#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2010-2014 Frank Liepold / 1&1 Internet AG # # Email: frank.liepold@1und1.de # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ##################################################################### ## The scripts starts all tests included in the array tests_to_execute. ## The values in this array consist of two directories separated by a colon: ## ## directory-1:directory-2 ## ## directory-1 is the directory from where start_test.sh is called (the ## "start directory" mentioned in README). ## You can use a * at the end of the name of directory-1 which causes that ## all leaf subdirectories in the directory tree starting at directory-1 ## which contain a file named i_am_a_testdirectory define a start directory ## from which start_test.sh is called. ## ## directory-2 serves as parameter for option --config_root_dir of start_test.sh ## # All directory paths are given relative to test_suite_dir function myexit { local rc=$1 msg="$2" if [ -n "$msg" ];then echo " $msg" >&2 fi echo " exit called from ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}" >&2 exit $rc } function execute_tests { local t rc send_msg=0 local tmp_file=/tmp/$my_name.$$ local fail_msg="tests failed on $(hostname) (Script $0):"$'\n' local perf_msg="Performance-Failures:"$'\n' local errorfile_msg="Error-Files:"$'\n' local kernel_stack_msg="Kernel-Stacks:"$'\n' local perf_grep_cmd='grep PERFORMANCE-FAILURE '$tmp_file local errorfile_grep_cmd='grep ERROR-FILE '$tmp_file local kernel_stack_grep_cmd='grep KERNEL-STACK '$tmp_file for t in "${tests_to_execute[@]}"; do local test_dir="${t%:*}" start_dirs s local config_root_dir=${t#*:} local config_root_dir_opt=${config_root_dir:+"--config_root_dir=$test_suite_dir/$config_root_dir"} case "$test_dir" in # (( *\*) test_dir=${test_dir%\*} start_dirs=($(find $test_suite_dir/$test_dir -type f \ -name i_am_a_testdirectory -exec \ dirname {} \;) ) local s for s in "${start_dirs[@]}"; do if [ $(find $s -mindepth 1 -type d | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then echo "subdirectory $s of $test_dir is not a leaf directory" >&2 exit 1 fi done ;; *) start_dirs=($test_suite_dir/$test_dir) ;; esac for s in "${start_dirs[@]}"; do echo executing test $s if [ $dry_run -eq 1 ]; then continue fi cd $s || myexit 1 $start_script $config_root_dir_opt 2>&1 | tee $tmp_file rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if [ $rc -ne 0 ];then fail_msg+="$s"$'\n' send_msg=1 fi if $perf_grep_cmd >/dev/null; then perf_msg+="$s: $($perf_grep_cmd)"$'\n' send_msg=1 fi if $errorfile_grep_cmd >/dev/null; then errorfile_msg+="$s: $($errorfile_grep_cmd)"$'\n' send_msg=1 fi if $kernel_stack_grep_cmd >/dev/null; then kernel_stack_msg+="$s: $($kernel_stack_grep_cmd)"$'\n' send_msg=1 fi if [ $rc -ne 0 -a $continue_after_failed_test -eq 0 ];then break fi done done rm -f $tmp_file if [ $send_msg -eq 1 ]; then local to local msg="$fail_msg$perf_msg$errorfile_msg$kernel_stack_msg"$'\n' for to in "${mail_to[@]}"; do sendEmail -m "$msg" -f $mail_from -t $to -u "failed mars tests" -s $mail_server done echo "$msg" return 1 else echo all tests passed return 0 fi } function set_env { export PATH=$PATH:/sbin } function usage { echo "usage: $my_name [-e] [-l] test_suite_dir" >&2 echo " -e: dont't continue if a test fails" >&2 echo " -l: list all tests which will be executed but don't execute them" >&2 exit 1 } # main my_name=$(basename $0) OPTSTR="el" continue_after_failed_test=1 dry_run=0 while getopts "$OPTSTR" opt; do case $opt in # ( e) continue_after_failed_test=0;; l) dry_run=1;; *) usage;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) [ $# -ne 1 ] && usage test_suite_dir=$1 # main echo Start $(basename $0) $test_suite_dir at $(date) mail_server=mxintern.schlund.de:587 mail_from="$0@$(hostname)" mail_to=("frank.liepold@1und1.de") start_script=$test_suite_dir/scripts/start_test.sh # For documentation see header of this file tests_to_execute=(\ "build_test_environment/checkout/checkout_mars_from_git:build_test_environment" "build_test_environment/make/make_mars/grub:build_test_environment" "build_test_environment/install_mars/install_via_rsync:build_test_environment" "build_test_environment/lv_config/lv_recreate:build_test_environment" "build_test_environment/cluster/create_cluster:build_test_environment" "build_test_environment/resource/create_resource:build_test_environment" "test_cases/admin/leave_and_recreate_resource:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/apply_fetch/apply:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/apply_fetch/fetch:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/hardcore/destroy_secondary_logfile:test_cases/hardcore" "test_cases/admin/resizing:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/logrotate:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/logdelete:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/bugs/memleak:test_cases/bugs" "test_cases/admin/leave_resource_while_sync*:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/switch2primary:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/switch2primary_force*:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/admin/datadev_full:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/hardcore/mars_dir_full/write_other_file:test_cases/hardcore" "test_cases/hardcore/mars_dir_full/write_data_dev:test_cases/hardcore" "test_cases/stabil/net_failure/connection_cut:test_cases/stabil" "test_cases/admin/three_nodes:test_cases/admin" "test_cases/stabil/crash/crash_primary:test_cases/stabil" "test_cases/stabil/crash/crash_primary_logger_comletion_semantics__aio_sync_mode:test_cases/stabil" "test_cases/stabil/crash/crash_primary_logger_completion_semantics:test_cases/stabil" "test_cases/stabil/crash/crash_primary_aio_sync_mode:test_cases/stabil" "test_cases/bugs/aio_filehandle:test_cases/bugs" "test_cases/perf:" ) set_env execute_tests rc=$? echo End $(basename $0) at $(date)