Alessandro Ros 57c2d5aecb
add playback server (#2452) (#2906)
* add playback server

* add playback switch

* update readme
2024-01-23 20:52:05 +01:00

576 lines
17 KiB

// Package conf contains the struct that holds the configuration of the software.
package conf
import (
// ErrPathNotFound is returned when a path is not found.
var ErrPathNotFound = errors.New("path not found")
func sortedKeys(paths map[string]*OptionalPath) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(paths))
i := 0
for name := range paths {
ret[i] = name
return ret
func firstThatExists(paths []string) string {
for _, pa := range paths {
_, err := os.Stat(pa)
if err == nil {
return pa
return ""
func contains(list []headers.AuthMethod, item headers.AuthMethod) bool {
for _, i := range list {
if i == item {
return true
return false
func copyStructFields(dest interface{}, source interface{}) {
rvsource := reflect.ValueOf(source).Elem()
rvdest := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
nf := rvsource.NumField()
var zero reflect.Value
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
fnew := rvsource.Field(i)
f := rvdest.Elem().FieldByName(rvsource.Type().Field(i).Name)
if f == zero {
if fnew.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
if !fnew.IsNil() {
if f.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
} else {
} else {
// Conf is a configuration.
type Conf struct {
// General
LogLevel LogLevel `json:"logLevel"`
LogDestinations LogDestinations `json:"logDestinations"`
LogFile string `json:"logFile"`
ReadTimeout StringDuration `json:"readTimeout"`
WriteTimeout StringDuration `json:"writeTimeout"`
ReadBufferCount *int `json:"readBufferCount,omitempty"` // deprecated
WriteQueueSize int `json:"writeQueueSize"`
UDPMaxPayloadSize int `json:"udpMaxPayloadSize"`
ExternalAuthenticationURL string `json:"externalAuthenticationURL"`
Metrics bool `json:"metrics"`
MetricsAddress string `json:"metricsAddress"`
PPROF bool `json:"pprof"`
PPROFAddress string `json:"pprofAddress"`
RunOnConnect string `json:"runOnConnect"`
RunOnConnectRestart bool `json:"runOnConnectRestart"`
RunOnDisconnect string `json:"runOnDisconnect"`
// API
API bool `json:"api"`
APIAddress string `json:"apiAddress"`
// Playback
Playback bool `json:"playback"`
PlaybackAddress string `json:"playbackAddress"`
// RTSP server
RTSP bool `json:"rtsp"`
RTSPDisable *bool `json:"rtspDisable,omitempty"` // deprecated
Protocols Protocols `json:"protocols"`
Encryption Encryption `json:"encryption"`
RTSPAddress string `json:"rtspAddress"`
RTSPSAddress string `json:"rtspsAddress"`
RTPAddress string `json:"rtpAddress"`
RTCPAddress string `json:"rtcpAddress"`
MulticastIPRange string `json:"multicastIPRange"`
MulticastRTPPort int `json:"multicastRTPPort"`
MulticastRTCPPort int `json:"multicastRTCPPort"`
ServerKey string `json:"serverKey"`
ServerCert string `json:"serverCert"`
AuthMethods AuthMethods `json:"authMethods"`
// RTMP server
RTMP bool `json:"rtmp"`
RTMPDisable *bool `json:"rtmpDisable,omitempty"` // deprecated
RTMPAddress string `json:"rtmpAddress"`
RTMPEncryption Encryption `json:"rtmpEncryption"`
RTMPSAddress string `json:"rtmpsAddress"`
RTMPServerKey string `json:"rtmpServerKey"`
RTMPServerCert string `json:"rtmpServerCert"`
// HLS server
HLS bool `json:"hls"`
HLSDisable *bool `json:"hlsDisable,omitempty"` // depreacted
HLSAddress string `json:"hlsAddress"`
HLSEncryption bool `json:"hlsEncryption"`
HLSServerKey string `json:"hlsServerKey"`
HLSServerCert string `json:"hlsServerCert"`
HLSAlwaysRemux bool `json:"hlsAlwaysRemux"`
HLSVariant HLSVariant `json:"hlsVariant"`
HLSSegmentCount int `json:"hlsSegmentCount"`
HLSSegmentDuration StringDuration `json:"hlsSegmentDuration"`
HLSPartDuration StringDuration `json:"hlsPartDuration"`
HLSSegmentMaxSize StringSize `json:"hlsSegmentMaxSize"`
HLSAllowOrigin string `json:"hlsAllowOrigin"`
HLSTrustedProxies IPsOrCIDRs `json:"hlsTrustedProxies"`
HLSDirectory string `json:"hlsDirectory"`
// WebRTC server
WebRTC bool `json:"webrtc"`
WebRTCDisable *bool `json:"webrtcDisable,omitempty"` // deprecated
WebRTCAddress string `json:"webrtcAddress"`
WebRTCEncryption bool `json:"webrtcEncryption"`
WebRTCServerKey string `json:"webrtcServerKey"`
WebRTCServerCert string `json:"webrtcServerCert"`
WebRTCAllowOrigin string `json:"webrtcAllowOrigin"`
WebRTCTrustedProxies IPsOrCIDRs `json:"webrtcTrustedProxies"`
WebRTCLocalUDPAddress string `json:"webrtcLocalUDPAddress"`
WebRTCLocalTCPAddress string `json:"webrtcLocalTCPAddress"`
WebRTCIPsFromInterfaces bool `json:"webrtcIPsFromInterfaces"`
WebRTCIPsFromInterfacesList []string `json:"webrtcIPsFromInterfacesList"`
WebRTCAdditionalHosts []string `json:"webrtcAdditionalHosts"`
WebRTCICEServers2 []WebRTCICEServer `json:"webrtcICEServers2"`
WebRTCICEUDPMuxAddress *string `json:"webrtcICEUDPMuxAddress,omitempty"` // deprecated
WebRTCICETCPMuxAddress *string `json:"webrtcICETCPMuxAddress,omitempty"` // deprecated
WebRTCICEHostNAT1To1IPs *[]string `json:"webrtcICEHostNAT1To1IPs,omitempty"` // deprecated
WebRTCICEServers *[]string `json:"webrtcICEServers,omitempty"` // deprecated
// SRT server
SRT bool `json:"srt"`
SRTAddress string `json:"srtAddress"`
// Record (deprecated)
Record *bool `json:"record,omitempty"` // deprecated
RecordPath *string `json:"recordPath,omitempty"` // deprecated
RecordFormat *RecordFormat `json:"recordFormat,omitempty"` // deprecated
RecordPartDuration *StringDuration `json:"recordPartDuration,omitempty"` // deprecated
RecordSegmentDuration *StringDuration `json:"recordSegmentDuration,omitempty"` // deprecated
RecordDeleteAfter *StringDuration `json:"recordDeleteAfter,omitempty"` // deprecated
// Path defaults
PathDefaults Path `json:"pathDefaults"`
// Paths
OptionalPaths map[string]*OptionalPath `json:"paths"`
Paths map[string]*Path `json:"-"` // filled by Check()
func (conf *Conf) setDefaults() {
// General
conf.LogLevel = LogLevel(logger.Info)
conf.LogDestinations = LogDestinations{logger.DestinationStdout}
conf.LogFile = "mediamtx.log"
conf.ReadTimeout = 10 * StringDuration(time.Second)
conf.WriteTimeout = 10 * StringDuration(time.Second)
conf.WriteQueueSize = 512
conf.UDPMaxPayloadSize = 1472
conf.MetricsAddress = ""
conf.PPROFAddress = ""
// API
conf.APIAddress = ""
// Playback server
conf.PlaybackAddress = ":9996"
// RTSP server
conf.RTSP = true
conf.Protocols = Protocols{
Protocol(gortsplib.TransportUDP): {},
Protocol(gortsplib.TransportUDPMulticast): {},
Protocol(gortsplib.TransportTCP): {},
conf.RTSPAddress = ":8554"
conf.RTSPSAddress = ":8322"
conf.RTPAddress = ":8000"
conf.RTCPAddress = ":8001"
conf.MulticastIPRange = ""
conf.MulticastRTPPort = 8002
conf.MulticastRTCPPort = 8003
conf.ServerKey = "server.key"
conf.ServerCert = "server.crt"
conf.AuthMethods = AuthMethods{headers.AuthBasic}
// RTMP server
conf.RTMP = true
conf.RTMPAddress = ":1935"
conf.RTMPSAddress = ":1936"
conf.RTMPServerKey = "server.key"
conf.RTMPServerCert = "server.crt"
// HLS
conf.HLS = true
conf.HLSAddress = ":8888"
conf.HLSServerKey = "server.key"
conf.HLSServerCert = "server.crt"
conf.HLSVariant = HLSVariant(gohlslib.MuxerVariantLowLatency)
conf.HLSSegmentCount = 7
conf.HLSSegmentDuration = 1 * StringDuration(time.Second)
conf.HLSPartDuration = 200 * StringDuration(time.Millisecond)
conf.HLSSegmentMaxSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024
conf.HLSAllowOrigin = "*"
// WebRTC server
conf.WebRTC = true
conf.WebRTCAddress = ":8889"
conf.WebRTCServerKey = "server.key"
conf.WebRTCServerCert = "server.crt"
conf.WebRTCAllowOrigin = "*"
conf.WebRTCLocalUDPAddress = ":8189"
conf.WebRTCIPsFromInterfaces = true
conf.WebRTCIPsFromInterfacesList = []string{}
conf.WebRTCAdditionalHosts = []string{}
conf.WebRTCICEServers2 = []WebRTCICEServer{}
// SRT server
conf.SRT = true
conf.SRTAddress = ":8890"
// Load loads a Conf.
func Load(fpath string, defaultConfPaths []string) (*Conf, string, error) {
conf := &Conf{}
fpath, err := conf.loadFromFile(fpath, defaultConfPaths)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
err = env.Load("RTSP", conf) // legacy prefix
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
err = env.Load("MTX", conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
err = conf.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return conf, fpath, nil
func (conf *Conf) loadFromFile(fpath string, defaultConfPaths []string) (string, error) {
if fpath == "" {
fpath = firstThatExists(defaultConfPaths)
// when the configuration file is not explicitly set,
// it is optional.
if fpath == "" {
return "", nil
byts, err := os.ReadFile(fpath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if key, ok := os.LookupEnv("RTSP_CONFKEY"); ok { // legacy format
byts, err = decrypt.Decrypt(key, byts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if key, ok := os.LookupEnv("MTX_CONFKEY"); ok {
byts, err = decrypt.Decrypt(key, byts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = yaml.Load(byts, conf)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fpath, nil
// Clone clones the configuration.
func (conf Conf) Clone() *Conf {
enc, err := json.Marshal(conf)
if err != nil {
var dest Conf
err = json.Unmarshal(enc, &dest)
if err != nil {
return &dest
// Validate checks the configuration for errors.
func (conf *Conf) Validate() error {
// General
if conf.ReadBufferCount != nil {
conf.WriteQueueSize = *conf.ReadBufferCount
if (conf.WriteQueueSize & (conf.WriteQueueSize - 1)) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("'writeQueueSize' must be a power of two")
if conf.UDPMaxPayloadSize > 1472 {
return fmt.Errorf("'udpMaxPayloadSize' must be less than 1472")
if conf.ExternalAuthenticationURL != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(conf.ExternalAuthenticationURL, "http://") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(conf.ExternalAuthenticationURL, "https://") {
return fmt.Errorf("'externalAuthenticationURL' must be a HTTP URL")
if contains(conf.AuthMethods, headers.AuthDigest) {
return fmt.Errorf("'externalAuthenticationURL' can't be used when 'digest' is in authMethods")
if conf.RTSPDisable != nil {
conf.RTSP = !*conf.RTSPDisable
if conf.Encryption == EncryptionStrict {
if _, ok := conf.Protocols[Protocol(gortsplib.TransportUDP)]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("strict encryption can't be used with the UDP transport protocol")
if _, ok := conf.Protocols[Protocol(gortsplib.TransportUDPMulticast)]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("strict encryption can't be used with the UDP-multicast transport protocol")
if conf.RTMPDisable != nil {
conf.RTMP = !*conf.RTMPDisable
// HLS
if conf.HLSDisable != nil {
conf.HLS = !*conf.HLSDisable
// WebRTC
if conf.WebRTCDisable != nil {
conf.WebRTC = !*conf.WebRTCDisable
if conf.WebRTCICEUDPMuxAddress != nil {
conf.WebRTCLocalUDPAddress = *conf.WebRTCICEUDPMuxAddress
if conf.WebRTCICETCPMuxAddress != nil {
conf.WebRTCLocalTCPAddress = *conf.WebRTCICETCPMuxAddress
if conf.WebRTCICEHostNAT1To1IPs != nil {
conf.WebRTCAdditionalHosts = *conf.WebRTCICEHostNAT1To1IPs
if conf.WebRTCICEServers != nil {
for _, server := range *conf.WebRTCICEServers {
parts := strings.Split(server, ":")
if len(parts) == 5 {
conf.WebRTCICEServers2 = append(conf.WebRTCICEServers2, WebRTCICEServer{
URL: parts[0] + ":" + parts[3] + ":" + parts[4],
Username: parts[1],
Password: parts[2],
} else {
conf.WebRTCICEServers2 = append(conf.WebRTCICEServers2, WebRTCICEServer{
URL: server,
for _, server := range conf.WebRTCICEServers2 {
if !strings.HasPrefix(server.URL, "stun:") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(server.URL, "turn:") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(server.URL, "turns:") {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid ICE server: '%s'", server.URL)
if conf.WebRTCLocalUDPAddress == "" &&
conf.WebRTCLocalTCPAddress == "" &&
len(conf.WebRTCICEServers2) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("at least one between 'webrtcLocalUDPAddress'," +
" 'webrtcLocalTCPAddress' or 'webrtcICEServers2' must be filled")
if conf.WebRTCLocalUDPAddress != "" || conf.WebRTCLocalTCPAddress != "" {
if !conf.WebRTCIPsFromInterfaces && len(conf.WebRTCAdditionalHosts) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("at least one between 'webrtcIPsFromInterfaces' or 'webrtcAdditionalHosts' must be filled")
// Record (deprecated)
if conf.Record != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.Record = *conf.Record
if conf.RecordPath != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.RecordPath = *conf.RecordPath
if conf.RecordFormat != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.RecordFormat = *conf.RecordFormat
if conf.RecordPartDuration != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.RecordPartDuration = *conf.RecordPartDuration
if conf.RecordSegmentDuration != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.RecordSegmentDuration = *conf.RecordSegmentDuration
if conf.RecordDeleteAfter != nil {
conf.PathDefaults.RecordDeleteAfter = *conf.RecordDeleteAfter
hasAllOthers := false
for name := range conf.OptionalPaths {
if name == "all" || name == "all_others" || name == "~^.*$" {
if hasAllOthers {
return fmt.Errorf("all_others, all and '~^.*$' are aliases")
hasAllOthers = true
conf.Paths = make(map[string]*Path)
for _, name := range sortedKeys(conf.OptionalPaths) {
optional := conf.OptionalPaths[name]
if optional == nil {
optional = &OptionalPath{
Values: newOptionalPathValues(),
pconf := newPath(&conf.PathDefaults, optional)
conf.Paths[name] = pconf
err := pconf.validate(conf, name)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (conf *Conf) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type alias Conf
d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b))
return d.Decode((*alias)(conf))
// Global returns the global part of Conf.
func (conf *Conf) Global() *Global {
g := &Global{
Values: newGlobalValues(),
copyStructFields(g.Values, conf)
return g
// PatchGlobal patches the global configuration.
func (conf *Conf) PatchGlobal(optional *OptionalGlobal) {
copyStructFields(conf, optional.Values)
// PatchPathDefaults patches path default settings.
func (conf *Conf) PatchPathDefaults(optional *OptionalPath) {
copyStructFields(&conf.PathDefaults, optional.Values)
// AddPath adds a path.
func (conf *Conf) AddPath(name string, p *OptionalPath) error {
if _, ok := conf.OptionalPaths[name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("path already exists")
if conf.OptionalPaths == nil {
conf.OptionalPaths = make(map[string]*OptionalPath)
conf.OptionalPaths[name] = p
return nil
// PatchPath patches a path.
func (conf *Conf) PatchPath(name string, optional2 *OptionalPath) error {
optional, ok := conf.OptionalPaths[name]
if !ok {
return ErrPathNotFound
copyStructFields(optional.Values, optional2.Values)
return nil
// ReplacePath replaces a path.
func (conf *Conf) ReplacePath(name string, optional2 *OptionalPath) error {
_, ok := conf.OptionalPaths[name]
if !ok {
return ErrPathNotFound
conf.OptionalPaths[name] = optional2
return nil
// RemovePath removes a path.
func (conf *Conf) RemovePath(name string) error {
if _, ok := conf.OptionalPaths[name]; !ok {
return ErrPathNotFound
delete(conf.OptionalPaths, name)
return nil