#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2010-2013 Frank Liepold / 1&1 Internet AG # # Email: frank.liepold@1und1.de # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. function perftest_check_variables { [ -z "$perftest_action" ] && lib_exit 1 "no action defined" case $perftest_action in # (( apply|fetch|write|sync|fetch_and_apply) : ;; *) lib_exit 1 "invalid action $perftest_action" ;; esac } function perftest_run { local primary_host=${main_host_list[0]} local secondary_host=${main_host_list[1]} local res=${resource_name_list[0]} perftest_check_variables perftest_prepare_${perftest_action} $primary_host $secondary_host $res \ $perftest_parallel_writer \ $perftest_result_type \ ${#resource_name_list[*]} case $perftest_action in # (((( fetch|sync|fetch_and_apply) perftest_start_and_check_nttcp $primary_host $secondary_host ;; *) : ;; esac perftest_do_${perftest_action} $primary_host $secondary_host $res \ $perftest_parallel_writer \ $perftest_result_type \ ${#resource_name_list[*]} perftest_finish $secondary_host } function perftest_finish { local primary_host=${main_host_list[0]} local secondary_host=${main_host_list[1]} perftest_stop_nttcp $secondary_host } function perftest_stop_nttcp { local secondary_host=$1 local nttcp_pid rc for i in "kill" "check"; do lib_vmsg " searching nttcp pid on $secondary_host" nttcp_pid=$(lib_remote_idfile $secondary_host \ 'pgrep -f "'"$perftest_nttcp_start_cmd"'"') rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then lib_vmsg " found pid = $nttcp_pid" if [ "$i" = "kill" ]; then lib_vmsg " trying to kill nttcp $nttcp_pid on $secondary_host" lib_remote_idfile $secondary_host "kill -9 $nttcp_pid" sleep 1 else lib_vmsg " could not kill nttcp $nttcp_pid on $secondary_host" break fi else if [ "$i" = "kill" ]; then lib_vmsg " no process $perftest_nttcp_start_cmd running" break else lib_vmsg " killed process (pid=$nttcp_pid) $perftest_nttcp_start_cmd" fi fi sleep 1 done } function perftest_start_and_check_nttcp { local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 local net_throughput local cmd="nttcp -p $perftest_nttcp_port -r -i &" local host i if [ ${perftest_check_net_throughput:-0} -eq 0 ]; then lib_exit 1 "perftest_check_net_throughput not set or 0" fi for host in $primary_host $secondary_host; do lib_vmsg " checking whether nttcp is installed on $host" lib_remote_idfile $host "type nttcp" || \ lib_exit 1 "nttcp not installed on $host" done for i in "start" "check"; do if ! lib_remote_idfile $secondary_host \ "pgrep -f '"$perftest_nttcp_start_cmd"'" then if [ "$i" = "start" ]; then lib_vmsg " starting nttcp receiver on $secondary_host" lib_remote_idfile $secondary_host "$perftest_nttcp_start_cmd" & else lib_vmsg " could not start receiver on $secondary_host" return fi else if [ "$i" = "start" ]; then lib_vmsg " nttcp $perftest_nttcp_start_cmd already running on $secondary_host" break else lib_vmsg " nttcp $perftest_nttcp_start_cmd started on $secondary_host" fi fi sleep 1 done main_error_recovery_functions["perftest_stop_nttcp"]="$secondary_host" perftest_check_tcp_connection $primary_host $secondary_host "net_throughput" } function perftest_check_tcp_connection { [ $# -eq 3 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 varname_throughput=$3 local cmd="nttcp -n16384 -f %9b%8.2rt%8.2ct%15.4rbr%15.4cbr%8c%10.2rcr%10.2ccr -p $perftest_nttcp_port -T $secondary_host" local nttcp_out mbit_per_second if [ ${perftest_check_net_throughput:-0} -eq 0 ]; then lib_exit 1 "perftest_check_net_throughput not set or 0" fi lib_vmsg " checking tcp via nttcp on $primary_host" nttcp_out=($(lib_remote_idfile $primary_host "$cmd")) echo "${nttcp_out[*]}" # nttcp_out looks like # Bytes Real s CPU s Real-MBit/s CPU-MBit/s Calls Real-C/s CPU-C/s # l 67108864 0.55 0.03 971.1935 17895.6971 16384 29638.47 546133.33 # 1 67108864 0.62 0.09 862.4709 5965.2324 20383 32744.83 226477.78 # and we need the 971 Mbit/s mbit_per_second=${nttcp_out[14]} eval $varname_throughput=${mbit_per_second%.*} } function perftest_remove_data_file { local data_file=$1 shift local hosts="$@" host for host in $hosts; do lib_vmsg " removing $host:$data_file" lib_remote_idfile $host "rm -f $data_file" || lib_exit 1 done } function perftest_do_write { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local writer_pid writer_script write_count writer_start local writer_rate writer_start=$(date +'%s') lib_rw_start_writing_data_device "writer_pid" "writer_script" 0 0 $res lib_vmsg " sleep $perftest_write_time" sleep $perftest_write_time lib_rw_stop_writing_data_device $writer_script "write_count" main_error_recovery_functions["lib_rw_stop_scripts"]= writer_rate=$(perftest_get_rate_per_minute $writer_start $(date +'%s') \ $write_count) main_error_recovery_functions["lib_rw_stop_scripts"]= mount_umount_data_device_all lib_vmsg " ${FUNCNAME[0]}: do_write rate: $writer_rate" perftest_check_result $writer_rate $primary_host "write" $parallel_writer \ $result_type $no_resources \ $(perftest_get_write_subcase_id) -1 } function perftest_get_rate_per_minute { [ $# -eq 3 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local start=$1 end=$2 count=$3 echo $(( (60 * $count ) / ($end - $start) )) } function perftest_via_rsync { local secondary_host=$1 primary_host=$2 data_file=$3 local varname_time_waited=$4 local start=$(date +'%s') time_waited perftest_do_rsync $secondary_host $primary_host $data_file time_waited=$(($(date +'%s') - $start)) eval $varname_time_waited=$time_waited } function perftest_do_rsync { local secondary_host=$1 primary_host=$2 data_file=$3 lib_vmsg " syncing $primary_host:$data_file to $secondary_host" lib_remote_idfile $secondary_host \ "rsync -av -e ssh root@$primary_host:$data_file $data_file" || \ lib_exit 1 } function perftest_start_parallel_writer { [ $# -eq 4 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local varname_writer_start=$1 varname_writer_pid=$2 varname_writer_script=$3 local res=$4 mount_mount_data_device eval $varname_writer_start=$(date +'%s') lib_rw_start_writing_data_device $varname_writer_pid \ $varname_writer_script 0 0 $res } function perftest_finish_parallel_writer { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local host=$1 writer_script=$2 writer_start=$3 local action=$4 no_resources=$5 subcase_id="$6" local write_count writer_rate local caller="${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}" lib_rw_stop_writing_data_device $writer_script "write_count" main_error_recovery_functions["lib_rw_stop_scripts"]= writer_rate=$(perftest_get_rate_per_minute $writer_start $(date +'%s') \ $write_count) main_error_recovery_functions["lib_rw_stop_scripts"]= lib_vmsg " $caller: do_write rate: $writer_rate" perftest_check_result $writer_rate $host write_while_$action 0 \ "loops_per_min" $no_resources "$subcase_id" -1 mount_umount_data_device_all } function perftest_via_mars_sync { [ $# -eq 8 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 dev=$4 local parallel_writer=$5 result_type=$6 no_resources=$7 subcase_id=$8 local synctime net_throughput local start_sync writer_pid writer_script writer_start marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "invalidate" $res || lib_exit 1 if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then writer_start=$(date +'%s') perftest_start_parallel_writer "writer_start" "writer_pid" \ "writer_script" $res fi marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "up" $res || lib_exit 1 lib_wait_until_action_stops "syncstatus" $secondary_host $res \ $perftest_maxtime_sync \ $perftest_time_constant_sync \ "synctime" 1 "net_throughput" perftest_check_result $synctime $secondary_host $perftest_action \ $parallel_writer "time" $no_resources "$subcase_id" $net_throughput if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then perftest_finish_parallel_writer $primary_host $writer_script \ $writer_start $perftest_action \ $no_resources "$subcase_id" lib_vmsg " recreating all resources" resource_recreate_all else lib_rw_compare_checksums $primary_host $secondary_host $res 0 "" "" fi } function perftest_generate_data_file { [ $# -eq 5 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 dev=$3 dev_size=$4 local data_file=$5 file_size_in_kb=$(($dev_size * 1024 * 1024)) local host lib_vmsg " generating file $primary_host:$data_file ($file_size_in_kb KB) from $dev" lib_remote_idfile $primary_host \ "dd if=$dev of=$data_file bs=1024 count=$file_size_in_kb" || \ lib_exit 1 perftest_do_rsync $secondary_host $primary_host $data_file for host in $primary_host $secondary_host; do lib_remote_idfile $host "ls -l --full-time $data_file" || lib_exit 1 done } function perftest_sysctrl_sync_modus { local hosts="$@" host local mars_fast_sync_mode=0 if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" = "fast_sync" ]; then mars_fast_sync_mode=1 fi for host in $hosts; do lib_vmsg " setting fast sync mode to $mars_fast_sync_mode on $host" lib_remote_idfile $host \ "echo $mars_fast_sync_mode > $perftest_sync_mode_proc_file" \ || lib_exit 1 done } function perftest_patch_data_device { [ $# -eq 5 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local host=$1 dev=$2 dev_size_in_kb=$(($3 * 1024 * 1024)) local patch_length_in_kb=$4 no_of_patches=$5 local offset=0 bs=1024 remaining=$dev_size_in_kb while [ $offset -lt $((dev_size_in_kb - $patch_length_in_kb)) ]; do lib_vmsg " patching $dev at $offset KB with $patch_length_in_kb KB" lib_remote_idfile $host \ "yes :$offset: | dd of=$dev bs=$bs skip=$offset count=$patch_length_in_kb" || lib_exit 1 offset=$(($offset + ($dev_size_in_kb / $no_of_patches))) done } function perftest_prepare_sync { lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local dev=$(lv_config_get_lv_device $res) local dev_size=$(lv_config_get_lv_size_from_name $res) local time_waited lib_wait_for_initial_end_of_sync $primary_host $secondary_host $res \ $resource_maxtime_initial_sync \ $resource_time_constant_initial_sync \ "time_waited" lib_vmsg " ${FUNCNAME[0]}: sync time: $time_waited" if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" != "rsync" ]; then perftest_sysctrl_sync_modus $primary_host $secondary_host else perftest_generate_data_file $primary_host $secondary_host $dev \ $dev_size $perftest_data_file fi } function perftest_prepare_apply { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local data_dev=$(resource_get_data_device $res) local logfile length_logfile time_waited net_throughput perftest_check_and_get_required_result $secondary_host "apply" \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb >/dev/null \ || lib_exit 1 perftest_prepare_resource $res $secondary_host marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "pause-replay" $res || lib_exit 1 perftest_write_to_device $primary_host $res $data_dev $perftest_data_in_gb_to_write lib_wait_until_fetch_stops "perftest" $secondary_host $primary_host $res \ "logfile" "length_logfile" "time_waited" 0 \ "net_throughput" lib_vmsg " ${FUNCNAME[0]}: fetch time: $time_waited" if [ $(lib_rw_round_to_gb $length_logfile) -ne $$perftest_logfile_size_in_gb ] then lib_exit 1 "req. logfile length = $$perftest_logfile_size_in_gb != $(lib_rw_round_to_gb $length_logfile) = act. logfile length" fi marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "disconnect" $res || lib_exit 1 } function perftest_do_apply { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local time_waited net_throughput local writer_start writer_pid writer_script if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then writer_start=$(date +'%s') perftest_start_parallel_writer "writer_start" "writer_pid" \ "writer_script" $res fi marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "resume-replay" $res || lib_exit 1 lib_wait_until_action_stops "replay" $secondary_host $res \ $perftest_maxtime_apply \ $perftest_time_constant_apply "time_waited" \ 0 "net_throughput" lib_vmsg " ${FUNCNAME[0]}: do_$perftest_action time: $time_waited" perftest_check_result $time_waited $secondary_host $perftest_action \ $parallel_writer $result_type $no_resources \ $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb -1 if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then perftest_finish_parallel_writer $primary_host $writer_script \ $writer_start $perftest_action \ $no_resources $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb fi } function perftest_prepare_resource { local res=$1 secondary_host=$2 resource_mount_mars_and_rm_resource_dir_all $res resource_run_first marsview_wait_for_state $secondary_host $res "disk" "Uptodate" \ $perftest_maxtime_state_constant || lib_exit 1 } function perftest_prepare_fetch { perftest_prepare_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply "$@" } function perftest_prepare_fetch_and_apply { perftest_prepare_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply "$@" } function perftest_do_fetch { perftest_do_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply "$@" } function perftest_do_fetch_and_apply { perftest_do_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply "$@" } function perftest_prepare_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local data_dev=$(resource_get_data_device $res) local logfile logfile length_logfile perftest_check_and_get_required_result $secondary_host $perftest_action \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb >/dev/null \ || lib_exit 1 perftest_prepare_resource $res $secondary_host marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "pause-replay" $res || lib_exit 1 marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "disconnect" $res || lib_exit 1 perftest_write_to_device $primary_host $res $data_dev $perftest_data_in_gb_to_write perftest_check_length_last_logfile $primary_host $res $primary_host \ $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb } function perftest_get_length_last_logfile { local host=$1 res=$2 primary_host=$3 local length_logfile logfile=$(marsadm_get_last_logfile $host $res $primary_host) || lib_exit 1 length_logfile=$(file_handling_get_file_length $host $logfile) || lib_exit 1 echo $length_logfile } function perftest_check_length_last_logfile { [ $# -eq 4 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local host=$1 res=$2 primary_host=$3 logfile_size_in_gb_req=$4 local length_logfile length_logfile=$(perftest_get_length_last_logfile $host $res $primary_host) if [ $(lib_rw_round_to_gb $length_logfile) -ne $logfile_size_in_gb_req ]; then lib_exit 1 "req. logfile length = $logfile_size_in_gb_req != $(lib_rw_round_to_gb $length_logfile) = act. logfile length" fi } function perftest_do_fetch_or_fetch_and_apply { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local logfile length_logfile time_waited net_throughput local last_logfile_primary last_logfile_length_primary local writer_start writer_pid writer_script # with parallel writing, fetch will never stop. Though we take the time # until the actually last logfile has been fetched if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then last_logfile_primary=$(marsadm_get_last_logfile $primary_host $res \ $primary_host) || lib_exit 1 last_logfile_length_primary=$(file_handling_get_file_length \ $primary_host $last_logfile_primary) \ || lib_exit 1 lib_vmsg " last logfile $primary_host:$last_logfile_primary has length $last_logfile_length_primary" writer_start=$(date +'%s') perftest_start_parallel_writer "writer_start" "writer_pid" \ "writer_script" $res fi marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "connect" $res || lib_exit 1 if [ $perftest_action = "fetch_and_apply" ]; then marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "resume-replay" $res || lib_exit 1 fi if [ $parallel_writer -eq 0 ]; then lib_wait_until_fetch_stops "perftest" $secondary_host $primary_host \ $res "logfile" "length_logfile" \ "time_waited" 1 "net_throughput" file_handling_check_equality_of_file_lengths $logfile $primary_host \ $secondary_host \ $length_logfile else lib_wait_until_logfile_has_length $secondary_host \ $last_logfile_primary \ $last_logfile_length_primary \ "time_waited" \ $perftest_maxtime_fetch 1 \ "net_throughput" if [ $perftest_action = "fetch_and_apply" ]; then lib_wait_until_apply_has_reached_length $secondary_host $res $last_logfile_primary \ $last_logfile_length_primary \ $perftest_wait_for_apply_to_stop_after_fetch_end fi fi lib_vmsg " ${FUNCNAME[0]}: do_fetch time: $time_waited" perftest_check_result $time_waited $secondary_host $perftest_action \ $parallel_writer $result_type $no_resources \ $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb $net_throughput if [ $parallel_writer -eq 1 ]; then perftest_finish_parallel_writer $primary_host $writer_script \ $writer_start $perftest_action \ $no_resources $perftest_logfile_size_in_gb fi } function perftest_get_result_index { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local host=$1 action=$2 parallel_writer=$3 result_type=$4 no_resources=$5 local subcase_id="$6" echo "$host,$action,$parallel_writer,$result_type,$no_resources,$subcase_id" } function perftest_check_and_get_required_result { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local host=$1 action=$2 parallel_writer=$3 result_type=$4 no_resources=$5 local subcase_id="$6" local result_index="$(perftest_get_result_index $host $action \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources $subcase_id)" if [ -z "${perftest_required_result_list[$result_index]}" ]; then lib_exit 1 "no value in perftest_required_result_list for index $result_index" fi echo ${perftest_required_result_list[$result_index]} } function perftest_check_result { [ $# -eq 8 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" local act_result=$1 local host=$2 action=$3 parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local subcase_id="$7" net_throughput=$8 local req_result req_result_string act_diff_percentage max_diff_percentage req_result_string=$(perftest_check_and_get_required_result $host $action \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources $subcase_id) \ || lib_exit 1 req_result=${req_result_string%,*} max_diff_percentage=${req_result_string#*,} act_diff_percentage=$(( (($act_result - $req_result) * 100 ) / $req_result )) lib_vmsg " checking result $act_result for index $(perftest_get_result_index \ $host $action $parallel_writer \ $result_type \ $no_resources \ $subcase_id), req. = $req_result max_diff = $max_diff_percentage%, act. diff percentage = $act_diff_percentage%, net rate = $net_throughput" if [ $act_diff_percentage -lt -$max_diff_percentage \ -o $act_diff_percentage -gt $max_diff_percentage ] then echo "$perftest_errortag_result_out_of_bounds: act. result $act_result differs more than $max_diff_percentage% from $req_result" >&2 fi } function perftest_write_to_device { local host=$1 res=$2 dev=$3 data_in_gb_to_write=$4 local bs=1024 dd_count=$((1024*1024)) lib_vmsg " writing $data_in_gb_to_write GB to $host:$dev" for i in $(seq 1 1 $data_in_gb_to_write); do lib_remote_idfile $host \ 'yes $(printf "%0.1024d" '$i') | dd of='"$dev"' bs='"$bs"' count='$dd_count'' \ || lib_exit 1 done } function perftest_get_sync_subcase_id { local no_of_patches=$1 patch_length_in_kb=$2 sync_mode=$3 echo "$no_of_patches:$patch_length_in_kb:$sync_mode" } function perftest_do_sync { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local dev=$(lv_config_get_lv_device $res) local dev_size=$(lv_config_get_lv_size_from_name $res) local i patch_length_in_kb no_of_patches local dev_to_patch if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" != "rsync" ]; then dev_to_patch=$dev else dev_to_patch=$perftest_data_file fi for i in ${!perftest_patch_length_list[@]}; do no_of_patches=${perftest_number_of_patches_list[$i]} patch_length_in_kb=${perftest_patch_length_list[$i]} local subcase_id="$(perftest_get_sync_subcase_id $no_of_patches \ $patch_length_in_kb \ $perftest_sync_mode)" perftest_check_and_get_required_result $secondary_host "sync" \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources "$subcase_id" >/dev/null \ || lib_exit 1 lib_vmsg " patchlength $patch_length_in_kb, no of patches $no_of_patches" if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" != "rsync" ]; then marsadm_do_cmd $secondary_host "down" $res || lib_exit 1 fi perftest_patch_data_device $secondary_host $dev_to_patch $dev_size \ $patch_length_in_kb $no_of_patches if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" != "rsync" ]; then perftest_via_mars_sync $primary_host $secondary_host $res $dev \ $parallel_writer $result_type $no_resources \ "$subcase_id" else perftest_via_rsync $secondary_host $primary_host \ $perftest_data_file "synctime" "$subcase_id" fi done if [ "$perftest_sync_mode" == "rsync" ]; then perftest_remove_data_file $perftest_data_file $primary_host \ $secondary_host fi } function perftest_get_write_subcase_id { local subcase_id subcase_id="$perftest_write_time:$(lv_config_get_lv_size_from_name ${resource_name_list[0]}):$lib_rw_part_of_device_size_written_per_loop" if [ $perftest_division_mars_device_data_device -eq 1 ]; then subcase_id+=":$perftest_device_division" fi echo "$subcase_id" } function perftest_prepare_write { [ $# -eq 6 ] || lib_exit 1 "wrong number $# of arguments (args = $*)" lib_vmsg " executing ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local primary_host=$1 secondary_host=$2 res=$3 local parallel_writer=$4 result_type=$5 no_resources=$6 local data_dev=$(resource_get_data_device $res) local logfile length_logfile time_waited if [ -z "$perftest_write_time" ]; then lib_exit 1 "perftest_write_time not set" fi perftest_check_and_get_required_result $primary_host "write" \ $parallel_writer $result_type \ $no_resources \ $(perftest_get_write_subcase_id) >/dev/null \ || lib_exit 1 perftest_prepare_resource $res $secondary_host mount_mount_data_device resource_clear_data_device $primary_host $res if [ $perftest_division_mars_device_data_device -eq 1 ]; then perftest_switch_bbu_cache $primary_host fi } function perftest_switch_bbu_cache { local host=$1 cmd case $perftest_device_division in # ((( separated_and_mars_dev_without_bbu_cache) lib_vmsg " disabling bbu cache on $host" for cmd in "${perftest_bbu_disable_cmd_list[@]}"; do lib_remote_idfile $host $cmd || lib_exit 1 done ;; separated_and_mars_dev_with_bbu_cache) lib_vmsg " enabling bbu cache on $host" for cmd in "${perftest_bbu_enable_cmd_list[@]}"; do lib_remote_idfile $host $cmd || lib_exit 1 done ;; same_controller) : ;; *) lib_exit 1 "invalid value $perftest_device_division for perftest_device_division in" ;; esac for cmd in "${perftest_bbu_show_cmd_list[@]}"; do lib_remote_idfile $host $cmd || lib_exit 1 done }