actualy versions mars-status, include same fixes

This commit is contained in:
jmann 2012-12-19 16:31:27 +01:00 committed by Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
parent b25edf055b
commit 60942678ab

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 2012 Joerg Mann / 1&1 Internet AG
# $Id: 68e1b49d98800e0343dac1d6512db8bebd6a7581 $
# $Id: 219590ee4375f5c41f13f0b277146c9bf0ff94bf $
# last update at now ...
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
# 20121205 - add/update system entrys
# 20121206 - upgrade LogDelay/LogSpeed
# 20121210 - optimize same code
# 20121217 - resign versionlink, remove delay
# 20121219 - small fixes and layout
use warnings;
@ -27,8 +28,8 @@ use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Basename;
### defaults
my $version = "0.070-20";
my $alife_timeout = "30"; # sec
my $version = "0.070-27";
my $alife_timeout = "30"; # sec for remote-nodes timeout
my $is_tty = 0;
my $mars_dir = '/mars';
my $himself = `uname -n` or die "cannot determine my network node name\n";
@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ my $NodeStatusCode = 'UpToDate';
my @NodeStatusText = ();
chomp $himself;
my $Color_blue = 'yellow';
my $Color_green = 'green';
### ARGV
# Optionen in Hash-Ref parsen
@ -61,8 +64,12 @@ sub display_help {
print " --system : display mars-system informations\n";
print " --monitor : indicator to use for monitoring on all state (by local node only !)\n";
print " --role|--cstate|--dstate single state on lokal node\n";
print " --debug : additional display debug messages\n";
print "\nAdvanced information are also available here: http://\n";
print " --debug : additional display debug messages\n\n";
print "Usage small include rotate : mars-status --interval 2\n";
print "Usage monitoring : mars-status --monitor\n";
print "Usage monitoring drbd-linke : mars-status --cstate (or --dstate or --role)\n";
print "Usage full, include debug : mars-status --system --history --debug\n\n";
print "Advanced information are also available here: http:// ->ProjektTEC1603 ->TECITO.1735 -> MARS\n";
@ -144,7 +151,7 @@ sub convert_link {
if (( !$link ) || ( $link eq 0 )) {
print_screen "off", 'red';
} else {
print_screen "on", 'green';
print_screen "on", "$Color_green";
return $link;
@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ sub display_partner {
### check status
if ( $PStatus eq $PName ) {
print_screen "Primary",'blue';
print_screen "Primary", "$Color_blue";
print_screen "Primary [$PRes on $PName]",'', 'Rmonitor';
monitoring '', "joined";
} else {
@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ sub display_partner {
monitoring "unknown", "not joined";
} else {
print_screen "Secondary",'blue';
print_screen "Secondary", "$Color_blue";
print_screen "Secondary [$PRes on $PName]",'', 'Rmonitor';
monitoring "", "joined";
@ -225,7 +232,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen " unknown (last message before $PAlive sec) !!!\n", 'red';
monitoring "Failed", "not alive"
} else {
print_screen " alive\n",'green';
print_screen " alive\n", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "alive";
@ -251,12 +258,12 @@ sub display_partner {
$PUDevice = ( grep { /^$PUDevice / } <$fh> )[0];
if ( $PUDevice ) {
$PUDevice = ( split / /, $PUDevice )[1];
print_screen " and mountet as $PUDevice\n",'blue';
print_screen " and mountet as $PUDevice\n", "$Color_blue";
} else {
print_screen "\n\t\t---> TODO: enable to mount\n",'green';
print_screen "\n\t\t---> TODO: enable to mount\n", "$Color_green";
} else {
print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting\n",'blue';
print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting\n", "$Color_blue";
} else {
print_screen "\n";
@ -286,7 +293,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
monitoring "InvaliDate", "not in sync ($SStatus%)";
} else {
print_screen "$SStatus$SSpeed\n", 'green';
print_screen "$SStatus$SSpeed\n", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "synced";
@ -311,26 +318,26 @@ sub display_partner {
my $LogSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/file_rate";
$LogSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $LogSpeed / 1024 / 1024);
### logfile - delaytime
my $LogDelay = "0.000000000";
my $NewLogDelay = "0.000000000";
my @LogDelayLink = lstat ("$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp");
my @LogDelayTime = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp");
# ### logfile - delaytime
# my $LogDelay = "0.000000000";
# my $NewLogDelay = "0.000000000";
# my @LogDelayLink = lstat ("$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp");
# my @LogDelayTime = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/timestamp");
### offset replay
if (( $LogDelayTime[4] ) && ( $LogDelayTime[4] ne '0.000000000' )) {
$LogDelay = $LogDelayLink[9] - $LogDelayTime[4];
# ### offset replay
# if (( $LogDelayTime[4] ) && ( $LogDelayTime[4] ne '0.000000000' )) {
# $LogDelay = $LogDelayLink[9] - $LogDelayTime[4];
# }
### offset newer logfile
if ( ( $ref_AULogfile ) && !($PLogName eq $ref_AULogfile) ) {
my @NewLogDelay = `ls $mars_dir/$PRes/$ref_AULogfile*`;
$NewLogDelay[0] =~ s/\n//;
@NewLogDelay = stat ("$NewLogDelay[0]");
#$NewLogDelay = $NewLogDelay[9];
$LogDelay = $LogDelayLink[9] - $NewLogDelay[9];
$LogDelay = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime($LogDelay));
# ### offset newer logfile
# if ( ( $ref_AULogfile ) && !($PLogName eq $ref_AULogfile) ) {
# my @NewLogDelay = `ls $mars_dir/$PRes/$ref_AULogfile*`;
# $NewLogDelay[0] =~ s/\n//;
# @NewLogDelay = stat ("$NewLogDelay[0]");
# #$NewLogDelay = $NewLogDelay[9];
# $LogDelay = $LogDelayLink[9] - $NewLogDelay[9];
# }
# $LogDelay = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime($LogDelay));
#print "*ld $LogDelay\n";
#print "#dl9 lstat - $LogDelayLink[9] - ".gmtime($LogDelayLink[9])."\n";
@ -339,25 +346,25 @@ sub display_partner {
#print "#dt @LogDelayTime\n";
#print "#nl $NewLogDelay\n";
### log delay monitoring
my $LogDelayMonitor = $LogDelay;
my ($h,$m,$s) = split /:/, $LogDelayMonitor;
$LogDelayMonitor = (($h*3600) + ($m*60) + $s);
if ( $LogDelayMonitor eq 0 ) { # 0
monitoring "UpToDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
} elsif ( $LogDelayMonitor < 60 ) { # unter 1 min
monitoring "UpDateIng", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
} else { # rest
monitoring "OutDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
# ### log delay monitoring
# my $LogDelayMonitor = $LogDelay;
# my ($h,$m,$s) = split /:/, $LogDelayMonitor;
# $LogDelayMonitor = (($h*3600) + ($m*60) + $s);
# if ( $LogDelayMonitor eq 0 ) { # 0
# monitoring "UpToDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
# } elsif ( $LogDelayMonitor < 60 ) { # unter 1 min
# monitoring "UpDateIng", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
# } else { # rest
# monitoring "OutDate", "Delay $LogDelayMonitor sec";
# }
### logfile - results
print_screen (sprintf "\tLogfile : %s bytes (%.3fGB) in ", $PLogSize, ( $PLogSize/1024/1024/1024 ));
print_screen "$PLogName", 'green';
print_screen "$PLogName", "$Color_green";
print_screen " active";
print_screen ", received with $LogSpeed mb/s" if ( $LogSpeed ne "0.00" );
print_screen ", Delay roughly $LogDelay - but not really sure ;)" if ( $LogDelay ne "00:00:00" );
# print_screen ", Delay roughly $LogDelay - but not really sure ;)" if ( $LogDelay ne "00:00:00" );
print_screen "\n";
if ( $Ljoined eq "0" || $PLogSize eq "0.0001" ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfile empty = (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
@ -377,8 +384,8 @@ sub display_partner {
$PLogFile[1], ( $PLogFile[1]/1024/1024/1024 ), $PLogFile[2], ( $PLogFile[2]/1024/1024/1024 ));
### replay - speed
my $RSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/replay_rate";
$RSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $RSpeed / 1024 / 1024);
my $RSpeed = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/replay_rate";
$RSpeed = sprintf ("%.2f", $RSpeed / 1024 / 1024);
if ( $RSpeed eq "0.00" ) {
$RSpeed = "%";
} else {
@ -403,17 +410,17 @@ sub display_partner {
} elsif ( $PLogSize = 0.0001 ) {
$RStatus = "100.00";
print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n", 'green';
print_screen "$RStatus$RSpeed\n", "$Color_green";
monitoring '', "replay wait";
} else {
print_screen "$RStatus% $RSpeed\n", 'green';
print_screen "$RStatus% $RSpeed\n", "$Color_green";
monitoring '', "replaying";
### replay - hints
if ($PLogFile[2] != 0) {
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Replay-Todo is actualy $PLogFile[2], ", 'blue';
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Replay-Todo is actualy $PLogFile[2], ", "$Color_blue";
if ( $PLogFile[2] < 0 ) {
print_screen "replaying backwards ??? Check this !!!\n", 'red';
} elsif ( $PLogFile[2] > 0 ) {
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ sub display_partner {
my $SWStatus;
print_screen "\tSwitches: Attach=";
if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/attach" eq 1 ) {
print_screen "on", 'green';
print_screen "on", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "attached";
} else {
print_screen "off", 'red';
@ -453,7 +460,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen " [masked:" if ( $ActStatus eq 1 );
print_screen " Connect=";
if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/connect" eq 1 ) {
print_screen "on", 'green';
print_screen "on", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "connected";
} else {
print_screen "off", 'red';
@ -461,7 +468,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen " Sync=";
if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/sync" eq 1 ) {
print_screen "on", 'green';
print_screen "on", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "synced";
} else {
print_screen "off", 'red';
@ -469,7 +476,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen " AllowReplay=" ;
if ( readlink "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/allow-replay" eq 1 ) {
print_screen "on", 'green';
print_screen "on", "$Color_green";
monitoring "", "replayed";
} else {
print_screen "off", 'red';
@ -486,7 +493,7 @@ sub display_partner {
$NodeStatusText = "$NodeStatusText($_)";
### normal-modus
print_screen "\tStatus : $NodeStatusCode = $NodeStatusText\n", '';
# print_screen "\tStatus : $NodeStatusCode = $NodeStatusText\n", '';
### monitor-modus
print_screen "$NodeStatusCode [$NodeStatusText]", '', 'Dmonitor';
if ( $NodeStatusCode eq 'SwitchOff' ) {
@ -581,7 +588,7 @@ sub check_ressource {
### check resources debug
if ($params->{'debug'}) {
print_screen " -> $res-Debug:\n", 'red';
print_screen " -> $res-Debug:\n", "$Color_blue";
my $debug_res;
### TODO: small hack, read 3 files ...
$debug_res = check_debugfile("$res", "2.warn"); print_screen "$debug_res" if ( $debug_res );
@ -598,63 +605,86 @@ sub check_logfile {
my $LResource = shift;
my $LPartner = shift;
my $oldEqual = 0;
my $LogFailed = 0;
my $LogCount = 0;
my $LogCountSum = 0;
my $LogCountNow = 1;
my $LogFailed = 0;
my @logfile = <$mars_dir/$LResource/log*>;
### mal fix zaehlen ...
foreach (@logfile) {
print_screen " -> History Replay/Status\n",'blue';
print_screen " -> History Replay/Status\n", "$Color_blue";
### search all logfiles
foreach my $logfile (@logfile) {
my $LVersion = $logfile;
$LVersion =~ s/^.*log-([0-9]+)-.*$/$1/;
my $LogStatus = check_link "$logfile";
my $allEqual = 1;
my $allEqual = 1; ### logfiles gleich
my $OldCheck; ### checksum from versionfile
my $OldSize; ### size from versionfile
if ( $LogStatus eq 0 ) {
### found logfile
my $OldCheck;
my $OldSize;
my $LogSize = -s "$logfile";
if ( !$LogSize ) { $LogSize=0; }
print_screen "\tLogfile Version: $LVersion - Size: $LogSize\n";
### logfile stat-values
my @LogStat = stat ( $logfile );
$LogStat[10] = gmtime($LogStat[10]);
### quickfix ...
if ($LogStat[9] > $LogStat[8]) {
$LogStat[9] = $LogStat[9] - $LogStat[8];
} else {
$LogStat[9] = $LogStat[8] - $LogStat[9];
print_screen (sprintf "\tLogfile Version: $LVersion Size: $LogSize bytes (%.3fGB) from %s, include hypothetically %s sec\n",
($LogSize /1024/1024/1024), $LogStat[10], $LogStat[9]);
### check other ...
### search all logfile version
my @LVersion = <$mars_dir/$LResource/version-$LVersion*>;
foreach my $LVersion (@LVersion) {
my @LogDetail = split (',', check_link "$LVersion" );
my $LogServer = $LVersion;
$LogServer =~ s/.*[0-9]-//;
### search version
my @LogDetail = split (',', check_link "$LVersion" );
my $LogServer = $LVersion;
### search size of logfile
my $ActLogSize = $LogSize - $LogDetail[2];
### search name of source
$LogServer =~ s/.*[0-9]-//;
print_screen "\t\tSource: $LogServer, Check: $LogDetail[0], ReplayPosition: $LogDetail[2], Todo: $LogDetail[3] blocks\n";
# Initial Values
### output
print_screen (sprintf "\t\tSource: $LogServer \tCheck: $LogDetail[0] \tTodo: %.3fGB \tReplayPosition: $LogDetail[2]\n", $ActLogSize/1024/1024/1024);
my @dummy = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$LResource/replay-$LogServer" );
@dummy = split ('-', $dummy[0]);
$dummy[0] = '$dummy[0]-$dummy[1]';
# print "* $mars_dir/$LResource/replay-$LogServer\n";
# print "* $dummy[0]\n";
### new versionfile
if ( !defined $OldCheck ) {
# new
$OldCheck = $LogDetail[0];
$OldSize = $LogDetail[2];
$allEqual = 1;
} elsif (!(( $LogDetail[0] eq $OldCheck ) and ( $LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize ))) {
# not same
$allEqual = 0;
if ( !($LogDetail[0] eq $OldCheck) && ($LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and same size, check for SPLIT-BRAIN\n",'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
} elsif ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) {
$LogFailed = 1;
$OldCheck = $LogDetail[0];
$OldSize = $LogDetail[2];
$LogFailed = 0;
$allEqual = 1;
### checksum different
} elsif ( ($LogDetail[0] ne $OldCheck) and ( $LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize ) and ( $LogDetail[2] ne 0) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and same size, check for SPLIT-BRAIN\n",'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
$allEqual = 0;
### value different
} elsif ( ($LogDetail[0] ne $OldCheck ) or ( $LogDetail[2] ne $OldSize ) ) {
$LogFailed = 1;
$allEqual = 0;
### eishokey
} else {
# same
$allEqual = 1;
$LogFailed = 0;
$allEqual = 1;
# check bad values
if ( $LogDetail[3] < 0 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Found bad values = ($LogDetail[3])it's ok ???\n", 'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
} # end foreach
if ( $allEqual eq 1 ) {
@ -662,22 +692,40 @@ sub check_logfile {
} else {
$oldEqual = 0;
# ### check relay active
# my @ReplayLogfile = `ls -l $mars_dir/$LResource/replay-* | grep $LVersion`;
# print "*** @ReplayLogfile\n";
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Dec 19 14:36 /mars/resource-Device-BS6/replay-istore-test-bap6 -> log-000007974-istore-test-bs6,1486362576,1806027520
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Dec 19 14:29 /mars/resource-Device-BS6/replay-istore-test-bs6 -> log-000007978-istore-test-bs6,0,0
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 129 Dec 19 14:15 /mars/resource-Device-BS6/version-000007968-istore-test-bap6 -> fd6610adc6a0df858aac6d9eb81b571d,istore-test-bs6,3292390012,7968;3ce4b3f0610405fe65eec10eccbf5c54,istore-test-bs6,3292390600,7967
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 129 Dec 19 14:14 /mars/resource-Device-BS6/version-000007968-istore-test-bs6 -> fd6610adc6a0df858aac6d9eb81b571d,istore-test-bs6,3292390012,7968;3ce4b3f0610405fe65eec10eccbf5c54,istore-test-bs6,3292390600,7967
### check Count Logfiles
if ( !($LogCount eq $LPartner) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Count of Logfiles different = (have:$LPartner found:$LogCount)\n", 'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
$oldEqual = 0;
} elsif ( `ls -l $mars_dir/$LResource/replay-* | grep $LVersion` ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and used, Replay in progess...\n", 'red';
} elsif ( $LogFailed eq 1 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and different size, Replay in progress ...\n", 'red';
} elsif (( $LogCountSum eq $LogCountNow ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) && ( $OldSize eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted ...\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed ne 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and different size, Reception in progress ...\n", 'red';
} elsif ( $LogCountSum eq $LogCountNow ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and unused(1).\n", "$Color_green";
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $OldSize eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and unused(2).\n", "$Color_green";
} elsif ( $oldEqual eq 1 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted ...\n", "$Color_green";
} else {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has same other errors - Please check History of Logfiles\n",'red';
@ -692,7 +740,7 @@ sub check_logfile {
$DeleteFiles = basename (readlink $DeleteFiles);
if ( $DeleteFiles eq $DelLogfile ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: LogFile ist marked for delete ($DeleteFiles).\n",'green';
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: LogFile ist marked for delete ($DeleteFiles).\n", "$Color_green";
@ -732,7 +780,7 @@ sub check_disk_is_full {
### TODO: /0
if ( !$diskfull_mars ) {
print_screen " ok\n", 'green';
print_screen " ok\n", "$Color_green";
@ -785,23 +833,23 @@ sub info_version {
### status
print_screen "MARS Status - $himself, $version",'blue';
if ( $params->{'resource'} ) { print_screen ", Ressource: $params->{'resource'}",'blue'; }
print_screen "MARS Status - $himself, $version", "$Color_blue";
if ( $params->{'resource'} ) { print_screen ", Ressource: $params->{'resource'}", "$Color_blue"; }
print_screen "\n";
### marsadm
my $MAVersion = qx"marsadm version";
print_screen "MARS Admin - $MAVersion",'blue';
print_screen "MARS Admin - $MAVersion", "$Color_blue";
### module
print_screen "MARS Module - $mars_info{version}\n",'blue';
print_screen "MARS Module - $mars_info{version}\n", "$Color_blue";
### kernel
my $KVersion = '/proc/version';
open my $Kfh, '<', "$KVersion" or die $!;
$KVersion = ( grep { /^Linux/ } <$Kfh> )[0];
$KVersion = ( split / /, $KVersion )[2];
print_screen "MARS Kernel - $KVersion\n",'blue';
print_screen "MARS Kernel - $KVersion\n", "$Color_blue";
print_screen "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
@ -813,7 +861,7 @@ sub check_jammed {
my $jammed = check_link "$mars_dir/jammed-$himself";
print_screen "-> Mars-Transaktion ", 'bold';
if (( !$jammed ) || ( $jammed ne 0 )) {
print_screen "running normaly\n", 'green';
print_screen "running normaly\n", "$Color_green";
} else {
print_screen "and Replication not runnunig !!!\n", 'red';
monitoring 'Failed', 'System: Replikation not running';