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\begin_layout Standard
This guide explains how to select the right
\emph on
storage architecture
\emph default
for typical use cases in big enterprises.
Besides general storage architectures, solutions and pitfalls of
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
long-distance replication
\series default
are highlighted.
\begin_layout Standard
\series bold
Cost and risk
\series default
are treated as well, addressing some
\series bold
management needs
\series default
up to CTO level.
\begin_layout Standard
Part II explains the architectural goals and methods behind the Linux-based
OpenSource solution MARS.
\begin_layout Standard
MARS is a key component for achieving
\series bold
\series default
under Linux, for example Disaster Recovery (DR) at datacenter granularity,
and/or Location Transparency (LT) at VM / LV granularity.
\begin_layout Standard
It can help to increase
\series bold
\series default
via Sharding, and to
\series bold
save cost
\series default
by optional support for local storage in addition to network storage.
\begin_layout Standard
It eases
\series bold
load balancing
\series default
\series bold
background migration of data
\series default
, even over long distances.
\begin_layout Standard
MARS is in enterprise-critial production since 2014, and on thousands of
Linux servers replicating petabytes of data.