m4_define([version_major], [0]) m4_define([version_minor], [1]) m4_define([version_revision],[0]) AC_INIT([libabigail], [version_major.version_minor.version_revision], [http://sourceware.org/bugzilla], [libabigail], [http://sourceware.org/libabigail]) AC_PREREQ([2.63]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([README]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11.1 foreign subdir-objects tar-ustar]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]) AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) VERSION_MAJOR=version_major VERSION_MINOR=version_minor VERSION_REVISION=version_revision AC_SUBST(VERSION_MAJOR) AC_SUBST(VERSION_MINOR) AC_SUBST(VERSION_REVISION) AC_ARG_ENABLE(zip-archive, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-zip-archive=yes|no|auto], [enable bundling of TUs in zip archives (default is auto)]), ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE=$enableval, ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE=auto) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cxx11, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-cxx11=yes|no], [enable features that use the C++11 compiler]), ENABLE_CXX11=$enableval, ENABLE_CXX11=no) AC_ARG_ENABLE(apidoc, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-apidoc=yes|no|auto], [enable generation of the apidoc in html]), ENABLE_APIDOC=$enableval, ENABLE_APIDOC=auto) AC_ARG_ENABLE(manual, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-manual=yes|no|auto], [enable generation of the manual in html]), ENABLE_MANUAL=$enableval, ENABLE_MANUAL=auto) dnl ************************************************* dnl Here is the list of versions of the dependencies dnl ************************************************* AC_PROG_CXX AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_PROG_INSTALL LT_PREREQ([2.2]) LT_INIT AC_LANG([C++]) AC_LANG_COMPILER_REQUIRE dnl Check for dependency: libdw (elfutils) DW_LIBS= AC_CHECK_LIB(dw, dwfl_begin, [DW_LIBS=-ldw]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(elfutils/libdwfl.h, [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find elfutils/libdwfl.h installed])]) AC_CHECK_LIB([elf], [elf_end], [ELF_LIBS="-lelf"]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([libelf.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find libelf.h])]) if test x$DW_LIBS = x; then AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find elfutils dwarf library installed]) fi AC_SUBST(DW_LIBS) AC_SUBST([ELF_LIBS]) dnl Check for dependency: libxml LIBXML2_VERSION=2.6.22 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, libxml-2.0 >= $LIBXML2_VERSION) AC_SUBST(LIBXML2_VERSION) AC_SUBST(XML_LIBS) AC_SUBST(XML_CFLAGS) dnl Check for dependency: libzip LIBZIP_VERSION=0.10 HAS_LIBZIP=no # The below doesn't seem to work on my box for a reason. Let's write # the damn thing by hand: # PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([libzip >= $LIBZIP_VERSION], [HAS_LIBZIP=yes], [HAS_LIBZIP=no]) if $PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "libzip >= $LIBZIP_VERSION"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE(found libzip version $LIBZIP_VERSION) HAS_LIBZIP=yes else AC_MSG_NOTICE(no libzip >= $LIBZIP_VERSION has been found) HAS_LIBZIP=no fi if test x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE = xauto; then if test x$HAS_LIBZIP = xyes; then ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE=yes; else ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE=no fi fi if test x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE = xyes; then AC_MSG_NOTICE(the zip-archive feature is enabled) else AC_MSG_NOTICE(the zip-archive feature is disabled) fi FOUND_LIBZIP=no if test x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE = xyes; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBZIP, libzip >= $LIBZIP_VERSION) FOUND_LIBZIP=yes AC_SUBST(LIBZIP_VERSION) AC_SUBST(LIBZIP_LIBS) AC_SUBST(LIBZIP_CFLAGS) AC_DEFINE([WITH_ZIP_ARCHIVE], 1, [compile the zip archive support]) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBZIP], 1, [Defined to 1 if the libzip library is available]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE, test x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE = xyes) DEPS_CPPFLAGS="$XML_CFLAGS $LIBZIP_CFLAGS" AC_SUBST(DEPS_CPPFLAGS) dnl Handle conditional use of a C++11 compiler if test x$ENABLE_CXX11 = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_CXX11], 1, [Defined to 1 if a C++11 compiler is used]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_CXX11, test x$ENABLE_CXX11 = xyes) ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_AND_CXX11=no if test x$ENABLE_CXX11 = xyes -a x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE = xyes; then ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_AND_CXX11 = yes fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_AND_CXX11, test x$ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_AND_CXX11 = xyes) dnl Check for the presence of doxygen program if test x$ENABLE_APIDOC != xno; then AC_CHECK_PROG(FOUND_DOXYGEN, doxygen, yes, no) if test x$ENABLE_APIDOC = xauto; then if test x$FOUND_DOXYGEN = xyes; then ENABLE_APIDOC=yes else ENABLE_APIDOC=no fi fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_APIDOC, test x$ENABLE_APIDOC = xyes) dnl Check for the presence of the sphinx-build program if test x$ENABLE_MANUAL != xno; then AC_CHECK_PROG(FOUND_SPHINX_BUILD, sphinx-build, yes, no) if test x$ENABLE_MANUAL = xauto; then if test x$FOUND_SPHINX_BUILD = xyes; then ENABLE_MANUAL=yes else ENABLE_MANUAL=no fi fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MANUAL, test x$ENABLE_MANUAL = xyes) dnl Set the list of libraries libabigail depends on DEPS_LIBS="$XML_LIBS $LIBZIP_LIBS $DW_LIBS $ELF_LIBS" AC_SUBST(DEPS_LIBS) if test x$ABIGAIL_DEVEL != x; then CFLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -Werror" CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -Werror" fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile libabigail.pc include/Makefile include/abg-version.h doc/Makefile doc/manuals/Makefile src/Makefile tools/Makefile tests/Makefile tests/data/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT AC_MSG_NOTICE([ ===================================================================== Libabigail: $VERSION_MAJOR.$VERSION_MINOR.$VERSION_REVISION ===================================================================== Here is the configuration of the package: Prefix : ${prefix} Source code location : ${srcdir} C Compiler : ${CC} C++ Compiler : ${CXX} OPTIONAL FEATURES: Enable zip archives : ${ENABLE_ZIP_ARCHIVE} Use a C++-11 compiler : ${ENABLE_CXX11} Generate html apidoc : ${ENABLE_APIDOC} Generate html manual : ${ENABLE_MANUAL} ])