# Fixing firefox Of course. nothing is perfect. But I can try to be or something. In this guide we're turning this Into this # Download sidebery This will add the sidebar where you can manage the tree styled tabs and bookmarks. It's awesome and way better than the default tabs management. . Download. Install it and if don't appear. Press C-e, and your tabs will appear. # Remove tab bar In newer version of Firefox. You might need to set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to trye in about:config I'm using firefox 68 so i don't need to. Go to your Firefox profile location (~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx-default) and create a folder named "chrome" Inside that folder. Create a file named userChrome.css with the following contents: ~~~ #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse; } ~~~ # Remove spyware Now you might want to disable spyware from your browser (You should). Follow the steps [here](/guides/firefox/spyware)