#ifndef __af_control_h #define __af_control_h /********************************************* // Control parameters */ /* The control system is divided into 3 levels mandatory calls - all filters must answer to all of these optional calls - are optional filter specific calls - applies only to some filters */ #define AF_CONTROL_MANDATORY_BASE 0 #define AF_CONTROL_OPTIONAL_BASE 100 #define AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE 200 // MANDATORY CALLS /* Reinitialize filter. The optional argument contains the new configuration in form of a af_data_t struct. If the filter does not support the new format the struct should be changed and AF_FALSE should be returned. If the incoming and outgoing data streams are identical the filter can return AF_DETACH. This will remove the filter. */ #define AF_CONTROL_REINIT 01 + AF_CONTROL_MANDATORY_BASE // OPTIONAL CALLS /* Called just after creation with the af_cfg for the stream in which the filter resides as input parameter this call can be used by the filter to initialize itself */ #define AF_CONTROL_POST_CREATE 1 + AF_CONTROL_OPTIONAL_BASE // Called just before destruction of a filter #define AF_CONTROL_PRE_DESTROY 2 + AF_CONTROL_OPTIONAL_BASE /* Commandline parameters. If there were any commandline parameters for this specific filter, they will be given as a char* in the argument */ #define AF_CONTROL_COMMAND_LINE 3 + AF_CONTROL_OPTIONAL_BASE // FILTER SPECIFIC CALLS // Set output rate in resample #define AF_CONTROL_RESAMPLE 1 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Set output format in format #define AF_CONTROL_FORMAT 2 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Set number of output channels in channels #define AF_CONTROL_CHANNELS 3 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Set delay length in delay #define AF_CONTROL_DELAY_SET_LEN 4 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Volume // Set volume level, arg is a float* with the volume for all the channels #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_SET 5 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE /* Get volume level for all channels, arg is a float* that will contain the volume for all the channels */ #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_GET 6 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Turn volume control on and off, arg is binary #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_ON_OFF 7 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Turn soft clipping of the volume on and off, arg is binary #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_SOFTCLIP 8 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Get the probed power level for all channels, arg is a float* #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_PROBE_GET 9 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Get the maximum probed power level for all channels, arg is a float* #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_PROBE_GET_MAX 10 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE // Turn probing on and off, arg is binary #define AF_CONTROL_VOLUME_PROBE_ON_OFF 11 + AF_CONTROL_FILTER_SPECIFIC_BASE #endif /*__af_control_h */