marsadm: lockless atomic template generation

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Schoebel-Theuer 2020-12-03 13:09:08 +01:00 committed by Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
parent ebae3fb7c3
commit e9c9f525e0

View File

@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ my @MARS_PATH = $ENV{MARS_PATH} ?
my $marsadm_var_dir = defined($ENV{MARSADM_VRA_DIR}) ?
# messaging
@ -909,10 +905,6 @@ sub _systemd_enabled {
my $systemd_subdir = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_SUBDIR}) ? $ENV{SYSTEMD_SUBDIR} : "systemd-templates";
my $generated_units_subdir = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_UNITS_SUBDIR}) ?
my $generated_scripts_subdir = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_SCRIPTS_SUBDIR}) ?
@ -1084,15 +1076,20 @@ sub get_template_files {
return sort alphanum_cmp keys(%template_names);
my $stable_pid;
sub get_instance_files {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $glob = "$dir/*.{$systemd_suffixes}";
$stable_pid = $$ unless $stable_pid;
my $glob = "$dir/{*.{$systemd_suffixes},.pre.$stable_pid.*.{$systemd_suffixes}.tmp}";
my %instance_files;
foreach my $instance_file (lamport_glob($glob)) {
my ($mtime, $text) = _get_file($instance_file);
next unless $text =~ m/^\#\#\# GENERATED FROM: (.+)$/m;
my $template_file = $1;
my $instance_name = $instance_file;
$instance_name =~ s:^.*/::;
$instance_files{$instance_name} = $instance_file;
$instance_files{$instance_name} = [$instance_file, $mtime, $template_file];
return %instance_files;
@ -1115,10 +1112,11 @@ sub get_systemd_files {
sub systemctl {
my ($args) = @_;
my ($args, $verb) = @_;
$verb = $verbose unless defined($verb);
my $cmd = "$systemctl $args";
lprint "executing: '$cmd'\n" if $verbose > 1;
lprint "executing: '$cmd'\n" if $verb > 1;
my $status;
eval {
$status = system($cmd);
@ -1137,7 +1135,7 @@ sub _systemd_escape {
sub subst_systemd_vars {
my ($env, $text, $do_extra_escape) = @_;
my ($env, $text) = @_;
my $parsed = "";
while ($text =~ m/[$systemd_escape]([A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*)?[{]($match_inner)[}]/ps) {
my $name = $1 || "";
@ -1183,7 +1181,7 @@ sub subst_systemd_vars {
lwarn "systemd function '$name' is undefined\n";
$replac = $body;
if ($do_extra_escape || $this_escape) {
if ($this_escape) {
my $orig = $replac;
$replac = _systemd_escape($replac);
lprint " escape '$orig' => '$replac'\n" if $verbose > 9;
@ -1196,8 +1194,8 @@ sub subst_systemd_vars {
sub match_systemd_vars {
my ($env, $pattern, $text) = @_;
($env, $pattern) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $pattern, 1);
($env, $text) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $text, 1);
($env, $pattern) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $pattern);
($env, $text) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $text);
my @names;
my $regex = "";
while ($pattern =~ m/[$systemd_incape][{]([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)[}]/ps) {
@ -1226,14 +1224,17 @@ sub match_systemd_vars {
sub _make_var_name {
my ($file_name) = @_;
chomp $file_name;
mkdir $marsadm_var_dir;
my $abs_dir = "$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_units_subdir";
$file_name =~ s:^.*/::;
my $abs_dir = $systemd_target_dir;
if ($file_name =~ m/\.script$/) {
$abs_dir = "$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_scripts_subdir";
$abs_dir = "$etc_marsadm/$generated_scripts_subdir";
mkdir $abs_dir;
my $abs_file = "$abs_dir/$file_name";
return $abs_file;
$stable_pid = $$ unless $stable_pid;
my $res_file = "$abs_dir/$file_name";
my $pre_file = "$abs_dir/.pre.$stable_pid.$file_name.tmp";
my $tmp_file = "$abs_dir/.tmp.$stable_pid.$file_name.tmp";
return ($res_file, $pre_file, $tmp_file);
sub _get_file {
@ -1251,19 +1252,25 @@ sub _get_file {
my %referenced_units;
my %shortcut_units;
sub _instantiate_systemd_unit {
my ($env, $template_file, $out_name) = @_;
my $outfile = _make_var_name($out_name);
lprint "==== Translate systemd template '$template_file' => '$outfile'\n" if $verbose;
my ($res_file, $pre_file, $tmp_file) = _make_var_name($out_name);
lprint "==== Translate systemd template '$template_file' => '$res_file'\n" if $verbose;
my ($mtime, $text) = _get_file($template_file);
return (0, $outfile) if !$text;
if (!$text) {
lwarn "cannot get template '$template_file'\n";
return (0, "");
my %this_references;
my $header;
$header = "### GENERATED FROM: $template_file\n";
$header .= "### GENERATED TO: $out_name\n";
$header .= "### GENERATED NAME: $out_name\n";
$header .= "### GENERATED TO: $res_file\n";
$header .= "### TEMPLATE MTIME: $mtime\n";
$header .= "###\n";
($env, $text) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $text, 0);
($env, $text) = subst_systemd_vars($env, $text);
my $scan = $text;
while ($scan =~ m/^\s*($systemd_dependencies)\s*=\s*(.*?)$/mp) {
my $next_unit_list = $2;
@ -1273,6 +1280,8 @@ sub _instantiate_systemd_unit {
$next_unit_list = $POSTMATCH;
# some units like mount units may be specified as paths.
$next_unit = _systemd_escape($next_unit) if $next_unit =~ m:/:;
next if $this_references{$next_unit};
$this_references{$next_unit} = 1;
lprint "-- '$template_file' found reference to '$next_unit'\n" if $verbose > 2;
# Remember the encountered name
$referenced_units{$next_unit} = 1;
@ -1280,80 +1289,60 @@ sub _instantiate_systemd_unit {
$header .= "###\n";
if (open(IN, "< $outfile")) {
if ($text =~ m/^([#][!].+)/p) {
my $hash_bang = $1;
$text = $hash_bang . "\n" . $header . $POSTMATCH;
} else {
$text = $header . $text;
# new $text is finished, write when necessary.
if (open(IN, "<", $res_file)) {
# Check whether something has changed
local $/; # slurp
my $old = <IN>;
if (defined($old) && $old eq $text) {
lprint "== systemd unit '$outfile' has not changed\n" if $verbose;
return (0, $outfile);
lprint "== systemd unit '$res_file' has not changed\n" if $verbose;
$shortcut_units{$res_file} = 1;
return (0, $res_file);
if (!open(OUT, "> $outfile.tmp")) {
lwarn "cannot create '$outfile'\n";
return (0, $outfile);
if (!open(OUT, ">", $tmp_file)) {
lwarn "cannot create '$tmp_file'\n";
return (0, "");
if ($text =~ m/^([#][!].+)/p) {
my $hash_bang = $1;
print OUT "$hash_bang\n";
$text = $POSTMATCH;
unless (print OUT $text) {
lwarn "cannot write '$tmp_file'\n";
return (0, "");
unless (close(OUT)) {
lwarn "cannot close '$tmp_file'\n";
return (0, "");
print OUT $header;
print OUT $text;
utime($mtime, $mtime, "$outfile.tmp");
# I would like to use 0400 instead, but this leads to masses of warnings like
# Configuration file /run/systemd/system/daemon-reload.service is marked world-inaccessible.
# This has no effect as configuration data is accessible via APIs without restrictions.
# Proceeding anyway.
my $perm = 0444;
if ($outfile =~ m/\.script$/) {
if ($res_file =~ m/\.script$/) {
$perm = 0544;
chmod($perm, "$outfile.tmp");
rename("$outfile.tmp", $outfile);
return (1, $outfile, $out_name);
chmod($perm, $tmp_file);
utime($mtime, $mtime, $tmp_file);
unless (rename($tmp_file, $pre_file)) {
lwarn "cannot rename '$tmp_file' to '$pre_file'\n";
return (0, "");
return (1, $res_file, $pre_file);
my %generated_units;
sub _check_timestamps {
my ($gen_key, $found_template_file, $tmp_name, $target_name) = @_;
my $fh;
if (open($fh, "<", $target_name)) {
my $stored_mtime;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
last unless $line =~ m/^\#\#\#/;
if ($line =~ m/MTIME:\s*([0-9]+)/) {
$stored_mtime = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/REF:\s*(.+)/) {
my $ref_unit = $1;
lprint "-- '$target_name' contains reference to '$ref_unit'\n" if $verbose > 2;
$referenced_units{$ref_unit} = 1;
if ($stored_mtime) {
# check whether stored mtime and the file mtime coincide
my $mtime = get_stamp($fh);
$stored_mtime = undef unless ($mtime && $mtime == $stored_mtime);
if ($stored_mtime) {
my $mtime = get_stamp($found_template_file);
if ($mtime && $mtime == $stored_mtime) {
lprint "==== unchanged template '$found_template_file' mtime=$mtime <- '$target_name'\n" if $verbose;
# shortcut
if (!system("cp -a \"$target_name\" \"$tmp_name\"")) {
$generated_units{$gen_key} = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
sub make_systemd_unit {
my ($cmd, $res, $target, $force_generate) = @_;
return 0 if $predefined_unit{$target};
@ -1368,7 +1357,7 @@ sub make_systemd_unit {
if ($res) {
@res_list = ($res);
} else {
@res_list = get_member_resources($host);
@res_list = get_any_resources($host);
my ($found_env, $found_template_file, $found_subst);
lprint "==== searching templates for '$target'\n" if $verbose;
@ -1414,25 +1403,8 @@ sub make_systemd_unit {
$generated_units{$gen_key} = 0;
return 0;
my ($out_env, $out_name) = subst_systemd_vars($found_env, $found_subst, 1);
# check whether mtimes exist and are equal
my $tmp_name = "$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_units_subdir";;
my $target_name = "$systemd_target_dir/$out_name";
if (!$force_generate) {
if (_check_timestamps($gen_key, $found_template_file,
$tmp_name, $target_name)) {
return 1;
$tmp_name = "$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_scripts_subdir";
$target_name = "$etc_marsadm/$generated_scripts_subdir";
if (!$force_generate) {
if (_check_timestamps($gen_key, $found_template_file,
$tmp_name, $target_name)) {
return 1;
lprint "==== instantiating template '$found_template_file'\n" if $verbose;
my ($out_env, $out_name) = subst_systemd_vars($found_env, $found_subst);
lprint "==== instantiating template '$found_template_file' as '$out_name'\n" if $verbose;
my ($nr, $file, $name) = _instantiate_systemd_unit($out_env, $found_template_file, $out_name);
$generated_units{$gen_key} = $nr;
return $nr;
@ -1572,7 +1544,7 @@ sub systemd_enabled {
# .script is assumed as always enabled
next if $unit =~ m/\.script$/;
my $check_cmd = "is-enabled '$unit' > /dev/null 2>&1";
my $status = systemctl($check_cmd);
my $status = systemctl($check_cmd, 0);
if ($status) {
lprint "systemd unit '$unit' is not existing or not enabled.\n";
return $status;
@ -1678,13 +1650,13 @@ sub _systemd_op {
goto done;
if (systemctl("cat '$unit' > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
if (systemctl("cat '$unit' > /dev/null 2>&1", 0)) {
lwarn "systemd unit $unit does not exist.\n";
goto done;
my $ctl_cmd = "is-failed --quiet '$unit'";
my $ok = systemctl($ctl_cmd);
if (!$ok) {
my $fail_status = systemctl($ctl_cmd, 0);
if (!$fail_status) {
my $ctl_cmd = "reset-failed '$unit'";
$status = systemctl($ctl_cmd);
lprint "--- resetting failed unit '$unit': status=$status\n";
@ -1770,11 +1742,11 @@ sub systemd_activate {
if (systemd_enabled($unit)) {
return 0;
lprint "==== Activate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Activate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n" if $verbose;
$op = "start";
} else {
$unit =~ s/.* //;
lprint "==== Deactivate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Deactivate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n" if $verbose;
$op = "stop";
my $status = _systemd_op($op, $unit, !$fail_abort);
@ -1788,7 +1760,8 @@ sub systemd_activate {
sub __systemd_commit {
my ($src_dir, $dst_dir) = @_;
my ($work_dir, $do_delete) = @_;
lprint "==== Commit '$work_dir'\n" if $verbose;
# Internal destination code:
# -2 = needs stop + disable (e.g. deleted)
# -1 = needs disable, but no status change
@ -1797,60 +1770,89 @@ sub __systemd_commit {
# 2 = new, needs enable + start
# absent = no modification
my %changes;
my %old_files = get_instance_files($dst_dir);
my %new_files = get_instance_files($src_dir);
foreach my $old_target (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%old_files)) {
if (!defined($new_files{$old_target})) {
if (_check_unit_marker($old_files{$old_target}, "ALWAYS_DISABLED")) {
my %files = get_instance_files($work_dir);
my %renames;
my %deletes;
my $need_reload = 0;
foreach my $target (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%files)) {
next if $shortcut_units{"$work_dir/$target"};
if ($target =~ m/^\.pre\.[0-9]+\.(.+?)\.tmp$/) {
my $old_target = $1;
my $new_target = $target;
my ($new_instance, $new_mtime, $new_template) = @{$files{$new_target}};
if (defined($files{$old_target})) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' is not new\n" if $verbose > 3;
my ($old_instance, $old_mtime, $old_template) = @{$files{$old_target}};
if ($old_mtime == $new_mtime) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' equal mtime=$new_mtime\n" if $verbose > 2;
$deletes{new_target} = 1;
lprint "-- '$old_target' changed mtime from $old_mtime to $new_mtime\n" if $verbose;
$renames{$new_target} = $old_target;
if (_check_unit_marker($new_instance, "ALWAYS_DISABLED")) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' must remain disabled\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = -1;
} elsif (_check_unit_marker($new_instance, "ALWAYS_START")) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' must be started\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = 2;
} else {
lprint "-- '$old_target' will be enabled, but not started\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = 1;
$stable_pid = $$ unless $stable_pid;
my $old_target = $target;
my $new_target = ".pre.$stable_pid.$old_target.tmp";
my ($old_instance, $old_mtime, $old_template) = @{$files{$old_target}};
if (!defined($files{$new_target})) {
if (!$do_delete) {
lprint "-- ignoring '$old_target'\n" if $verbose > 2;
$deletes{$old_target} = 1;
if (_check_unit_marker($old_instance, "KEEP_RUNNING")) {
lprint "-- deleted '$old_target' is KEEP_RUNNING\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = -1;
lprint "-- marking deleted '$old_target' for removal\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = -2;
if (_check_unit_marker($new_files{$old_target}, "ALWAYS_DISABLED")) {
if (_check_unit_marker($old_instance, "ALWAYS_DISABLED")) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' is ALWAYS_DISABLED\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = -1;
my $status = system("cmp \"$old_files{$old_target}\" \"$new_files{$old_target}\"");
if (!$status) {
my ($new_instance, $new_mtime, $new_template) = @{$files{$new_target}};
my $ok = ($old_mtime == $new_mtime);
if ($ok) {
lprint "-- '$old_target' was not modified\n" if $verbose > 2;
lprint "-- '$old_target' was modified\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$old_target} = 0;
foreach my $new_target (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%new_files)) {
if (defined($old_files{$new_target})) {
lprint "-- '$new_target' is not new\n" if $verbose > 3;
my $file = _make_var_name($new_target);
if (_check_unit_marker($file, "DEFAULT_DISABLED")) {
lprint "-- '$new_target' is new, but must remain disabled\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$new_target} = -1;
} elsif (_check_unit_marker($file, "ALWAYS_START")) {
lprint "-- '$new_target' is new and must be started\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$new_target} = 2;
} else {
lprint "-- '$new_target' is new, will be enabled, but no start\n" if $verbose > 2;
$changes{$new_target} = 1;
# Cleanup the old situation.
# This needs to be done in per-operation cycles,
# because there may be inter-unit dependencies.
lprint "==== Stopping old / deleted units\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Stopping old / deleted units\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $unit (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%changes)) {
my $op = $changes{$unit};
if ($op < -1) {
_systemd_op("stop", $unit);
lprint "==== Disabling old / deleted units\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Disabling old / deleted units\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $unit (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%changes)) {
my $op = $changes{$unit};
if ($op < 0) {
@ -1858,57 +1860,51 @@ sub __systemd_commit {
# Commit
foreach my $file (keys(%deletes)) {
my $path = "$work_dir/$file";
lprint "--- unlink '$path'\n" if $verbose > 2;
foreach my $src (keys(%renames)) {
my $dst = $renames{$src};
my $src_path = "$work_dir/$src";
my $dst_path = "$work_dir/$dst";
lprint "--- rename '$src_path' '$dst_path'\n" if $verbose > 2;
rename($src_path, $dst_path);
%generated_units = ();
system("rm -rf \"$dst_dir.old\"");
system("rm -rf \"$\"");
my $status = system("mv \"$dst_dir\" \"$dst_dir.old\"");
if ($status) {
lwarn "Cannot rename '$dst_dir' to '$dst_dir.old'\n";
return ();
$status = system("mv \"$src_dir\" \"$\"");
if ($status) {
# retry with cp in place of mv
if (system("cp -a $src_dir/* \"$\"")) {
lwarn "Cannot copy new unit instances from '$src_dir' to '$'\n";
return ();
$status = system("mv \"$\" \"$dst_dir\"");
if ($status) {
lwarn "Cannot rename '$' to '$dst_dir'\n";
return ();
# Tell the new situation to systemd.
# This needs to be done in per-operation cycles,
# because there may be inter-unit dependencies.
lprint "==== Restart systemd\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Enabling new units\n"if $verbose;
if ($need_reload) {
lprint "==== Restart systemd\n" if $verbose;
lprint "==== Enabling new units\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $unit (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%changes)) {
my $op = $changes{$unit};
if ($op > 0) {
_systemd_op("enable", $unit);
lprint "==== Starting new units\n"if $verbose;
lprint "==== Starting new units\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $unit (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%changes)) {
my $op = $changes{$unit};
if ($op > 1) {
_systemd_op("start", $unit, 1);
lprint "==== Done commit '$work_dir'\n" if $verbose;
sub systemd_commit {
my ($do_delete) = @_;
# We need separate target directories for templates and for scripts.
# Reason: /run does not allow script execution on many systems.
__systemd_commit($systemd_target_dir, $do_delete);
my $script_dir = "$etc_marsadm/$generated_scripts_subdir";
__systemd_commit($script_dir, $do_delete);
@ -1935,14 +1931,9 @@ sub __systemd_generate_all {
my ($cmd, $res, $force_generate) = @_;
return unless -d $mars;
return unless -d $etc_marsadm;
system("rm -rf \"$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_units_subdir\" \"$marsadm_var_dir/$generated_scripts_subdir\"");
lprint "Generate all templates.\n";
lprint "Generate all templates for '$res'.\n";
# Determine all template files.
# Always add all plain templates
@ -1955,7 +1946,7 @@ sub __systemd_generate_all {
$done_units{$template_name} = 1;
# Determine all participating resource names.
my @res_list = get_member_resources($host);
my @res_list = get_any_resources($host);
# Create initial systemd units
foreach my $res (@res_list) {
foreach my $unit_link (lamport_glob("$mars/resource-$res/systemd-*-unit")) {
@ -1986,7 +1977,7 @@ sub __systemd_activate_ops {
# Barrier, for safety
# Activate the listed units.
my @res_list = get_member_resources($host);
my @res_list = get_any_resources($host);
foreach my $res (@res_list) {
systemd_activate($cmd, $res);
@ -2004,12 +1995,12 @@ sub __systemd_trigger {
sub _systemd_trigger {
my ($cmd, $force_necessary) = @_;
my ($cmd, $force_generate) = @_;
lprint "Direct template generation\n" if $verbose;
# Continue with unlock in case of any deaths inbetween
eval {
__systemd_generate_all($cmd, "", $force_necessary);
__systemd_generate_all($cmd, "", $force_generate);
@ -2073,7 +2064,7 @@ sub _get_default_unit {
$found = $template_name;
my ($dummy, $start_env) = make_env($cmd, $res, $template_name);
my ($env, $subst) = subst_systemd_vars($start_env, $template_name, 1);
my ($env, $subst) = subst_systemd_vars($start_env, $template_name);
$found = $subst if $subst;