## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception SUBDIRS = include src tools tests doc bash-completion ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 ${ACLOCAL_FLAGS} headers = config.h m4datadir = $(datadir)/aclocal m4data_DATA = $(srcdir)/abigail.m4 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = libabigail.pc dist_noinst_DATA = default.abignore abigaillibdir = $(pkglibdir) abigaillib_DATA = default.abignore #bashcompletiondir = $(datadir)/bash-completion/completions #dist_bashcompletion_DATA = EXTRA_DIST = \ autoconf-archive/ax_check_python_modules.m4 \ autoconf-archive/ax_prog_python_version.m4 \ autoconf-archive/ax_compare_version.m4 \ NEWS README LICENSE.txt license-change-2020.txt \ COMPILING COMMIT-LOG-GUIDELINES VISIBILITY \ ChangeLog gen-changelog.py \ $(headers) $(m4data_DATA) \ libabigail.pc.in # automake already tells which subdir is being entered. # Don't make make repeat. AM_MAKEFLAGS = --no-print-directory .PHONY: doc big-tests doc: html-doc man info html-doc: $(MAKE) -C doc html-doc $(MAKE) -C doc/manuals html-doc man: $(MAKE) -C doc/manuals man info: $(MAKE) -C doc/manuals info check-valgrind: $(MAKE) -C tests check-valgrind check-valgrind-recursive: $(MAKE) -C tests check-valgrind-memcheck-recursive update-changelog: python $(srcdir)/gen-changelog.py > $(srcdir)/ChangeLog TARBALL = $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.xz RELEASED_BRANCH = master $(TARBALL): distcheck tag-release-only: git tag -m "$(PACKAGE_NAME) release $(VERSION)" \ "$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION)" $(RELEASED_BRANCH) tag-release: tag-release-only upload-release-only: scp $(TARBALL) sourceware.org:/var/ftp/pub/libabigail tarball: $(TARBALL) upload-release: tarball tag-release upload-release-only release: upload-release upload-release: tarball-and-tag-and-upload tarball-and-tag-and-upload: tarball-and-all tarball-and-all: tag-and-all $(MAKE) tarball tag-and-all: distcheck check-self-compare $(MAKE) tag-release-only # the default for GZIP_ENV is --best, which is pretty slow for check runs # distcheck-fast therefore compresses with --fast instead distcheck-fast: $(MAKE) distcheck GZIP_ENV="--fast" XZ_OPT="-0" # This makes us compare libabigail.so against its own ABIXML # representation. It's super slow (more than 5 minutes on one of my # old boxes) so I do this only before releases. check-self-compare: $(MAKE) -C tests check-self-compare big-tests: test -d big-tests && $(MAKE) -C big-tests check clean-big-tests: test -d big-tests && $(MAKE) -C big-tests clean full-check: check check-self-compare big-tests