- [new] sekurlsa module and its kerberos submodule now work with old 2003 SP1 (live or dump)
- [remove] misc::wifi with WLanAPI will be replaced with dpapi::wifi raw access
- [fix] crypto::certificate buffer free at the right place
- [internal] new kull_m_file Find function with callback
- [internal] removed kull_m_file functions (read/write/file exist) with environment-variables, now used for all command-lines
- [internal] kull_m_crypto_hash better checks for CRC32 trick
- [internal] mimilove for Windows 2000 banner update
- [internal] crypto::system now works with buffers (for future registry access)
- [internal] kerberos::ptt & crypto::system call kull_m_file_Find instead of their own implementation
- [internal] remove CrtlHandler, from mimikatz main modules, when exiting to let PowerShell clean
- [internal] expand command lines environment-variables from mimikatz main modules