mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 01:20:29 +00:00
marsadm: allow prosumer= for non-member guests
This commit is contained in:
@ -3238,6 +3238,42 @@ sub _run_compensation {
sub get_status {
my ($cmd, $res, $peers, $key, $unchecked) = @_;
# allow arrays and keyed hashes for $peers
if (ref($peers) eq "ARRAY") {
$peers = join("+", @$peers);
} elsif (ref($peers) eq "HASH") {
$peers = join("+", sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$peers));
my $result = "";
foreach my $peer (split("\\+", $peers)) {
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-$peer/$key";
my $val = get_link($lnk, $unchecked);
next if(!defined($val) || $val eq "");
$result .= "+" if $result;
$result .= $val;
return $result;
sub all_is_off {
my ($str) = @_;
if ($str =~ m/^0+(\+0+)*$/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub all_is_on {
my ($str) = @_;
if ($str =~ m/^[^0]+(\+[^0]+)*$/) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Deprecated: waiting to be replaced by LOOP checks in the long term
sub check_status {
my ($cmd, $res, $key, $val, $wait, $unchecked, $inv, $peer, $action, $compensation) = @_;
$peer = $host unless defined($peer);
@ -6105,202 +6141,326 @@ sub cron_phase2 {
return 0;
sub attach_res_phase0 {
# Transitive attach / detach dependencies in the Distributed System
my %dep_prosumers;
my %dep_storages;
sub compute_deps {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $detach = ($cmd eq "detach");
if ($detach) {
my $want_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-want";
my $want = get_link($want_path, 2);
if ($want && !$force) {
lprint "IMPORTANT: Relying on systemd for $cmd of resource '$res'\n";
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/attach";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, 0);
systemd_any_trigger($cmd, $res);
return 0;
if (!is_any($res, $host)) {
lskip $res, "Nothing to do: '$host' is no member/guest of '$res'\n";
my $add_global = ($cmd =~ m/global/);
my $add_primary = 0;
if (is_member($res, $host)) {
lprint "Need to $cmd my own storage as requested (host=$host)\n";
$dep_storages{$res}{$host} = 1;
} else {
lprint "Need to $cmd my own prosumer as requested (host=$host)\n";
$dep_prosumers{$res}{$host} = 1;
if ($add_global) {
my @peers = get_member_peers($res);
foreach my $peer (@peers) {
next if $dep_storages{$res}{$peer};
lprint "Need to globally $cmd member storage of '$res' at '$peer'\n";
$dep_storages{$res}{$peer} = 1;
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-$host/is-primary";
my $is_primary = get_link($lnk, 1);
return 0 unless $is_primary;
# primaries can only detach when nothing is really exported
my %peers;
my $prosumer_peers = get_prosumers(@_);
if (defined($prosumer_peers) && $prosumer_peers ne "(local)") {
foreach my $peer (split("\\+", $prosumer_peers)) {
} else {
# check (intended) presence of prosumers
my $primary = _get_designated_primary($cmd, $res);
my $nr_peers = 0;
my $prosumer_peers = get_prosumers(@_);
if ($prosumer_peers && $primary &&
($add_primary ||
$dep_storages{$res}{$primary})) {
foreach my $peer (split("\\+", $prosumer_peers)) {
$peer = $primary if $peer eq "(local)";
lprint "Prosumer '$peer' needs device $cmd from primary '$primary'\n";
# also check any actual exports
$lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-$host/exports";
my $val = get_link($lnk, 2);
if (defined($val) && $val && $val ne "(none)") {
foreach my $path (split("\\+", $val)) {
$path =~ s:^.*/logger-::;
$path =~ s:^.*/export-::;
next if defined($peers{$path});
lwarn "Resource '$res' is unexpectedly exported to '$path'\n";
# compute the transitive closure
for (;;) {
my $touch = 0;
# We cannot $cmd only the prosumers. The primary must $cmd also.
if ($nr_peers && $primary && $primary ne "(none)" && !$dep_storages{$res}{$primary}) {
lprint "We also need to $cmd designated primary '$primary'\n";
$dep_storages{$res}{$primary} = 1;
# also check any designated exports
if ($primary && $primary ne "(none)" && $dep_storages{$res}{$primary}) {
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$primary/exports";
my $val = get_link($lnk, 2);
if (defined($val) && $val && $val !~ m/^\(/) {
foreach my $path (split("\\+", $val)) {
$path =~ s:^.*/logger-::;
$path =~ s:^.*/export-::;
next if defined($dep_prosumers{$res}{$path});
lwarn "Resource '$res' is unexpectedly exported to '$path'\n";
my $errors = 0;
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%peers)) {
my $device_in_use = get_link("$mars/resource-$res/actual-$peer/open-count", 1);
if ($device_in_use) {
my $dev = device_name($res, $peer);
lwarn "Device '$dev' is in use at peer '$peer'\n";
# For saftey of any prosumers, also $cmd any actual primaries
if ($nr_peers) {
my $glob = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-*/is-primary";
foreach my $path (lamport_glob($glob)) {
my $is_primary = get_link($path, 1);
next unless $is_primary;
$path =~ m:/actual-(.*)/:;
my $act_primary = $1;
next if (!$act_primary || $dep_storages{$res}{$act_primary});
lwarn "For prosumer safety, we also need to $cmd actual primary '$act_primary'\n";
$dep_storages{$res}{$act_primary} = 1;
if ($errors && !$force) {
ldie "Cannot detach: there were $errors errors.\n";
last if !$touch;
return 0;
# only for systemd: wait that primary device is no longer open
sub attach_res_phase0b {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
return 0 unless $cmd eq "detach";
return 0 unless systemd_present(@_);
check_status($cmd, $res, "open-count", 0, 1);
return 0;
# Attach phases
sub attach_res_phase1 {
sub attach_phase1 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $detach = ($cmd eq "detach");
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/attach";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$detach);
my $prosumer_peers = get_prosumers(@_);
if ($prosumer_peers eq "(local)") {
$prosumer_peers = $host;
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash)) {
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/attach";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, 1);
if ($prosumer_peers && !$prosumer_peers =~ m/^\(/) {
foreach my $peer (split("\\+", $prosumer_peers)) {
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/detach-device";
my $detach_device = $detach ? "1" : "0";
set_link($detach_device, $lnk);
my $pros_hash = $dep_prosumers{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash)) {
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/detach-device";
set_link(0, $lnk);
$lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/kill-device";
set_link(0, $lnk);
return 0;
sub attach_res_phase2 {
sub attach_phase2 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $detach = ($cmd eq "detach");
return 0 if $force;
if (!is_module_loaded()) {
lwarn "Kernel module not loaded: $cmd will become effective after modprobe\n";
return 0;
check_status($cmd, $res, "is-attached", $detach ? 0 : 1, 1);
if ($detach) {
check_mars_device($cmd, $res, 1, 1) if todo_local($cmd, $res);
check_status($cmd, $res, "is-replaying", 0, 1);
check_status($cmd, $res, "is-syncing", 0, 1);
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
return 0 if !$stor_hash;
my $stores = join("+", sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash));
if (!all_is_on(get_status($cmd, $res, $stor_hash, "is-attached", 1))) {
lprint "Storages '$stores' are not yet attached\n";
return 1;
lprint "Storages '$stores' are attached\n";
# Do not use the transitive closure of prosumers for attach.
my $prosumer_peers = get_prosumers(@_);
my $primary = _get_designated_primary($cmd, $res);
if ($prosumer_peers && $primary && $dep_storages{$res}{$primary}) {
if ($prosumer_peers eq "(local)") {
$prosumer_peers = $primary;
if (!all_is_on(get_status($cmd, $res, $prosumer_peers, "if-on", 1))) {
lprint "Prosumerss '$prosumer_peers' are not yet device-attached\n";
return 1;
lprint "Prosumers '$prosumer_peers' are device-attached\n";
return 0;
sub fetch_global_res {
# Detach phases
sub detach_phase0 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/disconnect|pause/);
my @paths = lamport_glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/");
for my $path (@paths) {
_switch($cmd, $res, "$path/connect", !$pause);
# can systemd do the job?
my $want_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-want";
my $want = get_link($want_path, 2);
my $pros_hash = $dep_prosumers{$res};
if ($want && !$force) {
lprint "IMPORTANT: Relying on systemd for $cmd of resource '$res'\n";
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash)) {
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/attach";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, 0);
systemd_any_trigger($cmd, $res);
return 0;
my $errors = 0;
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash)) {
my $device_in_use = get_link("$mars/resource-$res/actual-$peer/open-count", 1);
if ($device_in_use) {
my $dev = device_name($res, $peer);
lwarn "Device '$dev' is in use at prosumer '$peer'\n";
if ($errors && !$force) {
ldie "Cannot $cmd: there were $errors errors.\n";
return 0;
sub fetch_local_res {
# only for systemd: wait that primary device is no longer open
sub detach_phase0b {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
return 0 unless systemd_present(@_);
my $pros_hash = $dep_prosumers{$res};
my $count = 0;
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash)) {
my $device_in_use = get_link("$mars/resource-$res/actual-$peer/open-count", 1);
my $dev = device_name($res, $peer);
if ($device_in_use) {
lprint "Device '$dev' is in use at peer '$peer'\n";
} else {
lprint "Device '$dev' is not in use at peer '$peer'\n";
if ($count) {
systemd_any_trigger($cmd, $res);
return $count;
# execute device detach
sub detach_phase0c {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
# detach the prosumers
my $pros_hash = $dep_prosumers{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash)) {
my $lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/detach-device";
set_link(1, $lnk);
lprint "Starting device detach at prosumer '$peer'\n";
return 0;
# execute storage detach
sub detach_phase1 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
# detach the storages
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash)) {
lprint "Starting detach of storage '$peer'\n";
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/attach";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, 0);
return 0;
sub detach_phase2 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
return 0 if $force;
if (!is_module_loaded()) {
lwarn "Kernel module not loaded: $cmd will become effective after modprobe\n";
return 0;
my $pros_hash = $dep_prosumers{$res};
if ($pros_hash) {
my $prosumers = join("+", sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$pros_hash));
if (!all_is_off(get_status($cmd, $res, $pros_hash, "if-on", 1))) {
lprint "Prosumers '$prosumers' are not yet gone\n";
return 1;
lprint "Prosumers '$prosumers' are gone.\n";
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
return 0 if !$stor_hash;
my $stores = join("+", sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash));
if (!all_is_off(get_status($cmd, $res, $stor_hash, "is-attached", 1))) {
lprint "Storages '$stores' are not yet detached\n";
return 1;
if (!all_is_off(get_status($cmd, $res, $stor_hash, "is-replaying", 1))) {
lwarn "Unexpected: Storages '$stores' are replaying\n";
return 1;
if (!all_is_off(get_status($cmd, $res, $stor_hash, "is-syncing", 1))) {
lwarn "Unexpected: Storages '$stores' are syncing\n";
return 1;
lprint "Storages '$stores' are detached.\n";
return 0;
sub fetch_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/disconnect|pause/);
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/connect";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash)) {
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/connect";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
return 0;
sub pause_sync_global_res {
sub pause_sync_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/pause/);
check_sync_startable(@_) if !$pause;
my @paths = lamport_glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/");
for my $path (@paths) {
_switch($cmd, $res, "$path/sync", !$pause);
sub pause_sync_local_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/pause/);
check_sync_startable(@_) if !$pause;
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/sync";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
sub pause_replay_global_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/pause/);
my @paths = lamport_glob("$mars/resource-$res/todo-*/");
for my $path (@paths) {
_switch($cmd, $res, "$path/replay", !$pause);
sub pause_replay_local_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/pause/);
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$host/replay";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
sub up_res_phase0 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $down = ($cmd eq "down");
if ($down) {
attach_res_phase0("detach", $res);
} else {
attach_res_phase0("attach", $res);
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash)) {
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/sync";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
return 0;
sub up_res_phase1 {
sub pause_replay_res {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $down = ($cmd eq "down");
if ($down) {
pause_replay_local_res("pause-replay-local", $res);
pause_sync_local_res("pause-sync-local", $res);
fetch_local_res("pause-fetch", $res);
attach_res_phase1("detach", $res);
} else {
attach_res_phase1("attach", $res);
fetch_local_res("resume-fetch-local", $res);
# ignore ldie on sync, just do all the rest
eval {
pause_sync_local_res("resume-sync-local", $res);
pause_replay_local_res("resume-replay-local", $res);
my $pause = ($cmd =~ m/pause/);
my $stor_hash = $dep_storages{$res};
foreach my $peer (sort alphanum_cmp keys(%$stor_hash)) {
my $path = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/replay";
_switch($cmd, $res, $path, !$pause);
return 0;
sub up_res_phase2 {
sub up_phase1 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
my $down = ($cmd eq "down");
if ($down) {
attach_res_phase2("detach", $res);
} else {
attach_res_phase2("attach", $res);
attach_phase1($cmd, $res);
fetch_res("resume-fetch-local", $res);
# ignore ldie on sync, just do all the rest
eval {
pause_sync_res("resume-sync-local", $res);
pause_replay_res("resume-replay-local", $res);
return 0;
sub down_phase1 {
my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
# skip controls for guests
if (is_member($res, $host)) {
pause_replay_res("pause-replay-local", $res);
pause_sync_res("pause-sync-local", $res);
fetch_res("pause-fetch-local", $res);
detach_phase1($cmd, $res);
return 0;
@ -7057,7 +7217,7 @@ sub primary_phase4 {
# new switch semantics, when nothing has failed before: up
return 0;
@ -7260,6 +7420,21 @@ sub prosumer_phase1 {
set_link("0", $lnk);
$lnk = "$mars/resource-$res/todo-$peer/kill-device";
set_link(0, $lnk);
my $device_path = "$mars/resource-$res/device-$peer";
my $device_val = get_link($device_path, 2);
if (!$device_val) {
lprint "Host '$peer' is not yet guest of resource '$res'\n";
# copy over from designated primary
my $prim_path = "$mars/resource-$res/device-$primary";
my $prim_val = get_link($prim_path);
set_link($prim_val, $device_path);
_activate_resource($cmd, $res, $peer);
_push_link($peer, $prim_val, $device_path);
_push_link($primary, $prim_val, $device_path);
$trigger_val = 8;
# set the primary exports
if ($primary && $primary ne "(none)") {
@ -10488,18 +10663,23 @@ my %cmd_table =
"This may be used for freezing the state of your replica for some",
"time, if you have enough space on /mars/.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like pause-replay-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See pause-replay-local.",
=> [
@ -10508,18 +10688,23 @@ my %cmd_table =
"This is independent from any {pause,resume}-fetch operations.",
"This should be used for unfreezing the state of your local replica.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like resume-replay-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See resume-replay-local.",
=> [
@ -10587,11 +10772,12 @@ my %cmd_table =
"When designated as a primary, /dev/mars/\$res will also appear.",
"This does not change the state of {fetch,replay}.",
"For a complete local startup of the resource, use 'marsadm up'.",
"check preconditions",
"compute dependencies",
"switch state",
"wait for effect",
@ -10604,14 +10790,21 @@ my %cmd_table =
"When running in primary role, /dev/mars/\$res will also disappear.",
"This does not change the state of {fetch,replay}.",
"For a complete local shutdown of the resource, use 'marsadm down'.",
"compute dependencies",
"check preconditions",
"wait for systemd device release",
"switch state",
"detach prosumer devices",
"detach storage",
"wait for effect",
@ -10620,18 +10813,23 @@ my %cmd_table =
"designated primary node, if there is one.",
"This is independent from any {pause,resume}-replay operations.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like resume-fetch-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See resume-fetch-local.",
=> [
@ -10639,75 +10837,106 @@ my %cmd_table =
"designated primary.",
"This is independent from any {pause,resume}-replay operations.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like pause-fetch-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See pause-fetch-local.",
=> [
"See resume-fetch-local.",
=> [
"Like resume-fetch-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See resume-fetch-local.",
=> [
"See pause-fetch-local.",
=> [
"Like pause-fetch-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See pause-fetch-local.",
"syncer" => \&ignore_cmd,
=> [
"Shortcut for attach + resume-sync + resume-fetch + resume-replay.",
"check preconditions",
"compute dependencies",
"switch state",
"wait for effect",
=> [
"Like up, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"Shortcut for detach + pause-sync + pause-fetch + pause-replay.",
"compute dependencies",
"check preconditions",
"wait for systemd device release",
"switch state",
"detach prosumer devices",
"detach storage",
"wait for effect",
=> [
"Like down, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"Promote the resource into primary role.",
@ -11041,36 +11270,46 @@ my %cmd_table =
"inconsistent during the pause.",
"Use this only for limited reduction of system load.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like pause-sync-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See pause-sync-local.",
=> [
"Resume any initial / incremental data sync at the stage where it",
"had been interrupted by pause-sync.",
"Only useful on a secondary node.",
"compute dependencies",
"modify switch",
=> [
"Like resume-sync-local, but affects all resource members",
"in the cluster (remotely).",
=> [
"See resume-sync-local.",
"new-current-uuid" => \&senseless_cmd,
"hidden-commands" => \&ignore_cmd,
@ -11641,8 +11880,14 @@ sub do_one_res {
if ($cmd =~ m/^cat|^set-global-|-file$|-list$|-link$|-value$/) { # no resource argument
} elsif (!$checked_res{"$cmd$res"}) {
$res = check_res($res) unless (!$res || $cmd =~ m/^(join|create|merge|leave|wait)-cluster|(create|join)-resource|show/);
check_res_member($cmd, $res) unless (!$res || $cmd =~ m/^(join|create|delete)-(cluster|resource)|^(merge|leave|wait)-cluster|activate-guest|-purge-|^show|^view/);
unless (!$res ||
$cmd =~ m/^(join|create|merge|leave|wait)-cluster|(create|join)-resource|show/) {
$res = check_res($res);
unless (!$res ||
$cmd =~ m/^(join|create|delete)-(cluster|resource)|^(merge|leave|wait)-cluster|^prosumer|^detach|^down|activate-guest|-purge-|^show|^view/) {
check_res_member($cmd, $res);
detect_splitbrain($res, 1);
$checked_res{"$cmd$res"} = 1;
@ -11884,6 +12129,7 @@ sub do_fork {
if (ref($func) eq "ARRAY") {
my @list = @$func;
while (@list) {
@ -11909,6 +12155,12 @@ if (ref($func) eq "ARRAY") {
if ($memb_func eq "LOOP") {
$memb_func = shift @list;
} elsif ($memb_func eq "GOTO") {
my $name = shift @list;
# do not change the old $cmd, only change $func
$func = $cmd_table{$name};
ldie "unknown goto '$name'\n" unless $func;
goto restart;
} elsif ($memb_func eq "SLEEP") {
$memb_func = shift @list;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user