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How to build an MPlayer mirror
This is a preliminary version. Do not rely on anything here.
Please send feedback, corrections etc to mplayer-mirror.
About this document
Mirroring MPlayer is quite easy but requires a few steps to be taken
and a few things taken care of. This document describes these steps
in detail so that anyone wishing to build an official or an unofficial
mirror can do that without much trouble.
A note on performance issues
A few of the commands used here will generate some load on our main server.
Executed too often and by to many clients at once will overload our server
and cause a performance degradation for all our users. Thus we kindly ask
you to be considerate about what you do. We do not want to restrict mirroring
to a few selected people, but this requires that everyone using the system
outlined here to behave.
Outline of the mirroring system
The mirroring system uses rsync to transfere the data and to perform
updates. A script is provided to call the rsync client with the right
set of parameters. This script should be called periodicaly with cron.
Additionaly, official mirrors should set up an ssh account so that
updates can be triggered when important updates on the main server
are performed.
Mirrors should provide their data over http or ftp or both. Each official
mirror will be assigned a mirror number. This mirror number determines
the hostname over which it will be reached.
Getting the data, mirroring script and cron setup
The mirroring script to be used is provided over the svn repo at
svn:// .
This script requires a working `rsync` client. The handling of the
lock file is done by using `lockfile` from the procmail package.
Using a lock file is recommended but not necessary. The temporary file
generation is handled by `mktemp` which is available on from .
The script contains a few configuration variables at the begining that
can and should be set:
PATH: The $PATH to be used within the script (recommended).
LOCK: The full path to the lock file to be used
(/var/lock/mplayer-mirror-lock or something similar, recommended).
MIRROR_ROOT: The root of the mirror. This is the directory where all files
are downloaded to (required).
MAILADR: The mail address where reports should be send to (required).
TMPDIR: The directory where the temporary should be created.
If you set this explicitly, you have to uncomment the export below too.
(defaults to /tmp if not set)
Install this script and set the variables according to your setup. Then run
it once to get the first checkout of the mirror. This will require at the
time of this writing (2006-06-10) about 500MB of disk space.
You should get two directories in your $MIRROR_ROOT: homepage and MPlayer.
The former containing the html pages for the mirror and the later the
files for download.
If this worked out ok, you should set up a cron job that periodicaly updates
the files. If you run an official mirror you should run the script every
6h to 12h (6h recommended). If you do not run an official mirror, you should
not run the script more often than once a day. Please use an "odd" time
to run the script when it is unlikely that any other cron job is running.
Bad times are e.g. full hours, or minutes that are divisible by 5.
An example crontab line would look like this:
17 1,8,13,19 * * * /path/to/update_mplayer_rsync
(please change the minute and hours to something random)
You can change the rest of the script as you see fit, although it is not
recommended. Please DO NOT CHANGE the options of the rsync commands.
Especially DO NOT REMOVE the -t and -W options. These prevent calculating
checksums on the server side which are very expensive.
Setting up an ssh account for update triggers
Official mirrors should also provide an ssh based trigger to run the
update script on request. This makes it possible to distribute releases
and other important files imediatly to all mirrors.
The way it is set up does not need a special user other than the one
with which the update script is run already and does not allow to run
any other command.
First you need to create an ssh key pair by running the following command:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -C MPHQ_rsync_trigger -f www#_sshkey
(replace the '#' by your mirror number)
You should send the private key to us by mail and specify the host and
user to be used. Please do use a private mail of one of us and DO NOT
send the private key onto the mirror mailinglist.
The public key should be placed into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the
user. To restrict the sshkey to one command only please place the follwoing
directives at the begining of the line with the key:
from="*",command="/path/to/update_mplayer_all" ssh-dss AAAA
mlGj3IWCBz7e4+XB3L64kFZwLCYN8kwDUAaHq4EtcMVOnQ== MPHQ_rsync_trigger
(lines split for readability)
Setting up a webserver
Setting up an FTP server