#!/usr/bin/env python3 #missing: #- actually support out of tree builds #- libmpv #- doc generation #- windows console wrapper thing (?) #- osx testing #- swift stuff (impossible, crapple wants you to stick a dagger up your ass?) #- vaapi interops (?) #- RPI stuff #- newer BSD changes #- it's weird how the wayland trash is compiled to BUILDDIR/BUILDDIR/ import os from TOOLS.configure_common import * begin() # (workaround for insufficient Python lambda syntax) def chain(*a): return a[-1] check("-lgpl", desc = "LGPL (version 2.1 or later) build", default = False) check("gpl*", desc = "GPL (version 2 or later) build", deps_neg = "lgpl") check("-build-date*", desc = "whether to include binary compile time", fn = lambda: chain(add_cflags("-DNO_BUILD_TIMESTAMPS"), True)) check(desc = "whether compiler works", required = "C compiler missing or broken", fn = lambda: check_program("CC") and check_cc(link = [])) check(desc = "pkg-config", required = "pkg-config missing or broken", fn = lambda: check_program("PKG_CONFIG")) check("-cplayer", desc = "mpv CLI player binary") check("-libmpv-shared", desc = "libmpv shared library", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = "-fPIC"), #'-Wl,-version-script', '-Wl,mpv.def default = False) check("-libmpv-static", desc = "libmpv static library", default = False, deps_neg = "libmpv-shared") add_cflags("-MD", "-MP", "-D_ISOC99_SOURCE", "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE", "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE", "-Wall") check(desc = "C11/C99", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = "-std=c11") or check_cc(flags = "-std=c99"), required = "No C11 or C99 support.") check("-optimize", fn = lambda: chain(add_cflags("-O2"), True), desc = "whether to optimize") check("-debug-build", desc = "whether to compile-in debugging information", fn = lambda: chain(add_cflags("-g"), check_cc(flags = ["-g3", "-ggdb"]), True)) check(desc = "warning cflags", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = [ "-Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations", "-Wno-error=unused-function", "-Wempty-body", "-Wdisabled-optimization", "-Wstrict-prototypes", "-Wno-format-zero-length", "-Werror=format-security", "-Wno-redundant-decls", "-Wvla", "-Wno-format-truncation"])) check(desc = "-fno-math-errno", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = "-fno-math-errno")) check("gnuc", desc = "GNU C", fn = lambda: check_cc(defined = "__GNUC__")) check("clang", fn = lambda: check_cc(defined = "__clang__")) # Note that an important reason to try different set of warning flags is the # fact that both compilers may have different bogus behavior wrt. certain # warning options. What is needed on one compiler may be annoying or dangerous # on the other. check(desc = "extra gcc warnings", deps = "gnuc", deps_neg = "clang", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = [ "-Wall", "-Wundef", "-Wmissing-prototypes", "-Wshadow", "-Wno-switch", "-Wparentheses", "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wno-pointer-sign", # GCC bug 66425 "-Wno-unused-result"])) check(desc = "extra clang warnings", deps = "clang", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = [ "-Wno-logical-op-parentheses", "-fcolor-diagnostics", "-Wno-tautological-compare", "-Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare"])) check("-usan", desc = "undefined sanitizer", fn = lambda: check_cc(flags = "-fsanitize=undefined", link = [])) # Reminder: normally always built, but enabled by MPV_LEAK_REPORT. # Building it can be disabled only by defining NDEBUG through CFLAGS. check("-ta-leak-report*", desc = "enable ta leak report by default (development only)", default = False) check("libdl*", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-ldl", include = "dlfcn.h", expr = 'dlopen("", 0);')) check("libm", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lm")) check("win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(defined = "_WIN32", flags = ["-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602", "-DUNICODE", "-DCOBJMACROS", "-DINITGUID", "-U__STRICT_ANSI__", "-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1"], include = "windows.h", link = ["-Wl,--major-os-version=6,--minor-os-version=0", "-Wl,--major-subsystem-version=6,--minor-subsystem-version=0", "-mwindows"]) and check_program("WINDRES") and chain(set_exe_format("pe"), True), sources = ["osdep/mpv.rc", "osdep/w32_keyboard.c", "osdep/windows_utils.c"]) check("osx", fn = lambda: check_cc(defined = "__APPLE__") and chain(set_exe_format("macho"), True)) check("mingw", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "stdlib.h", defined = ["__MINGW32__", "__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR"])) check("posix*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "unistd.h", defined = "_POSIX_VERSION"), sources = ["osdep/polldev.c", "sub/filter_regex.c"]) check("development environment", deps_any = ["posix", "mingw"], required = "Unable to find either POSIX or MinGW-w64 environment.") check("-cplugins*", desc = "C plugins", deps = "libdl", deps_neg = "win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-rdynamic")) check("noexecstack", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-Wl,-z,noexecstack")) check("win-dep", deps = "win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = ["-Wl,--nxcompat", "-Wl,--no-seh", "-Wl,--dynamicbase"])) check("-android*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "android/api-level.h", expr = "(void)__ANDROID__;", link = ["-landroid", "-lEGL"]), sources = ["osdep/android/strnlen.c", "video/out/opengl/context_android.c", "video/out/vo_mediacodec_embed.c"]) check("-uwp*", desc = "Universal Windows Platform", deps = "mingw", default = False, fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lwindowsapp"), sources = "osdep/path-uwp.c") check("win32-desktop*", desc = "win32 desktop APIs", deps = "win32", deps_neg = "uwp", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = ["-lwinmm", "-lgdi32", "-lole32", "-luuid", "-lavrt", "-ldwmapi", "-lversion"]), sources = ["osdep/path-win.c", "video/out/w32_common.c", "video/out/win32/displayconfig.c", "video/out/win32/droptarget.c"]) def check_vista_pthreads(): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_root_dir(), "osdep/win32/include")) add_cflags("-I%s" % path) add_cflags("-isystem%s" % path) # define IN_WINPTHREAD to workaround mingw stupidity (we never want it # to define features specific to its own pthread stuff) add_cflags("-DIN_WINPTHREAD") return True check("-win32-internal-pthreads*", deps = "win32", deps_neg = "posix", fn = lambda: check_vista_pthreads(), sources = "osdep/win32/pthread.c") check("pthreads", deps_neg = "win32-internal-pthreads", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-pthread", flags = "-pthread", include = "pthread.h", expr = "pthread_self();")) check(desc = "any pthread support", deps_any = ["pthreads", "win32-internal-pthreads"], required = "Unable to find pthreads support.") check("stdatomic*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "stdatomic.h", expr = "atomic_int_least64_t test = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(123);" "atomic_fetch_add(&test, 1);")) check("atomics", desc = "stdatomic.h support or slow emulation", deps_any = ["stdatomic", "gnuc"], required = "Required.") check("librt", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lrt")) check("iconv*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "iconv.h", link = [], expr = "iconv_open(0, 0);") or check_cc(include = "iconv.h", link = "-liconv", expr = "iconv_open(0, 0);"), required = "Unable to find iconv which should be part of a standard \ compilation environment. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without \ iconv support use --disable-iconv.") check("dos-paths*", deps = "win32") check("glob-posix*", desc = "glob() POSIX support", deps = "posix", deps_neg = "win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "glob.h", expr = 'glob("filename", 0, 0, 0);')) check("glob-win32", desc = "glob() win32 replacement", deps_neg = "glob-posix", deps = "win32", sources = "osdep/glob-win.c"), check("glob*", desc = "any glob() support", deps_any = ["glob-posix", "glob-win32"]) check("fchmod*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "sys/stat.h", expr = "fchmod(0, 0);")) check("glibc-thread-name*", deps = "pthreads", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "pthread.h", expr = 'pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "ducks");')) check("osx-thread-name*", deps = "pthreads", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "pthread.h", expr = 'pthread_setname_np("ducks");')) check("bsd-thread-name*", deps = "pthreads", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["pthread.h", "pthread_np.h"], expr = 'pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), "ducks");')) check("bsd-fstatfs*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["sys/param.h", "sys/mount.h"], expr = "struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_fstypename;")) check("linux-fstatfs*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "sys/vfs.h", expr = "struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_namelen;")) check("-lua*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("lua >= 5.1.0 lua < 5.2.0") or check_pkg_config("lua51 >= 5.1.0") or # OpenBSD check_pkg_config("lua5.1 >= 5.1.0") or # debian check_pkg_config("lua-5.1 >= 5.1.0") or # FreeBSD check_pkg_config("lua >= 5.2.0 lua < 5.3.0" ) or check_pkg_config("lua52 >= 5.2.0") or # Arch check_pkg_config("lua5.2 >= 5.2.0") or # debian check_pkg_config("lua-5.2 >= 5.2.0") or # FreeBSD check_pkg_config("luajit >= 2.0.0"), sources = "player/lua.c") check("-javascript*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("mujs", ">= 1.0.0"), sources = "player/javascript.c") check("-libass*", desc = "libass subtitle/OSD renderer", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libass >= 0.12.1"), required = "Unable to find development files for libass, or the version " + "found is too old. Aborting. You can use --disable-libass " + "to ignore this warning.", sources = ["sub/ass_mp.c", "sub/osd_libass.c", "sub/sd_ass.c"]) check(deps_neg = "libass", sources = "sub/osd_dummy.c") check("-zlib*", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lz", include = "zlib.h", expr = "inflate(0, Z_NO_FLUSH);"), required = "Unable to find development files for zlib.") check("-uchardet*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("uchardet")) check("-cocoa*", deps = "osx", fn = lambda: check_cc(decl = "#import ", language = "m"), sources = ["osdep/macosx_application.m", "osdep/macosx_events.m", "osdep/macosx_menubar.m", "osdep/path-macosx.m", "video/out/cocoa_common.m", "video/out/cocoa/events_view.m", "video/out/cocoa/video_view.m", "video/out/cocoa/window.m"]) check("-rubberband*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("rubberband >= 1.8.0"), sources = "audio/filter/af_rubberband.c") check("-lcms2*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("lcms2 >= 2.6")) check("-vapoursynth*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("vapoursynth >= 24") and check_pkg_config("vapoursynth-script >= 23")) check("-vapoursynth-lazy*", desc = "VapourSynth filter bridge (Lazy Lua)", deps = "lua", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("vapoursynth >= 24")) check("vapoursynth-core*", deps = ["vapoursynth", "vapoursynth-lazy"], sources = "video/filter/vf_vapoursynth.c") check("-libarchive*", desc = "libarchive wrapper for reading zip files and more", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libarchive >= 3.0.0"), sources = ["demux/demux_libarchive.c", "stream/stream_libarchive.c"]) check(desc = "FFmpeg", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config( "libavutil >= 56.12.100", "libavcodec >= 58.16.100", "libavformat >= 58.9.100", "libswscale >= 5.0.101", "libavfilter >= 7.14.100", "libswresample >= 3.0.100"), required = "Unable to find development files for some of the required \ FFmpeg libraries.") check("-ffmpeg-strict-abi*", desc = "Disable all known FFmpeg ABI violations'", default = False) check("-zimg*", desc = "libzimg support (high quality software scaler)", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("zimg >= 2.9"), sources = ["video/filter/vf_fingerprint.c", "video/zimg.c"]), check("-libavdevice*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libavdevice >= 57.0.0")) check("-sdl2", default = False, fn = lambda: check_pkg_config('sdl2')) check("-sdl2-audio*", deps = "sdl2", sources = "audio/out/ao_sdl.c") check("-sdl2-video*", deps = "sdl2", sources = "video/out/vo_sdl.c") check("-sdl2-gamepad*", desc = "SDL2 gamepad input", deps = "sdl2", default = False, sources = "input/sdl_gamepad.c") check("-pulse*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libpulse >= 1.0"), sources = "audio/out/ao_pulse.c") check("-jack*", deps = "gpl", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("jack"), sources = "audio/out/ao_jack.c") check("-openal*", default = False, fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("openal >= 1.13"), sources = "audio/out/ao_openal.c") check("-opensles*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "SLES/OpenSLES.h", link = "-lOpenSLES", expr = "slCreateEngine;"), sources = "audio/out/ao_opensles.c") check("-alsa*", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("alsa >= 1.0.18"), sources = "audio/out/ao_alsa.c") check("-coreaudio*", # TODO: missing frameworks: "CoreFoundation", "CoreAudio", "AudioUnit", "AudioToolbox" deps = "osx", sources = ["audio/out/ao_coreaudio.c", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_chmap.c", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_exclusive.c", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_properties.c", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_utils.c"]) check("-audiounit*", desc = "AudioUnit output for iOS", # TODO: missing frameworks: "Foundation", "AudioToolbox" deps = "osx", sources = ["audio/out/ao_audiounit.m", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_chmap.c", "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_utils.c"]) check("-wasapi*", deps = "win32", sources = ["audio/out/ao_wasapi.c", "audio/out/ao_wasapi_changenotify.c", "audio/out/ao_wasapi_utils.c"]) check("vt_h*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["sys/vt.h", "sys/ioctl.h"], expr = "int m; ioctl(0, VT_GETMODE, &m);")) check("consio_h*", deps_neg = "vt_h", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["sys/consio.h", "sys/ioctl.h"], expr = "int m; ioctl(0, VT_GETMODE, &m);")) check("-drm*", deps_any = ["vt_h", "consio_h"], fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libdrm"), sources = ["video/out/drm_atomic.c", "video/out/drm_common.c", "video/out/vo_drm.c"]) check("-drmprime*", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "libavutil/pixfmt.h", expr = "int i = AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME;")) check(deps = ["drm", "drmprime"], sources = ["video/out/drm_prime.c", "video/out/opengl/hwdec_drmprime_drm.c"]) check("gbm", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("gbm")) def check_wayland_protos(): data = get_pkg_config_variable("wayland-protocols", "pkgdatadir") if data is None: return False add_config_mak_var("WL_PROTO_DIR", data) return True check("-wayland*", # TODO: where does this check whether the protocol files are available? fn = lambda: check_wayland_protos() and check_program("WAYSCAN") and check_pkg_config("wayland-client >= 1.6.0", "wayland-cursor >= 1.6.0", "xkbcommon >= 0.3.0"), sources = ["video/out/wayland_common.c", "$(BUILD)/generated/wayland/idle-inhibit-unstable-v1.c", "$(BUILD)/generated/wayland/presentation-time.c", "$(BUILD)/generated/wayland/xdg-shell.c", "$(BUILD)/generated/wayland/xdg-decoration-unstable-v1.c"]) check("memfd_create*", desc = "Linux's memfd_create()", deps = "wayland", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "sys/mman.h", link = [], expr = "memfd_create(0, MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING);"), sources = "video/out/vo_wlshm.c") check("-x11*", deps = "gpl", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("x11 >= 1.0.0", "xscrnsaver >= 1.0.0", "xext >= 1.0.0", "xinerama >= 1.0.0", "xrandr >= 1.2.0"), sources = ["video/out/vo_x11.c", "video/out/x11_common.c"]) check("-xv*", deps = "x11", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("xv"), sources = "video/out/vo_xv.c") check("-libplacebo*", desc = "libplacebo support", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libplacebo >= 1.18.0"), sources = ["video/out/placebo/ra_pl.c", "video/out/placebo/utils.c"]) check("-vulkan*", desc = "Vulkan context support", deps = "libplacebo", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("vulkan"), sources = ["video/out/vulkan/context.c", "video/out/vulkan/utils.c"]) check(deps = ["vulkan", "x11"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_xlib.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "android"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_android.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "wayland"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_wayland.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "win32-desktop"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_win.c") # TODO: the waf check is much more complicated check("-egl*", desc = "EGL 1.4", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("egl")) check("-gl-cocoa*", # TODO fn = lambda: False, sources = "video/out/opengl/context_cocoa.c") check("-gl-x11*", desc = "OpenGL X11 Backend", deps = "x11", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lGL", include = "GL/glx.h", expr = "glXGetCurrentDisplay();"), sources = "video/out/opengl/context_glx.c") check("-egl-x11*", desc = "OpenGL X11 EGL Backend", deps = ["x11", "egl"], sources = "video/out/opengl/context_x11egl.c") check("-egl-drm*", desc = "OpenGL DRM EGL Backend", deps = ["drm", "gbm", "egl"], sources = "video/out/opengl/context_drm_egl.c") check("-gl-wayland*", desc = "OpenGL Wayland Backend", deps = ["wayland", "egl"], fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("wayland-egl >= 9.0.0"), sources = "video/out/opengl/context_wayland.c") check("-gl-win32*", desc = "OpenGL Win32 Backend", deps = "win32-desktop", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = "-lopengl32", include = "windows.h", expr = "wglCreateContext(0);"), sources = "video/out/opengl/context_win.c") check("-gl-dxinterop*", desc = "OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend", deps = "gl-win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["GL/gl.h", "GL/wglext.h", "d3d9.h"], expr = "int i = WGL_ACCESS_WRITE_DISCARD_NV;" "IDirect3D9Ex *d;"), sources = "video/out/opengl/context_dxinterop.c") check("-egl-angle*", desc = "OpenGL ANGLE headers", deps = "win32", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["EGL/egl.h", "EGL/eglext.h"], expr = "int x = EGL_D3D_TEXTURE_2D_SHARE_HANDLE_ANGLE;"), sources = "video/out/opengl/angle_dynamic.c") check("-egl-angle-lib*", desc = "OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Library", deps = "egl-angle", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["EGL/egl.h"], expr = "eglCreateWindowSurface(0, 0, 0, 0);", flags = ["-DGL_APICALL=", "-DEGLAPI=", "-DANGLE_NO_ALIASES", "-DANGLE_EXPORT="], link = ["-lEGL", "-lGLESv2", "-ldxguid", "-ld3d9", "-lgdi32", "-lstdc++"])) check("-egl-angle-win32*", desc = "OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Backend", deps = ["egl-angle", "win32-desktop"], sources = ["video/out/gpu/d3d11_helpers.c", "video/out/opengl/context_angle.c"]) check("-vdpau*", deps = "x11", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("vdpau >= 0.2"), sources = ["video/filter/vf_vdpaupp.c", "video/out/vo_vdpau.c", "video/vdpau.c", "video/vdpau_mixer.c"]) check("-vdpau-gl-x11*", desc = "VDPAU with OpenGL/X11", deps = ["vdpau", "gl-x11"], sources = "video/out/opengl/hwdec_vdpau.c") check("-vaapi*", desc = "VAAPI acceleration", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libva >= 0.36.0"), sources = ["video/vaapi.c", "video/filter/vf_vavpp.c"]) check("-vaapi-x11*", desc = "VAAPI (X11 support)", deps = ["vaapi", "x11"], fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libva-x11 >= 0.36.0")) check(deps = ["vaapi-x11", "gpl"], sources = "video/out/vo_vaapi.c") check("-vaapi-wayland*", desc = "VAAPI (Wayland support)", deps = ["vaapi", "gl-wayland"], fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libva-wayland >= 0.36.0")) check("-vaapi-drm*", desc = "VAAPI (DRM/EGL support)", deps = ["vaapi", "egl-drm"], fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libva-drm >= 0.36.0")) check("-vaapi-glx*", desc = "VAAPI GLX", deps = ["gpl", "vaapi-x11", "gl-x11"]) check("-vaapi-x-egl*", desc = "VAAPI EGL on X11", deps = ["vaapi-x11", "egl-x11"]) check("-vaapi-vulkan*", desc = "VAAPI Vulkan", deps = ["vaapi", "vulkan"], sources = ["video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vaapi.c", "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vaapi_vk.c"]) check("-vaapi-egl*", desc = "VAAPI EGL", deps_any = ["vaapi-x-egl", "vaapi-wayland"], sources = ["video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vaapi.c", "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vaapi_gl.c"]) check("-caca*", deps = "gpl", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("caca >= 0.99.beta18"), sources = "video/out/vo_caca.c") check("-jpeg*", desc = "JPEG support", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["stdio.h", "jpeglib.h"], link = "-ljpeg")) check("-direct3d*", desc = "Ancient D3D9 VO", deps = ["win32-desktop", "gpl"], sources = "video/out/vo_direct3d.c") check("-shaderc-shared", desc = "libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (shared library)", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "shaderc/shaderc.h", link = "-lshaderc_shared")) check("-shaderc-static", desc = "libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (static library)", deps_neg = "shaderc-shared", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "shaderc/shaderc.h", link = ["-lshaderc_combined", "-lstdc++"])) check("shaderc*", desc = "libshaderc SPIR-V compiler", deps_any = ["shaderc-shared", "shaderc-static"], sources = "video/out/gpu/spirv_shaderc.c") check("-spirv-cross-shared", desc = "SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (shared library)", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("spirv-cross-c-shared")) check("-spirv-cross-static", desc = "SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (static library)", deps_neg = "spirv-cross-shared", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("spirv-cross")) check("spirv-cross*", desc = "SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter", deps_any = ["spirv-cross-shared", "spirv-cross-static"]) check("-d3d11*", desc = "Direct3D 11 video output", deps = ["win32-desktop", "shaderc", "spirv-cross",], fn = lambda: check_cc(include = ["d3d11_1.h", "dxgi1_2.h"]), sources = ["video/out/d3d11/context.c", "video/out/d3d11/ra_d3d11.c", "video/out/gpu/d3d11_helpers.c"]) check("-rpi*", # TODO: or tell them to fuck off fn = lambda: False, sources = ["video/out/opengl/context_rpi.c", "video/out/opengl/hwdec_rpi.c", "video/out/vo_rpi.c"]) check("-ios-gl*", desc = "iOS OpenGL ES hardware decoding interop support", fn = lambda: check_cc(include = "OpenGLES/ES3/glext.h", expr = "(void)GL_RGB32F;"), # arbitrary OpenGL ES 3.0 symbol sources = "video/out/opengl/hwdec_ios.m") check("-egl-android*", desc = "Android EGL support", deps = "android", fn = lambda: check_cc(link = ["-landroid", "-lEGL"]), sources = "video/out/opengl/context_android.c") check("-plain-gl*", desc = "OpenGL without platform-specific code (e.g. for libmpv)", deps = ["libmpv-shared", "libmpv-static"]) check("-gl*", desc = "OpenGL context support", deps_any = ["gl-cocoa", "gl-x11", "egl-x11", "egl-drm", "egl-android", "gl-win32", "gl-wayland", "rpi", "plain-gl"], required = "No OpenGL video output found or enabled. " + "Aborting. If you really mean to compile without OpenGL " + "video outputs use --disable-gl.", sources = ["video/out/opengl/common.c", "video/out/opengl/context.c", "video/out/opengl/formats.c", "video/out/opengl/libmpv_gl.c", "video/out/opengl/ra_gl.c", "video/out/opengl/utils.c"]) check("egl-helpers*", desc = "EGL helper functions", deps_any = ["egl-x11", "rpi", "gl-wayland", "egl-drm", "egl-angle-win32", "egl-android"], sources = ["video/filter/vf_gpu.c", # doesn't really belong here "video/out/opengl/egl_helpers.c"]), check("videotoolbox-hwaccel*", desc = "libavcodec videotoolbox hwaccel", deps_any = ["gl-cocoa", "ios-gl"]) check("-videotoolbox-gl*", desc = "Videotoolbox with OpenGL", deps = ["gl-cocoa", "videotoolbox-hwaccel"], sources = "video/out/opengl/hwdec_osx.c") check("-d3d-hwaccel*", desc = "D3D11VA hwaccel", deps = "win32", sources = ["video/d3d.c", "video/filter/vf_d3d11vpp.c"]) check("-d3d9-hwaccel*", desc = "DXVA2 hwaccel", deps = "d3d-hwaccel") check("-gl-dxinterop-d3d9*", desc = "OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend DXVA2 interop", deps = ["gl-dxinterop", "d3d9-hwaccel"], sources = "video/out/opengl/hwdec_dxva2gldx.c") check("-cuda-hwaccel*", desc = "CUDA acceleration base dependencies", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("ffnvcodec >="), sources = "video/cuda.c") check("-cuda-interop*", deps = "cuda-hwaccel", desc = "CUDA with graphics base interop", sources = "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_cuda.c") check("-cuda-interop-gl", desc = "CUDA GL interop", deps = ["cuda-interop", "gl"], sources = "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_cuda_gl.c") check("-cuda-interop-vulkan", desc = "CUDA Vulkan interop", deps = ["cuda-interop", "vulkan"], sources = "video/out/hwdec/hwdec_cuda_vk.c") check("-rpi-mmal*", desc = "Raspberry Pi MMAL hwaccel", deps = "rpi", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("mmal") or check_pkg_config("/opt/vc/lib/pkgconfig/mmal.pc"), sources = ["video/out/opengl/hwdec_rpi.c", "video/out/vo_rpi.c"]) check(deps_any = ["gl-x11", "egl-x11"], sources = ["video/out/opengl/oml_sync.c"]) check(deps = ["d3d-hwaccel", "egl-angle"], sources = ["video/out/opengl/hwdec_d3d11egl.c"]) check(deps = ["d3d-hwaccel", "d3d11"], sources = "video/out/d3d11/hwdec_d3d11va.c") check(deps = ["d3d9-hwaccel", "d3d11"], sources = "video/out/d3d11/hwdec_dxva2dxgi.c") check(deps = ["d3d9-hwaccel", "egl-angle"], sources = "video/out/opengl/hwdec_dxva2egl.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "wayland"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_wayland.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "win32-desktop"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_win.c") check(deps = ["vulkan", "x11"], sources = "video/out/vulkan/context_xlib.c") check("-libbluray*", desc = "Bluray support", default = False, fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libbluray >= 0.3.0"), sources = "stream/stream_bluray.c") check("-dvdnav*", desc = "dvdnav support", default = False, deps = "gpl", fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("dvdnav >= 4.2.0") and check_pkg_config("dvdread >= 4.1.0"), sources = "stream/stream_dvdnav.c"), check("-cdda*", desc = "cdda support (libcdio)", deps = "gpl", default = False, fn = lambda: check_pkg_config("libcdio_paranoia"), sources = "stream/stream_cdda.c") check("-dvbin*", desc = "DVB input module", deps = "gpl", default = False, sources = ["stream/dvb_tune.c", "stream/stream_dvb.c"]) check("-apple-remote*", desc = "Apple Remote support", deps = "cocoa", sources = "osdep/ar/HIDRemote.m") check("-macos-touchbar*", desc = "macOS Touch Bar support", deps = "cocoa", # TODO: all that framework stuff fn = lambda: False, sources = "osdep/macosx_touchbar.m") check("-macos-cocoa-cb*", desc = "macOS opengl-cb backend", deps = "cocoa") check("-tests*", desc = "unit tests (development only)", default = False, sources = ["test/chmap.c", "test/gl_video.c", "test/img_format.c", "test/json.c", "test/linked_list.c", "test/paths.c", "test/scale_sws.c", "test/scale_test.c", "test/tests.c"]) check("tests-zimg", deps = ["tests", "zimg"], sources = ["test/repack.c", "test/scale_zimg.c"]) add_sources( "audio/aframe.c", "audio/audio_buffer.c", "audio/chmap.c", "audio/chmap_sel.c", "audio/decode/ad_lavc.c", "audio/decode/ad_spdif.c", "audio/filter/af_drop.c", "audio/filter/af_format.c", "audio/filter/af_lavcac3enc.c", "audio/filter/af_scaletempo.c", "audio/fmt-conversion.c", "audio/format.c", "audio/out/ao.c", "audio/out/ao_lavc.c", "audio/out/ao_null.c", "audio/out/ao_pcm.c", "audio/out/buffer.c", "common/av_common.c", "common/av_log.c", "common/codecs.c", "common/common.c", "common/encode_lavc.c", "common/msg.c", "common/playlist.c", "common/recorder.c", "common/stats.c", "common/tags.c", "common/version.c", "demux/cache.c", "demux/codec_tags.c", "demux/cue.c", "demux/demux.c", "demux/demux_cue.c", "demux/demux_disc.c", "demux/demux_edl.c", "demux/demux_lavf.c", "demux/demux_mf.c", "demux/demux_mkv.c", "demux/demux_mkv_timeline.c", "demux/demux_null.c", "demux/demux_playlist.c", "demux/demux_raw.c", "demux/demux_timeline.c", "demux/ebml.c", "demux/packet.c", "demux/timeline.c", "filters/filter.c", "filters/f_async_queue.c", "filters/f_auto_filters.c", "filters/f_autoconvert.c", "filters/f_decoder_wrapper.c", "filters/f_demux_in.c", "filters/f_hwtransfer.c", "filters/f_lavfi.c", "filters/f_output_chain.c", "filters/f_swresample.c", "filters/f_swscale.c", "filters/f_utils.c", "filters/frame.c", "filters/user_filters.c", "input/cmd.c", "input/event.c", "input/input.c", "input/ipc.c", "input/keycodes.c", "misc/bstr.c", "misc/charset_conv.c", "misc/dispatch.c", "misc/json.c", "misc/natural_sort.c", "misc/node.c", "misc/rendezvous.c", "misc/ring.c", "misc/thread_pool.c", "misc/thread_tools.c", "options/m_config_core.c", "options/m_config_frontend.c", "options/m_option.c", "options/m_property.c", "options/options.c", "options/parse_commandline.c", "options/parse_configfile.c", "options/path.c", "osdep/io.c", "osdep/path-unix.c", "osdep/semaphore_osx.c", "osdep/subprocess.c", "osdep/threads.c", "osdep/timer.c", "player/audio.c", "player/client.c", "player/command.c", "player/configfiles.c", "player/external_files.c", "player/loadfile.c", "player/main.c", "player/misc.c", "player/osd.c", "player/playloop.c", "player/screenshot.c", "player/scripting.c", "player/sub.c", "player/video.c", "stream/cookies.c", "stream/stream.c", "stream/stream_avdevice.c", "stream/stream_cb.c", "stream/stream_concat.c", "stream/stream_edl.c", "stream/stream_file.c", "stream/stream_lavf.c", "stream/stream_memory.c", "stream/stream_mf.c", "stream/stream_null.c", "sub/dec_sub.c", "sub/draw_bmp.c", "sub/filter_sdh.c", "sub/img_convert.c", "sub/lavc_conv.c", "sub/osd.c", "sub/sd_lavc.c", "ta/ta.c", "ta/ta_talloc.c", "ta/ta_utils.c", "video/csputils.c", "video/decode/vd_lavc.c", "video/filter/refqueue.c", "video/filter/vf_format.c", "video/filter/vf_sub.c", "video/fmt-conversion.c", "video/hwdec.c", "video/image_loader.c", "video/image_writer.c", "video/img_format.c", "video/mp_image.c", "video/mp_image_pool.c", "video/out/aspect.c", "video/out/bitmap_packer.c", "video/out/dither.c", "video/out/dr_helper.c", "video/out/filter_kernels.c", "video/out/gpu/context.c", "video/out/gpu/error_diffusion.c", "video/out/gpu/hwdec.c", "video/out/gpu/lcms.c", "video/out/gpu/libmpv_gpu.c", "video/out/gpu/osd.c", "video/out/gpu/ra.c", "video/out/gpu/shader_cache.c", "video/out/gpu/spirv.c", "video/out/gpu/user_shaders.c", "video/out/gpu/utils.c", "video/out/gpu/video.c", "video/out/gpu/video_shaders.c", "video/out/vo.c", "video/out/vo_gpu.c", "video/out/vo_image.c", "video/out/vo_lavc.c", "video/out/vo_libmpv.c", "video/out/vo_null.c", "video/out/vo_tct.c", "video/out/win_state.c", "video/repack.c", "video/sws_utils.c", ) if is_running(): if dep_enabled("cplayer"): pick_first_matching_dep( ("cocoa", "osdep/main-fn-cocoa.c"), ("posix", "osdep/main-fn-unix.c"), ("win32-desktop", "osdep/main-fn-win.c"), ) pick_first_matching_dep( ("posix", "osdep/terminal-unix.c"), ("win32-desktop", "osdep/terminal-win.c"), ("_", "osdep/terminal-dummy.c"), ) pick_first_matching_dep( ("win32", "osdep/timer-win2.c"), ("osx", "osdep/timer-darwin.c"), ("_", "osdep/timer-linux.c"), ) pick_first_matching_dep( ("posix", "input/ipc-unix.c"), ("win32-desktop", "input/ipc-win.c"), ("_", "input/ipc-dummy.c"), ) pick_first_matching_dep( ("posix", "osdep/subprocess-posix.c"), ("win32-desktop", "osdep/subprocess-win.c"), ("_", "osdep/subprocess-dummy.c"), ) finish()