mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 07:47:41 +00:00
marsadm: new systemd interface
This commit is contained in:
@ -223,6 +223,278 @@ my $match_fn = qr"$match_fn_head(?:\{($match_inner)\})"s;
# dynamic systemd control
my $systemd_subdir = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_SUBDIR}) ? $ENV{SYSTEMD_SUBDIR} : "systemd-templates";
my $systemd_target_dir = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_TARGET_DIR}) ? $ENV{SYSTEMD_TARGET_DIR} : "/run/systemd/system";
my $systemctl = defined($ENV{SYSTEMCTL}) ? $ENV{SYSTEMCTL} : "systemctl";
my $systemd_escape = defined($ENV{SYSTEMD_ESCAPE}) ? $ENV{SYSTEMD_ESCAPE} : "@";
my @systemctl_start =
"mars-trigger.path", # This MUST come first
my @systemctl_enable =
my %failed;
sub _systemd_escape {
my ($txt) = @_;
my $replac = `systemd-escape --path "$txt"`;
chomp $replac;
return $replac;
sub subst_systemd_vars {
my $escape = shift;
my ($text, $env) = make_env(@_);
my $parsed = "";
while ($text =~ m/[$systemd_escape]([A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*)?[{]($match_inner)[}]/ps) {
my $name = $1 || "";
my $body = $2;
$parsed .= $PREMATCH;
my $rest = $POSTMATCH;
my $this_escape = 0;
my $replac;
$_ = $name;
if (/^escvar$/) {
$name = "";
$this_escape = 1;
if (/^esc$/) {
$name = "verbatim";
$this_escape = 1;
$_ = $name;
if (/^eval$/) {
$replac = parse_macro($body, $env);
last SWITCH;
if (/^$/) {
my $varname = parse_macro($body, $env);
$replac = $$env{$varname};
if (!defined($replac)) {
lwarn "variable '$varname' is undefined\n" unless defined($failed{$varname});
$failed{$varname} = 1;
$replac = "UNDEFINED($varname)";
lprint " subst '$systemd_escape\{$varname\}' => '$replac'\n" if $verbose;
last SWITCH;
if (/^verbatim$/) {
$replac = $body;
last SWITCH;
lwarn "systemd function '$name' is undefined\n";
$replac = $body;
if ($escape || $this_escape) {
my $orig = $replac;
$replac = _systemd_escape($replac);
lprint " escape '$orig' => '$replac'\n" if $verbose;
$parsed .= $replac;
$text = $rest;
return $parsed . $text;
sub instantiate_systemd_unit {
my ($cmd, $res, $template_file) = @_;
my $replac = subst_systemd_vars(1, $cmd, $res, `basename "$template_file"`);
my $outfile = "$systemd_target_dir/$replac";
chomp $outfile;
lprint "==== Translate systemd template '$template_file' => '$outfile'\n" if $verbose;
my $text;
local $/; # slurp
open(IN, "< $template_file") or ldie "cannot open system template file '$template_file'\n";
$text = <IN>;
$text = subst_systemd_vars(0, $cmd, $res, $text);
if (open(IN, "< $outfile")) {
# Check whether something has changed
my $old = <IN>;
if ($old eq $text) {
lprint "== systemd unit '$outfile' has not changed\n" if $verbose;
return (0, $outfile);
open(OUT, "> $outfile.tmp") or ldie "cannt create '$outfile'\n";
print OUT $text;
rename("$outfile.tmp", $outfile);
return (1, $outfile);
sub systemd_activate {
my ($cmd, $res, $override) = @_;
my $want_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-want";
my $want = get_link($want_path, 2);
if (!$want) {
lprint "Nothing to (de)activate: $want_path does not exist\n" if $verbose;
my $do_activate = $want eq $host;
if (defined($override) && $override != $do_activate) {
lprint "Overriding unit activate=$do_activate with $override\n" if $verbose;
$do_activate = $override;
my $oper = $do_activate ? "start" : "stop";
my $unit_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-$oper-unit";
my $unit = get_link($unit_path, 2);
if (!$unit) {
lprint "Nothing to (de)activate: $unit_path does not exist\n" if $verbose;
my $ctl_cmd = "$systemctl show \"$unit\"";
system($ctl_cmd) if $verbose;
if ($do_activate) {
$unit =~ s/ .*//;
lprint "==== Activate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n"if $verbose;
$ctl_cmd = "$systemctl start \"$unit\"";
} else {
$unit =~ s/.* //;
lprint "==== Deactivate resource '$res' unit '$unit'\n"if $verbose;
$ctl_cmd = "$systemctl stop \"$unit\"";
lprint "$ctl_cmd\n" if $verbose;
system($ctl_cmd) and lwarn "command '$ctl_cmd' failed\n";
sub systemd_trigger {
my ($cmd) = @_;
# Remember old instances
my %old_instances;
foreach my $file (glob("$systemd_target_dir/*")) {
$old_instances{$file} = 1;
# Determine all template files.
my %templates;
my %unit;
foreach my $dir (@MARS_PATH) {
my $subdir = "$dir/$systemd_subdir";
$subdir = $dir unless -d $subdir;
next unless -d $subdir;
foreach my $template (glob("$subdir/*.{service,socket,device,mount,automount,swap,target,path,timer,slice,scope}")) {
my $name = `basename '$template'`;
chomp $name;
$templates{$name} = 1;
# Only the first hit will win when the same template is in multiple dirs.
next if defined($unit{$name});
lprint "== found template '$template'\n" if $verbose;
$unit{$name} = $template;
# Determine all participating resource names.
my @res_list = glob("$mars/resource-*/{data,systemd}-$host");
map { s:^$mars/resource-(.*?)/.*:$1:; } @res_list;
lprint "====== found " . scalar(@res_list) . " participating resources\n" if $verbose;
# Create all systemd units from templates.
my %new_instances;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%unit))) {
my $template = $unit{$name};
if ($name =~ m/[$systemd_escape][{]res[}]/i) {
foreach my $res (@res_list) {
my ($nr, $file) = instantiate_systemd_unit($cmd, $res, $template);
$new_instances{$file} = 1;
$count += $nr;
} else {
my ($nr, $file) = instantiate_systemd_unit($cmd, "UNDEFINED_RESOURCE", $template);
$new_instances{$file} = 1;
$count += $nr;
lprint "== $count units have changed.\n" if $verbose;
my $deleted = 0;
foreach my $file (keys(%old_instances)) {
next if $new_instances{$file};
# Don't remove foreign systemd files.
# Check whether it could have been created by our templates.
my $found = 0;
my $name = $file;
$name =~ s:^.*/::;
foreach my $template (keys(%templates)) {
$template =~ s:^.*/::;
if ($template eq $name) {
lprint " '$name' equals '$template'\n" if $verbose > 1;
$found = 1;
$template =~ s:\.:\\.:g;
$template =~ s:@\{.*?\}:.*?:g;
lprint " matching '$name' against '$template'\n" if $verbose > 1;
if ($name =~ m/^$template$/) {
lprint " '$name' matches '$template'\n" if $verbose > 1;
$found = 1;
next unless $found;
lprint "Removing old template instance '$file'\n" if $verbose;
lprint "== $deleted units have been removed.\n" if $verbose;
if ($count + $deleted) {
lprint "==== Restart systemd\n"if $verbose;
foreach my $unit (@systemctl_enable) {
if (!system("$systemctl cat '$unit' > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
system("$systemctl enable '$unit'");
system("$systemctl daemon-reload");
# Activate all *.path triggers
for my $unit_path (glob("$systemd_target_dir/*mars*.path")) {
my $unit = `basename "$unit_path"`;
chomp $unit;
lprint "==== Activate path watcher '$unit'\n"if $verbose;
system("$systemctl start \"$unit\"");
# Activate the listed units.
foreach my $res (@res_list) {
systemd_activate($cmd, $res);
# Start standard units
foreach my $unit (@systemctl_start) {
if (!system("$systemctl cat '$unit' > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
system("$systemctl start '$unit'");
sub _systemd_trigger {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $needed_unit = $systemctl_start[0];
if (!system("$systemctl cat '$needed_unit' > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
if (system("$systemctl status '$needed_unit' > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
system("$systemctl enable '$needed_unit'");
system("$systemctl start '$needed_unit'");
my $trigger = "$mars/userspace/systemd-trigger";
lprint "Triggering '$trigger' for '$cmd'\n"if $verbose;
system("touch $trigger") and systemd_trigger(@_);
# path correction
sub correct_path {
@ -779,6 +1051,7 @@ sub check_mars_device {
$round = 0;
systemd_activate($cmd, $res, 0);
lprint "device '$dev' is no longer present\n" unless -b $dev;
@ -2159,6 +2432,8 @@ sub create_res {
set_link("00000000000000000000000000000000,log-$fmt-$host,0:$old_fake", "$resdir/version-$fmt-$host");
set_link("$startnr", "$resdir/skip-check-$host") if $startnr > 1;
set_link("$startnr", "$resdir/maxnr");
my $want_path = "$resdir/systemd-want";
set_link($host, $want_path);
lprint "successfully created resource '$res'\n";
} else { # join
@ -2168,6 +2443,7 @@ sub create_res {
rsync_cmd($primary, "--max-size=1 --update $file $primary:$mars/resource-$res/", 1);
lprint "successfully joined resource '$res'\n";
sub split_cluster {
@ -2308,6 +2584,7 @@ sub leave_res_phase2 {
system("rm -f $mars/resource-$res/log-*") if $host eq $real_host;
sub delete_res {
@ -2333,6 +2610,7 @@ sub delete_res {
set_link("1", "$mars/resource-$res/work-$host");
sub logrotate_res {
@ -2793,6 +3071,28 @@ sub primary_phase0 {
ldie "Won't switch to avoid unnoticed data loss. You may however do a 'primary --force'.\n" unless $force;
my $want_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-want";
my $want = get_link($want_path, 2);
if ($want) {
my $new;
my $oper;
if ($cmd eq "primary") {
$new = $host;
$oper = "start";
} else {
$new = "(none)";
$oper = "stop";
set_link($new, $want_path);
my $unit_path = "$mars/resource-$res/systemd-$oper-unit";
my $unit = get_link($unit_path, 2);
lprint "IMPORTANT: Relying on systemd for $oper of unit '$unit'\n";
lprint "IMPORTANT: unit '$unit' wanted at '$new'\n";
return if ($old eq $host and $cmd eq "primary");
return if $old eq "(none)";
my $open_count_path = "$mars/resource-$res/actual-$old/open-count";
@ -2864,6 +3164,7 @@ sub primary_phase4 {
check_mars_device($cmd, $res, 1, 0);
sub wait_umount_res {
@ -5588,6 +5889,12 @@ my %cmd_table =
"Delete cluster member.",
# systemd interface
=> [
@ -5876,7 +6183,7 @@ if ($cmd =~ "show|cron") {
ldie "argument '$res' isn't numeric\n" unless $res =~ m/^[0-9.]+$/;
} elsif ($cmd =~ m/^(join|merge)-cluster$/) {
$res = shift @args || helplist "peer argument is missing\n";
} elsif (!($cmd =~ m/^(create|split|leave|wait)-cluster|merge-cluster-list|create-uuid|cat|[a-z]+-file/)) {
} elsif (!($cmd =~ m/^(create|split|leave|wait)-cluster|merge-cluster-list|create-uuid|cat|[a-z]+-file|trigger/)) {
$res = shift @args || helplist "resource argument is missing\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user