/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include "options/m_config.h" #include "context.h" #include "ra_gl.h" #include "utils.h" // 0-terminated list of desktop GL versions a backend should try to // initialize. Each entry is the minimum required version. const int mpgl_min_required_gl_versions[] = { /* * Nvidia drivers will not provide the highest supported version * when 320 core is requested. Instead, it just returns 3.2. This * would be bad, as we actually want compute shaders that require * 4.2, so we have to request a sufficiently high version. We use * 440 to maximise driver compatibility as we don't need anything * from newer versions. */ 440, 320, 210, 0 }; enum { FLUSH_NO = 0, FLUSH_YES, FLUSH_AUTO, }; struct opengl_opts { bool use_glfinish; bool waitvsync; int vsync_pattern[2]; int swapinterval; int early_flush; int gles_mode; }; #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct opengl_opts const struct m_sub_options opengl_conf = { .opts = (const struct m_option[]) { {"opengl-glfinish", OPT_BOOL(use_glfinish)}, {"opengl-waitvsync", OPT_BOOL(waitvsync)}, {"opengl-swapinterval", OPT_INT(swapinterval), .flags = UPDATE_VO}, {"opengl-check-pattern-a", OPT_INT(vsync_pattern[0])}, {"opengl-check-pattern-b", OPT_INT(vsync_pattern[1])}, {"opengl-es", OPT_CHOICE(gles_mode, {"auto", GLES_AUTO}, {"yes", GLES_YES}, {"no", GLES_NO}), .flags = UPDATE_VO, }, {"opengl-early-flush", OPT_CHOICE(early_flush, {"no", FLUSH_NO}, {"yes", FLUSH_YES}, {"auto", FLUSH_AUTO})}, {0}, }, .defaults = &(const struct opengl_opts) { .swapinterval = 1, }, .size = sizeof(struct opengl_opts), }; struct priv { GL *gl; struct mp_log *log; struct ra_gl_ctx_params params; struct opengl_opts *opts; struct ra_swapchain_fns fns; GLuint main_fb; struct ra_tex *wrapped_fb; // corresponds to main_fb // for debugging: int frames_rendered; unsigned int prev_sgi_sync_count; // for gl_vsync_pattern int last_pattern; int matches, mismatches; // for swapchain_depth simulation GLsync *vsync_fences; int num_vsync_fences; }; enum gles_mode ra_gl_ctx_get_glesmode(struct ra_ctx *ctx) { void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); struct opengl_opts *opts; enum gles_mode mode; opts = mp_get_config_group(tmp, ctx->global, &opengl_conf); mode = opts->gles_mode; talloc_free(tmp); return mode; } void ra_gl_ctx_uninit(struct ra_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx->swapchain) { struct priv *p = ctx->swapchain->priv; if (ctx->ra && p->wrapped_fb) ra_tex_free(ctx->ra, &p->wrapped_fb); talloc_free(ctx->swapchain); ctx->swapchain = NULL; } // Clean up any potentially left-over debug callback if (ctx->ra) ra_gl_set_debug(ctx->ra, false); ra_free(&ctx->ra); } static const struct ra_swapchain_fns ra_gl_swapchain_fns; bool ra_gl_ctx_init(struct ra_ctx *ctx, GL *gl, struct ra_gl_ctx_params params) { struct ra_swapchain *sw = ctx->swapchain = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, sw); *sw = (struct ra_swapchain) { .ctx = ctx, }; struct priv *p = sw->priv = talloc_ptrtype(sw, p); *p = (struct priv) { .gl = gl, .log = ctx->log, .params = params, .opts = mp_get_config_group(p, ctx->global, &opengl_conf), .fns = ra_gl_swapchain_fns, }; sw->fns = &p->fns; const struct ra_swapchain_fns *ext = p->params.external_swapchain; if (ext) { if (ext->color_depth) p->fns.color_depth = ext->color_depth; if (ext->start_frame) p->fns.start_frame = ext->start_frame; if (ext->submit_frame) p->fns.submit_frame = ext->submit_frame; if (ext->swap_buffers) p->fns.swap_buffers = ext->swap_buffers; } if (!gl->version && !gl->es) return false; if (gl->mpgl_caps & MPGL_CAP_SW) { MP_WARN(p, "Suspected software renderer or indirect context.\n"); if (ctx->opts.probing && !ctx->opts.allow_sw) return false; } gl->debug_context = ctx->opts.debug; if (gl->SwapInterval) { gl->SwapInterval(p->opts->swapinterval); } else { MP_VERBOSE(p, "GL_*_swap_control extension missing.\n"); } ctx->ra = ra_create_gl(p->gl, ctx->log); return !!ctx->ra; } void ra_gl_ctx_resize(struct ra_swapchain *sw, int w, int h, int fbo) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; if (p->main_fb == fbo && p->wrapped_fb && p->wrapped_fb->params.w == w && p->wrapped_fb->params.h == h) return; if (p->wrapped_fb) ra_tex_free(sw->ctx->ra, &p->wrapped_fb); p->main_fb = fbo; p->wrapped_fb = ra_create_wrapped_fb(sw->ctx->ra, fbo, w, h); } int ra_gl_ctx_color_depth(struct ra_swapchain *sw) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; GL *gl = p->gl; if (!p->wrapped_fb) return 0; if ((gl->es < 300 && !gl->version) || !(gl->mpgl_caps & MPGL_CAP_FB)) return 0; gl->BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, p->main_fb); GLenum obj = gl->version ? GL_BACK_LEFT : GL_BACK; if (p->main_fb) obj = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0; GLint depth_g = 0; gl->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, obj, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE, &depth_g); gl->BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); return depth_g; } bool ra_gl_ctx_start_frame(struct ra_swapchain *sw, struct ra_fbo *out_fbo) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; bool visible = true; if (p->params.check_visible) visible = p->params.check_visible(sw->ctx); // If out_fbo is NULL, this was called from vo_gpu_next. Bail out. if (!out_fbo || !visible) return visible; *out_fbo = (struct ra_fbo) { .tex = p->wrapped_fb, .flip = !p->gl->flipped, // OpenGL FBs are normally flipped }; return true; } bool ra_gl_ctx_submit_frame(struct ra_swapchain *sw, const struct vo_frame *frame) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; GL *gl = p->gl; if (p->opts->use_glfinish) gl->Finish(); if (gl->FenceSync && !p->params.external_swapchain) { GLsync fence = gl->FenceSync(GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0); if (fence) MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->vsync_fences, p->num_vsync_fences, fence); } switch (p->opts->early_flush) { case FLUSH_AUTO: if (frame->display_synced) break; MP_FALLTHROUGH; case FLUSH_YES: gl->Flush(); } return true; } static void check_pattern(struct priv *p, int item) { int expected = p->opts->vsync_pattern[p->last_pattern]; if (item == expected) { p->last_pattern++; if (p->last_pattern >= 2) p->last_pattern = 0; p->matches++; } else { p->mismatches++; MP_WARN(p, "wrong pattern, expected %d got %d (hit: %d, mis: %d)\n", expected, item, p->matches, p->mismatches); } } void ra_gl_ctx_swap_buffers(struct ra_swapchain *sw) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; GL *gl = p->gl; p->params.swap_buffers(sw->ctx); p->frames_rendered++; if (p->frames_rendered > 5 && !sw->ctx->opts.debug) ra_gl_set_debug(sw->ctx->ra, false); if ((p->opts->waitvsync || p->opts->vsync_pattern[0]) && gl->GetVideoSync) { unsigned int n1 = 0, n2 = 0; gl->GetVideoSync(&n1); if (p->opts->waitvsync) gl->WaitVideoSync(2, (n1 + 1) % 2, &n2); int step = n1 - p->prev_sgi_sync_count; p->prev_sgi_sync_count = n1; MP_DBG(p, "Flip counts: %u->%u, step=%d\n", n1, n2, step); if (p->opts->vsync_pattern[0]) check_pattern(p, step); } while (p->num_vsync_fences >= sw->ctx->vo->opts->swapchain_depth) { gl->ClientWaitSync(p->vsync_fences[0], GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, 1e9); gl->DeleteSync(p->vsync_fences[0]); MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(p->vsync_fences, p->num_vsync_fences, 0); } } static void ra_gl_ctx_get_vsync(struct ra_swapchain *sw, struct vo_vsync_info *info) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; if (p->params.get_vsync) p->params.get_vsync(sw->ctx, info); } static const struct ra_swapchain_fns ra_gl_swapchain_fns = { .color_depth = ra_gl_ctx_color_depth, .start_frame = ra_gl_ctx_start_frame, .submit_frame = ra_gl_ctx_submit_frame, .swap_buffers = ra_gl_ctx_swap_buffers, .get_vsync = ra_gl_ctx_get_vsync, };