diff --git a/DOCS/xml/en/mencoder.xml b/DOCS/xml/en/mencoder.xml
index 1f6aacae25..cc7142e4ae 100644
--- a/DOCS/xml/en/mencoder.xml
+++ b/DOCS/xml/en/mencoder.xml
@@ -373,6 +373,19 @@ mencoder input.avi -of mpeg -mpegopts format=mpeg1:ts
+ If for some reason the video quality of the second pass did not
+ satisfy you, you may re-run your video encode with a different target
+ bitrate, provided that you saved the statistics file of the previous
+ pass.
+ This is possible because the statistics file primary goal is to record
+ the complexity of each frames, which doesn't depend on bitrate.
+ You should note though that you'll get best results if all passes are
+ run with a target bitrate that does not differ too much.