->msg_time; if (root->use_terminal) root->color = opts->msg_color && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); m_option_type_msglevels.free(&root->msg_levels); m_option_type_msglevels.copy(NULL, &root->msg_levels, &opts->msg_levels); atomic_fetch_add(&root->reload_counter, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); if (check_new_path(global, opts->log_file, &root->log_path)) { terminate_log_file_thread(root); if (root->log_path) { root->log_file = fopen(root->log_path, "wb"); if (root->log_file) { // if a logfile is created and the early filebuf still exists, // flush and destroy the early buffer pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); struct mp_log_buffer *earlybuf = root->early_filebuffer; if (earlybuf) root->early_filebuffer = NULL; // but it still logs msgs pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); if (earlybuf) { // flush, destroy before creating the normal logfile buf, // as once the new one is created (specifically, its write // thread), then MSGL_LOGFILE messages become blocking, but // the early logfile buf is without dequeue - can deadlock. // note: timestamp is unknown, we use 0.000 as indication. // note: new messages while iterating are still flushed. struct mp_log_buffer_entry *e; while ((e = mp_msg_log_buffer_read(earlybuf))) { fprintf(root->log_file, "[%8.3f][%c][%s] %s", 0.0, mp_log_levels[e->level][0], e->prefix, e->text); talloc_free(e); } mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(earlybuf); // + remove from root } root->log_file_buffer = mp_msg_log_buffer_new(global, FILE_BUF, MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_LOGFILE, wakeup_log_file, root); root->log_file_thread_active = true; if (pthread_create(&root->log_file_thread, NULL, log_file_thread, root)) { root->log_file_thread_active = false; terminate_log_file_thread(root); } } else { mp_err(global->log, "Failed to open log file '%s'\n", root->log_path); } } } if (check_new_path(global, opts->dump_stats, &root->stats_path)) { bool open_error = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); if (root->stats_file) fclose(root->stats_file); root->stats_file = NULL; if (root->stats_path) { root->stats_file = fopen(root->stats_path, "wb"); open_error = !root->stats_file; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); if (open_error) { mp_err(global->log, "Failed to open stats file '%s'\n", root->stats_path); } } } void mp_msg_force_stderr(struct mpv_global *global, bool force_stderr) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); root->force_stderr = force_stderr; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); } // Only to be called from the main thread. bool mp_msg_has_log_file(struct mpv_global *global) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; return !!root->log_file; } void mp_msg_uninit(struct mpv_global *global) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; terminate_log_file_thread(root); mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(root->early_buffer); mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(root->early_filebuffer); assert(root->num_buffers == 0); if (root->stats_file) fclose(root->stats_file); talloc_free(root->stats_path); talloc_free(root->log_path); m_option_type_msglevels.free(&root->msg_levels); pthread_mutex_destroy(&root->lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&root->log_file_lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&root->log_file_wakeup); talloc_free(root); global->log = NULL; } // early logging store log messages before they have a known destination. // there are two early log buffers which are similar logically, and both cease // function (if still exist, independently) once the log destination is known, // or mpv init is complete (typically, after all clients/scripts init is done). // // - "normal" early_buffer, holds early terminal-level logs, and is handed over // to the first client which requests such log buffer, so that it sees older // messages too. further clients which request a log buffer get a new one // which accumulates messages starting at this point in time. // // - early_filebuffer - early log-file messages until a log file name is known. // main cases where meaningful messages are accumulated before the filename // is known are when log-file is set at mpv.conf, or from script/client init. // once a file name is known, the early buffer is flushed and destroyed. // unlike the "proper" log-file buffer, the early filebuffer is not backed by // a write thread, and hence non-blocking (can overwrite old messages). // it's also bigger than the actual file buffer (early: 5000, actual: 100). static void mp_msg_set_early_logging_raw(struct mpv_global *global, bool enable, struct mp_log_buffer **root_logbuf, int size, int level) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); if (enable != !!*root_logbuf) { if (enable) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); struct mp_log_buffer *buf = mp_msg_log_buffer_new(global, size, level, NULL, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); assert(!*root_logbuf); // no concurrent calls to this function *root_logbuf = buf; } else { struct mp_log_buffer *buf = *root_logbuf; *root_logbuf = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(buf); return; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); } void mp_msg_set_early_logging(struct mpv_global *global, bool enable) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; mp_msg_set_early_logging_raw(global, enable, &root->early_buffer, TERM_BUF, MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_TERM); // normally MSGL_LOGFILE buffer gets a write thread, but not the early buf mp_msg_set_early_logging_raw(global, enable, &root->early_filebuffer, EARLY_FILE_BUF, MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_LOGFILE); } struct mp_log_buffer *mp_msg_log_buffer_new(struct mpv_global *global, int size, int level, void (*wakeup_cb)(void *ctx), void *wakeup_cb_ctx) { struct mp_log_root *root = global->log->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); if (level == MP_LOG_BUFFER_MSGL_TERM) { size = TERM_BUF; // The first thing which creates a terminal-level log buffer gets the // early log buffer, if it exists. This is supposed to enable a script // to grab log messages from before it was initialized. It's OK that // this works only for 1 script and only once. if (root->early_buffer) { struct mp_log_buffer *buffer = root->early_buffer; root->early_buffer = NULL; buffer->wakeup_cb = wakeup_cb; buffer->wakeup_cb_ctx = wakeup_cb_ctx; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); return buffer; } } assert(size > 0); struct mp_log_buffer *buffer = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, buffer); *buffer = (struct mp_log_buffer) { .root = root, .level = level, .entries = talloc_array(buffer, struct mp_log_buffer_entry *, size), .capacity = size, .wakeup_cb = wakeup_cb, .wakeup_cb_ctx = wakeup_cb_ctx, }; pthread_mutex_init(&buffer->lock, NULL); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(root, root->buffers, root->num_buffers, buffer); atomic_fetch_add(&root->reload_counter, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); return buffer; } void mp_msg_log_buffer_set_silent(struct mp_log_buffer *buffer, bool silent) { pthread_mutex_lock(&buffer->lock); buffer->silent = silent; pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffer->lock); } void mp_msg_log_buffer_destroy(struct mp_log_buffer *buffer) { if (!buffer) return; struct mp_log_root *root = buffer->root; pthread_mutex_lock(&root->lock); for (int n = 0; n < root->num_buffers; n++) { if (root->buffers[n] == buffer) { MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(root->buffers, root->num_buffers, n); goto found; } } MP_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE(); found: while (buffer->num_entries) talloc_free(log_buffer_read(buffer)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&buffer->lock); talloc_free(buffer); atomic_fetch_add(&root->reload_counter, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root->lock); } // Return a queued message, or if the buffer is empty, NULL. // Thread-safety: one buffer can be read by a single thread only. struct mp_log_buffer_entry *mp_msg_log_buffer_read(struct mp_log_buffer *buffer) { struct mp_log_buffer_entry *res = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&buffer->lock); if (!buffer->silent && buffer->num_entries) { if (buffer->dropped) { res = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, res); *res = (struct mp_log_buffer_entry) { .prefix = "overflow", .level = MSGL_FATAL, .text = talloc_asprintf(res, "log message buffer overflow: %"PRId64" messages skipped\n", buffer->dropped), }; buffer->dropped = 0; } else { res = log_buffer_read(buffer); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffer->lock); return res; } // Thread-safety: fully thread-safe, but keep in mind that the lifetime of // log must be guaranteed during the call. // Never call this from signal handlers. void mp_msg(struct mp_log *log, int lev, const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); mp_msg_va(log, lev, format, va); va_end(va); } const char *const mp_log_levels[MSGL_MAX + 1] = { [MSGL_FATAL] = "fatal", [MSGL_ERR] = "error", [MSGL_WARN] = "warn", [MSGL_INFO] = "info", [MSGL_STATUS] = "status", [MSGL_V] = "v", [MSGL_DEBUG] = "debug", [MSGL_TRACE] = "trace", [MSGL_STATS] = "stats", }; const int mp_mpv_log_levels[MSGL_MAX + 1] = { [MSGL_FATAL] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, [MSGL_ERR] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, [MSGL_WARN] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, [MSGL_INFO] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, [MSGL_STATUS] = 0, // never used [MSGL_V] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_V, [MSGL_DEBUG] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, [MSGL_TRACE] = MPV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, [MSGL_STATS] = 0, // never used }; int mp_msg_find_level(const char *s) { for (int n = 0; n < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(mp_log_levels); n++) { if (mp_log_levels[n] && !strcasecmp(s, mp_log_levels[n])) return n; } return -1; }