.\"Manpage for lainsafe .TH lainsafe 1 .SH NAME lainsafe \- Simple file upload .SH DESCRIPTION lainsafe is a simple file upload server written in Perl + CGI. It runs in a Web server (i.e. nginx) with a CGI handler (i.e. fcgiwrap) You also have to install the dependencies, in Debian: .in +4n .EX apt install nginx libcgi-pm-perl fcgiwrap .EE .SH INSTALLATION You can use any web server for running lainsafe. However, nginx is recommended. The following configuration should work for nginx: .I /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lainsafe.conf .in +4n .EX server { server_name lainsafe.foo.tld; listen 80; listen [::]:80; client_max_body_size 100m; # max size 100MBs, change 10 to 100 # in upload.cgi in line 30 root /var/www/lainsafe; location ~ \.cgi$ { gzip off; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket; fastcgi_index index.cgi; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/lainsafe/$fastcgi_script_name; } } .EE .PP The document root will be /var/www/lainsafe (be sure to change it in .I root and .I fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME if you're going to use another directory You also have to give the .cgi files +x permissions: .in +4n .EX chmod +x *.cgi .EE .PP And also, create the "files" directory manually, and give it permissions so the user that is running nginx (usually) .I www-data can write on it. .EX chown www-data:www-data files .EE .SH TROUBLESHOOTING .SS 502 Bad Gateway Probably you're missing the .I CGI dependence, so install it with CPAN or apt .in +4n .EX cpan -i CGI apt install libcgi-pm-perl .EE .PP If you still get this problem, run .in +4n .EX perl .cgi .EE .PP so perl can help you debug the problem. .SS 403 is returned You probably forgot to give the files execution permissions.