arch-guide: new section about DSM and workingsets

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Thomas Schoebel-Theuer 2019-09-11 16:41:30 +02:00 committed by Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
parent 97eea2ea1f
commit d2356cb7bf
1 changed files with 438 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -3469,7 +3469,7 @@ yes
\begin_layout Standard
As indicated in section
As indicated in sections
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand nameref
reference "sec:Reliability-Arguments-from"
@ -3477,6 +3477,16 @@ plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand nameref
reference "subsec:Explanations-from-DSM"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
, there are problems with object storage's
@ -12008,6 +12018,433 @@ reference "subsec:Optimum-Reliability-from"
\begin_layout Section
Explanations from DSM and WorkingSet Theory
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "subsec:Explanations-from-DSM"
\begin_layout Standard
This section tries to explain the BigCluster incidents observed at some
1&1 Ionos doughter from a different perspective.
In the OS literature and community, DSM = Distributed Shared Memory and
Denning's workingset theory from the 1960s are typically attributed to
a different research area.
\begin_layout Standard
However, personal discussions with some prominent promoters of Ceph found
some informal agreements about some use cases where BigCluster appears
to be well suited:
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Large collections of audio / video files.
These are never modified in place, but written once, and then
\series bold
\emph on
\series default
\emph default
Thus it is possible to use relatively large object sizes, or even 1 video
file = 1 object.
Then streaming involves only a low number of objects at the same time,
down to a per-application parallelism degree of typically only 1.
\begin_layout Itemize
Measurement data like in CERN physics experiments, where often some
\emph on
streaming model
\emph default
is predominant.
\begin_layout Itemize
Backups and long-term archives, when also accomplished via
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_layout Standard
In contrast to this, here are some other use cases where BigCluster did
not meet expectations of some people at 1&1 Ionos:
\begin_layout Itemize
Virtual block devices involving
\series bold
strict consistency
\series default
on top of a very high number of small
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
/ eventually consistent objects.
\begin_layout Itemize
CephFS with
\series bold
highly parallel random updates
\series default
to a huge number of files / inodes, also involving strict consistency in
some places (e.g.
concurrent metadata updates belonging to the same directory).
\begin_layout Standard
Here is a
\emph on
first attempt
\emph default
to explain these behavioural observations from a more generalized viewpoint.
The author is open for discussion, and will modify this part upon better
\begin_layout Standard
Ceph & co are apparently shining at use cases where the
\emph on
object paradigm
\emph default
is naturally well-suited for the
\emph on
application behaviour
\emph default
\begin_layout Standard
Application behaviour has been studied in the 1970s.
Theorists know that in general it is
\emph on
\emph default
due to Turing Completeness, but practical obervations are revealing some
\emph on
behavioural pattern
\emph default
Otherwise, caching would not be beneficial.
\begin_layout Standard
While Denning had studied and modelled application behaviour for typical
drum storage devices of his era, later DSM people stumbled over similar
problems: the
\emph on
frequency of access to needed data
\emph default
can grow much higher than the channel / transport capacities can
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
In general, this is unavoidable.
In a storage pyramid, the CPU is always able to access RAM pages with a
much higher frequency than any (R)DMA transport can supply.
Denning and Saltzer coined a term for this:
\series bold
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\begin_layout Standard
Thrashing means that more time is spent by
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\emph default
data than by
\emph on
\emph default
with it, because the transports are
\emph on
\emph default
As Denning observed, thrashing essentially means that the system becomes
\emph on
unusable by customers
\emph default
Thrashing is a highly non-linear
\series bold
self-amplifying effect
\series default
, similar to traffic jams at highways: one it has started, it will worsen
\begin_layout Standard
Saltzer found a workaround for his contemporary batch operating systems:
limit the parallelism degree of concurrently running batch jobs.
In his Multics project, this was also transferred to interactive systems,
by limiting the swap-in parallelism degree of his contemporary swapping
Although this may sound counter-intuitive for modern readers: by introduction
of a certain type of
\series bold
artificial limitation
\series default
at or around the non-linear regression point, the
\series bold
user experience was
\emph on
\series default
\emph default
\begin_layout Standard
Now comes a conclusion: when thrashing occurs in a modern BigCluster model
for whatever reason, the self-amplification will be likely worse than in
a LocalSharding model, due to the following reasons:
\begin_layout Itemize
\series bold
Overload propagation
\series default
: when some parts of the
\begin_inset Formula $O(n^{2})$
storage network are overloaded, other parts may also become affected in
turn, due to sharing of network resources.
Once queueing has started somewhere, it is likely to worsen, and likely
to induce further queueing at other parts of the shared network.
The more other parts are affected transitively, the more parts will get
So the overload, once it has started somewhere, has a higher probabilty
\emph on
spreading out
\emph default
even to parts which were not overloaded before (self-amplification at BigCluste
r level).
\begin_layout Itemize
Random replication of objects adds
\emph on
artificial randomness
\emph default
to the
\series bold
\emph on
locality of reference
\series default
\emph default
, as described by Denning.
\begin_layout Itemize
Original DSM was trying to provide a strict or near-strict consistency model
for application programmers.
Later research then tried some weaker consistency models, without getting
a final breakthrough for general use cases.
BigCluster is similarly organized to DSM, but on slow
\emph on
remote storage
\emph default
instead of logically shared remote RAM over fast RDMA.
Thus we can expect similar problems as observed by the DSM community, like
\series bold
single points of contention
\series default
, etc.
These might become even worse once they have appeared.
\begin_layout Standard
In a nutshell:
\series bold
system stability
\series default
under overload conditions, once they have started somewhere, is highly
non-linear, and tends to spread
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status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
In the past, advocates of BigCluster have placed the argument that BigCluster
\emph on
equallay distribute
\emph default
the total application load onto
\begin_inset Formula $O(n)$
storage servers, so a single overloaded client will get better performance
than in a sharding model.
This argument contains the
\emph on
implicit assumption
\emph default
that load distribution is behaving
\series bold
\series default
, or close to that.
However, Denning and Saltzer found that system reaction due to overload
by workingset behaviour is
\emph on
\emph default
non-linear, and may
\emph on
\emph default
tear down systems even when only
\emph on
\emph default
Although there may exist some areas where the assumption of linearity is
correct and may lead to improvements by better load distribution, unpredictable
behaviour due to self-amplification of overload at BigCluster level may
result in the
\series bold
\series default
Denning has provided a mathematical model for this, which could probably
be transferred to modern application behaviour.
, and to self-amplify.
\begin_layout Standard
In contrast, sharding models are not spreading any overload to other shards
by definition.
So the total availability from the viewpoint of the
\emph on
\emph default
set of customers is less vulnerable to impacts.
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\begin_inset Graphics
filename images/lightbulb_brightlit_benj_.png
lyxscale 12
scale 7
In the above use cases where BigCluster is shining, overload is unlikely,
since the
\emph on
parallelism of object access
\emph default
is limited.
This is somewhat similar to Saltzer's historic workaround for trashing.
\emph on
\emph default
at application behaviour level will translate into streaming at the network
Classical TCP networks dealing with a relatively low number of high-throuhput
streaming connections are just
\emph on
\emph default
for dealing with packet loss, such as caused by overload, e.g.
by their
\series bold
congestion control
\series default
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status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Recommended reading: the papers from Sally Floyd.
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\begin_inset Graphics
filename images/MatieresCorrosives.png
lyxscale 50
scale 17
In contrast, an extremely high number of parallel short connections would
be similar to a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
SYN flood attack
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, or similar to a classical UDP packet storm.
It would allow for a much higher parallelism degree, but will be more vulnerabl
e to packet loss / packet storm effects / etc, and more vulnerable to self-ampli
These application behaviour types are avoided in the above use case examples
for BigCluster.
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\begin_inset Graphics
filename images/lightbulb_brightlit_benj_.png
lyxscale 12
scale 7
In addition, storing video files as immutable BLOBs will limit the
\series bold
\series default
\emph on
locality of references
\emph default
, while splitting into millions of very small objects may easily lead to
an explosion of randomness by some orders of magnitude.
\begin_layout Section
Performance Arguments from Architecture
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