_rtsp-simple-server_ is a ready-to-use and zero-dependency server and proxy that allows users to publish, read and proxy live video and audio streams through various protocols:
* Proxy streams from other servers or cameras, always or on-demand
* Each stream can have multiple video and audio tracks, encoded with any RTP-compatible codec, including H264, H265, VP8, VP9, MPEG2, MP3, AAC, Opus, PCM, JPEG
The `--network=host` flag is mandatory since Docker can change the source port of UDP packets for routing reasons, and this doesn't allow the server to find out the author of the packets. This issue can be avoided by disabling the UDP transport protocol:
Please keep in mind that the Docker image doesn't include _FFmpeg_. if you need to use _FFmpeg_ for an external command or anything else, you need to build a Docker image that contains both _rtsp-simple-server_ and _FFmpeg_, by following instructions [here](https://github.com/aler9/rtsp-simple-server/discussions/278#discussioncomment-549104).
The configuration can be changed dynamically when the server is running (hot reloading) by writing to the configuration file. Changes are detected and applied without disconnecting existing clients, whenever it's possible.
2. By overriding configuration parameters with environment variables, in the format `RTSP_PARAMNAME`, where `PARAMNAME` is the uppercase name of a parameter. For instance, the `rtspAddress` parameter can be overridden in the following way:
If storing plain credentials in the configuration file is a security problem, username and passwords can be stored as sha256-hashed strings; a string must be hashed with sha256 and encoded with base64:
Please be aware that it's perfectly normal for the authentication server to receive requests with empty users and passwords, i.e.:
"user": "",
"password": "",
This happens because a RTSP client doesn't provide credentials until it is asked to. In order to receive the credentials, the authentication server must reply with status code `401` - the client will then send credentials.
The configuration file can be entirely encrypted for security purposes.
An online encryption tool is [available here](https://play.golang.org/p/rX29jwObNe4).
The encryption procedure is the following:
1. NaCL's `crypto_secretbox` function is applied to the content of the configuration. NaCL is a cryptographic library available for [C/C++](https://nacl.cr.yp.to/secretbox.html), [Go](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/crypto/nacl/secretbox), [C#](https://github.com/somdoron/NaCl.net) and many other languages;
* when there are multiple users that are reading a stream and the bandwidth is limited; the proxy is used to receive the stream once. Users can then connect to the proxy instead of the original source.
After starting the server, users can connect to `rtsp://localhost:8554/proxied`, instead of connecting to the original url. The server supports any number of source streams, it's enough to add additional entries to the `paths` section:
To change the format, codec or compression of a stream, use _FFmpeg_ or _GStreamer_ together with _rtsp-simple-server_. For instance, to re-encode an existing stream, that is available in the `/original` path, and publish the resulting stream in the `/compressed` path, edit `rtsp-simple-server.yml` and replace everything inside section `paths` with the following content:
The command inserted into `runOnDemand` will start only when a client requests the path `ondemand`, therefore the file will start streaming only when requested.
Download a release bundle from the [release page](https://github.com/aler9/rtsp-simple-server/releases), unzip it, and move the executable and configuration in the system:
Download the [WinSW v2 executable](https://github.com/winsw/winsw/releases/download/v2.11.0/WinSW-x64.exe) and place it into the same folder of `rtsp-simple-server.exe`.
In the same folder, create a file named `WinSW-x64.xml` with this content:
A metrics exporter, compatible with Prometheus, can be enabled with the parameter `metrics: yes`; then the server can be queried for metrics with Prometheus or with a simple HTTP request:
A performance monitor, compatible with pprof, can be enabled with the parameter `pprof: yes`; then the server can be queried for metrics with pprof-compatible tools, like:
To publish the video stream of a generic webcam to the server, edit `rtsp-simple-server.yml` and replace everything inside section `paths` with the following content:
_rtsp-simple-server_ natively support the Raspberry Pi Camera, enabling high-quality and low-latency video streaming from the camera to any user. There are a couple of requisites:
2. Make sure that the legacy camera stack is disabled. Type `sudo raspi-config`, then go to `Interfacing options`, `enable/disable legacy camera support`, choose `no`. Reboot the system.
If you want to run the standard (non-dockerized) version of the server, just download the server executable and make sure to pick the `arm64` variant if you're using the 64-bit version of the operative system. Then edit `rtsp-simple-server.yml` and replace everything inside section `paths` with the following content:
All available parameters are listed in the [sample configuration file](https://github.com/aler9/rtsp-simple-server/blob/master/rtsp-simple-server.yml#L230).
OBS Studio can publish to the server by using the RTMP protocol. In `Settings -> Stream` (or in the Auto-configuration Wizard), use the following parameters:
* Service: `Custom...`
* Server: `rtmp://localhost`
* Stream key: `mystream`
If credentials are in use, use the following parameters:
The VLC shipped with Ubuntu 21.10 doesn't support playing RTSP due to a license issue (see [here](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=982299) and [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69766748/cvlc-cannot-play-rtsp-omxplayer-instead-can)).
RTSP is a standardized protocol that allows to publish and read streams; in particular, it supports different underlying transport protocols, that are chosen by clients during the handshake with the server:
* UDP: the most performant, but doesn't work when there's a NAT/firewall between server and clients. It doesn't support encryption.
* UDP-multicast: allows to save bandwidth when clients are all in the same LAN, by sending packets once to a fixed multicast IP. It doesn't support encryption.
The RTSP protocol supports the TCP transport protocol, that allows to receive packets even when there's a NAT/firewall between server and clients, and supports encryption (see [Encryption](#encryption)).
You can use _VLC_ to read that stream with the TCP transport protocol:
vlc --rtsp-tcp rtsp://localhost:8554/mystream
### UDP-multicast transport
The RTSP protocol supports the UDP-multicast transport protocol, that allows a server to send packets once, regardless of the number of connected readers, saving bandwidth.
This mode must be requested by readers when handshaking with the server; once a reader has completed a handshake, the server will start sending multicast packets. Other readers will be instructed to read existing multicast packets. When all multicast readers have disconnected from the server, the latter will stop sending multicast packets.
If you want to use the UDP-multicast protocol in a Wireless LAN, please be aware that the maximum bitrate supported by multicast is the one that corresponds to the lowest enabled WiFi data rate. For instance, if the 1 Mbps data rate is enabled on your router (and it is on most routers), the maximum bitrate will be 1 Mbps. To increase the maximum bitrate, use a cabled LAN or change your router settings.
Incoming and outgoing RTSP streams can be encrypted with TLS (obtaining the RTSPS protocol). A TLS certificate is needed and can be generated with OpenSSL:
At the moment _VLC_ doesn't support reading encrypted RTSP streams. A workaround consists in launching an instance of _rtsp-simple-server_ on the same machine in which _VLC_ is running, using it for reading the encrypted stream with the proxy mode, and reading the proxied stream with _VLC_.
* The stream throughput is too big and the stream can't be sent correctly with the UDP transport. UDP is more performant, faster and more efficient than TCP, but doesn't have a retransmission mechanism, that is needed in case of streams that need a large bandwidth. A solution consists in switching to TCP:
RTMP is a protocol that allows to read and publish streams, but is less versatile and less efficient than RTSP (doesn't support UDP, encryption, doesn't support most RTSP codecs, doesn't support feedback mechanism). It is used when there's need of publishing or reading streams from a software that supports only RTMP (for instance, OBS Studio and DJI drones).
At the moment, only the H264 and AAC codecs can be used with the RTMP protocol.
Streams can be published or read with the RTMP protocol, for instance with _FFmpeg_:
Edit `rtsp-simple-server.yml`, and set the `rtmpEncryption`, `rtmpServerKey` and `rtmpServerCert` parameters:
rtmpEncryption: optional
rtmpServerKey: server.key
rtmpServerCert: server.crt
Streams can be published and read with the `rtmps` scheme and the `1937` port:
Please be aware that RTMPS is currently unsupported by _VLC_, _FFmpeg_ and _GStreamer_. However, you can use a proxy like [stunnel](https://www.stunnel.org/) or [nginx](https://nginx.org/) to allow RTMP clients to access RTMPS resources.
HLS is a protocol that allows to embed live streams into web pages. It works by splitting streams into segments, and by serving these segments with the HTTP protocol. Every stream published to the server can be accessed by visiting:
Please be aware that HLS only supports a single H264 video track and a single AAC audio track due to limitations of most browsers. If you want to use HLS with streams that use other codecs, you have to re-encode them, for instance by using _FFmpeg_:
Please note that most browsers don't support HLS directly (except Safari); a Javascript library, like [hls.js](https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js), must be used to load the stream. You can find a working example by looking at the [source code of the HLS muxer](internal/core/hls_muxer.go).
Low-Latency HLS is a [recently standardized](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis) variant of the protocol that allows to greatly reduce playback latency. It works by splitting segments into parts, that are served before the segment is complete.
in HLS, latency is introduced since a client must wait for the server to generate segments before downloading them. This latency amounts to 1-15secs depending on the duration of each segment, and to 500ms-3s if the Low-Latency variant is enabled.
* enable the Low-Latency variant of the HLS protocol, as explained in the previous section;
* if Low-latency is enabled, try decreasing the `hlsPartDuration` parameter;
* try decreasing the `hlsSegmentDuration` parameter;
* The segment duration is influenced by the interval between the IDR frames of the video track. An IDR frame is a frame that can be decoded independently from the others. The server changes the segment duration in order to include at least one IDR frame into each segment. Therefore, you need to decrease the interval between the IDR frames. This can be done in two ways:
* if the stream is being hardware-generated (i.e. by a camera), there's usually a setting called _Key-Frame Interval_ in the camera configuration page
* otherwise, the stream must be re-encoded. It's possible to tune the IDR frame interval by using ffmpeg's `-g` option: