ci/mingw: don't include useless DLLs in artifact

This commit is contained in:
sfan5 2023-08-20 16:37:27 +02:00
parent b11b602312
commit c936377e34
1 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -268,16 +268,29 @@ meson setup $build --cross-file "$prefix_dir/crossfile" \
meson compile -C $build
if [ "$2" = pack ]; then
mkdir -p artifact
mkdir -p artifact/tmp
echo "Copying:"
cp -pv $build/player/ $build/mpv.exe "$prefix_dir/bin/"*.dll artifact/
# ship everything and the kitchen sink
cp -pv $build/player/ $build/mpv.exe artifact/
# copy everything we can get our hands on
cp -p "$prefix_dir/bin/"*.dll artifact/tmp/
shopt -s nullglob
for file in /usr/lib/gcc/$TARGET/*-posix/*.dll /usr/$TARGET/lib/*.dll; do
cp -pv "$file" artifact/
cp -p "$file" artifact/tmp/
# pick DLLs we need
pushd artifact/tmp
libgcc_*.dll lib{ssp,stdc++,winpthread}-[0-9]*.dll # compiler runtime
av*.dll sw*.dll lib{ass,freetype,fribidi,harfbuzz,iconv,placebo}-[0-9]*.dll
lib{shaderc_shared,spirv-cross-c-shared}.dll zlib1.dll
# note: vulkan-1.dll is not here since drivers provide it
mv -v "${dlls[@]}" ..
echo "Archiving:"
pushd artifact
rm -rf tmp
zip -9r "../mpv-git-$(date +%F)-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-${TARGET%%-*}.zip" -- *