mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-04 21:27:58 +00:00

TOOLS/zsh.pl: complete options based on types

No more equals signs for options that don't take values.

Complete values for options with preset choices.

Complete --no-whatever where applicable.

Fixes #997.
This commit is contained in:
Philip Sequeira 2015-01-05 23:20:06 -05:00 committed by wm4
parent 067bb9605c
commit db30c3a3fe

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use warnings;
my $mpv = $ARGV[0] || 'mpv';
my @opts = parse_opts("$mpv --list-options", '^ (\-\-[^\s\*]*)\*?\s*(.*)', 1);
my @opts = parse_main_opts("$mpv --list-options", '^ (\-\-[^\s\*]*)\*?\s*(.*)');
my @ao = parse_opts("$mpv --ao=help", '^ ([^\s\:]*)\s*: (.*)');
my @vo = parse_opts("$mpv --vo=help", '^ ([^\s\:]*)\s*: (.*)');
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ my $profile_comp = <<'EOS';
profiles=($profiles $current)
if [[ $state == profile ]]; then
if [[ $state == show-profile ]]; then
# For --show-profile, only one allowed
if (( ${#profiles} > 0 )); then
_values 'profile' $profiles && rc=0
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ $vf_str
_describe -t values 'video filters' values && rc=0
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $profile_comp
_tags files urls
while _tags; do
_requested files expl 'media file' _files -g \\
"*.(#i)(asf|asx|avi|flac|flv|m1v|m2p|m2v|m4v|mjpg|mka|mkv|mov|mp3|mp4|mpe|mpeg|mpg|ogg|ogm|ogv|qt|rm|ts|vob|wav|webm|wma|wmv)(-.)" && rc=0
"*.(#i)(asf|asx|avi|flac|flv|m1v|m2p|m2v|m4v|mjpg|mka|mkv|mov|mp3|mp4|mpe|mpeg|mpg|ogg|ogm|ogv|qt|rm|ts|vob|wav|webm|wma|wmv)(-.)" && rc=0
if _requested urls; then
while _next_label urls expl URL; do
_urls "\$expl[@]" && rc=0
@ -150,8 +150,73 @@ EOS
print $tmpl;
sub parse_main_opts {
my ($cmd, $regex) = @_;
my @list;
my @lines = split /\n/, `$cmd`;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^$regex/) or next;
next if ($desc eq 'removed' || $desc eq 'alias');
if ($desc =~ /^Flag/) {
push @list, $name;
$name =~ /^--(.*)/;
if ($1 !~ /^(\{|\}|v|list-options|really-quiet|no-.*)$/) {
push @list, "--no-$1";
} elsif ($desc =~ /^Print/) {
push @list, $name;
} else {
# Option takes argument
my $entry = $name;
$desc =~ s/\:/\\:/g;
$entry .= "=-:$desc:";
if ($desc =~ /^Choices\\: ([^(]*)/) {
my $choices = $1;
$choices =~ s/ +$//; # strip trailing space
$entry .= "($choices)";
# If "no" is one of the choices, it can also be
# negated like a flag (--no-whatever).
if ($choices =~ /\bno\b/) {
$name =~ s/^--/--no-/;
push @list, $name;
} elsif ($line =~ /\[file\]/) {
$entry .= '->files';
} elsif ($name =~ /^--(ao|vo|af|vf|profile|show-profile)$/) {
$entry .= "->$1";
push @list, $entry;
# Sort longest first, because zsh won't complete an option listed
# after one that's a prefix of it.
@list = sort {
$a =~ /([^=]*)/; my $ma = $1;
$b =~ /([^=]*)/; my $mb = $1;
length($mb) <=> length($ma)
} @list;
return @list;
sub parse_opts {
my ($cmd, $regex, $parsing_main_options) = @_;
my ($cmd, $regex) = @_;
my @list;
my @lines = split /\n/, `$cmd`;
@ -163,40 +228,14 @@ sub parse_opts {
my $entry = $1;
if ($parsing_main_options) {
$entry .= '=-';
if (defined $2) {
my $desc = $2;
$desc =~ s/\:/\\:/g;
$entry .= ':' . $desc;
if ($parsing_main_options) {
$entry .= ':';
$entry .= '->ao' if ($1 eq '--ao');
$entry .= '->vo' if ($1 eq '--vo');
$entry .= '->af' if ($1 eq '--af');
$entry .= '->vf' if ($1 eq '--vf');
$entry .= '->profiles' if ($1 eq '--profile');
$entry .= '->profile' if ($1 eq '--show-profile');
$entry .= '->files' if ($line =~ /\[file\]/);
push @list, $entry
if ($parsing_main_options) {
@list = sort {
$a =~ /(.*?)\:/; my $ma = $1;
$b =~ /(.*?)\:/; my $mb = $1;
length($mb) <=> length($ma)
} @list;
return @list;