[credits] with his work on AD, Vincent Le Toux (@vletoux) is starring as co-author :)
[internal] DRSR RPC
[fix] dcsync export as CSV without junk chars between username and NTLM hash
[remove] mimidrv & mimikatz kernel module: Process & Object callbacks remover are not anymore in the program
[internal] Windows 10 is now splitted in 1507 (LTSB) and 1511 (current)
[internal] mimidrv: Windows 10 support added
[internal] mimilib WinDBG module & mimikatz::sekurlsa: Windows 10 MSV / Kerberos Tickets are not specific anymore (offsets table)
[internal] Using KULL_M_MEMORY_GLOBAL_OWN_HANDLE instead of local variable in each function