# Lainsafe ### simple file upload. ### Installation: 1. Configure your webserver to run CGI 2. If running nginx, set ```client_max_body_size``` to the max size of the file 2. There you go. For more detailed information, look at the [manpage](https://codeberg.org/qorg11/lainsafe/src/branch/master/doc/lainsafe.md) ## lainsafecli ### Installation #### Debian Lainsafe has official packages for Debian, they shold work for any dpkg-based distro, such as Ubuntu and so on You can download a possible outdated deb package [here](http://repo.qorg11.net/debian/pool/main/l/lainsafecli/lainsafecli_0.3_all.deb) If you want updates for your package, you have to add `repo.qorg11.net` to your sources.list: ~~~ echo "deb http://repo.qorg11.net/debian stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list wget http://repo.qorg11.net/repo.key -q -O - | sudo apt-key add sudo apt updates sudo apt install lainsafecli ~~~ #### Arch [AUR - `lainsafecli`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lainsafecli/) ### lainsafecli configuration edit the file with your favorite text editor and change these variables: ```$DEFAULT_SERVER``` This is the server where lainsafecli will try to upload the files. ```$DISPLAY_ASCII``` By default 1, change to 0 if you don't want the Lain ascii art to appear when you upload a file. ### Command line arguments ```--server``` If given, it will be used instead of $DEFAULT_SERVER ```--help``` Displays a simple help message and exits. ```--file``` the file you want to upload (useless in newer versions) ### Example ~~~ $ lainsafecli --server https://lainsafe.delegao.moe sicp.png _..-- ----- --.._ ,-'' `-. , \ / \ / ` . \ ' / || ; ; ^/| |/ | | | /v /\`-'v√\'-|\ , | /v` ,--- ---- .^.| ; : | /´@@`, ,@@`\ | ; ' | '. @@ / \@@ / |\ |; | ^| ----- --- | \/|| ` |` | /\ / \ \ |/ |, ' ; \ /| | ` \ -- / | | ` `. .-' | / v,- `;._ _.; | | `'`\ |-_ -^'^'| | ------ |/ https://lainsafe.delegao.moe/files/EWwEnBHk.png ~~~ # Automatically removing files Try [lsd](https://git.kalli.st/czar/lsd) (lainsafe daemon) usage: `lsd days` lsd wont work with versions before 8a557ca # but perl sux!! No problem, [Lainsafe rewritten in PHP](https://ech1.github.io/blog/servers/phpfilesafe/index.html) (Not sure if it is compatible with lainsafecli, probably not) # Donate Thanks! [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/qorg11) Bitcoin: bc1qghl6f27dpgktynpvkrxte2s3gm9pcv8vlwuzum Monero: 47QTumjtqJabbo1s9pLDdXeJarLVLfs1AaEcbi1xrEiV852mqcbe5AHLNXTk7tH9MscxcxQDfJQnvH5LpxvfgwSJQZ3zbS6