Benjamin DELPY
[new] lsadump::dcsync try to support /laps
[internal] ldap supports authentication
[internal] rpc cleanup for EFS
[internal] sekurlsa skeleton for 11/2022
2021-09-07 00:19:15 +02:00 |
Benjamin DELPY
[new] mimikatz lsadump::postzerologon, to reinit DC password both in local store and AD
[change] https instead of http for blog :)
2020-09-17 03:17:11 +02:00 |
Benjamin DELPY
[fix #199] Allow dpapi::chrome to open DB without lock (library update to support win32-none VFS) thank you @psychomario !
[new] net::trust adds LDAP search to get objectGuid for lsadump::dcsync usage
2019-04-12 01:25:20 +02:00 |
Benjamin DELPY
[new] net::deleg function in mimikatz
[new] owl module for Cam
2019-03-29 03:11:00 +01:00 |