2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../mp_msg.h"
#include "../help_mp.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "demuxer.h"
#include "stheader.h"
/// Some dummy function to use when no Ogg and Vorbis lib are avaible
int demux_ogg_open(demuxer_t* demuxer) {
return 0;
int demux_ogg_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *d) {
return 0;
demuxer_t* init_avi_with_ogg(demuxer_t* demuxer) {
// disable audio
demuxer->audio->id = -2;
return demuxer;
#include <ogg/ogg.h>
#include <vorbis/codec.h>
#define BLOCK_SIZE 1024
/// Vorbis decoder context : we need the vorbis_info for vorbis timestamping
/// Shall we put this struct def in a common header ?
typedef struct ov_struct_st {
vorbis_info vi; /* struct that stores all the static vorbis bitstream
settings */
vorbis_dsp_state vd; /* central working state for the packet->PCM decoder */
vorbis_block vb; /* local working space for packet->PCM decode */
} ov_struct_t;
//// OggDS headers
// Header for the new header format
typedef struct stream_header_video
ogg_int32_t width;
ogg_int32_t height;
} stream_header_video;
typedef struct stream_header_audio
ogg_int16_t channels;
ogg_int16_t blockalign;
ogg_int32_t avgbytespersec;
} stream_header_audio;
typedef struct stream_header
char streamtype[8];
char subtype[4];
ogg_int32_t size; // size of the structure
ogg_int64_t time_unit; // in reference time
ogg_int64_t samples_per_unit;
ogg_int32_t default_len; // in media time
ogg_int32_t buffersize;
ogg_int16_t bits_per_sample;
// Video specific
stream_header_video video;
// Audio specific
stream_header_audio audio;
} sh;
} stream_header;
/// Our private datas
/// A logical stream
typedef struct ogg_stream {
/// Timestamping stuff
float samplerate; /// granulpos 2 time
int64_t lastpos;
int32_t lastsize;
// Logical stream state
ogg_stream_state stream;
} ogg_stream_t;
typedef struct ogg_demuxer {
/// Physical stream state
ogg_sync_state sync;
/// Current page
ogg_page page;
/// Logical streams
ogg_stream_t *subs;
int num_sub;
} ogg_demuxer_t;
/// Some defines from OggDS
#define PACKET_TYPE_BITS 0x07
#define PACKET_LEN_BITS01 0xc0
#define PACKET_LEN_BITS2 0x02
// get the logical stream of the current page
// fill os if non NULL and return the stream id
static int demux_ogg_get_page_stream(ogg_demuxer_t* ogg_d,ogg_stream_state** os) {
int id,s_no;
ogg_page* page = &ogg_d->page;
s_no = ogg_page_serialno(page);
for(id= 0; id < ogg_d->num_sub ; id++) {
if(s_no == ogg_d->subs[id].stream.serialno)
if(id == ogg_d->num_sub)
return -1;
*os = &ogg_d->subs[id].stream;
return id;
/// Calculate the timestamp and add the packet to the demux stream
// return 1 if the packet was added, 0 otherwise
static int demux_ogg_add_packet(demux_stream_t* ds,ogg_stream_t* os,ogg_packet* pack) {
demuxer_t* d = ds->demuxer;
demux_packet_t* dp;
unsigned char* data;
float pts = 0;
int flags = 0;
// If packet is an header we jump it except for vorbis
if((*pack->packet & PACKET_TYPE_HEADER) &&
(ds == d->video || (ds == d->audio && ((sh_audio_t*)ds->sh)->format != 0xFFFE )))
return 0;
// For vorbis packet the packet is the data, for other codec we must jump the header
if(ds == d->audio && ((sh_audio_t*)ds->sh)->format == 0xFFFE) {
data = pack->packet;
if(*pack->packet & PACKET_TYPE_HEADER)
pts = 0;
else {
vorbis_info* vi = &((ov_struct_t*)((sh_audio_t*)ds->sh)->context)->vi;
// When we dump the audio, there is no vi, but we dont care of timestamp in this case
if(vi) {
int32_t blocksize = vorbis_packet_blocksize(vi,pack) / vi->channels;
// Calculate the timestamp if the packet don't have any
if(pack->granulepos == -1) {
pack->granulepos = os->lastpos;
if(os->lastsize > 0)
pack->granulepos += os->lastsize;
pts = pack->granulepos / (float)vi->rate;
os->lastsize = blocksize;
os->lastpos = pack->granulepos;
} else {
// Find data start
int16_t hdrlen = (*pack->packet & PACKET_LEN_BITS01)>>6;
hdrlen |= (*pack->packet & PACKET_LEN_BITS2) <<1;
data = pack->packet + 1 + hdrlen;
// Calculate the timestamp
if(pack->granulepos == -1)
pack->granulepos = os->lastpos + os->lastsize;
// If we alredy have a timestamp it can be a syncpoint
else if(*pack->packet & PACKET_IS_SYNCPOINT)
flags = 1;
pts = pack->granulepos/os->samplerate;
// Save the packet length and timestamp
os->lastsize = 0;
while(hdrlen) {
os->lastsize <<= 8;
os->lastsize |= pack->packet[hdrlen];
os->lastpos = pack->granulepos;
/// Send the packet
dp = new_demux_packet(pack->bytes-(data-pack->packet));
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
dp->pts = pts;
dp->flags = flags;
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
if(verbose>1)printf("New dp: %p ds=%p pts=%5.3f len=%d flag=%d \n",
dp, ds, pts, dp->len, flags);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
return 1;
/// Open an ogg physical stream
int demux_ogg_open(demuxer_t* demuxer) {
ogg_demuxer_t* ogg_d;
stream_t *s;
char* buf;
int np,s_no, n_audio = 0, n_video = 0;
ogg_sync_state* sync;
ogg_page* page;
ogg_packet pack;
sh_audio_t* sh_a;
sh_video_t* sh_v;
s = demuxer->stream;
ogg_d = (ogg_demuxer_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(ogg_demuxer_t));
sync = &ogg_d->sync;
page = &ogg_d->page;
while(1) {
/// Try to get a page
np = ogg_sync_pageout(sync,page);
/// Error
if(np < 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_DBG2,"OGG demuxer : Bad page sync\n");
return 0;
/// Need some more data
if(np <= 0) {
int len;
buf = ogg_sync_buffer(sync,BLOCK_SIZE);
len = stream_read(s,buf,BLOCK_SIZE);
if(len == 0 && s->eof) {
return 0;
// We got one page now
if( ! ogg_page_bos(page) ) { // It's not a begining page
// Header parsing end here, we need to get the page otherwise it will be lost
int id = demux_ogg_get_page_stream(ogg_d,NULL);
if(id >= 0)
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"OGG : Warning found none bos page from unknow stream %d\n",ogg_page_serialno(page));
/// Init the data structure needed for a logical stream
ogg_d->subs = (ogg_stream_t*)realloc(ogg_d->subs,(ogg_d->num_sub+1)*sizeof(ogg_stream_t));
/// Get the stream serial number
s_no = ogg_page_serialno(page);
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_DBG2,"OGG : Found a stream with serial=%d\n",s_no);
// Take the first page
// Get first packet of the page
// Reset our vars
sh_a = NULL;
sh_v = NULL;
// Check for Vorbis
if(pack.bytes >= 7 && ! strncmp(&pack.packet[1],"vorbis", 6) ) {
sh_a = new_sh_audio(demuxer,ogg_d->num_sub);
sh_a->format = 0xFFFE;
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG : stream %d is vorbis\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
/// Check for old header
} else if(pack.bytes >= 142 && ! strncmp(&pack.packet[1],"Direct Show Samples embedded in Ogg",35) ) {
// Old video header
if(*(int32_t*)(pack.packet+96) == 0x05589f80 && pack.bytes >= 184) {
sh_v = new_sh_video(demuxer,ogg_d->num_sub);
sh_v->bih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)calloc(1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
sh_v->format = mmioFOURCC(pack.packet[68],pack.packet[69],
sh_v->frametime = (*(int64_t*)(pack.packet+164))*0.0000001;
sh_v->fps = 1/sh_v->frametime;
sh_v->disp_w = sh_v->bih->biWidth = *(int32_t*)(pack.packet+176);
sh_v->disp_h = sh_v->bih->biHeight = *(int32_t*)(pack.packet+180);
sh_v->bih->biBitCount = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+182);
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
if(!sh_v->bih->biBitCount) sh_v->bih->biBitCount=24; // hack, FIXME
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].samplerate = sh_v->fps;
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG stream %d is video (old hdr)\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
if(verbose) print_video_header(sh_v->bih);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
// Old audio header
} else if(*(int32_t*)pack.packet+96 == 0x05589F81) {
unsigned int extra_size;
sh_a = new_sh_audio(demuxer,ogg_d->num_sub);
extra_size = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+140);
sh_a->wf = (WAVEFORMATEX*)calloc(1,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+extra_size);
sh_a->format = sh_a->wf->wFormatTag = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+124);
sh_a->channels = sh_a->wf->nChannels = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+126);
sh_a->samplerate = sh_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec = *(int32_t*)(pack.packet+128);
sh_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec = *(int32_t*)(pack.packet+132);
sh_a->wf->nBlockAlign = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+136);
sh_a->wf->wBitsPerSample = *(int16_t*)(pack.packet+138);
sh_a->samplesize = (sh_a->wf->wBitsPerSample+7)/8;
sh_a->wf->cbSize = extra_size;
if(extra_size > 0)
ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].samplerate = sh_a->samplerate * sh_a->channels;
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG stream %d is audio (old hdr)\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
if(verbose) print_wave_header(sh_a->wf);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
} else
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_WARN,"OGG stream %d contain an old header but the header type is unknow\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
// Check new header
} else if ( (*pack.packet & PACKET_TYPE_BITS ) == PACKET_TYPE_HEADER &&
pack.bytes >= (int)sizeof(stream_header)+1) {
stream_header *st = (stream_header*)(pack.packet+1);
/// New video header
if(strncmp(st->streamtype,"video",5) == 0) {
sh_v = new_sh_video(demuxer,ogg_d->num_sub);
sh_v->bih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)calloc(1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
2002-03-31 20:27:52 +00:00
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
sh_v->format = mmioFOURCC(st->subtype[0],st->subtype[1],
sh_v->frametime = st->time_unit*0.0000001;
sh_v->fps = 1/sh_v->frametime;
sh_v->bih->biBitCount = st->bits_per_sample;
sh_v->disp_w = sh_v->bih->biWidth = st->sh.video.width;
sh_v->disp_h = sh_v->bih->biHeight = st->sh.video.height;
2002-03-31 20:27:52 +00:00
if(!sh_v->bih->biBitCount) sh_v->bih->biBitCount=24; // hack, FIXME
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].samplerate= sh_v->fps;
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG stream %d is video (new hdr)\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
if(verbose) print_video_header(sh_v->bih);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
/// New audio header
} else if(strncmp(st->streamtype,"audio",5) == 0) {
char buffer[5];
unsigned int extra_size = st->size - sizeof(stream_header);
buffer[4] = '\0';
sh_a = new_sh_audio(demuxer,ogg_d->num_sub);
sh_a->wf = (WAVEFORMATEX*)calloc(1,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+extra_size);
sh_a->format = sh_a->wf->wFormatTag = atoi(buffer);
sh_a->channels = sh_a->wf->nChannels = st->sh.audio.channels;
sh_a->samplerate = sh_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec = st->samples_per_unit;
sh_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec = st->sh.audio.avgbytespersec;
sh_a->wf->nBlockAlign = st->sh.audio.blockalign;
sh_a->wf->wBitsPerSample = st->bits_per_sample;
sh_a->samplesize = (sh_a->wf->wBitsPerSample+7)/8;
sh_a->wf->cbSize = extra_size;
ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].samplerate = sh_a->samplerate * sh_a->channels;
2002-03-31 20:17:27 +00:00
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG stream %d is audio (new hdr)\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
if(verbose) print_wave_header(sh_a->wf);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
/// Check for text (subtitles) header
} else if(strncmp(st->streamtype,"text",4) == 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_WARN,"OGG text stream are not supported\n");
//// Unknow header type
} else
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"OGG stream %d has a header marker but is of an unknow type\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
/// Unknow (invalid ?) header
} else
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"OGG stream %d is of an unknow type\n",ogg_d->num_sub);
if(sh_a || sh_v) {
demux_stream_t* ds = NULL;
if(sh_a) {
// If the audio stream is not defined we took the first one
if(demuxer->audio->id == -1) {
demuxer->audio->id = ogg_d->num_sub;
demuxer->audio->sh = sh_a;
sh_a->ds = demuxer->audio;
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
// if(sh_a->wf) print_wave_header(sh_a->wf);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
/// Is it the stream we want
if(demuxer->audio->id == ogg_d->num_sub)
ds = demuxer->audio;
if(sh_v) {
/// Also for video
if(demuxer->video->id == -1) {
demuxer->video->id = ogg_d->num_sub;
demuxer->video->sh = sh_v;
sh_v->ds = demuxer->video;
2002-03-31 20:09:17 +00:00
// if(sh_v->bih) print_video_header(sh_v->bih);
2002-03-16 14:32:03 +00:00
if(demuxer->video->id == ogg_d->num_sub)
ds = demuxer->video;
/// Add the packet contained in this page
if(ds) {
/// Finish the page, otherwise packets will be lost
do {
} while(ogg_stream_packetout(&ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].stream,&pack) == 1);
/// Finish to setup the demuxer
demuxer->priv = ogg_d;
/// We can't seek :(
demuxer->seekable = 0;
demuxer->video->id = -2;
demuxer->audio->id = -2;
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_V,"OGG demuxer : found %d audio stream and %d video stream\n",n_audio,n_video);
return 1;
int demux_ogg_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *d) {
ogg_demuxer_t* ogg_d;
stream_t *s;
demux_stream_t *ds;
ogg_sync_state* sync;
ogg_stream_state* os;
ogg_page* page;
ogg_packet pack;
int np = 0, id=0;
s = d->stream;
ogg_d = d->priv;
sync = &ogg_d->sync;
page = &ogg_d->page;
/// Find the stream we are working on
if ( (id = demux_ogg_get_page_stream(ogg_d,&os)) < 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"OGG demuxer : can't get current stream\n");
return 0;
while(1) {
np = 0;
ds = NULL;
/// Try to get some packet from the current page
while( (np = ogg_stream_packetout(os,&pack)) != 1) {
/// No packet we go the next page
if(np == 0) {
while(1) {
int pa,len;
char *buf;
/// Get the next page from the physical stream
while( (pa = ogg_sync_pageout(sync,page)) != 1) {
/// Error : we skip some bytes
if(pa < 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_WARN,"OGG : Page out not synced, we skip some bytes\n");
/// We need more data
buf = ogg_sync_buffer(sync,BLOCK_SIZE);
len = stream_read(s,buf,BLOCK_SIZE);
if(len == 0 && s->eof) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_DBG2,"OGG : Stream EOF !!!!\n");
return 0;
} /// Page loop
/// Find the page's logical stream
if( (id = demux_ogg_get_page_stream(ogg_d,&os)) < 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"OGG demuxer error : we met an unknow stream\n");
return 0;
/// Take the page
if(ogg_stream_pagein(os,page) == 0)
/// Page was invalid => retry
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_WARN,"OGG demuxer : got invalid page !!!!!\n");
} else /// Packet was corrupted
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_WARN,"OGG : bad packet in stream %d\n",id);
} /// Packet loop
/// Is the actual logical stream in use ?
if(id == d->audio->id)
ds = d->audio;
else if(id == d->video->id)
ds = d->video;
if(ds) {
continue; /// Unuseful packet, get another
return 1;
} /// while(1)
/// For avi with Ogg audio stream we have to create an ogg demuxer for this
// stream, then we join the avi and ogg demuxer with a demuxers demuxer
demuxer_t* init_avi_with_ogg(demuxer_t* demuxer) {
demuxer_t *od;
ogg_demuxer_t *ogg_d;
stream_t* s;
uint32_t hdrsizes[3];
demux_packet_t *dp;
sh_audio_t *sh_audio = demuxer->audio->sh;
int np;
unsigned char *p = NULL,*buf;
int plen;
/// Check that the cbSize is enouth big for the following reads
if(sh_audio->wf->cbSize < 3*sizeof(uint32_t)) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"AVI OGG : Initial audio header is too small !!!!!\n");
goto fallback;
/// Get the size of the 3 header packet
memcpy(hdrsizes, ((unsigned char*)sh_audio->wf)+2*sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), 3*sizeof(uint32_t));
/// Check the size
if(sh_audio->wf->cbSize < 3*sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint32_t)+hdrsizes[0]+hdrsizes[1] + hdrsizes[2]) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"AVI OGG : Audio header is too small !!!!!\n");
goto fallback;
// Build the ogg demuxer private datas
ogg_d = (ogg_demuxer_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(ogg_demuxer_t));
ogg_d->num_sub = 1;
ogg_d->subs = (ogg_stream_t*)malloc(sizeof(ogg_stream_t));
// Init the ogg physical stream
// Get the first page of the stream : we assume there only 1 logical stream
while((np = ogg_sync_pageout(&ogg_d->sync,&ogg_d->page)) <= 0 ) {
if(np < 0) {
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_ERR,"AVI OGG error : Can't init using first stream packets\n");
goto fallback;
// Add some data
plen = ds_get_packet(demuxer->audio,&p);
buf = ogg_sync_buffer(&ogg_d->sync,plen);
// Init the logical stream
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX,MSGL_DBG2,"AVI OGG found page with serial %d\n",ogg_page_serialno(&ogg_d->page));
// Write the page
// Create the ds_stream and the ogg demuxer
s = new_ds_stream(demuxer->audio);
od = new_demuxer(s,DEMUXER_TYPE_OGG,0,-2,-2);
/// Add the header packets in the ogg demuxer audio stream
// Initial header
dp = new_demux_packet(hdrsizes[0]);
memcpy(dp->buffer,((unsigned char*)sh_audio->wf)+2*sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+3*sizeof(uint32_t),hdrsizes[0]);
/// Comments
dp = new_demux_packet(hdrsizes[1]);
memcpy(dp->buffer,((unsigned char*)sh_audio->wf)+2*sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+3*sizeof(uint32_t)+hdrsizes[0],hdrsizes[1]);
/// Code book
dp = new_demux_packet(hdrsizes[2]);
memcpy(dp->buffer,((unsigned char*)sh_audio->wf)+2*sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+3*sizeof(uint32_t)+hdrsizes[0]+hdrsizes[1],hdrsizes[2]);
// Finish setting up the ogg demuxer
od->priv = ogg_d;
sh_audio = new_sh_audio(od,0);
od->audio->id = 0;
od->video->id = -2;
od->audio->sh = sh_audio;
sh_audio->ds = od->audio;
sh_audio->format = 0xFFFE;
/// Return the joined demuxers
return new_demuxers_demuxer(demuxer,od,demuxer);
demuxer->audio->id = -2;
return demuxer;
/// TODO : Seeking 8-)