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Definition of important DirectShow interfaces.
Created using freely-available DirectX 8.0 SDK
( http://msdn.microsoft.com )
#include <com.h>
#include "guids.h"
#ifndef STDCALL
#define STDCALL __attribute__((__stdcall__))
typedef GUID& REFIID;
typedef GUID CLSID;
typedef GUID IID;
/* Sh*t. MSVC++ and g++ use different methods of storing vtables. */
struct IBaseFilter;
struct IReferenceClock;
struct IEnumPins;
struct IEnumMediaTypes;
struct IPin;
struct IFilterGraph;
struct IMemInputPin;
struct IMemAllocator;
struct IMediaSample;
struct IHidden;
struct IHidden2;
class IClassFactory2
virtual long STDCALL QueryInterface(GUID* iid, void** ppv) =0;
virtual long STDCALL AddRef() =0;
virtual long STDCALL Release() =0;
virtual long STDCALL CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, GUID* riid, void** ppvObject) =0;
struct IBaseFilter_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetClassID )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [out] */ CLSID *pClassID);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Stop )(IBaseFilter * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Pause )(IBaseFilter * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Run )(IBaseFilter * This,
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetState )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [in] */ unsigned long dwMilliSecsTimeout,
///* [out] */ FILTER_STATE *State);
void* State);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSyncSource )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [in] */ IReferenceClock *pClock);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSyncSource )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [out] */ IReferenceClock **pClock);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *EnumPins )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [out] */ IEnumPins **ppEnum);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *FindPin )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [string][in] */ const unsigned short* Id,
/* [out] */ IPin **ppPin);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryFilterInfo )(IBaseFilter * This,
// /* [out] */ FILTER_INFO *pInfo);
void* pInfo);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *JoinFilterGraph )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [in] */ IFilterGraph *pGraph,
/* [string][in] */ const unsigned short* pName);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryVendorInfo )(IBaseFilter * This,
/* [string][out] */ unsigned short* *pVendorInfo);
struct IBaseFilter
struct IBaseFilter_vt *vt;
struct IEnumPins_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Next )(IEnumPins * This,
/* [in] */ unsigned long cPins,
/* [size_is][out] */ IPin **ppPins,
/* [out] */ unsigned long *pcFetched);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Skip )(IEnumPins * This,
/* [in] */ unsigned long cPins);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Reset )(IEnumPins * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Clone )(IEnumPins * This,
/* [out] */ IEnumPins **ppEnum);
struct IEnumPins
struct IEnumPins_vt *vt;
struct IPin_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Connect )(IPin * This,
/* [in] */ IPin *pReceivePin,
/* [in] */ /*const*/ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveConnection )(IPin * This,
/* [in] */ IPin *pConnector,
/* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Disconnect )(IPin * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ConnectedTo )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ IPin **pPin);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ConnectionMediaType )(IPin * This,
/* [out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryPinInfo )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ PIN_INFO *pInfo);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryDirection )(IPin * This,
/* [out] */ PIN_DIRECTION *pPinDir);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryId )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ unsigned short* *Id);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryAccept )(IPin * This,
/* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *EnumMediaTypes )(IPin * This,
/* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryInternalConnections )(IPin * This,
/* [out] */ IPin **apPin,
/* [out][in] */ unsigned long *nPin);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *EndOfStream )(IPin * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *BeginFlush )(IPin * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *EndFlush )(IPin * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *NewSegment )(IPin * This,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStart,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStop,
/* [in] */ double dRate);
struct IPin
IPin_vt *vt;
struct IEnumMediaTypes_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Next )(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
/* [in] */ unsigned long cMediaTypes,
/* [size_is][out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppMediaTypes,
/* [out] */ unsigned long *pcFetched);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Skip )(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
/* [in] */ unsigned long cMediaTypes);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Reset )(IEnumMediaTypes * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Clone )(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
/* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum);
struct IEnumMediaTypes
IEnumMediaTypes_vt *vt;
struct IMemInputPin_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetAllocator )(IMemInputPin * This,
/* [out] */ IMemAllocator **ppAllocator);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *NotifyAllocator )(IMemInputPin * This,
/* [in] */ IMemAllocator *pAllocator,
/* [in] */ int bReadOnly);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetAllocatorRequirements )(IMemInputPin * This,
/* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Receive )(IMemInputPin * This,
/* [in] */ IMediaSample *pSample);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveMultiple )(IMemInputPin * This,
/* [size_is][in] */ IMediaSample **pSamples,
/* [in] */ long nSamples,
/* [out] */ long *nSamplesProcessed);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveCanBlock )(IMemInputPin * This);
struct IMemInputPin
IMemInputPin_vt *vt;
struct IMemAllocator_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetProperties )(IMemAllocator * This,
/* [in] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pRequest,
/* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pActual);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetProperties )(IMemAllocator * This,
/* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Commit )(IMemAllocator * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *Decommit )(IMemAllocator * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetBuffer )(IMemAllocator * This,
/* [out] */ IMediaSample **ppBuffer,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pStartTime,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pEndTime,
/* [in] */ unsigned long dwFlags);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReleaseBuffer )(IMemAllocator * This,
/* [in] */ IMediaSample *pBuffer);
struct IMemAllocator
IMemAllocator_vt *vt;
struct IMediaSample_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetPointer )(IMediaSample * This,
/* [out] */ unsigned char **ppBuffer);
long STDCALL ( *GetSize )(IMediaSample * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetTime )(IMediaSample * This,
/* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeStart,
/* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeEnd);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetTime )(IMediaSample * This,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeStart,
/* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeEnd);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsSyncPoint )(IMediaSample * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSyncPoint )(IMediaSample * This,
long bIsSyncPoint);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsPreroll )(IMediaSample * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetPreroll )(IMediaSample * This,
long bIsPreroll);
long STDCALL ( *GetActualDataLength )(IMediaSample * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetActualDataLength )(IMediaSample * This,
long __MIDL_0010);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetMediaType )(IMediaSample * This,
AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppMediaType);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetMediaType )(IMediaSample * This,
AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsDiscontinuity )(IMediaSample * This);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetDiscontinuity )(IMediaSample * This,
long bDiscontinuity);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetMediaTime )(IMediaSample * This,
/* [out] */ long long *pTimeStart,
/* [out] */ long long *pTimeEnd);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetMediaTime )(IMediaSample * This,
/* [in] */ long long *pTimeStart,
/* [in] */ long long *pTimeEnd);
struct IMediaSample
struct IMediaSample_vt *vt;
struct IHidden_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth )(IHidden * This, int v1, int v2);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth2 )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth2 )(IHidden * This, int v1, int v2);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth3 )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth3 )(IHidden * This, int v1, int v2);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth4 )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth4 )(IHidden * This, int v1, int v2);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth5 )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth5 )(IHidden * This, int v1, int v2);
HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth6 )(IHidden * This, int* pv);
struct IHidden
struct IHidden_vt *vt;
struct IHidden2_vt: IUnknown_vt
HRESULT STDCALL (*DecodeGet) (IHidden2* This, int* region);
HRESULT STDCALL (*DecodeSet) (IHidden2* This, int* region);
struct IHidden2
struct IHidden2_vt *vt;
#endif /* DS_INTERFACES_H */